I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 64 Exposure and Dawn

"Bruce Wayne, are you serious? Do you dare to swear that you are responsible for every word you say now?"

"Mr. Wayne, what kind of organization is the Holy Advent Crusade?"

"The first appearance since the death of your parents was to overturn the verdict of the former smile queen. What is your relationship?"

"If things are not as announced by gcpd, what is the truth?"

Journalists went crazy.

He stretched out the microphone with all his strength, only regretting that his arms were not long enough; he yelled crazily, trying hard to suppress the others with his voice.

Bruce looked serious, pressed his hands down, and waited for the reporters to quiet down before saying in a deep voice: "Don't worry, I won't end the press conference until I make things clear today."

He took out a thick Bible and placed it on the table. He placed his left hand on it and raised his right palm.

"Wow!" Such a formal gesture caused the reporters and Wayne Group press officials to change their expressions, and the atmosphere at the scene became serious and cold.

"I swear on my own life and the reputation of my dead parents to God, to all the reporters here and everyone watching this news, that I will not lie in what I say next."

"Damn it, is this little beast crazy?"

In Gotham Cathedral, Brother Robbie and Archbishop Marvin turned on the TV immediately after receiving the news. When they saw the scene on the screen, everyone looked as ugly as if the mistress had been discovered by her wife.

Gotham High School, the common room, was crowded with people under the hanging TV.

"I'm going crazy. I thought Bruce was just playing. Looking at this situation, could it be true love? I've been practicing table tennis recently!" Emma yelled, pulling her hair.

"Oh, I'm still waiting for him to recover from the tragic death of his parents and return to school. Now that Harley Quinn is gone, I may have a chance to let him lick it." Dotty, the breast bully, looked at her big breasts, frustrated. The ground shook his head.

"It seems that there is still hope for Harley to make a comeback. It depends on men." Serena felt very uncomfortable.

"I dare to swear that Harley and Bruce must be having an affair. The young master is obviously over the head. When the little head goes crazy, the big head will also go crazy."

How crazy it would be to completely break away from Catholicism!

By the way, as for Helen, ask her what she thinks about this matter. "Yellow-haired Thomas looked left and right.

"Helen transferred schools a few days ago, didn't you know?"


"Who knows."

Wayne Group headquarters, press conference room.

"On December 3, the night of the massacre at St. John's Abbey, I received a call from Harley Quinn."

Bruce looked at the middle-aged black man beside him and said, "Lucius, please bear witness for me."

Lucius Fox, Batman's high-tech equipment development expert, is one of the smartest scientists in the DC universe.

He turned on the projector and after performing a complex operation in front of everyone, a clear dialogue was played from the speaker.

It was that night that Harley had a brief conversation with Bruce on the phone.

"As we all know, the world-wide 2G signal mode was developed by our Wayne Group. The telephones and mobile phones in Gotham and surrounding cities all use Wayne Telecom's signal towers and servers.

Wayne Telecom certainly does not monitor the calls of free Americans.

This time it was a special situation, and an application was submitted to the US Information Security Center.

Only Bruce Wayne’s personal communication records were restored. "Lucius explained.

A female reporter raised her hand, and after Bruce nodded, she stood up and said, "I am Valerie Val, a reporter from Gotham Times. There are two main points in this call between Harley Quinn and you.

First, she is asking for Jim Gordon's home phone number; second, she is giving you a brief description of her situation. "

Bruce nodded slightly.

Reporter Valerie asked: "Since she called Detective Gordon to call the police, why did the Gotham Police Department want her instead and think she is a murderous witch?"

"This question will be answered by Jim Gordon himself later." Bruce said.

"Ah, 'Heroic Detective' Jim Gordon is here too?!"

"A generous person, as expected of Wayne."

"So it seems that everything he said before is true? Is the church framed by Smile Queen?"

There was another commotion at the scene.

Valerie immediately changed the question, "Why did you just cry out for Harley Quinn today?"

Bruce said: "You have also heard that everything was said by Harley herself. I should have believed her, but the next day, a respected man came to Wayne Manor.

I used to respect him very much, just like my parents respected him and trusted him. "

"who is he?"

"Archbishop Marvin."

"Ah!" The female reporter couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice.

Bruce continued: "He told me what happened that night, which is completely contrary to what Harley said, which is the 'truth' announced by the police.

At that moment, I was unsure. Between my former friends and the representative of Christ in Gotham, who should I believe? "

All the reporters nodded silently. This was the reaction that normal people should have. After all, the other party was Archbishop Marvin!

The key is that his own sister died.

"Did Archbishop Marvin deliberately kill his sister and blame Harley Quinn?" a reporter asked.

Bruce shook his head, "This question is also left to Detective Jim Gordon."

"What happened later that made you make the choice you made now?" Valerie asked.

