I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 527 Louise’s cognition subverted

Harley can destroy interstellar civilization and destroy the earth.

Louise was shocked, "Those yellow energies look golden and very beautiful. I didn't expect that the fate of the entire earth is in her hands?"

"That's not true. There are too many existences that can destroy the earth, such as Tear Man."

"How could Superman destroy the earth?" Louise was excited.

Saruman said: "Being able to destroy is different from destroying. With Superman's steel body and the speed of light, if he hits the center of the earth from outer space, why shouldn't the earth explode on the spot?

In addition to Superman, the Flash in Justice League also seems to have the ability to destroy the earth.

As for angels, demons, gods and wizards, if no one stops them, it seems that it will not be difficult to destroy the earth's civilization. "

"God, I never thought the earth was so dangerous." Louise murmured.

Saruman said disapprovingly: "If they don't have the power to destroy the earth, how can they stop enemies who have the power to destroy the earth, such as Apokolips."

"Well, that's true." Louise was stunned, her expression became tangled, "Why do you feel that it is not easy to live on earth.

If those people lose control of their emotions and act impulsively, wouldn’t the entire earth be destroyed? "

"Many countries on the earth have nuclear weapons, but the earth's civilization has ushered in long-term peace." Saruman said with a smile: "The scary thing is not that the earth has many extraordinary beings who destroy the world, but that there is only one such existence in the entire civilization. .”

Louise thought thoughtfully, "What kind of perfect system does alien civilization have for superpowers?"

"It's useless to just learn the system, the level of civilization is different." Saruman shook his head and sighed: "The best response strategy is to develop yourself and improve the overall level of civilization.

For example, on Earth, where there is only one Superman, he is a threat.

But decades ago, when Krypton still existed, would Kryptonians care if a citizen went crazy? "

"That makes sense."

Saruman said with a complicated expression: "Actually, your earth civilization is far luckier than other advanced civilizations, and the chance of your civilization being destroyed by an extraordinary accident is also lower."

"Why do you say that?" Louise asked curiously.

"Because the earth is favored by the supreme being. You have God, Dr. Manhattan, and many god-kings from the fifth dimension. They will not allow the earth to be crushed by a transcendent being."

"But when Apokolips invaded, none of them showed up." Louise frowned.

"I can't answer this question either. Maybe we can ask Harley Quinn later."

Relieved of the worry that "Witch Harley controls the world", Louise began to be proud again, "If nuclear deterrence also has levels, what position does the Earth with Harley Quinn have in the universe?

Well, you can use the analogy of various nuclear-armed countries on the earth. "

"Well, it's probably the 'India' in the universe." Saruman thought for a while and said.

"India?" Louise's expression was tangled. India was considered a 'big country' on the earth. She was very excited, but India subconsciously reminded her of smelly and messy cow dung, which was too awkward.

She expressed her feelings and then asked: "Would it be more appropriate to replace it with Israel, which has Indian nuclear weapons?"

Saruman shook his head repeatedly, "No, no, no. The impression your Earth gives me is that it seems to have great potential but is a mess. It is completely incomparable to 'developed and civilized Israel'."

"Not only do we have the 'human hero' Harley Quinn, but we also have the superhero Rip Man. Can't he raise the level of 'India' to another level?" Louise asked.

"Superman is not a nuclear deterrent. No alien civilization will be afraid of him. At most, he can be regarded as the 'Great Wall of the Earth', which can stop some small civilizations from coveting the earth."

"Is Superman not strong enough? Harley Quinn personally admitted at the press conference that day that Superman is far stronger than her." Louise was a little unhappy.

Harley did say this.

At that time, some reporters questioned Superman's inaction in the war against Darkseid. While his teammates were fighting bloody battles, he mysteriously disappeared.

Then Harley defended him and said: It is not shameful for Superman to be picked up. First of all, other people's purely physical bodies are blocked by omega rays and immediately turn into ashes. They are not even qualified to be picked up. Hundreds of aliens in outer space are affected. Superpowers are living examples;

Secondly, those who pick up Superman's body are not ordinary people, but any dark elite who can destroy the world if they go out to do so;

In the end, Superman's physical strength was far greater than hers, and it was because of his return that Darkseid retreated.

Saruman said: "Superman is strong, but he has no deterrent effect. He is afraid of kryptonite and the red sun. However, advanced civilizations can simulate kryptonite radiation light waves, and the red sun is easier.

Moreover, Superman never kills people. How can a person who does not kill people be a deterrent?

Why are people on Earth afraid of nuclear bombs but not the Great Pumpkin?

Isn’t it because the nuclear bomb killed hundreds of thousands of neon people that pumpkins can only be made into pumpkin pie?

Harley Quinn is different. She has almost no flaws. Not even the gods and demons can catch her weak points, let alone the advanced civilizations of the universe?

The most important thing is that everyone knows that she kills without blinking an eye and is as courageous as heaven. "

Louise murmured: "Superman doesn't kill anyone and holds himself to the strictest moral standards. Shouldn't everyone respect him more?

Harley Quinn kills people like crazy and traps and kills hundreds of powerful people who come to Earth to watch the battle. Everyone should despise her. "

Saruman took a deep look at her and said, "In the textbooks of you earthlings, there are always only great men, not some great animals, because people only respect others!

