"Wow, it's so big!"

The dazzling golden light dissipated, and Louise came to an infinite space glowing with pink light. In front of her, two three-story 'monsters', one gold and one green, squatted side by side.

A fat-headed shark with long fins like wings, and a mighty grasshopper with a long tail.

"Is this the lampbeast? It's such a beautiful and great life." Saruman was dazzled.

"Why are there two?" Louise asked blankly.

Harley didn't really want to answer her stupid question.

"Congressman Quinn uses yellow energy. Although it is the first time it has appeared in front of the world, it is obviously another power different from the green light.

The green light energy has one lantern beast, and the yellow light energy has another lantern beast.

Unexpectedly, the guardian hid such a secret in the central energy battery. murmured Saruman.

"Fat Head, Xiao Shi, these are two reporters who want to interview you and ask if you will follow me voluntarily." Harley said directly.

"Fat head, look down upon?" Louise looked strange, "What's this name?"

"Harry, can I tell the truth?" Fatty asked.

Harley nodded, "Of course, you can tell the truth."

"I did enter Harley's body voluntarily, and I wanted to leave the central energy battery a long time ago, but Harley promised me that I would return to the universe after a while."

"Well, that's right. Fat Tou is my good friend. I never thought of restraining him."

"Can I tell the truth?" Parallax asked.

Harley squinted at it, "What do you think?"

The Parallax monster opened its jagged grasshopper mouth and howled heartbreakingly and plaintively, "Help, Witch Harley is a devil. She cheats, is ruthless, and forces animals into slavery."

I am not voluntary to follow her. Ask the two reporters to preside over the fairness of me and bring my grievances to Ou Ah ah ah —————————————————— not

The golden thick fog came from all directions, like a heavy rain carried by a strong wind, and it moved very fast, covering the parallax monster in the blink of an eye.

It's like concentrated sulfuric acid falling on an iron ingot.

The golden mist corrodes the golden grasshopper's body into a richer golden mist.

Once, Harley's gastric juices were drops of white liquid, which could digest and absorb a large amount of the source of the Parallax monster. Her stomach pouch, intestines, and gastric acid all turned into a translucent golden yellow, with the same texture as the yellow light energy.

It was as if her stomach had become a strangely shaped yellow light central energy battery.

The fog of stomach acid and the power of fear were all golden yellow, and a small but dense golden light obscured the sight of the two reporters.

But they didn't have the energy to watch the parallax monster's misery.

Few people can face the lantern beast directly, especially the yellow lantern beast that represents the emotional origin of fear.

Looking directly at the lamp beast, or being stared at by the lamp beast, the emotional power represented by the lamp beast will ripple in the soul.

The reason why Louise and Saruman were able to 'interview' the two lanterns head-on was not because their minds were strong enough, nor because the two lanterns were useless, but because both of them were in Harley's stomach, and she controlled them. Level 9 emotional spectrum defense expertise (green and yellow are both level 9 at this time).

She blocked the emotional contagion of the lamp beast for them.

The visual monsters stubbornly refused to cooperate with Harley in perfunctory reporters. When they said those words, Harley slightly revoked the protection of their expertise.

Well, it's not completely revoked, otherwise they would most likely die of soul exhaustion due to the fear gushing out from their hearts.

"Ho ho ho" Louise's body shrank into a ball like a spasm, her mouth was drooling, her meridians protruded near her eyeballs, and her lower body clothes were naturally wet.

Before the water dripped into his stomach, Harry frowned and waved his hand to send the two of them out.

"Huhuhu" After a long time, Louise gasped and sat up from the sofa with difficulty, "Just...ah!"

She squeezed her wet and cold thighs and screamed, her face flushed with embarrassment and panic.

"Don't worry, your performance is already very good." Harley raised her chin to the old reporter on the ground. His dark gray trousers were also wet and he was still dizzy.

"Are you deliberately trying to trick us?" Louise said angrily.

"Did I take the initiative to invite you to visit the lantern beasts? Or do you think the lantern beasts are the same as the beasts in the zoo?" Harley said calmly.

Louise said excitedly: "Why was everything okay before? Once that yellow lamp beast starts to expose your lies, we will..."

"Well, I blocked the breath of the lamp beast for you before. When the grasshopper monster started talking nonsense, confusing right and wrong, and slandering me, I got excited and when I tortured it, I let out a little bit of the power of fear."

Harley shrugged insincerely, "I'm sorry, I thought that since you came for an interview and dared to take the initiative to meet the lantern beast, you must have understood the risks of facing the lantern beast directly in advance."

Louise stared at her angrily, her eyes even more angry.

"Don't look at me like this. The grasshopper monster represents the sum of the fears of all living things in the universe. Even if your husband comes to interview it, without my protection, it will probably end like this."

Not a boyfriend, but a husband.

When Harley was working at the Central Energy Battery, Clark Kent, a newcomer who had only been on the job for just one year, successfully won the newspaper's club flower.

The two met their parents and officially received their certificates.

No wonder, they are all over thirty and it's time to settle down.

"No matter how high-sounding your explanation seems, it can't hide your embarrassment and anger at being exposed by the lamp beast. You deliberately interrupted the interview." Louise gritted her teeth.

"Didn't you hear what I said clearly?" Harley raised an eyebrow, "That grasshopper is full of lies and is slandering me."

"Harry, how stupid do you think I must be to believe you instead of a simple lampbeast?" Louise sneered.

Without saying anything, Harry pointed out a golden bubble, and Louise was wrapped in a golden bubble. Then the bubble quickly shrank and disappeared.

