I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 604 The Fifth Brother of the Endless Family

After getting closer, Harley realized that the green fat man was not fat, but strong.

Like Hercules in Harry Potter, a middle-aged and elderly man with a body as wide as a door panel and as thick as a tree trunk.

"Quack--" Along with him came a raven soaring in the sky.

Harley stared at it for a while. Its eyes shone with wisdom, but there was no breath of Rachel. When the dream king was done with it, he went to heaven to find Rachel to see how she was doing.

"Gilbert, thank God you are here!" When Rose saw the strong man, she was more excited than when she first saw the golden nuclear bomb. She rushed over and threw herself into his arms, telling her grievances.

"He wants to kill me, calling me a whirlpool, and the golden nuclear bomb won't help me."

Harley rolled her eyes.

"I know, Rose, and now I'm here." The strong man in the green coat reassured her, then raised his head and looked directly at the Sandman, "Your Majesty, I am willing to exchange my life for hers."

"Gilbert, your life will be of no use to solving the whirlpool." Morpheus said indifferently.

"Your Majesty, you are the master of dreams, you must be able to do something, right?" Gilbert begged.

Morpheus raised his eyebrows, "Where have you been all these years, and why are you begging for her?"

“She is the best thing that has ever happened to me in my life.”

"You're in love with her?"

"I love her, but it's not the kind of mortal love. I'm not even a human being. I..." The big man in green lowered his head and glanced at the confused Rose, "I am the 'green space for idlers', a secluded place in the dream, and Together with this child, I feel like I have become a real person, and I like the feeling of being a human being."

"The reason you escaped from the Dream Kingdom is to be a human being?" Morpheus's dark eyes flashed with stars, "I once trusted you so much, and you were so reliable.

But you, like Collins, abandoned your responsibilities when the Dream Kingdom needed you.

You are a green space for idlers, the heart of the dream kingdom."

The strong man lowered his head and said: "Your Majesty, I left because I was curious and because I was tired.

I am a green space for idlers, providing a beautiful and relaxing environment for all those who enter the dream paradise to rest and relax, but I myself have always been eager to explore the nature of mortals.

I wonder how successes and failures, which I see as small, can produce in them rich emotions of ecstasy and pain.

I am a green space for idlers, only indifferent and peaceful. I want to feel more.

Now I feel pity for what happened to this girl, Rose Walker.

Not being able to help her made me frustrated and sad. This is a human feeling and a human emotion."

Harley thought he was pretentious, but Morpheus was a little touched.

He thought about himself. In order to be a mortal, he dispersed his power into three supreme artifacts. He hung out with the old gods as a god, and fell in love with the mortal queen as a traveler.

"In this green space for idlers, I will punish you, but not now. It has nothing to do with you here. Go back to where you belong." He said slowly.

"I'm sorry, I failed to live up to your expectations when you needed help the most. I'm willing to pay the price with my life, but I can't resist him." The big man said guiltily.

Rose was very touched and hugged him considerately, "Gilbert, thank you, you have done a lot, at least I am no longer afraid of death.

It might be a good thing if I can stay in the dream world after death, at least I can see you more often. "

"Death is indeed not that terrible. Look at me. My name is Matthew. I used to be a poet, and now I am living a good life." The crow fell down and croaked.

"Goodbye, my dear, see you soon." The big man in green clothes touched Rose's head, and his strong body turned into dots of golden light and disappeared.

The next second, the appearance of the royal city in the deserted Gobi desert changed drastically. Mountains stood in the distance, with the upper half covered with snow, and the lower half tall and straight with green pines. The lake at the foot of the mountain was clear and green, and the grass spread from the edge of the lake to the edge of the forest, with birch, oak, and cherry trees. There are many trees in the apple forest, but they are not cluttered at all. As far as a few people, there are clear springs and flowing water, rumbling waterfalls, flowers in bloom, butterflies flying and birds singing. The quiet and peaceful scenery makes people intoxicated and forget their worries.

"This is the green space for idlers, is it his true nature?"

Harry felt more relaxed than ever before, and he breathed out a breath, as if all his worries and worries were gone.

Different from the pure holiness and peace of mind of the lower-level paradise, the dream paradise is more focused on refreshing, relaxing and leisurely.

Paradise is the home of faith, and the green space for idlers is just as its name suggests, turning people into "idlers".

"I'm sorry, Rose. There is no personal grudge. This is my responsibility." Morpheus walked up to Rose and reached out to hold her neck.

Although he was struggling, he still squeezed hard.

Although she was clearly in a dream, Rose was gradually out of breath.


Just when Harley thought the matter was over, another figure suddenly appeared.

She is a purple-haired woman wearing a dress, with bright eyes, elegant and gentle, elegant manners, and an aristocratic temperament.

Harry noticed that her appearance was somewhat similar to Rose's.

"You are -" Morpheus was very surprised when he saw her, "I know you, Unity Kincaid. A hundred years ago, when you were a little girl, you often came to play in my royal capital."

