I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 63 Bruce’s decision

Harry found that being a nun who did not chant scriptures was really relaxing.

Free milk and sandwiches were distributed in the morning. She didn't have to do it herself. She just stood on the side and watched them queuing up to get it.

Then her work for the day was done.

Of course, regular nuns have to do a complete set of noon prayers, Eucharistic worship, and recite the Rosary, which are strictly followed, leaving little private time.

But Hali, a "nun", doesn't recite sutras.

"Why hasn't anyone asked me to exorcise demons yet?" Hallie put down the almost torn copy of "Exorcism Ceremony" and turned on the computer with some irritation.

I logged into the Anglican Church's website, looked through photos and videos of other communities on the promotion page, and then edited the video I shot this morning and sent it via email.

She then began searching online for information about exorcisms.

Very few, and the content is very old.

She was confused and called her "direct boss".

Well, that's Brother Granger who delivered the "nun's office set" this morning.

"Father, have you seen the video I sent to your email?"

"Let me see"

About two minutes later, he praised: "It's very good. Believers came to pray so quickly. It seems that Bali Street really lacks a cathedral."

Then, he asked: "Five hundred breakfasts, how many are left?"

"It's gone long ago. In addition to the building where I live, there are also people from nearby communities who heard about it."

"That's it," Brother Granger said thoughtfully, "I'll help you contact the person in charge of the Martha Charitable Foundation to see if we can add more food."

Harry thought for a while and said: "Today there was a single mother with three children. She was unemployed and carefully asked me if I needed employees. She could clean up and distribute food. By the way, can the Martha Charitable Foundation A funding cannot be provided.”

"I'm afraid it will be difficult." Granger said immediately.

"Why? Wayne is not short of money." Harley asked doubtfully.

"In order to avoid corruption, the foundation has established a strict management system. At this time, you only have the management rights of the small church, but do not have the power to appoint and remove personnel.

Unless you pay for it yourself.

If you really need help, you must submit an application to prove that your small church needs to hire employees. The foundation will then negotiate with the church to directly arrange an employee. ” Granger explained.

Harry understood somewhat. She was worried that someone would plant her relatives to cheat her out of wages.

"If you really want to help that woman, there is nothing you can do." Then Granger added: "Either you start a side business to make money to pay her salary, or you can solicit sponsorships, or find wealthy people to donate."

"I don't quite understand. Please explain in detail." Harley said.

"For example, churches will sell spiritual books and sacred objects to believers, and some township churches will even sell burgers and fried chicken to townspeople on Sundays to make ends meet."

"Uh" Harley looked at her empty "canteen" and asked, "Nuns selling cigarettes and alcohol, is there any problem?"

"It's best not to! You can take the donation box and go shopping in various shops on Bali Street."

"Begging for donations is not a long-term solution, and there are too many poor people here. In fact, I am an exorcist nun. Can you introduce some business to me through the Anglican Church's network?" Only then did Harry explain his purpose in a logical manner. .

"Exorcist Sister?!" From the voice, you could tell how shocked Granger was on the other end of the phone, and how ridiculous his expression was.

"It's true, I was born with yin and yang eyes. I can see things that ordinary people can't see. I also met an archangel named Zauliel earlier." Harley vowed.

"I only know about Archangel Uriel. This is the first time Zauri has heard of it." Granger said.

"Uriel is a human angel, and Zauriel is an eagle angel." Harley said.

"Forget it, after entering the 21st century, Anglican priests will no longer accept exorcism tasks." Granger said.

"Why?" Harley asked curiously.

“Modern technology and media are becoming more and more developed, and many ‘evil possessed’ priests cannot handle, but are easily solved by psychiatrists.

Then as soon as the media exposes it and a case spreads all over the world, won’t the reputation of our church be greatly damaged?

Not to mention the Anglican Church, even the Holy See in Rome even banned priests from exorcising demons to believers for a while. Granger said helplessly.

"No wonder the classic cases of successful church exorcisms on the Internet all happened decades ago." Harley looked strange.

"But I'm different. I have real abilities." She added.

"This is a rule of the church. You and I are small people and cannot change it." Granger's tone was tactful, but his refusal was very firm.

After hanging up the phone, Hallie stared at the screen in a daze for a while, then suddenly had an idea and typed "exorcism" into the "hello" browser.

Immediately a lot of links appeared.

After some deletions, Hallie entered the forum called "******BBS".

For no other reason than it has the highest number of daily active users.

"Shit, there's an exorcist who wants to go with me, and he's also posting on the forum asking for work."

Harley quickly registered as a user and then posted a post - "I saw an angel, he was black, and he taught me exorcism."

She roughly described the process and feelings of entering Limbo from the human world, and then ascending to heaven. The Silver City, where angels and God live, is a little blurry and less detailed.

Finally, she revealed her identity as an exorcist nun and expressed her willingness to provide exorcism services at a low price.

Someone immediately responded: Yes, not only are angels black, but God is also black. You niggas, just get high!

The third floor replied to the second floor: White trash, racial discrimination in the 21st century. Black sister, come on!

Fourth floor: Exorcist nun, is Black Angel handsome? Have you done it? What does it feel like?

The fifth floor replied to the fourth floor: She must be so excited to post such a post.

"Hey, sister!" Harley was immersed in the monitor when someone suddenly knocked on the window of the "commissary".

"If you want to pray, go to the chapel opposite." Harry didn't even look up.

