I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 600 Little Blue Man’s New Plan

"Have you ever thought that if I agree with you to take the Ion Shark to join the legion, you can really keep the Ion Shark? Don't forget how my lamp beast was lost.

The little blue man has a hundred ways to easily separate the lamp beast from your body. " Harley sneered.

"Will the Guardians take action against legion members?" Hal was stunned.

"Have you seen "The Trisolarial Crisis in Post-Manhattan"?" Harley asked.


"Then think about it, how did the 'Law of the Dark Jungle' come about?"

"Well, it turns out that there is no such law in the universe. The Guardians of the Universe know the location of every interstellar civilization, but they did not throw two-way foil at them." Hal said.

"Childish, Brainiac we just dealt with, why do you think he sent reconnaissance robots everywhere?

In other words, what could happen to the original civilization of the more than 40,000 bottle cities if their location was not exposed?

The little blue people are even more ruthless. They did not lose the two-way foil because they regard the discovered civilization as their own backyard.

There are countless civilizations in the 3,600 sectors of the universe, but have you noticed that for billions of years, no civilization has ever surpassed the little blue man?

Notice! The little blue men are not wanderers in the universe, nor are they an alliance of sages from various races in the universe. They are always one race and one civilization. "

"I don't think Kryptonian civilization is weaker than them." Hal frowned.

"Where is the Kryptonian civilization now?" Harley glanced at him sideways and added: "Kryptonians are afraid of the red sun and kryptonite, and their life span is only a few hundred years. Without the yellow sun, they cannot even survive in outer space.

The little blue man is immortal and has no fatal flaws. He can travel across the universe and the stars with just his mind. He makes friends with the gods of the fifth dimension and seems to have a "labor agreement" with the monitors of the sixth dimension. Who in the entire universe can be with them? Compare? "

"Well, since they are so strong, it is normal that no civilization can surpass them, right?"

"My family is extremely wealthy and I am the richest woman in the United States, so other people deserve not to have as much wealth as me - do you have any logical problems with this statement?"

Hal frowned. There seemed to be something wrong.

"Let me change the question again. The United States has never done anything to other countries, so it can always maintain its status as the largest economic and military power?"

Hal said: "The United States has been helping other countries economically and politically, helping the people of other countries get rid of tyranny and autocracy, helping them improve their economies, and establishing equality, freedom, and democracy——"

Hallie interrupted him impatiently, "We are not holding a press conference in the White House now, so we don't need to talk nonsense."

"Harry, although the United States is not as great, bright, and just as it advertises, its excellent culture, advanced technology, and advanced systems have indeed benefited many countries on the earth.

The existence of the United States has also stabilized the world situation to a certain extent. " Hal said seriously.

"We can't talk about this topic." Harley waved her hands with a look of boredom on her face, "You are right, you are a perfect fit for the Green Lantern Corps."

"You took the topic far away and mentioned the Law of the Dark Forest out of nowhere." Hal muttered.

Harley said: "I don't want to talk about the Dark Forest Law, but use it as an example.

One of the psychological factors that gave birth to the Black Forest Law is suspicion.

You know the Guardians brought you back to the Green Lantern Corps, and a big part of it was for the Ion Shark.

Now you don’t believe that the Guardians will directly capture your Lantern Beast, but you must be guessing - how will they take away the Ion Shark?

The Guardians know that you are not a fool. Even fools know that they want the Ion Shark, and then they naturally suspect that Hal Jordan joined the Legion but did not take the initiative to hand over the lamp beast. He also knows that we want to get the lamp beast, so what can he do to us? Are we loyal?

Could he be planning something, maybe even related to the Witch Harley? Why don't you find a chance to take down such an untrustworthy person?

On both sides, you and I are suspicious, and a chain of suspicion is formed and deepens. Eventually, one party must have the idea of ​​"it is better to strike first to gain advantage." "

Hal shook his head and said: "Your words are too exaggerated. I am not a person who likes to be suspicious. I can't hide my words in my heart. If I have questions or ideas, I will speak out directly. For example, now, I will be honest with you."

"When you return to Oa, you will rush to the little blue man and shout - I know you want the ion shark, tell me what conspiracy you have!"

"It's not stupid to be honest. How could I do this?" Hal shouted.

"Yes, you are not stupid. Even if you are so suspicious in your heart, you will never say it out loud, but you still think you are being honest." Harley smiled sarcastically.


Hal touched his nose in embarrassment, "Okay, I understand, I will return the ion shark to you now, which is good for all of us.

Without the source of suspicion, there would be no chain of suspicion, and there would be no subsequent series of bad things. "

As he spoke, he clenched his fists and expressed force, as if he was holding back stool due to constipation. Threads of rich green mist seeped out from all parts of his body, gradually condensing into the shape of a fat-headed shark above his head.

"Huhuhu" After doing all this, he was sweating profusely, staggering and almost falling.

"Hi, Harley." The fat man shook his head in mid-air, feeling depressed.

It was abandoned.

Harley touched its lower lip and asked Hal: "Have you got the ring?"

Without the ring, he certainly wouldn't have separated the ion shark on the spot.

Hal nodded, took out the Green Lantern ring from his pocket, read the Green Lantern Oath loudly to it, and immediately transformed into Green Lantern.

"Fat Tou, thank you for accompanying me these days. I will miss you."

