If you use stomach acid to deal with the force field shield outside the spacecraft, it will definitely be effective, but the effect will definitely not be good.

It's like Superman punching the force field shield with his fist. When he punches down, ripples ripple and a piece is dented, but the energy of the force field shield is endless and the area is repaired immediately.

Stomach acid erodes the protective shield, and the spacecraft charges the force field at the same time. Such a trade-off is equivalent to Harley using her 'little' stomach bag to VS the most advanced spacecraft in the universe. She will definitely suffer.

But in a glass bottle, the force field has become a material bottle wall, and it is difficult to repair if it is broken.

The key is that the stomach acid falls at the mouth of the bottle, which is also the transmission port for energy and information.

Brainiac spoke solemnly: "Nuke Harley, your strength has won my respect.

But this is my spaceship. Beyond the first layer of force field, there are second and third layers. You can never escape. "

Before he finished speaking, a transparent force field slowly rose at the entrance of the experimental area.

"Jon, what are you doing? Why haven't you sealed him yet?" Harley shouted into the communicator.

Brainiac's biological shell is still out there, fighting Martian Manhunter, and it's the mechanical shell that talks to Harley.

"Help me," Martian Manhunter gasped.

"Captain, save me, there are so many robots!" The plastic man shouted for help.

Harry cursed secretly and ran quickly towards the way he came. Before the new force field sealed the test area, he returned to the rectangular hall outside that looked like a "tarmac".

Brainiac does not have a large fleet, but he does need to launch a large number of reconnaissance robots into outer space. Those robots can change shape and become small spherical-shaped aircraft.

The tarmac is full of "balls".

Now these "reconnaissance ships" that were supposed to be responsible for searching for civilized planets for Brynia have all transformed into Terminator-shaped killing robots.

The Kru biological shell, like a charging general, leads the robot army to launch an all-round charge against Martian Manhunter.

Martian Manhunter is also fierce enough. He is almost a green-skinned superman at this time. With a body of steel, he crushes the robot's head with one punch. His eyes flash red. The thermonuclear rays in his thick arm are like a sharp blade, cutting off several robots. .

And Harley's little brother Plastic Man is like a leather rope, wrapped around the Martian Manhunter.

Harley simply threw out the lenses on her collar, "The owl airship jumped out, infinite energy cannons waiting!"

A silver light was reflected on the surface of the lens, and a shiny, chubby owl airship appeared on the tarmac.

The cabin opened and Harley jumped in with her big head.

"Rush over!" Harley ordered.

"Boom, boom, boom!" The two phaser cannons were turned to maximum power, unbridled and continuous.

The phaser cannon comes from a Kryptonian ship, a true Star Wars weapon.

As long as the robot doesn't have time to activate the force field cover, the phaser cannon as thick as the mouth of a bowl will be shattered.

If the energy cannon lands on the deck or metal dome, even with the strength of the skull spaceship, fragments will fly around and flames will burst out.

After saving someone, Harley no longer has to worry about anything.

The Owl airship was also hit by energy beams shot from the robot's mouth and eyes, but it was extremely strong and was completely blocked by the N metal armor.

Harley didn't expect the Owl Airship to be "Changshan Zhao Zilong" in the robot army.

"Get on the ship and get ready to run away," she shouted to Martian Manhunter.

The phaser guns fired wildly, forcing Brainiac to take a few steps back. Martian Manhunter jumped lightly but at extremely fast speeds and arrived at the Owl cabin in the blink of an eye.

"You can't leave, this warehouse has been sealed from the outside by a force field shield." Brainiac sneered.

Harley gave him a sarcastic look, opened her mouth, and spit out a lump of yellow light.

After the yellow light left the mouth, it expanded rapidly, and a green-painted steel pillar that was as thick as an arm and as tall as a person fell to the ground.

A line of large words was written on the surface of the pillar: Brainiac died here.

Brainiac was surprised, "What is this-"

The dazzling white light became the only thing in the world, and even the sound was gone.

Soon the white light disappeared, leaving only the hot and powerful shock wave.


In the starry sky, the skull spaceship with its brain removed looked like a pile of cow dung with a lit cannon inserted into it.

A loud noise disappeared into the vacuum of the universe. At the "temple" of the skull, firelight flew for tens or hundreds of kilometers, bringing out large pieces of broken machine fragments, floating outside, like blood flowing from the skull.