"That's me, sir." The purple-haired woman bowed to him, "Rose is not Uzumaki, she doesn't know anything, I am."

"Who are you? You look familiar." Rose asked doubtfully.

The purple-haired woman smiled softly, "Of course she looks familiar. We have met every day these days. I am your grandmother."

"Ah, but you -" Rose exclaimed, the woman in front of her didn't even look like she was twenty.

"This is a dream. In fact, my real age is not very old. I fell into a deep sleep when I was 11 years old and didn't wake up until a few months ago." Unity said bitterly.

"A few months ago." Harley glanced at Morpheus, "The time when she fell asleep coincided with the time when you disappeared."

Morpheus nodded slightly, "She often dreams about my kingdom, and she happened to be stuck in a dream that day and couldn't leave."

"Sir, I don't have much time. I am about to pass away in this world. Please let me do the last thing." Unity said quickly.

"You are not a whirlpool, I will not be mistaken." Morpheus said.

"You are wrong." Unity said to her granddaughter, "Give me your heart."

"What?" Rose was shocked.

"This is a dreamland. You can do anything. Just listen to me. I won't harm you."

Rose groped and tested, put her hand into her left chest, and actually pulled out a red crystal heart.

The heart has neither blood nor blood vessels, nor is it flesh. It does not look like a real heart. It looks like a carved red crystal, with little mysterious golden lights shining on its surface.

"This" Harley swallowed, really wanting to take a bite.

This heart is extraordinary!

"What's going on?" Morpheus asked in shock.

The heart was extraordinary, of course he could see that, but the heart was not a whirlpool.

But after Rose took out her heart, she was no longer a whirlpool, and Unity became a new whirlpool.

"Uh-huh -" Before Unity could put the heart into her chest, the crystal heart suddenly emitted a bright red light. She also lost strength in an instant and fell to the ground.

"What happened?" She looked at her empty hands and asked blankly.

"When you die, the vortex disappears." Morpheus said with a complicated expression.

"You have been sleeping, where did the child come from?" Hallie asked.

Unity looked at her curiously for a while and said, "Admiral Five Rings, you are so awesome. When I wake up, I like to watch the news about you and Superman."

"Uh, thank you." Harley laughed dryly.

Unity sighed and said: "My soul was sleeping, but my body was growing. Later, a caregiver strengthened me.

I was unaware of the process of pregnancy and childbirth. When I woke up, someone told me that I had a child who was given away right after birth.

It took me two months to find Rose and her mother."

"Why are you a whirlpool?" Morpheus asked with a frown.

"Sir, it's up to you to investigate this. I just reflected on it before I died, and suddenly I realized that I had passed on the 'whirlpool' to my descendants."

"I want to check your soul." Morpheus said.

Unity said obediently: "You come."

Morpheus didn't touch her, just stared into her eyes, and got everything he wanted.

His expression became more serious, and he turned his gaze to Rose again, "Don't struggle, don't resist, I won't hurt you—"

"Buzz--" A pink mark of heart flashed between Rose's eyebrows.

"Desire." Morpheus growled angrily.

"What's wrong with Rose?" Unity asked with concern.

Morpheus waved his hand, "This is a green grassland. You can stay here. Rose, you can go back too."

After the words fell, both grandfather and grandson were sent away.

"What's the situation?" Harley asked tentatively: "Is the desire you are talking about your brother?"

Each member of the Endless Family has his own unique mark. For example, a cross under the circle represents the death of the second sister, the key represents dreams, the opened book of destiny represents fate, and the star-shaped mark on Rose's forehead represents desire.

Star-shaped marks are very common, and may not necessarily refer to desire, but since Morpheus called 'desire', it is no longer a coincidence.

"It's a younger brother and sister. It's androgynous, and it can be either a boy or a girl. It's him who strengthened Unity." Morpheus said with a gloomy expression.

"The whirlpool is transferred to the descendants along Unity's bloodline, that is, your nieces and grandnieces, and you must kill the whirlpool." Harley frowned and said: "If desire has a conspiracy, is it to let Are you parricide? What good does that do to it?"

Morpheus said slowly: "The universe has a rule that can affect the supreme gods - those who kill relatives will be cursed, and the gods who break the rule of 'gods are not allowed to kill relatives' and have a deeper bond with the universe will be more affected. "

"Does desire want to kill you? First let you break the rules and suffer heavy losses, and then he kills you without being punished by the rules?" Harley asked in surprise.

"Why? Isn't your endless family the most harmonious and united?"

"Maybe it's for fun," he said vaguely, and then said to her, "Harry, you go back first, I want to talk to Desire."

Harley really wanted to stay and watch 'Brothers and Friends'.

"Take care and come to me if you need anything."

She reluctantly left.

It was already late at night when she got home. Harley ate some dinner that Ivy left for her, then got into the black magic meditation room, held Duoduo's bones and started summoning hell.

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