I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 56 An unlucky day

Even if he becomes a Heavenly Warrior, the grudges of the Holy Advent Crusaders cannot be resolved.

Stranger knows who the archangel represented by "Tongue of Fire" is, but the two have little in common.

The two are heads of two different departments of the same company.

Moreover, the "Return of the Son" project currently being promoted by Tongues of Fire has been personally reviewed and approved by the big boss, and it cannot end because of Harley.

Although he couldn't help Harley get rid of Fire Tongue's troubles, the Stranger sincerely gave her a career plan: "If you are willing to believe me, never touch magic.

The so-called practice of magicians today is all about borrowing power, borrowing the power of powerful people from the beginning of the creation of the world or even before the creation of the world, but they often don't know it.

You want extraordinary power and can devote all your energy to God's contract.

Becoming a holy warrior also borrows the power of God, but God has a contract with you, which can basically guarantee the stability and safety of the power. "

Harry frowned and said, "Who are those powerful people?"

“Invisible, invisible, and unknowable, Hallie, you have to understand that not every supreme being is like God—at least with mercy and compassion for lowly mortals.

Recite the name of Jehovah and you will be noticed by the Lord. Likewise, when you hear the secrets of the Mighty Ones, they will also know them. "The stranger said in a deep voice.

Harley's brows furrowed even more, and she evolved to Baojia Defense and increased her output through magic. This was her previous "perfect plan".

Now, listening to Stranger's words, it seems that the road to magic is dead?

She didn't want to be a punching bag who only took beatings and had no output. That would really be better than being a rich and famous athlete.

"Holy warriors need merit to exchange for the power of God. How can I earn merit?" she asked.

The stranger said: "Everything that is beneficial to the City of Silver is meritorious.

For example, if your faith is devout enough, you can become a Holy Spirit.

Or, become a nun, lead a parish, preach for God, and make more people become believers. "

"Is there any more?" Harley looked confused, "I am more suitable for combat missions. Does heaven need a killer?

For example, if someone is not pious enough, for example, a heretic criminal, I will go and eliminate the evil for the people. "

"The City of Silver is not a cult. Killing people will never please God." Stranger said with a wooden face.

"Let's not talk about my original values. If I believe in God with the purpose of earning merit, how can I be pious?" Harley said helplessly.

When the stranger heard this, his expression was shocked and he said in surprise: "I didn't expect you to have such wisdom. Harley, you can really try to become a Holy Spirit who practices the way of God."

After a pause, he continued: "You can gain some power from heaven through faith. With power, you can do simple exorcism and ghost hunting tasks.

Keep your feet on the ground and grow slowly. One day, you can become a powerful heavenly god warrior. "

"Exorcism." Harry's eyes lit up, this seemed to be a shortcut.

"Even in order to exorcise demons, I have to understand the common sense and secrets of the magic world. Please introduce me to a great magician." She said.

The stranger thought for a while and said: "I will give you three years. If you still cannot obtain the power of God through faith after three years, I will help you introduce a magic master.

If you become a devout believer in God, even if it has not been three years, I will appear immediately and personally take you to familiarize yourself with the magical world. "

"Three years is too long, can three months be okay?" Harley asked.

"You are less than 14 this year, and it took three years for your thoughts to be finalized. You are not stupid. You should be able to see that I personally hope that you will believe in God and become a Holy Spirit warrior." Moke said.

Harley was silent.

At noon the next day, on the lawn of Battery Park in Manhattan.

The sun was hanging warmly above the head, the trolley was parked aside, and the Stars and Stripes blanket was spread on the grass. Harry crossed his legs and lay comfortably on the blanket, flipping through a book called "The Exorcism Rite" in his hand.

Bought from a street bookstore for 30 cents, a thin booklet.

Next to it were the Bible and several "Exorcist" novels.

"Exorcism seems to be very safe. I am better than the fifty or sixty-year-old priest in the book."

After reading the introduction of the church's famous exorcist priest in the past hundred years, Harry gained a lot of confidence out of thin air.

Well, her own family knew her own affairs, and it would be impossible for her to gain the power of God through piety in three to thirty years, let alone three years. Therefore, after leaving the Stranger, she began to prepare for her appointment as an exorcist.