Like a cosmic metal giant, someone put a gun in the temple and shot him in the head.

"Gudong——" Mirror Master looked at the pale "sun" in front of him and said in horror: "Is this a nuclear bomb?"

Even in the 'Shadow Realm', everyone had the illusion that the spacecraft was vibrating slightly.

Because they were at the center of the explosion, the visual impact was too strong.

"Nuclear bombs don't have this effect. They are much like Kryptonian photon missiles." Gunner Lawton said.

Harley said seriously: "This is the 'strong photon torpedo' I captured from the interstellar pirates when I was doing justice in the universe."

Theoretically, the Fifth Ring Admiral does not have photon missiles, because she once declared at a high-level government meeting that she did not steal... Oh, she picked up Kryptonian missiles.

"Ivy, jump back." Harley said.

There is no nuclear radiation residue from the Photon missile, but the explosion site is still dangerous.

Ultra-high temperatures, flames, crazy currents and magnetic fields.

"It's incredible that the skeleton spaceship didn't explode into pieces." Plastic Man exclaimed.

"It's really scary. The main structure is not damaged."

Looking at the ruins that were twisted out of shape but still maintained the size of the apron space, Death Shooter was shocked beyond words.

"Finding Brainiac's mental fluctuation." Martian Manhunter said with a flash of light in his eyes, pointing in one direction.

"He's not dead yet?" Harley asked in surprise.

Brainiac is indeed not dead.

When they found him in the corner, there was still a faint force field glow remaining on his body.

Although his body was like a roasted sweet potato that had been forgotten in the stove, it was burnt and shriveled, and his body had shrunk by one-fifth, but his chest was still rising and falling, and his mental fluctuations had not disappeared.

"Acquired genetic modification is not as good as Superman's extraordinary talents, even the photon guide. Well, the explosion of a strong photon torpedo is definitely not as good as a supernova explosion." Harley commented.

Superman punched Supernova hard and was only knocked unconscious for a moment, his skin not burned at all.

Martian Manhunter jumped off the spacecraft and pressed Brainiac's temples with both hands. The power of his mind surged wildly, and his pupils were replaced by silver. "Burned Sweet Potato" twitched a few times, and his eyes suddenly opened.

"You want to suppress me with the power of your mind? Dreaming!"

"Boom!" Sparks seemed to explode between the two people's eyes, and Martian Manhunter couldn't help but take a step back.

"You're like this, you still dare to resist?" Harry's thoughts were united, and his powerful mental power merged with the fear of the yellow light, like a sharp sword, piercing the data port on Brainiac's top door.

"Ah ah ah, Harley Quinn, Harley Quinn, she's coming to catch me." Brainiac let out a miserable howl, his face like dough under a pastry chef's hand, changing all kinds of twisted expressions, and there were also big... A large wave of yellow emotional power floated towards Harley.

Harley was stunned, "What did I do?"

"What did you do?" Martian Manhunter asked in surprise.

"Brainiac seems to be..." Deadshot said after considering, "Well, the Arkham Ten Heroes got on him again and paralyzed his mind."

"I'm just going to mentally suppress him and let fear spread in his consciousness," Harley murmured.

Martian Manhunter put his hand on Brainiac's temple again and said while checking: "His mind is indeed paralyzed again. Those chaotic thoughts are all afraid of the Arkham super criminal. Are they particularly afraid of you?

The yellow light energy spreads fear in Brainiac's consciousness.

The fear was brought by you, which awakened the fear of you in the subconscious of the ten heroes.

That fear penetrated deeply into the soul, awakened the instinct of fear towards you, and then awakened the true self of the Ten Heroes. In this way, the 'alone' Brainiac once again split into the Chaos Eleven. "

Then, he looked shocked and said to himself: "What kind of fear can stimulate the scattered data to reunite into a body after the soul of the data is 'digested'? What a fear!"

Harley's face looked a little embarrassed, "Maybe they are mentally ill and have abnormal thinking."

"Have we won now?" Mirror Master asked.

Harley looked around and said coldly: "This spaceship is Brainiac's biological shell. The only way to win is to blow it up completely."

Plastic Man looked full of reluctance, "This skeleton spaceship is the most advanced in the universe. It would be a pity to blow it up."