The next moment, Louise came to that strange space again, with two giant lamp beasts lying side by side in front of her.

The green shark was still the same, and the yellow grasshopper was covered in bruises, like a golden model that had been soaked in aqua regia for half an hour.

"Slave dog, wake up soon!" Harley waved her empty hand, and while the palm was still waving down, a golden whip appeared in the palm of her hand, "Crack!"

The sound of the whip was loud, and there was a scar on the grasshopper's body that was as wide as a finger and two fingers deep.

"Woooo." The grasshopper's body trembled, and his mouth whined weakly. A cloud of golden mist came out of his body and flew into Harley's body.

Seeing the golden mist again, Louise looked horrified and subconsciously covered her face with her hands.

Nothing happened.

"Don't be afraid, that's not the power of fear escaping from it." Harley comforted her with a smile.

"It looks exactly the same as before." Louise wondered.

“Well, I am now the master of fear, and all beings that are afraid of me will provide me with the power of fear.

I whipped it, and the fear in its heart gave me a wave of strength.

During the previous accident, its body collapsed and its source of fear was leaked.

Although they both represent the power of fear, their natures are completely different. " Harley explained carefully.

Speaking of this, she even glanced at the female reporter curiously.

She peed her skirt, but the power of fear had not yet been provided to her.

Louise's eyes widened, "The lantern beast represents fear, why is it still providing you with the power of fear?"

"I said you might not believe it. Why don't you let Fat Tou explain it to you?" Harley looked at Fat Tou, "Fat Tou?"

The fat head sighed: "It's really nonsense. The God of Fear, who is supposed to absorb the fear of all beings, actually provides the power of fear to mortals.

But there is no way, we lantern beasts are also living beings, conscious and intelligent, so we will naturally be afraid and have fear.

The Lampbeast of Fear, fearful of Harley's atrocities. "

Louise was stunned.

"Bang!" Harley whipped the grasshopper monster again and cursed: "Don't pretend to be dead, tell the truth to the reporter. Did you look for me first in the central energy battery, or did I look for you first? "

"I made the mistake of looking for you first." The parallax monster said weakly.

"Did you hear that?" Harley glanced at Louise with a smile, then turned back and asked, "Are you scrambling to merge with me?"

"That's right." Parallax said sadly.

Harley snapped her fingers, and the scene in front of Louise changed, and she returned to the sofa in the living room.

"Do you think I will believe that the poor lampbeast who was whipped and tortured can tell the 'truth'? Harley, please don't insult my IQ, okay?" Louise sneered.

Harry waved his hand and said casually: "Okay, you are very smart, I can't lie to you.

You lantern beasts have also seen it, do you have any questions?

If not, today’s interview is over. "

"And..." A trembling figure got up from the carpet.

Saruman's face was pale, but his tone was as calm as possible, "Last question, do you have any greater ambitions for the use of lamp beasts?

For example, using lantern beasts as energy sources to establish new Green Lantern Corps and Yellow Lantern Corps? "

Louise looked at the old reporter in shock, so professional!

At this time, she could still speak calmly, think clearly, and ask such a tough question without any personal emotions. Compared with him, her anger, shame, and even the sarcasm towards the interviewee's face were insignificant. Too emotional, too amateurish.

Is this the difference between earth reporters and cosmic reporters?

The expression on Louise's face calmed down, and she imitated him in her heart to eliminate distracting thoughts and focus on her career.

"Well, I really haven't thought about this issue before, but now." Harley held her chin and thought for a moment, "Forget about the Green Lantern Corps. I signed a peace agreement with the little blue man. Honesty and trustworthiness are the basic principles of my life. , I will not deliberately provoke the Green Lantern Corps.

You can consider the yellow light.

Saruman, do you, Starship Monthly, sell advertising?

I would like to use your monthly magazine to recruit engineers across the universe who know how to cast lamp rings. "

Louise was in a daze. The advertisements were all out in the universe. Why did she feel like she was running into the interstellar era?

"The advertising fee is a bit expensive, and it must be settled in the currency of a higher civilization. Just like Earth's international trade, there is no Earth currency, but it can be replaced by the national currency of the United States, the number one military and economic power." Saruman said.

“Will gold do it?”

"Yes, but the quantity will be very large."

Harley frowned and said, "Is there an organization in the universe that specifically collects protection fees from small civilizations?"

Louise's eyes widened, are you going to expand Gotham's sex business to the galaxy?

"Yes," said Saruman dryly.

"Well, I always have a righteous heart that cannot rest at peace. I want to yell when I see injustice on the road. Tell me, what kind of bullies are there in the universe and where are they hiding? I decided to send the 'Earthman' Spread the light throughout the universe!"

Harley looked upright and her face began to shine again.

She wasn't joking, nor was she simply interested in the wealth of the 'cosmic bully'.

Earthlings could no longer satisfy her need for experience.

Before entering the Green Lantern Central Battery, she was level 68, attacked by lamp beasts, and attacked by little blue people and more than 3,500 green lanterns. She was halfway through level 70, and returned to Earth's hard-top Darkseid's Omega Rays, still there When moving to the battlefield, you will be attacked by hundreds of alien superpowers and jump to level 74 quickly!

The alien's oil was so rich that it made Harley jealous.

"Who is the Earthman?" Saruman was stunned.

Harley pointed at herself and said sternly: "My heroic philosophy is 'with great power comes great responsibility'.

Now that I have the power of a cosmic lantern beast, I naturally have to put more burdens on my shoulders and assume greater and broader responsibilities. "

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