I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 57 The second defense specialty ready to be opened (please collect it)

"Harry." Bruce sighed and followed the butler back to the car.

At this moment, Harley threw herself on the street, lying on the ground, her face as red as a tomato pressed against the cold and slippery ground, her big eyes filled with tears, and she was about to cry.

"Why am I so unlucky?"

More than 400 US dollars, 20 hot dogs, more than 80 large hamburgers, and 30 cups of pulp milkshakes. He was not full, and he was still just short of reaching the "Level 1 Food Defense Expertise".

As luck would have it, it was just past meal time, and the KFC waiter carried a large bag of expired food such as French fries, hamburgers, and fried chicken legs, and threw them into the trash can.

Harley is at the door of the store.

Most of the expired food in fast food restaurants is not harmful food that has become moldy and unusable, but has passed its best-before date and has lost some nutrients and taste.

For example, French fries can only be kept for ten minutes, after which they must be thrown away.

The shelf life of hamburgers is three hours. After the expiration date, the taste will become very bad, but it will not prevent the homeless from filling their bellies.

Squatting in the garbage spots of fast food restaurants has always been a survival skill that homeless people should master.

Large chain stores like KFC and McDonald's often specifically instruct their clerks to simply package expired food, put it in bags, and throw it next to the trash can, waiting for homeless people in need to pick it up.

On every street and near every fast food restaurant, there is one or several homeless "big bosses" living there.

They do not need to beg, they only need to come to the trash can of the fast food restaurant regularly and take away their "own" food.

Just like lions on the grassland, each has its own territory, and each territory must have a lion king.

Harley hesitated again and again, unable to resist her hunger. She looked around and found that no one was looking at her, then she picked up the bag of expired food that still smelled warm.

And while she was munching away, four homeless people came over.

When they saw her eating their own food, they immediately became furious.

Harley originally wanted to kick the four little bastards over with one kick at a time.

Then she remembered that she was going to be an exorcist soon, and it was even more urgent to upgrade her defense points.

So, she simply stopped resisting.

Let them fight.

While she was eating, she watched the experience jar bubbling, and her heart was filled with beauty, until the sound of "Halley" came.

"I shouldn't have looked back." Harley held back tears and swallowed the food in her mouth.


There is no "ding dong", but the character interface in the sea of ​​​​consciousness has changed.

After swallowing the fried chicken drumstick in her mouth, her food defense expertise was finally upgraded.

Food Defense Expertise Level 1: The utilization rate and digestion speed of food are increased by 50%, and rotten and expired food is no longer a threat.

Well, "Poison Resistance" has been added.

Harley blinked, was it worth it?


The character interface began to vibrate slightly, and another message was received by her: It has been detected that it can absorb high-level energy. The defense point is 14, which is less than 20. The second specialty cannot be activated immediately. Do you want to save it and save it until the defense point is 20?

What energy?

Harry's thoughts came together and he immediately responded: You feel shy and embarrassed to meet others because you are thin-skinned. Now that you have directed the evolution of "thick-skinned expertise", you will not be troubled by similar problems in the future.


"Bang bang bang!" Harley clenched her fists and punched the ground hard.

Now her face was redder and she felt even more shy.

"Buzz!" The attribute interface vibrated a few more times, and a message came: You are extremely shy. This behavior provides you with high-level will energy. Do you want to store it together and save it for the future to activate the second defense specialty?

Harry was just about to tell it to go away when he suddenly noticed a word.


"What's the use of the shameless defense expertise?" She asked her magic weapon a little awkwardly.

"Passive increase of will, strong will, face will not be red, and there will not be big mood swings due to sudden changes."

Hey, this seems pretty good!

Harry's eyes lit up. If his will expertise were upgraded to a high level, he would definitely be able to defend against mind control and mind reading.

This is a magical skill!

"Keep it." She decided immediately, and chose "cheeky" as her second specialty.

Oh, no, I need to change my name.

Mental defense expertise!

"Gudong, Gudong." There was another jar in the sea of ​​consciousness, half of which was filled with cyan liquid.

Harley felt better.

"Hey, why should I run? Why should I be shy? Shit, I have the treasure of evolution, I have met a friend from Judas, I have been to heaven, and I have become a warrior of God. I should be proud!"

After such a series of tossings, Harry suddenly felt that his evasion was stupid.

She climbed up and frowned at the dirty and tattered woolen coat.

She took off her coat and threw it on the ground. She turned around and ran towards the entrance of the alley.

"You are Harley. I just heard the young master call you Harley. Are you the legendary witch Harley worth two hundred thousand dollars?"

The bearded tramp was holding a bag of fried chicken nuggets and was enjoying his meal. When he saw Harley coming back, he immediately came up to her and looked at her face carefully.

Harley raised her long legs and kicked him several meters away, knocking over the trash can.

The other three tramps also met the same fate. Her legs were like the wind, her movements were graceful and elegant, and the four of them used a total of four legs.

"Hi, Bruce!" She straightened her hair and walked towards Bentley with the most natural smile.

Well, the young master and the housekeeper haven't left yet.

"Harry." There was obvious surprise on the young master's face.

The housekeeper Ah Fu was surprised at first, and then quickly became wary.

Harley waved towards the car window and asked Bruce to give up his seat, then opened the car door and sat in naturally.

"Don't look at me like this, I won't do anything to your young master."

The guard on Ah Fu's face was so obvious that his eyes wanted to write one word each, "Ling" and "Li".