"Gudong." Her stomach growled.

Harry turned over and sat up, preparing to go to the hot dog stand nearby for lunch.

She was stunned when she touched her wallet.

A thick wad of banknotes.

I counted it quietly, more than four hundred dollars.

"Perhaps, we can activate the 'Food Defense Specialty' upgrade."

Every 10 levels of defense points, there will be a specialty. At level 10, she chose the food defense specialty.

Surprisingly useful.

Eating no longer makes you fat, but converts all nutrients into recovery and physical strength.

This is just "Level 0".

That is to say, the newly awakened expertise.

If you upgrade to level one, what about the higher level level two?

She didn't upgrade immediately before because she needed to absorb a lot of food nutrients during the upgrade process.

She is afraid of not having enough money.

When she first activated the food defense specialty, she only brought a few pieces of bread with her, which was completely insufficient in nutrition and she could only use her body fat and muscles to pay for it.

The feeling of being swallowed whole by yourself is so terrifying.

"This money can buy 100 Big Macs, which should be enough."

With a decision in her mind, Harley immediately packed up her gifts and pushed the cart to the hot dog stand.

"Boss, twenty hot dogs, I want the most sauce and cheese."

"Are you eating alone?" the boss wearing a white chef hat asked curiously.

"Pack it up and take it away. I have a companion at the other end of the park." Harley said.

"Everyone has the same taste? More sauce and more cheese?" the boss asked doubtfully.

Harley glared at him and said, "You talk a lot, we are all bums, what taste do you care about?

Eating enough is the key.

If possible, I would love to put ten sausages on a piece of bread, and then you could empty the tomato sauce and cheese bottles. "

The corner of the boss's mouth twitched and he stopped talking nonsense.

Twenty dollars was spent in exchange for a large bag of hot dogs. Harley pushed the cart and chewed while thinking: It didn't seem cost-effective to eat hot dogs. It was better to go to KFC, which was greasier and heavier.

After leaving the park and going to a KFC on the street, Hallie ordered ten large burgers in one go.

While the chef was busy frying beef patties, she went to the toilet.

I pulled out the dozen hot dogs I had eaten before, and there were still a few that were being digested in my stomach.

"Shit, this food defense specialty is so overbearing!"

Belly empty, Harley felt refreshed and headed to the next street with her burger.

She is not stupid. She cannot stay in a store and perform "Real Super Big Eater" in front of the public.

A black classic Bentley drives at low speed through the streets of Manhattan.

The young master sat back on the leather sofa, looking through the pull-down window at the pedestrians on the street, his expression a little dazed.

"Master Xiaobu, it's almost two o'clock in the afternoon and you haven't had lunch yet. How about we go home?" Ah Fu looked up at the rearview mirror and reminded softly.

"I'm not too hungry yet, Ah Fu, let's go to an old street that's a little more remote." Bruce said.

Ah Fu glanced at the newspaper next to the young master. Half of the page had a line of bold characters across the page: "There is another shooter in Crime Alley, who arranged Andy Quinn as the scapegoat?"

"Are you looking for someone, Miss Harley?" he asked.

"I don't know, maybe, I just wanted to see Gotham City. Now I realize that it is very different from what I thought.

Ah Fu, have you noticed that there are many homeless people on the street, including eight or nine-year-old children, they..."

"Gotham shouldn't be like this." Bruce muttered.

"There are homeless people in every city, just like there are cockroaches in everyone's kitchen." Ah Fu sighed.

Bruce was so irritated that he shouted towards the driver's seat: "They are not cockroaches, they are people, real people!"

"I'm just a metaphor," the butler explained feebly.

——In the eyes of the powerful and famous people who rule the United States, these homeless people are really no different from cockroaches.

"I'm sorry Harley." Bruce said suddenly frustrated.

"She should have had a dazzling life, and her family was happy." He hugged his head and said dullly: "She called me that night. I should have believed her. She issued a wanted order at the police station and the church. It's time for me to stand up and testify for her."

"It's not your fault, the church people are too deceitful." Ah Fu sighed.

On the night of the Abbey Incident, Harley contacted three people.