He touched Fat Shark's forehead with a sad look in his eyes.

Harley comforted the fat head and said: "With Hal Jordan's character, it won't be long before he will most likely be fired by the little blue man again. You may still have a chance to cooperate by then."

——There is no chance. She will never give her fat head to the "heartless Hanhar" again. It just so happens that she lost her parallax monster and needs a righteous partner.

"I will never give this ring away again." Hal clenched his fist and said quietly.

"Can you stand up to the little blue man?"

Hal shook his head and said nothing, then hugged the fat-headed shark for a while before returning to the Zhenglian conference room.

An hour later, Oa Star, Guardian Cliff.

"Hal Jordan sent a request for the legion to dispatch a team of 50 people to cooperate with him to open the space-time channel and move the Lalu planet to the Cologne system." Guardian Apas said slowly.

"Did he take the initiative to return the lamp beast?"

"He gave up the lamp beast, returned the ion shark to the Witch Harley in front of her, then put on the ring and swore to return to the Legion."

"Without the lamp beast, what use does he have to the legion?" A gray-haired little blue man said indifferently.

Gunther said: "Don't be so mean, Hal Jordan is special himself.

He demonstrated a power comparable to that of the 'Greatest Lantern of All Time' on LaRue, and he became a Green Lantern for less than half a year.

This kind of talent has not appeared a few times in the three billion year history of the Green Lantern Corps. "

A little blue man named Gurian said calmly: "When the ring was just made, among the first batch of lanterns we randomly selected and used for experiments, the first generation of 'the greatest lantern in history' was born. .

He is just a librarian from a second-level civilization. He is weak, thin, and confused in life. However, on the day he got the ring, he single-handedly disabled the Cross Space Main Fleet, which was trying to unify the galaxy.

In the years that followed, "the greatest Lantern in history" never disappeared from the Green Lantern Corps.

It was Abinsu before, and now it’s Sinestro. What if it’s Jordan Hal in the future?

We've never lacked talented Lanterns, but the Green Lantern Corps' Lantern Beasts are unique in the entire multiverse. "

Ganser sighed: "It has become a fact that the lamp beast has returned to the witch's hands. Now that Hal Jordan is asking for help, the Legion should respond immediately. Hundreds of cosmic media are now gathering on Lalu!"

"This matter has been handed over to Sinestro for full authority. Sinestro also asked whether he would fulfill his promise to Jordanhal," Apas said.

"You didn't offer the lantern beast, and you still want to be a candidate for legion leader? He's dreaming!"

Several little blue men said in unison, with cold tones.

"After Hal Jordan put on the ring, he didn't make any demands. It was Sinestro. He was very optimistic about the Earthling." Apas said.

"Hal Jordan and the Witch have a close relationship. The Witch is likely to control the Green Lantern Corps by controlling Hal Jordan. We must not allow this to happen." Scarface said indifferently.

Ganser said: "Like most of the 'Greatest Lanterns in History', Jordan Hal has a strong personality and will not be anyone's puppet.

Without certain qualities, he cannot become a great Lantern. We should have confidence in the power of the Green Lantern.

Just like Leila”

Upon hearing Laila's name, the little blue men fell silent.

Leila is a female Green Lantern who comes from the advanced civilization of the Jade Star Empire. She is also the eldest princess of the empire and the first heir.

A few months ago, Harley was imprisoned in the Central Energy Battery, causing Green Lantern to have three major deficiencies in digestion, willpower, and magic resistance.

Also because she was suppressed by Green Lantern, the superhumans realized the power of Green Lantern and began to hunt Green Lantern across the universe and seize the ring.

In desperation, the Little Blue Man recalled all the Lanterns to Oa Star and temporarily gave up their responsibility to protect the universe sector.

Just like after the withdrawal of the US military, some countries and regions in the Middle East experienced a power vacuum and fell into temporary turmoil. The universe was also in chaos for a period of time.

The Jed Empire took the opportunity to send out an interstellar fleet to wildly encroach on nearby civilizations and massacre planets that dared to resist.

When Harley left the central energy battery, the Green Lantern's various flaws immediately disappeared, the Green Lantern Corps regained its combat power, and the Lanterns returned to their previous posts.

The "brutal" Jade Empire has become an urgent target for the Legion to deal with.

The Lantern who seeks justice for the invaded galaxy is none other than Lyla, the emperor's biological daughter and the eldest princess of the empire.

The final result made the little blue man very satisfied: the commander-in-chief of the empire was crippled, the emperor who wanted to involve his daughter in conspiracy lost his life, and all the fallen star regions were recovered.

Apas said: "You really don't have to worry about Hal Jordan becoming the witch's puppet. You can let him be Sinestro's apprentice first, slowly inspect and teach.

He is the hero of Zheng Lian, but Zheng Lian and the Witch are not on the same page, and are even antagonistic in some aspects.

Through Hal Jordan, we should export the Green Lantern Corps' philosophy of protecting cosmic peace to Zhenglian and the Earth, and help them establish "interstellar" new ideas of equality, freedom, and democracy.

In recent years, haven’t superheroes become popular among people on earth?

Several talented green lantern apprentices can be selected to come to the Lantern Training Camp for further studies.

The fresh and sweet air of Oua Star will make them unforgettable for a lifetime. "

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