"Even if it doesn't blow up, do you think it can be distributed to you?" Harley said lightly. .

"I feel sorry for the earth. With it, even if the golden nuclear bomb misfires——"

Under Harley's "cold" glare, the Plastic Man sneered and paused, apologizing: "I'm sorry, Captain, I said the wrong thing. Brainiac's 'corpse' can prove it - even if you lose the lampmon , can still be proud of the universe and invincible."

"Captain lost his lamp beast?" Mirror Master asked doubtfully, "I see that the captain has been using yellow light energy."

Martian Manhunter said: "Miss Quinn, I have summoned the Justice League.

As for the disposal plan for the spaceship, we can wait until Superman and the others arrive before deciding, okay? "

"Destruction is the safest and most secure method, but it cannot be destroyed now." After Superman came over, he said: "Two reasons, there are still tens of thousands of glass bottle cities waiting to be rescued, and the technology on the spacecraft may be used; Secondly, we have only separated the main control room for storing glass bottles and the biological sample warehouse. The test area and even the weapons depot must be properly handled and cannot be exploded hastily."

Harley sighed: "If I don't destroy it now, I'm afraid I won't have a chance later."

"What do you mean?" Superman wondered.

——Back to Earth, will the Earth government allow you to destroy the most powerful spaceship in the universe?

Harley shook her head, "Just do as you say."

At the outskirts of the Lagan galaxy, on the 'scorched' half of the Lalu planet, Zheng Lian and the Injustice Watchers were completely reunited again.

It was also at this time that Bateman told the Injustice Watchers what happened on LaRue: "Not long after you entered the Skull Spaceship.

About two minutes later, the shock wave of the solar explosion arrived in the orbit of Lalu's star.

Fortunately, we had advance warning, even if it only gave us a few dozen seconds of preparation time.

Ion Man wrapped the entire planet with green light energy and tried to jump into the wormhole with it, but failed.

So he pulled it and fled to the outer reaches of the galaxy.

In order to quickly escape the high-energy radiation storm on Lalu Planet, Superman directly pushed the planet to accelerate with both hands.

Unfortunately, it was overtaken by the solar storm, and a hole was burned through the green light shield facing the sun. The fire storm pushed up and absorbed the radiation energy rushing into the planet.

He didn't last more than a few seconds before he was overloaded with energy and fainted.

Then Superman and the continent he pushed were caught in the raging storm. He also fainted, was swept into outer space by the storm, and was picked up by Brainiac. The hole was finally healed by the explosive potential of Ion Man.

Even if the hole was blocked later, Lalu Star suffered heavy losses.

There were not many casualties, there was early warning, and their technology was far more advanced than Earth's.

The key is that the planet's environment has been severely damaged, and even the sun is gone. Where should they settle down? "

Brainiac's writing is a bit long. I didn't plan to write so much at first. I only finished it in a few chapters. Later I found out that the guy's setting is really strong - the highest intelligence, the ability to transfer thoughts at will, and the force field protection that Superman can't break. A shield, a missile that can blow up the sun with one shot and can fly at sub-light speed, and a small carry-on force field belt - this is Brainiac-5's exclusive equipment.

Let’s first talk about how in the comics, Brainiac was crawled by Superman—Superman threw him in a smelly ditch. The bacteria in it made Brainiac, who was used to controlling everything, lose control and become weak. This

The biological shell has declined, but there are still mechanical shells and spaceships. What is Brainiac's ultimate killer?

He fired a missile at the sun and at Superman's hometown farm.

Superman's father, Jonathan, saw the missile coming, pinned his wife down and died, but Martha survived. What about the power he promised to destroy the sun?

Even if the earth was blown up, Brainiac could still make a comeback, but he threw a firecracker.

What does this mean?

It shows that even comic book editors don’t know how to defeat one of the most awesome villains they have set up in a reasonable and simple way.

As a fan of mine, there are actually some unreasonable things. For example, the mirror space of Mirror Master and the Limbo jump of Archimedes' airship are very buggy in the face of science.

Theoretically, when the people on earth really face Brainiac, they have no power to resist.

A first-level civilization fought against a god-level civilization, and the first-level civilization won. Fortunately, this is a DC comic, not a serious science fiction.

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