After being exposed his inner thoughts, Ah Fu looked away in embarrassment, but still said stubbornly: "Miss Harley, I just saw that you knocked down four homeless people in two or three strokes, and you had killed several people before."

Harley did not look at him, but looked at the young master and said, "I came here to tell you that things are not what you think. I am not so poor that I pick up trash to eat."

The young master looked at the oil on her mouth and could even smell some chicken drumsticks in her breath.

He hesitated and said: "I have some money."

Harry glared at him, raised her voice slightly, and interrupted him: "Your housekeeper saw it, and I knocked down four homeless people with my swift movements.

Think about it with your brain, am I really as embarrassed as you see me? "

"You're so hungry that you just gobble it up and don't have time to fight back?" Bruce asked tentatively.

"I don't. Yes, I was very hungry at the time, very hungry, but" Harley waved her hands randomly, her expression a little distorted.

"Oh, I'm doing well, better than in high school, Hakula Matata! Have you seen "The Lion King"? Pumbaa and Timon's mantra, no worries and worries, simple and happy." With great difficulty, Harley held back from singing.

Butler Afu turned his head, his cheek muscles twisted.

Bruce asked worriedly: "Harry, are you okay?"

"I didn't want to be too showy, but you actually doubted me." Harley gritted her teeth, looked into his eyes and said seriously: "Forget it, I'm showing off my cards!

I am an extraordinary person, and my experiences these past few days have been more exciting than my previous two lifetimes combined.

I made friends with the princess of hell, and I fought against the devil of hell.

Now, Judah and I have also become good friends.

Well, the world has misunderstood that Judas was actually a good man.

Yesterday, he took me to heaven and met the black angel Zauliel. I signed a contract with God and became a glorious warrior in heaven with a great future.

Now he is planning to change his career to become an exorcist.

Zaulie specifically told me not to tell anyone else about the contract, but I regard you as a friend and don’t want to hide it. "

Even if it was just to make excuses for her strong defense, she would have to reveal the contract sooner or later.

The young master looked at her in horror for a long time, and shouted in horror: "Afu, go to Cornell Presbyterian Hospital and let the best psychiatrists prepare."

Ah Fu also looked nervous and said anxiously: "Master, be careful, don't let her get close. Maybe Miss Quinn needs an exorcist! Archbishop Marvin is right, she is possessed by the devil."

Harley's greasy little mouth opened slightly, and the cold wind through the window lifted her pink and pink hair at the temples, revealing a somewhat silly heart-shaped face.

After a long time, she came back to her senses and cursed: "You are crazy and possessed."

"Harry, don't get excited, we will help you, everything will be fine." Bruce comforted.

But his body quietly shrank toward the car door on the other side.

Harley's eyes were filled with anger, making the young master shrink again.

Without saying a word, she opened the car door and walked to the alley.

Her stroller is still there.

Bruce was stunned for a moment, then eagerly climbed to the door of the car and shouted: "Harry——"

"Holy shit!" Harley glanced around at the curious passers-by, wanting to go up and tear his mouth apart.

She dragged the car clanging as if to vent her anger, came to the side of the car, and cursed in a low voice: "Bruce, you can speak louder and let the whole world know that I am 'Witch Harley'."

"Uh," the young master shrank his neck and said awkwardly, "I'm sorry, I'm too excited. However, your logical thinking is fine, you're not too crazy, and you should be able to save him."

"I shouldn't talk about fantasy with a Muggle like you." Harry pushed the car forward.

Without the young master's instructions, Ah Fu started the car and kept up with him at the same speed.

"Harry, come to my house and stay for two days. I will help you hire the best lawyer." Bruce lowered his voice.

Harry was about to refuse, but suddenly something moved in his heart, and he shouted at the passers-by who were not looking at her kindly: "What are you looking at? Have you never seen an eldest lady who ran away from home?"

Passers-by who doubted her identity were stunned.

"Afu, you blind idiot, why don't you get out of the car and pretend to be polite for me." Hallie bossed the housekeeper again and muttered loudly: "I don't know what my brother was thinking about finding such a person. Useless Brit."

After saying that, she opened the car door and sat in carelessly.

Afu stared back blankly.

The young master nodded slightly, "Do as she says."

Ah Fu sighed helplessly and shouted loudly: "Sorry, Miss Harriet, I'll come right away."

"Your butler is so smart." Harley said to Bruce with a smile.

Bentley on its way to Wayne Manor, Long Island.

Ah Fu hesitated and said: "Miss Quinn, can you tell me what happened that night in detail?"

"Are you sure you want to listen?" Harley smiled strangely, "Don't worry, Mr. Butler, I won't stay in Wayne Manor for too long.

I don’t want to take any advantage of you, but I was living a carefree life, and you are destroying my identity.”

"Let me take a shower and change my appearance. I'll be gone before evening."

Ah Fu was obviously relieved, but he said: "There's no need to be in such a hurry."

"Harry, you know, hiring a lawyer for you is just a trivial matter to me. We are friends, and I am also involved in your father's affairs," Bruce frowned.

"I treat you as a friend, and I don't want to drag you into the quagmire of the Holy Advent Crusade." Harry sighed.

Hearing what she said, he became more and more curious.

"I'm not afraid of trouble. In Gotham, there is no way they would use the same methods they used against you on me." Bruce said confidently.

Ah Fu didn't say anything, but nodded slightly in agreement.

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