If a group of people sees a big red-haired monkey politely handing a banana to another thin monkey, will they respect the big monkey's kindness?

No, they would just clap and laugh, ‘This monkey is so funny’.

From the perspective of interstellar civilizations that have developed for millions of years, people on Earth who have not even left the Earth are no different from monkeys.

But if a certain golden female monkey punches a person to death and beats the group of people until they cry for their parents and feel fear in their hearts, that group of people will no longer regard the entire group of monkeys as monkeys, but as monkeys. of aliens.

Then, the group of people were surprised to find that the red-haired Monkey Star Man seemed to be very noble and moral.

As a result, they developed respect for ‘it’. "

Louise looked shocked and was stunned on the spot.

After a while, Angela, the housekeeper in the front yard of the manor, came over and informed the two of them, saying: "Hali has finished her meditation practice today, and the two reporters can go see her now."

The two immediately picked up their respective interview equipment and followed Angela out of the front yard and living room.

"What do you want to talk about today?"

Harley glanced at Louise in confusion. There was something wrong with the way this girl looked at her today.

Louise was still in the aftermath of the shock, so her reaction was half a beat too slow.

However, Saruman immediately entered the state and turned on the holographic video recorder the size of a glasses case. "Congressman Quinn, have you signed a settlement agreement with Oa Star?"

"Yes, how did you know?" Harley asked curiously.

"The news has spread in the universe, and several Galaxy Times have reported on it, but no guardian has been interviewed by the media yet." Saruman said.

"Well, the contract is signed, it's very simple."

Harley briefly explained the contents of the already simple treaty.

Louise was shocked and said excitedly: "Did the Green Lantern Corps compromise?"

——This female reporter’s eyes are shining when she looks at me. What’s going on?

Harley murmured in her heart and said humbly: "I also made a major concession. It can be regarded as a compromise between both parties for the overall peace of the universe."

"What concessions did you make?" Louise asked doubtfully.

"The Green Lantern Corps tried me, forced me, and imprisoned me. This is a shameful and humiliating thing that cannot be washed away even if it's all over the world!" Harley's eyes widened with anger. "Since my debut, even the supreme devil and Satan have not let me go. Suffered this kind of grievance.

However, in order for the people of the earth to no longer be affected by the war, to maintain the peace of the universe, and for the billions of people in the universe who may have their happy lives disrupted by Star Wars, I can only make a huge sacrifice, suppress the emotions in my heart, and surrender to the Green Lantern Corps. .

Alas, I gave up my righteous revenge. "

Louise's red lips were slightly open and her expression was dull. Is this bragging, or is she really that domineering?

——Looking at the performance of the Green Lantern Corps, she shouldn’t be bragging. She at least has the ability to be domineering.

Saruman's expression was calm, and he entered the next key question very professionally: "How did the two sides solve the problem of the lamp beasts?"

Harley said: "I have already answered it once at the last press conference. Lantern beasts are not beasts and are not anyone's belongings. They are like aliens and have independent will.

They were in awe of my character, took the initiative to serve me, and became my friends and fighting partners.

Now the Green Lantern Corps also realizes this and gives the lamp beasts the freedom of choice. They choose to stay with me. "

Saruman said: "If the lamp beasts are conscious, can you personally ask them to tell you their choice? That would be more convincing."

Louise turned her head and glanced at him, feeling a little ashamed of herself: This is a truly professional cosmic reporter. I'm still a little behind and can't hold the key to 'cosmic-level news'!

Harley was silent for a moment, then nodded and said, "That's okay, but the existence of the lamp beasts is very special. You can only see them when you enter the 'Lamp Ring World'."

"What is the world of lantern rings?" Louise quickly showed her existence: this interview is between an alien reporter and an earthly Pulitzer Prize reporter, not an old alien reporter and an earthly female secretary.

The old reporter frowned and said, "Didn't you know some common sense about lanterns before you came here?"

——The world of light rings is common knowledge of green lights?

Louise was embarrassed, "The earth is remote and the information is not well-informed."

"Saruman, how much do you know about the world in the ring?" Harley asked with interest.

She has hardly been out these days and has been exploring the characteristics and usage techniques of the emotional spectrum at home.

Apart from their different properties, there is almost no difference in energy between green light and yellow light.

Well, they are all the power of the emotional spectrum, there is really no essential difference.

The method of use is exactly the same.

She took the "Green Lantern Corps Basic Training Manual" and practiced her yellow lantern energy at home.

Saruman said slowly: "It is said that there is a complete world in the Green Lantern Ring. The Lantern can shrink defenseless enemies to subatomic size and imprison them in the world created by his will.

I don't know the specific situation, but I have seen on the news that the Lanterns used the ring world to imprison prisoners. "

"It's so magical! It sounds like the magic in a story." Louise said.

"It is not that there is a world in the ring, but that the green light energy projects a false world in the thinking dimension."

Harley opened her mouth and sucked on both of them.

"Bah!" The yellow light rolled over and the two of them disappeared.

Louise felt herself being overwhelmed by the golden light, and a little fear just emerged in her heart. Fear was like a mung bean sprout stuffed under a wet cloth, growing rapidly and filling her chest.

"Ahhh!" She couldn't help but scream until she was tapped on the shoulder. Her fear was instantly drained away, leaving her mentally empty and very tired.

"Look, this is the lamp beast!" Harley's voice rang in her ears.

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