"Because if I don't release this information today, the Crusaders will not give me another chance tomorrow."

Then, Lucius played another video.

The confrontation at Wayne Manor.

Archbishop Marvin led dozens of church warriors to VS Bruce Wayne and the manor security.

"Bruce, be a smart man. You don't want the Wayne family to completely cut off their bloodline, right? Death is actually very simple, just like your parents, just two bullets, a lowly Gotham killer, bang bang" in the video , Marvin pointed at the gun with his right hand and said grimly.

"Fake, what's going on?" Gotham Cathedral, the Archbishop is going crazy.

"Where's the guarantee you gave me?" he barked at Brother Robbie.

As the chief information technology expert of the Holy Advent Crusade, Brother Robbie also looked confused at this time.

"I swear, I took over the surveillance system in Wayne Manor as easily as I hacked into the cashier of a convenience store down the street.

Afterwards, I not only deleted the data on the hard drive, but also used a special virus I developed to physically burn his host computer. "

Wayne Group, press conference.

Lucius looked at the video projected on the screen and pressed his temples tiredly: In order to recover these data, he had not slept for two days and two nights. It was too difficult for him.

Holy Advent Crusaders information technology expert VS Wayne Group technical department consultant, the Crusaders lost.

"I have to stand up, for the sake of my friend Harley's innocence, and for my own safety." Bruce said solemnly.

"It's so heartless. Is this still the church? Even Falcone and Maroni are ashamed of this cruel and vicious method, right?" the female reporter murmured with an ugly expression.

"Christ Jesus, even the prince of Gotham dares to threaten you, how rampant must the Holy Advent Crusaders be!"

"Cult! I heard about this Crusade for the first time today, but I swear to God, this is a cult that believes in Satan!"

"Exposure, must be exposed in a big way, the church is lawless! Just look at what Harley Quinn is going through now, the hair on the head of the orthodox people is standing on end, and the hands and feet are cold."

"This is definitely a Pulitzer-level scandal. Archbishop Marvin is finished, and so is the Holy Advent Crusade."

The reporters below were not only shocked, but also furious and frightened.

——It’s so arrogant and terrible. Bruce is “Wayne”!

What does Wayne represent in Gotham?

Wayne is Gotham!

"It's over, we're completely done." Archbishop Marvin slumped on the sofa as if he were mourning for his heir.

Robbie hugged his chest and held his chin, staring at the screen with a cold expression.

At this point, Jim Gordon finally came on stage.

"Sorry, I should have announced the truth to everyone in the early morning of December 4th, but..." Gordon held his head with a painful expression.

"The Holy Advent Crusaders caught me and my girlfriend, and they put guns to our heads. If my partner Harvey hadn't risked his life to stop him, they would have killed me, just like Harvey Dent."

"Hehehe" Robbie suddenly laughed, "We haven't lost yet."

"What?" Archbishop Marvin suddenly raised his head, with expectation and anxiety in his eyes.

"Didn't you notice? They always only had witnesses, but no decisive physical evidence." Brother Robbie sneered.

"All the videos I took at Wayne Manor were found. Doesn't that count as physical evidence?" Marvin shouted.

"You threatened Bruce, but so what? He is secretly hiding a wanted criminal from the church. You are angry and you speak indiscriminately. Is this a normal emotional reaction?

You haven’t personally admitted that the witch is innocent, right? "

Marvin mused, "Are you sure they can't restore communications between Harley Quinn and Harvey Dent?"

"Marvin, you have to understand one thing. To recover data, you must first record it. There are so many telephones, mobile phones, and Internet signals in the world, how can it be possible to record them all?"

"But the communication between Bruce and Harley Quinn has been restored." Marvin said.

Robbie smiled lightly and said: "Do you know how Americans monitor the whole world? They don't record all the information and then select slowly.

That would be too costly and impossible to accomplish.

By locking sensitive words, filtering out conversations with sensitive content, and focusing on monitoring the communications of sensitive individuals, the workload is significantly reduced and efficiency is greatly improved.

In other words, only a small number of people worthy of attention were monitored and recorded. For most ordinary people, there is absolutely no value in wasting hard drive space. "

Marvin understood and said happily: "Bruce is the boss of Wayne Telecom, so he has been protected by his telecom company, and his communications have been recorded.

Jim Gordon and Harvey Dent are ordinary people, and the FBI and CIA have never paid attention to them? "

Robbie nodded lightly, "If the evidence was conclusive, we would have received the subpoena from the court and the court. Why would we need to hold a press conference and put pressure through public opinion?"

"But we are still very passive. Jim Gordon and Bruce are both important witnesses who can influence the judge's decision." Marvin said.

"Hey, we also have witnesses, core witnesses who can completely overturn Jim Gordon's testimony." Robbie said proudly.


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