I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 597 The saliva that destroys the

"Are you the Joker or Brainiac now?" Harley frowned.

This Brainiac was also a green-skinned Kru, and he also had a data port on his head that looked like a ring scar, but his face was twisted, a twisted smile, and the corners of his mouth were split to the base of his ears, as if he had been cut open by a knife.

He was originally green-skinned, but now his face was still a little gray.

These characteristics belonging to the clown seem to indicate that he is dominated by clowns.

But his eyes didn't have the hysterical madness of the Joker; they still belonged to Brainiac's calmness, indifference, and coldness.

"Hahaha——" Brainiac opened his mouth to speak, but couldn't help but laughed weirdly, "Don't laugh!"

He slapped himself, but couldn't help but smile, even though he was gritting his teeth, "Superman and the others left, did you know?"

Harry's eyes flashed, and he nodded: "I'm wearing a communication headset, and I know that you jumped the spaceship into a civilized galaxy and dropped a missile each at the sun and the planet.

In order to save innocent aliens, Superman, Martian Manhunter and Wonder Woman can only chase the missile. "

Superman and Wonder Woman are indeed gone, but Martian Manhunter.

Harley remained calm and continued: "How did you come up with this method? It's really amazing. It caught our vital points at once."

"Hahaha - gah!" Brainiac almost dislocated his jaw, finally stopped laughing, and used the power of his mind to transmit a voice: "I have superhuman memory, and I also absorbed all the knowledge of the earth from Metropolis. wisdom.

So, I know how some criminals on Earth get rid of Superman, and now I've tried it, and it works really well, hahahaha - Fuck! "

Even with the telepathy, he couldn't help but want to smile.

Brainiac slapped himself a few more times and roared angrily at Harley, "Now you have become the lamb in the trap, little Splasher, hand over all the secrets of quantum magic!

I can't stand that bastard for a moment - hahaha - Fake, please tell me how to separate the magic soul data, haha ​​- ahhh! "

One side of his face was twisted and smiling, while the other was furious.

Like an alien version of Two-Face.

"You need to set up a trap to catch a lamb? You are so funny."

Harley laughed at him first, then leaned forward, looked at him eagerly, and asked curiously: "Why is clown only one trait, and what about the others?

If you don't digest them, your face should be like a palette, with eleven personalities changing in rotation. "

"Guess - answer my question, how to separate those bastards!"

A third expression appeared on Brainiac's face, that confident, teasing smile that fleetingly reminded Harley of the Riddler.

"You answer my question first, how did you suddenly surrender to them? Tell me the answer, and I will answer your question." Harley said.

"It's very simple. Find a potential common ground between me and them. That common ground is like the holes in beads, which can be connected in series by a thread, hahahaha."

Brainiac didn't suppress himself this time, because he was indeed proud and wanted to laugh.

"What do they have in common? I thought those ten people have their own characteristics, but they are all extremely chaotic and crazy. They can't be integrated with you, who is rational, calm, and controlling obsessive-compulsive disorder." Harley asked strangely.

"Because of hate! Hate can overwhelm all other emotions and unite us as one. We all hate you, we hate you to death.

But they are all afraid of you, but I am not afraid of you.

With hatred as a bond, we are connected together instantly, and my consciousness governs all wills. They actively choose to retreat behind the scenes because they are afraid of you and dare not face you directly. "

This time Brainiac didn't smile or make a face. His face was unified into one expression, gritting his teeth and glaring in anger.

——Mother Fake, can this still happen? !

Harry cursed secretly in his heart, but his expression and tone were very aggrieved: "Why do they hate me? I'm so good to them.

I treated their illnesses, helped them change their wrong outlook on life, and accompanied them to exercise. Now I share with them the great glory of saving the world and the universe.

Why don’t these guys know how to be grateful? "

Brainiac became more and more filled with hatred, and his eyes turned red.

"Ahhh-" He roared wildly, the power of his mind surged like a tsunami, and at the same time, he stepped hard with the sole of his foot, as if teleporting, and rushed straight towards Harley with his "steel body".

Harley anticipated his furious blow and threw the mallet almost simultaneously.

"Boom--" The power of the mind arrived in an instant, but was blocked by another powerful power of mind two meters in front of her, causing a low roar in the air.

It's like listening to a thunderstorm with earplugs, very dull.

"Martian Manhunter? I have also prepared stellar missiles for you. Aren't you afraid that billions of people will die tragically?" Brainiac was shocked and angry.

A muffled groan appeared next to Harley, and the figure of Martian Manhunter changed from completely transparent and phaseless to a translucent shadow.

"Superman has calculated that it will take at least nine minutes for your missile to fly to the star, which is enough for him to make four or five trips."

"Whoosh whoosh!" Before the mallet thrown by Harry hit the ground, it suddenly bounced away like a kneaded spring.

Even if it was hit by Brainiac at high speed, it would only shrink and stretch, and then wrap around him from top to bottom, circle after circle.

Brainiac's body was no weaker than that of a Kryptonian. The plastic ropes failed to bind him, but only made his movements slow down, as if he was wearing a tight-fitting plastic suit with no crotch.

Harley rushed forward towards him quickly, and the six flying knives circled around Brainiac's head first, shooting out bunches of red energy cannons.

But the next moment, a transparent force field was activated from Brainiac's belt, which not only blocked the energy cannon, but also pushed the plastic man open.

