I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 616 Daily life in the watchtower

Geosynchronous orbit, observation tower.

Four heroes are on duty in the monitoring room.

Two men and two women were just assigned to a group today. The atmosphere was not very lively and no one spoke.

"This is our first meeting, let's introduce each other." As the team leader, Atom first explained his origins and abilities.

He is also considered a veteran hero in Star City. He debuted nearly two years ago and has already become a well-known B-level hero on Puppy Video.

"I am a torch. I am currently stationed in Hawaii. I can control flames." The American girl with red hair and blue eyes said excitedly and nervously.

She is about 24-5, 1.65 meters tall, has a square face, not very charming, but has very beautiful red hair.

Like Green Lantern, she only wears a red eyepatch around her eyes, and wears a sexy corset and tight leather pants, all red, with two snow-white arms and most of her breasts exposed, very sexy.

"I know a male torch who died in the Apokolips invasion war. I also attended his funeral." Atom Ray Palmer stared at the woman and said in a complicated tone.

The red-haired woman was silent for a moment and said sadly: "He is my brother, and I am considered the second generation torch."

"Your brother is a hero, and your achievements will surpass him." "Old Hero" Palmer comforted.

"Thank you, I will try my best." Torch said energetically.

The third person who introduced himself was wearing a tight red leather jacket, a green cloak over his shoulders, and a golden five-pointed star on his chest.

"I am Star Man, based in Opal City. My ability comes from a magical star power cane, which can offset gravity and draw the power of starlight to enhance me——"

Atom Man raised his hand to interrupt him and said seriously: "Star Man, unless it's a physical mutation, you don't have to completely disclose the source of your abilities. This is your secret, and you must keep it secret."

"You are all heroes." Star Man looked confused.

Just a few months after his debut, he accidentally received a star staff of unknown origin and gained superpowers. He immediately applied to Zhenglian for "law enforcement rights" (looking for Zhenglian heroes to act as guarantees) and became an official superhero.

"We are heroes, but we are also human, and as human beings we can make mistakes. If someone leaks your secret and lets your enemy know it, you will be in trouble," Star Man said.

"But I don't have a mortal enemy yet." Star Man looked a little disappointed and a little ashamed.

It seems that a hero without a lifelong enemy would be embarrassed.

"Not now, but sooner or later there will be. Believe me, every hero has his enemy." Atom said seriously.

"Can my nemesis be as famous as Luthor, the Joker, Leopard Girl, and the Rogues?" Star Man looked forward to it.

Atom Man was dumbfounded, my nemesis is not that famous, you are a newbie, what are you thinking?

"According to my statistics, the bigger and more chaotic the city, the more capable the hero's nemesis is. With ability comes fame." Torch said with great experience.

Although she followed the advice of her agency and dressed up sexy and enchanting, she was not a beauty. She had a doctorate in geology.

"Opal is just a third-tier city, with simple folk customs and few crime incidents." Star Man looked sad, "Do you think I should change to another city? For example, Gotham?"

"I also want to go to Gotham. I was originally born in Manhattan." Torch said excitedly.

"Don't," Atom Man quickly waved his hand to dissuade him. "There is an unwritten rule in the hero world. One person defends a city. Unless it is a major disaster, it is best not to interfere with the daily activities of local heroes.

Moreover, Gotham belongs to Bateman, and he is a giant in Zhenglian. "

"Then can I go to Jersey City next door? Hawaii is so peaceful and peaceful." Torch said.

"There are no heroes stationed in Jersey City yet. You can ask Bateman after get off work. He also often goes to Jersey City next door to do missions." Atom Man said.

"Actually, if you want to become famous, you just need to find the right method. You don't have to choose a big city or a good enemy." The tall woman who had been silent said calmly.

She is over two meters tall. Not only is she tall, she is also very strong. She is roughly estimated to weigh three hundred pounds, all of which is muscle.

"Oh, sorry, we were busy talking and forgot that you haven't introduced yourself yet, Big Barda." Atom said apologetically.

Big Barda nodded to him and said calmly: "My name is Big Barda, from Apokolips, the New God Clan."

"Ah, Apokolips? Darkseid's Apokolips?"

Except for Atom, the other two heroes turned pale and exclaimed.

The Atom explained: "Apocalypse is an infinite planet, and there are also indigenous people who resist Darkseid's evil rule. Just like the Justice League on Earth, there are also super criminals.

Big Barda is a hero with a heart of justice. "

"I'm not a hero. I only come to Zhenglian to clock in because my husband, Mr. Miracle, wants to be a hero." Dabarda said frankly.

"Mr. Miracle. I haven't heard of it." Torch muttered.

"We just came to Earth not long ago, and we only did a few missions with Superman." Big Barda said.

Several people were in awe. If he could go on a mission with Superman, he must be a big boss.

It's not about ability, they don't doubt the New God's ability, it's mainly about the boss-level network - Superman's friends!

"Why did you come to settle on Earth?" Star Man asked curiously.

Big Barda said: "Earth has thwarted Darkseid's invasion and can provide us with protection.

My husband is from Genesis and is the adopted son of Darkseid, and I am the leader of the Nemesis team.

