I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 615 The annoying little fairy

Quinn Manor.

Mid-December, afternoon in the garden.

Three deck chairs are placed under the bright winter sunshine, surrounded by colorful exotic flowers, fruit trees and green vines.

Selena was knitting a small sweater. Harley was wearing sunglasses and didn't speak. She didn't know whether she was asleep or not. Duoduo was lying next to her recliner and dozing off.

Ivy squatted beside the coffee table, making milk tea for several people.

There is a huge green shark in the sky, playing in circles like a fool. In the back hall not far away, there is the sound of the Dog Son reading aloud.

The atmosphere in the manor is harmonious and peaceful.

Ivy placed the milk tea and a pile of snacks on Harley's right side, her eyes flashed slightly, and she asked softly: "Did you see Rachel? What did you say?"

"Talked a lot, talked about her suffering in hell, and talked about her expectations for the future." Hallie briefly recounted Rachel's experience.

"You don't seem to be happy about her becoming a saint?" Selina narrowed her eyes.

"No, I have no prejudice against saints. In fact, I admire sanctified mortals from the bottom of my heart."

To become the Holy Spirit, one's thoughts must be sublimated and the soul must undergo essential evolution.

This cannot be achieved through deception and foolish faith.

Regardless of whether God’s teachings are good or bad, every believer who has become the Holy Spirit must at least achieve unity of knowledge and action, and be consistent in appearance and appearance.

They understand what they are looking for and what they want, and then they become their ideal selves.

No matter what kind of religious culture or philosophical thought, this state is extremely rare and worthy of respect.

Harley had no feeling about the Holy Spirit before because she didn’t understand it and was biased against God’s teachings.

Now she respects them because after understanding them, she is convinced that she can't do it - it's not that she can't believe in God sincerely. It doesn't matter whether she believes in God or not. What's important is to 'live a transparent life'.

"However, I don't like the way she became a saint. Silver City's work in this regard is very unauthentic, and the role played by God is not glorious. I'm not even sure which 'god' is planning it." Harley sighed. .

"Did you say that to her?" Ivy asked.

Harry shook his head, "Telling saints bad things about God, do you think there is something wrong with my mind? And what's the use of saying it now that it's done?"

"She has already moved into Silver City, what future does she have?" Ivy asked again.

"Well, Rachel is actually not dead. She is being 'reincarnated' in Silver City at the moment. She will probably return to Earth in a while. I have made an agreement with her to live in our manor then," said Harley.

A shadow quickly flashed in Ivy's eyes, "Maybe it's more suitable for her to live in a church. She lives in the manor all year round. Can she get used to some of our behaviors?"

“What actions are we taking now that cannot be seen by the light or God?”

Ivy clapped her fingers and said: "We play black magic, summon demons, and play with souls;

We secretly control Gotham and round up the disobedient bastards for fertilizer;

We often go to Arkham to torture criminals, and recently you are planning to visit prisons in other cities to provide ‘mental medical’ services to local super criminals;

The Quinn family is also spread across cities in the United States. Even if they are not involved in gangs, they still play a decisive role in the local community;

We are also extravagant and wasteful, including high-grade monster meat from other worlds and fine wine from the king's cellars. It is common for us to eat hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars for a meal;


"Wait a minute!" Selina couldn't accept it and raised her hand to stop her, "Are we so bad? Even if you are bad, I am a superhero.

There is my "Flying Bat Cat" section on Puppy Video Network and major social media. "

"You still have the nerve to feel aggrieved?" Ivy sneered and sarcastically said, "You are the one talking about your extravagance!

Hallie and I only buy some otherworldly food from time to time to improve our meals, but you eat every day, every meal. Not only do you eat, you also like to wear otherworldly clothes and use otherworldly jewelry.

Speaking of this castle alone, wasn't it at your request? "

"I admit that I eat a little too much, but I am a pregnant woman and it is all for the sake of the child!" Selena shouted.

"If it was really for Helena, would I have said anything to you?" Ivy glared at her, "Three months ago, we helped you list your name in the Forgotten Bar and purchased giant milk, mythical beast milk, and dragon milk at high prices. I told you that luxury?

Those otherworldly magic foods you eat will make you younger, have more collagen on your face, fewer wrinkles, and return to a slim figure faster after childbirth."

"You and Harley are magicians, with long lifespans and eternal youth. I am a mortal, what can I do if I don't eat magic food?" Selina said aggrievedly.

"I didn't say you shouldn't eat. I bought a lot of food for you! But you shouldn't be extravagant while flaunting your high moral character and being a superhero," Ivy said.

"Well, I was wrong. I am as sinful as you. When the time comes, we will go to hell together." Selena sighed.

Ivy ignored her, turned to Harley, and continued the previous topic, "We are obviously not good people. I'm just afraid Rachel won't be used to living in the manor."

Selina immediately said: "Let her move in first, and then we can wait until she gets used to it."

After she finished speaking, she glanced at Ivy proudly.

"Ivy, I have to criticize you." Harley rested her arm on her arm and took a sip of milk tea. "Now, if you turn on the TV, you can see people all over the world praising us - you and me, excluding Selena. .