"A force field shield that you carry with you?" Harley was startled. Without slowing down her movements, she opened her mouth and spit out a golden dagger. It vibrated at a high frequency and stabbed at the force field shield at extremely high speed.

"Boom!" Brainiac punched out, creating a sonic boom and shattering the dagger that contained the yellow light's energy.

"I told you, you are a lamb caught in a trap. There is no way you could hurt me in my spaceship when I am completely on guard." He sneered arrogantly and kicked Harley who was rushing towards her.

However, Harley triggered the quantum shift earlier, leaving a shadow that was no different from a real person. She had already passed Brainiac, passed the robot, and entered the cabin behind.

——Since there is no way to kill Brainiac by force, he should save the person first, and then use his big moves unscrupulously to kill him with one move.

Harley temporarily changed tactics.


Brainiac kicked the shadow, unable to hold back his strength, leaving a knuckle-deep hole in the deck.

He tried to turn back, but was stopped by Martian Manhunter.

"Big head, big head?"

In a cylindrical glass vessel, Harley saw Dr. Neuro. Several data cables were inserted into his body and head, suspended in purple culture fluid.

She punched the glass cover and it didn't move.

"This is not glass. It does not have any mirror properties. It seems to be a material force field just like the glass bottles that hold the city." The mirror master said quickly in the lens pinned to his collar.

"It's just a big head, what's the point?"

Harley casually threw out a yellow light energy dagger. Sparks flew from the machine above the glass column, and the glass wall began to glow with a faint white light.

"Yes, that's it. The bottles in Metropolis were also glowing at that time. I guess the materialized force field was evaporating, like dry ice." Mirror Master said.

"Harley Quinn, the important thing is not him, but you, hahahaha!"

Hearty laughter rang out in the cabin, followed by a transparent force field shield that quickly rose against the wall, enveloping Harley and Big Tou's glass jar, as well as nearby experimental instruments.

The experimental area of ​​100 square meters quickly shrank to the size of a rice cooker.

Hanging in the air by a data cable.

"Oops, I've fallen into a trap!" Mirror Master was shocked. "I've lost all sense of mirrors in the outside world. The force field of the glass bottle is too weird. It's like a real wall of the universe that can block everything."

Ordinary different worlds and different spaces have their internal spaces connected together.

And behind each mirror is an independent mirror world.

There are countless mirrors in the world, and the corresponding countless mirror worlds are connected together to form a honeycomb-shaped mirror dimension.

Therefore, the mirror masters who stayed in the "honeycomb" behind Harley's collar lens were all confined within the force field wall.

"When you fall into my world in a bottle, all your thoughts will be collected. Nuke Harley, all your memories and wisdom will eventually belong to me, hahaha!" Brainiac laughed heartily.

"The trap was prepared in advance, but how did he know that we were coming to rescue Datou? Even we ourselves just decided to rush in and save people when we just found out that Datou was not dead." Mirror Master said in confusion.

"I'm careless. There is a locator on the protective suit. Brainiac noticed the signal and cracked it." Harley said calmly.

"I made you guess, but so what, it's too late to know the reason now. Hahaha, I have started to read your mind, and I will get the secret of quantum magic soon!"

The force field wall of the petri dish disappeared, the purple-red culture fluid gurgled and flowed, and there was a steel cable on the big head, which was pulled and suspended in the air.

Harley pulled him out calmly. When the probe was pulled out from the back of his head, red blood and white brain juice gurgled out.

She used holy healing to stop his bleeding.

"Um." Datou woke up twitching in severe pain, his eyes blurred, "What happened?"

"You were captured by Brainiac. We came to rescue you, but fell into a trap. Now you are put in a glass bottle, just waiting for Martian Manhunter or other heroes to rescue us." Mirror Master lamented.

"It's just a wall of the universe, how can it be difficult to get to me?" Harley wiped her hands and said slowly.

"It's different from the outside. We've entered a glass bottle." Mirror Master said.

"Why can't I read your thoughts?" Brainiac asked angrily.

Harley smiled and said, "The instrument is probably broken. Please check it carefully."

She can "unify all thoughts" and gather all the thoughts in her mind into one place.

There are no distracting thoughts, no overflowing mental fluctuations, and no divergent brain waves. How to collect thought fluctuations!

"Since we can't collect thought fluctuations, we can only tie you to the experimental table and extract the memories directly." Brainiac said coldly.

"Butou has been rescued, I'm not interested in finishing with you."

Harley opened her mouth and lightly punched her left ribs a few times.


A ball of yellow light as big as a plum flew out of her throat, like a lump of chewing gum, and stuck to the mouth of the bottle - where the information collector and data cable port were connected.

"Hahaha, you are so naive. There is a bottle mouth, but there is no hole at all. My——"

"Chichichi—" A burst of dazzling white smoke interrupted Brainiac's sneer.

The top of the "chewing gum" bottle smoked and melted, revealing holes.

Like live coals falling on ice.

When the "chewing gum" melts to the outside, the ports and information collectors evaporate faster, emitting large plumes of black smoke.

The glass bottle began to shake, and the walls of the bottle flashed with a faint white light.

"Ah, the glass bottle is disappearing!" Mirror Master exclaimed.

"This is impossible, how could my force field melt inexplicably?! What did you vomit?" Brainiac shouted in disbelief.

"Your force field is not the real wall of the universe after all." Harley laughed.

The real wall of the universe is the wall of origin, and the gastric juices of the eighth-level food expertise will definitely not be able to digest it.

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