Our defection will inevitably arouse Darkseid's anger, and the earth is not afraid of his anger. "

"Because of the golden nuclear bomb?" Torch looked proud of himself.

"Because of the Justice League." Big Barda said seriously.

Torch looked at the tall and strong "Nemesis" and wanted to ask: Are you talking like this just for the sake of political correctness?

Zhenglian is certainly powerful, but the golden nuclear bomb is obviously more deterrent.

That's what the news says.

A media may lie to people or be bribed, but aliens also report like this

"Could it be that on Apokolips, the Justice League's deterrence is stronger than the golden nuclear bomb?" Star Man also wondered.

Big Barda sighed: "The Justice League will fight Darkseid to the end for the justice of others. The golden nuclear bomb is more willing to hand over our husband and wife in exchange for peace on earth."

"Oh" several heroes suddenly realized, "This is quite possible."

"Big Barda, you just said you don't need a big city or a good enemy." Star Man was embarrassed to say "famous".

Big Barda's face was calm, with no disdain or other expressions on her face, "I found an opportunity to do a mission with the golden core, and my reputation became famous.

For example, Dr. Neuro and Mirror Master are famous throughout half the universe.

Even super criminals can turn around and become 'Heroes of Earth' and 'Heroes of the Galaxy', and of course you can too. "

Torch's eyes lit up, and he shook his head dejectedly: "This method is not bad, but the golden nuclear bomb will not issue us a 'Heroic Order'!"

"I've been on Earth for a few months, and I can see that superheroes are quite averse to golden nuclear bombs. At least, they keep a wide berth." Big Barda said hesitantly.

"She is the Godfather of Gotham. She likes to use black magic to send disobedient people to hell." Torch said with a complicated expression.

"She once burned an enemy to ashes, made it into a toilet, and placed it in Arkham Asylum for everyone to use." Star Man said with fearful eyes.

Atom also had a solemn expression and said: "I once spent a lot of effort to defeat Kundo, a super villain who was proficient in fighting skills and ruled Star City's casinos and pornographic venues.

We fought with each other many times, he was arrested many times and got out of jail easily in various ways many times.

At that time, he was my mortal enemy, just like the Joker was to Bateman, and he seemed to be entangled with me forever.

On the night when the news came out that the Green Lantern Corps and the General of the Five Rings signed a "peace treaty", he seemed to have attended a banquet, got drunk, and was very excited. He proudly shouted to me that he was the boss of Sass, and the boss of Sass was The boss is a five-ring general, and not even the space police can do anything to Boss Quinn.

Two days later, he hanged himself in prison with his long johns.

Later, I investigated and found out that Senator Victor Sasse, the tycoon of Star Real Estate, was indeed from Gotham and a member of the Quinn family. "

"You said Sass is a member of Parliament?"

"Well, he is a city councilman and is currently considering running for mayor. Later, I teamed up with Green Lantern and stared at him for a long time, but found nothing.

What he does is completely legitimate business. Real estate, hotels, and tourism are ten times cleaner than other congressmen.

But we also discovered that all the evil figures in Star City kept secrets about him and were very afraid of him.

Later, when I joined Zhenglian, I told other heroes about this matter. They were very surprised and they all checked it out in their own cities.

You won’t know if you don’t check it. If you check it, we will be shocked.

Many top political and business tycoons have some mysterious connection with the Quinn family. "Atom sighed.

Several heroes looked grave, and there was silence in the monitoring room.

"I was going to suggest that when others avoid Harley Quinn, take the initiative to get close to her and leave a good impression. Then" Big Barda shook her head and said no more.

There was another long silence in the room.

The "Didi Didi" monitoring station suddenly issued an urgent alarm.

"There is a UFO approaching the observation tower quickly, coming from the earth, ah, so fast, it's coming——"

Before the torches stopped screaming, the four heroes had already seen the visitors through the floor-to-ceiling glass windows.

"Harley Quinn!"

"Admiral of Five Rings."

"Golden nuclear bomb!"

Different names, same surprise.

It's not unusual to see her in outer space, but what's strange is the way she arrives: a white cloud holds a golden retriever, wearing a five-ringed admiral's long skirt with wide sleeves and fluttering purple clothes, sitting sideways on the golden retriever's back.

A group of foreigners thought it was extremely strange: Is this a cloud dragging a dog and a man flying, or a dog carrying a man and a cloud flying, or a man carrying a dog and a cloud flying? In the black hole of outer space, where do the clouds come from? So unexpected.

What's even more strange is that the cloud dog man is extremely fast, but they can see it very clearly.

From so far away, even the leisurely and indifferent expression on the person's face can be seen clearly.

While several people were in a daze, the Cloud Dog Man had already passed through the special glass that was said to be resistant to energy cannons like a shadow and entered the interior of the watchtower.

"Here comes someone!" General Wuhuan called.

Several heroes on duty came to their senses, ran out of the monitoring room and found her in the leisure area.

The clouds under the dog were slowly dispersing. The five-ring general shook his wrist, and the bridle chain retracted, turning into a brass bracelet.

"Take me to see Superman and Bateman, and bring a plate of meaty bones to my dog."

"Forget the meat and bones, give me a martini."

Dog Shengzi found a seat by the window and sat down, took out "The Analects of Confucius" and spoke calmly.

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