If we are not good people, who is? "

"Harley, that's not what you said before," Ivy shouted, "You keep saying that we need to be self-aware and that we are not the same as superheroes. We just need to live a comfortable life.

Be a hero and save the world, just because the world is ours too.

Moreover, compared with other people, we occupy more resources on the earth, live a better life, and are less willing to disrupt the existing order. "

"I do - hey, wait!" Harley looked solemn, put down the glass, and looked sharply at the sky, "Ivy, did you feel that time and space shook?"

"Have it?"

"Just now, it seemed," Harry thought thoughtfully, "It was like I was living in a castle, and someone kicked me hard on the wall outside, and the place where I was kicked was——"

"Beep beep beep"

"It's always fun to learn and practice, Master Harry, your cell phone is ringing." Dog Shengzi put down the book of "The Analects of Confucius" and shouted to the person outside the room.

Uh, yes, Yebi is reading the Analects of Confucius.

Master Harry hopes that he will be knowledgeable about the past and present, learn both Chinese and Western knowledge, become a great philosopher, and form a mature set of ideas before he can start preaching.

"Bring it to me."

Harry had an inexplicable feeling that the call was related to the space-time shock just now.

"I want to study." Dog Shengzi said.

After saying that, it started reading loudly again.


Harley reached out and patted the Virgin Dog on the head.

"Woof woof." Duoduo ran into the house and ran out with her mobile phone in her mouth.

After taking the phone and wiping the saliva on Duoduo's soft fur, Harley pressed the answer button, "Steve, what's the matter?"

Well, it was a call from Steve Trevor, the head of the Sky Eye Society.

"Miss Congressman, just now, a strange thing happened in the watchtower. You'd better go there immediately." Steve said seriously.

"Was it two minutes ago?" Harley asked.

"Did you know?" Steve was surprised and then asked doubtfully: "Zhenglian contacted you? No, they are studying it quietly and have no plans to make it public yet."

"Time and space were touched, I felt something." After explaining casually, Harley also wondered: "Since Zhenglian has not made it public, how did you know immediately what happened on the watchtower just now?

You can't be on the watchtower, right? "

The Watchtower is the territory of the Justice League, but the headquarters of the Eyes of Heaven is in Washington.

As the head of the Sky Eye Society, Steve should be based in Washington.

"I'm at the Sky Eye Club. It was a notice from an informant." Steve said.

"You planted an informant in Zhenglian? It surprised me." Harley said strangely.

"Zheng Lian has never stopped secret activities, and the White House has always wanted to know what they are doing. As the leader of the Sky Eye Society, it is normal to add a few grains of sand to the Zheng Lian team, right?"

"We always thought that you were the biggest 'sand' in the government." Harley smiled.

"Director Quinn, my heart is for justice and I am loyal to my motherland." Steve said seriously.

"In the end, you're not going to please both sides," Harley complained.

"That's because I am the first person in charge of the Sky Eye Society." Steve sighed.

When he steps down and other leaders come to power, the Zhenglian and the US government will miss him and 'posthumously designate' him as the best person in charge of the Sky Eye Society.

Harley hung up the phone and shouted into the room: "Boy, Yip, come out quickly, I want to go to the watchtower!"

"I want to study!"

"You have to balance work and rest, hurry up, don't wait!"

Dog Shengzi had no choice but to put down his book and ran out with his head hanging down.

Harry stepped forward, and a metal chain on his wrist was extended with a "whoosh", and a chain halter was wrapped around the head of the Dog Saint.

This is Enlusa's infinitely extending chain, an artifact snatched from the Fairy Market.

It is said to be one of the three most valuable collections of the vampire female demon Enluza, and is well-known throughout the magical world.

Because Enrusa is a servant of the famous magic goddess Hecate.

Harley's teacher, the goddess Asal, was also one of Hecate's early maids.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing?" Sensing the fluctuating atmosphere in the space, Harley quickly pulled the reins and shouted.

"Aren't you going to the watchtower? I'm about to start the space teleportation." Dog Shengzi asked confused.

"The teleportation takes place in an instant. I can't feel it. You have to fly." Harley said.

Dog Shengzi knew he couldn't defeat her, so he controlled the wind elements to gather under his body, and ran with all his strength. His speed instantly broke the sound barrier, but he did not emit a sonic boom.

"This is not good. It's dry and has no atmosphere." Harley shouted again, "You have to gather a white cloud under you to float up, to be worthy of my status as a 'female fairy'."

For Dog Shengzi, who is good at controlling magical elements, this is very simple.

But after running for a while, Harley started to criticize again, "Boy, I don't want you to somersault thousands of miles, but I'm in a hurry, can you hurry up?"

——You’re in a hurry and why don’t you let me teleport? !

Dog Shengzi felt depressed, so he increased his strength, almost ten times the speed of sound, so fast that he could only see a white line.

Harley was dissatisfied again, "How can mortals on the ground see my graceful beauty so quickly?"

"Do you want to go fast or slow?" Gou Shengzi was about to vomit blood.

"It has to be fast, my time is precious. At the same time, it looks very slow, so it can be seen clearly by outsiders. If others can't see it, how can they be envious of me?" said Harley.

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