I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 605: An awesome boss should be equipped with an awesome mount

Harley carefully prepared a black cat, dipped small black bean hairs in her own blood to draw a magic circle, and summoned Duoduo with the most rigorous and serious attitude.

Considering that Satan and other demon kings knew about the existence of the Dog Son, and that their combined authority far exceeded that of the Dog Son, she had thought that cross-border summoning would be very difficult, and she was even prepared to pay a greater price.

But before the incantation was finished, the holy golden light flashed, the corrupted black smoke dispersed, and two dogs, one large and one small, appeared in the center of the circle.

The puppy squatted on the back of the big dog and was particularly excited to see Harley, "Woof, woof, master!"

Duoduo is actually not small, her height is at least as high as Harley's thighs, her fur is smooth, and she is fat and strong.

However, his son is too tall, like an adult lion, and seems to be still growing.

"The dick seems bigger than a week ago?"

"Yeah." Lao Ergou had a faint expression on his face.

Harry hugged the prime-year Duoduo and inspected it, and said in surprise: "Duoduo, you seem to have become a demon? Did I not pay attention last time, or did you just change in the past few days?"

Duoduo is not a soul. Its body is made of flesh and blood. Although it is surrounded by a circle of holy light, it also emits a vague aura of hell.

"I don't know." Duoduo said blankly.

"What has just changed is that it enjoyed the blood food you sacrificed and degenerated from a pure body of the Holy Spirit into a demon." Dog Saint Son said calmly.

"Duoduo's voice has also changed, she looks younger."

Dog Shengzi didn't need to think, and immediately said: "She was an undead that died of old age before, but now she is a reborn demon."

"Devil. Why didn't you stop me?" Harley frowned.

"Even if you don't eat black cats today, you will naturally transform into a demon body if you stay in hell for a long time."

"But it's the Virgin!" Harry said.

"The fallen ones who are judged by heaven."

"It's your mother!"

The second child's face was indifferent, "So I am a son of hell, and I am also a devil. I was born a devil, and my mother became a devil."

Its tone was so flat that Harry couldn't get excited.

"What's the point?"

Dog Shengzi said: "Jesus' mission is to guide mortals on the road to salvation, so he came to the world as a mortal and experienced mortal life as a mortal.

I want to redeem the fallen souls in hell, so naturally I cannot look down on the fallen as a holy spirit in heaven.

As a leader, you must have the awareness to become a member of the guided ones.

If you can’t even save yourself from the fall, how can you persuade others to give up their sins and believe in God? "

"You -" Harley looked at it, her brows knitted together, "Is your birth a coincidence or a destiny planned by a higher being?

It stands to reason that when I take Duoduo to meet your father, there may be a chance of meeting him by chance, but your parents are married."

If before the birth of the Dog Son, she would have insisted that she played a key role in it. The tenth level of God's power defense expertise surpassed the power of God possessed by the Dog God. Naturally, there would be no such thing as 'destiny'. .

But now, the Dog Son is born, and he is very clear about his mission - to stabilize the elemental disorder and redeem the evil spirits of hell - it doesn't seem like he came by accident.

"There may be idiots in Silver City, but the real person in charge is definitely not stupid. When your mother is pregnant with you, throwing her into hell cannot be just punishment."

"Are you wondering about my birth and the place of my birth?" Dog Shengzi said.

"Aren't you confused?"

"Why does the prophecy of the coming of the Son of God appear on the stone tablet of hell? When Jesus came to the world, there were also prophecies, but the signs first appeared in the human world." Dog Son said slowly.

"But your father is God. 'Beyond God' may exist, but it shouldn't be in the multiverse." Harley said.

Dog God is not a complete God.

He himself said that He is the "humility of God" in opposition to Little Black Bean.

There should not be a complete God within the DC universe.

First of all, a small temple cannot house a big Buddha, and a one-meter-high cage cannot grow a ten-meter-high tree.

Secondly, it's not necessary.

Little Black Bean, Dog God, certain angels, and fallen angels are all part of God. When combined, they are already a 'multiverse-level complete God'. There is no need to repeatedly create a higher-level complete body.

The question is, if the Dog God is already the "ceiling" of Silver City, then who can arrange his destiny?

His obvious shock and disbelief at that time showed that he did not arrange the script for himself.

Dog Shengzi shook his head and said: "Believers of the Lord believe that God is everywhere, omnipotent, and omniscient, and all destiny is under God's control.

If you are a believer in the Lord, there will be no doubt at all now. "

"Boy, I'm not a believer in the Lord, so don't talk to me in a bureaucratic manner!" Hallie patted Duoduo's belly quietly.

Duoduo immediately said: "Second brother, speak human language!"

There was a hint of helplessness on Gou Shengzi's always indifferent face, "Do you think my father is only a part of God, so you think there is no complete God in this universe?"

"Is there a problem?"

Dog Shengzi said: "My father is indeed only a part of God, but the complete God has always existed.

This is not a contradiction.

You feel conflicted just because you don’t believe in the Lord and refuse to acknowledge the fact that ‘the Lord is infinitely great’. "

Harley picked up Dodo and came close to it, "Speak humanly."

Duoduo slapped his dick so hard that the golden hair on its forehead was messed up, "Speak humanly."