"I want to make a deal."

This time Harley raised her head, and there were two looking "Iversons" standing outside the window.

Well, Iverson's height and build, Iverson's furrowed hair, and his jacket with the Sixers' No. 3 on it.

"I'm not selling anything." Harley said.

"Oh, this nun is so cute!" Iverson A whistled and looked at Harry with a very dishonest look. "What's the point of staying at home alone? Come with me and go out for a drink."

"Don't make trouble, we have something to do." Iverson B touched his companion, leaned at the window and said: "Sister, do you know the rules here?"

"Do we need to charge protection fees? I don't even have a dime of business, it's all charity." Harley frowned.

"Only the deadbeat ones charge protection fees, we only do business."

Iverson B threw a pack of white flour on the counter with a snap, "Old rules, we set the price and you directly manage the sale.

The price is twenty dollars per serving, no more, no less, and it has been packaged, a total of five hundred copies.

Call us when you're sold out. If you sell one pack, you can get a commission of two hundred dollars, okay? "

"You are blaspheming God!" Harry said with a wooden face.

"Bah!" Iverson B spat at the desk behind the counter. Harley avoided it in time, with some frost on her pretty face.

"I don't believe in God at all."

He rolled up his sleeves, revealing the cyan and red Satan words on his black arms, "In Gotham, only Satan can live. Little nun, if you still want to serve God, you must be honest and obedient, otherwise-"

"Otherwise, I'll beat you up!" Iverson A said with a lewd smile.

Iverson B glanced at him, and the corner of his mouth also raised a hint of lewdness.

Harry adjusted the big glasses frame on the bridge of his nose and said calmly: "I'll give you a chance and leave immediately. I'm not an ordinary nun."

The two black men sneered and walked directly to the door of the room.

Harley also stood up and took the initiative to open the door before they kicked it down.

Then it’s “ping ping ping bang bang!”

Well, a classic American action movie - you punch me, I punch you, both sides are bruised and swollen, in the end the villain falls, and in the ending song, the protagonist precariously wins.

Of course, Harley covered her face and her beautiful appearance was preserved.

"Gudong. Gudong"

When the experience tank was overflowing and Harley reached level 15, the door of Aunt Tata's house diagonally opposite opened.

A tall black girl came out and shouted angrily: "James, Davis, stop immediately, don't beat the nun again!"

"Plop, plop!" The two Iversons, who had already wiped out all their experience points, staggered to the ground before they had time to reply.

His nose was bruised and his face was swollen, he was sweating profusely and his eyes were blurry.

"Uh" Looking at the delicate nun standing proudly on the spot, the black girl was stunned.

"Are you Pulika, Aunt Tata's daughter?" Harry turned around, also surprised.

What a sturdy big black girl, more than two meters tall, with skin as black as carbon, a blue mohawk, large round earrings, gold closed rings, a large gold chain hanging around her neck, and a tight black short leather jacket. , leather pants, long-heeled leather boots are also black

He looks like a ruthless character.

"I'm Pulika, you, did you knock them down?" the big black girl asked blankly.

"I am an exorcist nun. I have been practicing hard in the church for fifteen years. Even the devil is no match for me, let alone two little losers." Harley took the opportunity to promote herself.

"Really?" The big black girl smiled awkwardly with her buck teeth.

After driving away the two "Iversons", Plica invited Hallie to sit at home.

She is interested in the "kung fu nun" who can defeat two strong men, and Harley also wants to know about this eldest sister who can quit drug trafficking with just one word.

"In Old Hank's time, the 'grocery store' you live in now was a Du Ping sales point. This is similar to the Philips Tobacco Company, which will ensure that Marlboro (the world-famous cigarette) can be purchased in every store in the United States."

There is a lot of furniture in the living room, which is a bit crowded, but it is neatly kept.

Aunt Tata is not at home, but the little black girl is sitting on the sofa watching TV.

"I remember that the GCPD has an anti-narcotics team, right? They slapped a bag of white noodles on my table openly and shouted loudly. It was so unscrupulous." Harley frowned.

The big black girl gave her a strange look and asked, "Have you just arrived in Gotham?"

"A few years ago."

"Then do you know who is the second largest drug trafficking organization in Gotham?" Plica asked again.

"It's either Maroni or Falcone. In short, these two Hedao emperors occupy the two largest pieces of cake in the market."

Harley is a little proud. During these days of wandering around, she has learned something about the underground world of Gotham!

However, Plica shook her head and said: "Falco's cabinet never used drugs. Maroni was able to quickly rise from a rising star to Gotham's second boss because he is the largest drug lord on the east coast of the United States.

As for the second drug dealer in Gotham, it is the Gotham Anti-drug Team that you have high hopes for. The two people just now are their agents in this neighborhood. You have to be careful. "

"Even if this is Gotham, isn't it too exaggerated?!" Harley almost jumped up.

"Stick--an urgent news break!"

Suddenly, the cartoon on the TV screen was replaced by a noisy press conference room.

Harley also stopped being shocked and turned to look at the TV.

That was the press office of the Wayne Group. As soon as the young man in a suit and tie appeared, he was surrounded by reporters on three levels inside and outside.

"Today's incident has nothing to do with the operation of Wayne Group. I just want to use this place to announce one thing: My good friend Harley Quinn is not a witch. She was framed by the Crusaders. I am the witness. One, I know what happened that night at St. John's Abbey."

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