Harvey Dent, who had the most critical and fatal recordings in his possession, disappeared without a trace.

Jim Gordon only listened but did not record (his mobile phone did not have a recording function). He was oppressed by the police chief and threatened by the church with his girlfriend. He had no direct evidence, so he had no choice but to compromise.

The young master only listened to Harley briefly explain the situation, unlike Harvey and Gordon who listened to the live broadcast.

Therefore, when the highly respected and kind-faced Archbishop Marvin came to his home the next day, he was even a little flattered.

When Marvin sadly recounted that his sister was brutally murdered by the witch, the young master fell silent - he did not believe that Archbishop Marvin killed his own sister just to frame Harry.

Therefore, when Harley was wanted, the young master also remained silent.

Until Gordon came to his house yesterday and told him the truth. Although it was unbelievable, he believed Gordon.

After believing Gordon, he began to doubt the Gotham he knew, and at the same time he felt a little sorry for Harley.

At least I didn't fulfill my duty as a friend.

"Hey, Alfred, stop the car!" While he was thinking wildly, Bruce suddenly caught a glimpse of a familiar figure.

"I seemed to see Harley when I passed by the alley just now." He said uncertainly.

Ah Fu immediately changed gears and slowly reversed the car.

"Afu, look, is it her?" Bruce pointed out the window excitedly.

In the alley next to a KFC, several homeless people were arguing and fighting in front of the green trash can.

Well, it wasn't a fight, it was a one-sided beating.

A non-mainstream girl with colorful hair crawled half of her body on the mouth of the trash can. Four homeless men with ferocious faces hit her hard on the back with sticks.

Ah Fu looked at it for a while, not sure which one was Miss Harley.

There were only five people at the scene, four men and one woman, but the girl

"Little Splasher, you are new here, don't you understand the rules? Baker Street is my territory, and this KFC is my canteen."

The dirty, bearded homeless man cursed loudly and swung the baseball bat hard.

"Bang bang bang" made a muffled sound on the back of the non-mainstream girl's head and back.

"I'll beat you to death, huh huh." He began to breathe.

"If you dare to steal our lunch, beat this Bichi to death!" Two old men and one with a green-haired cock-comb also scolded and beat him.

"Crack, bang, bang!" The sounds of brutal blows could be heard endlessly. They didn't hold back at all, their faces full of ferocious and murderous intent.

"Stop!" Bruce couldn't hold it in any longer.

Regardless of whether the girl is Harley or not, he cannot allow a girl to be beaten to death by four men.

He jumped out of the car, ignored Ah Fu's dissuasion, and ran and shouted: "I called the police, but you still don't stop."

"Young Master, this is none of your business, go back to your Upper East Side!" The four homeless men shouted, but their hands stopped moving.

"Bulus~~" The girl lying on the trash can turned her head, her mouth full of food, and her words were slurred.

"Ah, Harley, it's really you!" Bruce's eyes widened, feeling an unprecedented shock.

The former flower of Gotham University, the dazzling, arrogant and stubborn smile queen, now has a greasy face, messy hair, dirty and torn clothes (beaten to pieces), and her mouth is filled with expired chicken legs, dirty Xi's little chin is still leaking oil.

God, what she has been through these days!

Bruce's eyes were moist, and he stood there blankly, looking at her blankly.

"Ah!" Harley blinked a few times, came to her senses, her face turned red, she screamed exaggeratedly, and ran away.

He ran into the alley, shouting randomly: "I'm not Harley, you got the wrong person."

"Harry!" Bruce stretched out his hand and was about to step forward, but was suddenly held back by the butler.

"Master, in this situation, we'd better avoid it and leave some dignity to Miss Harley." Ah Fu said with a complicated expression.

"." Bruce opened his mouth, but no words came out.

"Plop!" The master and servant were silent, and as they slowly walked back, there was a muffled sound of falling to the ground from deep in the alley.

Harry was too shy and ran too fast, and accidentally tripped over the debris in the alley.

"Harry." Bruce turned around and wanted to step forward again, but he only took two steps and stopped slumped.

Well, I don’t think this is abuse. Who hasn’t encountered a few embarrassing things in their life, such as entering the wrong toilet? What do you think? (The dog’s head saves life)

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