Ha Li sat down again holding Duo Duo with satisfaction.

Gou Shengzi's expression became increasingly helpless, "Now there is a parasite that comes to your kidney and says that 'kidneys are part of a complete 'human'. Is this correct?"

Harley nodded slightly, thoughtfully.

Gou Shengzi continued: "The parasite does not respect 'human beings', so it dares to compare itself with humans, and it dares to use its own way of existence to measure the limits of humans.

So, after personally seeing the major organs of the human body, he said - since the kidney is a part of the human body and the liver is also a part of the human body, then a complete human being does not exist.

Don't you think it's ridiculous? "

Harley couldn't help laughing.

Dog Shengzi sighed: "Actually, this metaphor is not accurate. God is not a 'person' or the universe.

The universe and humans both have physical and mental limits, but God has no limits.

He is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent.

He is within the universe and outside the universe at the same time. He is dispersed and exists in different forms. At a higher level, each form is connected to each other and forms one body.

He has always existed, traversing time and space, and also transcending time and space. His way of existence is not a limited entity visible to the naked eye. He exists in the thinking of every believer.

Every entity that can be observed with the naked eye is a part of Him. "

Harley looked at it with a complicated expression, "You are really the Holy Son. You are so powerful. You almost led me into the way of God."

"You still don't believe it?"

Harley shook her head, "I don't believe it. If you believe it, you will become his believer."

"The fact that you can say this means that you have the potential to become the Holy Spirit." Dog Shengzi said seriously.

"Pah!" Harry slapped it directly, "Look at how arrogant you are. You think you are Jesus, but you still want to treat me as Jesus' father, mother, and brother? What a dream!"

Didn’t Jesus “fool” all his relatives and friends into becoming believers?

His brother Jacob was also one of the ‘Twelve Apostles’, the Holy Spirit.

"You hit me?" Gou Shengzi was a little shocked.

"Pah!" Duoduo gave it another blow, "Why did the master hit you?"

The Dog Son wants to run back to hell.

In the end, it tried its best to regain its composure, looked at Harley and shook its head: "You still don't understand."

Harley patted it again. It was plush and felt good. So she rubbed its head a few more times.

"Don't be a big-tailed wolf, of course I know what you want to say - even if God is 'split' into your dog daddy and many other entities, God is still complete in a realm beyond mortal cognition.

Therefore, even if your dog dad is shocked by your appearance, the belief of believers that "God is omniscient and omnipotent, and God has arranged destiny" has not been broken.

The problem is that all unfalsifiable theories are wrong.

You brag hard and make God so great that it exceeds your understanding.

All knowledge of God is only the materialization of part of God.

There is a huge logical loophole here - even if we can't recognize it, how can we recognize His infinite greatness? "

Dog Shengzi broke free from her clutches and said seriously: "The Lord transcends logic."

Harry waved his hand and said seriously: "Second brother, you can't do this.

To deceive people into becoming believers, bragging and shocking words are important, but what you say must conform to the perception of the person being deceived.

Today is different from the past. Modern people are intellectually enlightened, and any theory must be logical. "

"Every word I say is the true thought in my heart." Dog Shengzi said.

"You were born knowing everything?"

"Know many things, not everything."

"In other words, all you know is the knowledge given to you by 'God', not what you learned from life and experience." Harley said.

“I can learn a lot in life, but no one can surpass me in my knowledge of the Lord, and no one is qualified to teach me.

I am teaching you, and I am the source of truth that you mortals are looking for! "Gou Shengzi said calmly.

Harley gave a thumbs up, "This guy gets 95 points. The other 5 points are not afraid of your pride, just because you make me very unhappy."

"I can't communicate with you." Dog Shengzi sighed, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Harry's eyes flashed slightly, and he lowered his head and said to Duoduo: "The second son is tall and tall, and he is a good mount. I have always wanted to have a mount."

Dog Shengzi suddenly opened his eyes, his golden pupils filled with anger.

Duoduo was very happy, "Then let the second child be a mount. Being able to help the master is its greatest honor!"

"Mother, I am the Holy Son, and I cannot be used as a mount for mortals!" the Dog Holy Son growled.

Duoduo barked: "But you are also a dog, and you are my cub.

I have always been the master's dog. I am the master's, and of course you are too. This has been true from ancient times to the present.

You do not recognize your master as your master, just like Jesus did not call Mary’s husband Joseph as ‘Father’, nor did he recognize Mary’s second son James as his brother.

If Jesus denies his father and brothers, is he still the Son? He's not even a human being. "

Dog Shengzi lowered his head and was speechless.

Harley said in surprise: "Duoduo, have you also obtained 'God's Wisdom'? This is something that many humans cannot think of or say."

"Woof woof, I don't know either." Duoduo looked stupid and poked her neck with his head.

"What happened to your mother?"

"Since she was pregnant with me, her brain has been evolving." Dog Shengzi said with his head hanging down.

"Hey, don't be discouraged." Harley turned over and sat on its back. It didn't struggle. She stroked its golden curly head and comforted it with a smile: "Our relationship is like Joseph and Christ, it only lasts until I die. , or you can achieve righteousness and redeem all the evil spirits in hell, very quickly."

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