I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 52 Draft Thunder Sand Sculpture (please recommend, please collect)

"You can tell by his accent that he's a bitch from England. A foreigner. He's wandering around with a wad of dollar bills in the middle of the night. Does he look down on us Gothamites? Fuck!"

Under the dull gazes of everyone, the old homeless man standing by the concrete pillar cursed and stood up, burping with wine and wandering towards the monk's body.

Well, it's not just Mike, Donner and a group of young people warming up to the brazier here. There is also an old homeless man lying a dozen meters away. When she came here before, Harley saw him, but didn't say hello, and then simply forgot about him.

The two monk warriors must have seen him, but they never expected that the old drunkard would rise up and attack, and his marksmanship would be so accurate and ruthless.

"Little poison basket, this is my prey, get out of here!" The old man waved the revolver in his hand and shouted loudly.

"OK, OK," Sauron was frightened awake by the sudden change, and stepped back repeatedly with his hands raised, "They are yours, veteran."

"Mudd, this charming British accent is still so sexy, I can't even take advantage of it - burp!" The veteran burped and muttered, squatting down.

"Do you know him?" Harley asked in a low voice.

"I often see him in this neighborhood. He is a disabled veteran who participated in the Vietnam War. You can see that his left leg is a little lame." Mike said.

"Mike, do you want it?" Soran walked up to the black guy and made a slit-throat gesture with a ferocious expression, "There is at least a thousand dollars in that wallet."

Mike struggled for a moment, then shook his head slightly and said: "That's it for tonight, let's go, leave here immediately."

Harry immediately followed the good example and pushed the cart away with a bang, while the other young people also dispersed.

It's just that Harley left sincerely, but the others had different expressions, and they didn't know what would happen next.

"Gotham is too dangerous. Anyone can become a killer at any time."

Harley was a little afraid to walk in the dark alleys. After all, among the homeless, her stroller was considered a considerable "property".

"Next time I see Selena, ask her to take me to the mercenary supermarket and at least get a Kailav hooded cloak. Well, there must also be a mask."

"Hey, Harley!"

Just as Harley was muttering and preparing to go to McDonald's to stay up all night, someone suddenly called her name around the corner.

Turning his head, Harry was immediately startled. He had a blue cloak and a blue hat. If not Judas, who was that bastard?

"Judas, what do you want from me?" She swallowed, feeling a little scared - she was so angry and impulsive that day that she hit him several times with the butt of her gun.

"Don't call me Judas, I'm the Stranger." There was no emotion or anger in the Stranger's voice.

Harry still behaved as usual and said: "Stranger, what do you want?"

"I will never have my own affairs. I will only follow the will of the Voice of Heaven." Stranger said.

"Ah, God wants to see me?!" Harley shouted in shock.

"Come here," he said.

Harley was a little hesitant, not sure whether she should go with him or not.

"Oh, do I have the ability to refuse?"

With a sigh, Harley pushed the car and chased after him.

"Why not use a space door?" she asked.

"No need."

"How is Rachel doing now?" she asked again.

"I'm not sure, but I believe in God's arrangement." Stranger said.

Harry was noncommittal, hesitating for a moment while stroking his eyebrows, and then whispered: "Rachel left something for me when she left, but I don't know how to open it."

This time the stranger reacted. He turned his head and stared at her eyebrows for a long time with his silvery eyes.

"I don't know what she left for you. To open it, you need magic power."

"I still expect her to teach me magic!" Harry smiled bitterly.

"Maybe." The stranger hesitated and closed his mouth.

"Maybe what?" Harley didn't let him go.

"You'll find out later."

"Hey, this is a subway station. Are you taking me to take the subway?" Harley looked weird.

The stranger shook his head and did not go to the ticket window. He led her directly across the platform and walked beside the railway tracks.

The Gotham subway operates 24 hours a day. Even though it was past midnight, there were still passengers in twos and threes, but they seemed not to see Harley and the Stranger, and were just conversing there.

About thirty meters away from the platform, the stranger stopped, reached out and tapped lightly on the stone wall of the tunnel.

"Buzz--" The magic runes flashed rapidly, and a golden door opened in front of the two of them.

Harry's heart moved, and the scene in front of him seemed a bit familiar.

Without any time to think, they stepped into the magic door and arrived at the interior of a tall and empty stone castle.

The darkness is like a cave.

Flat rocky ground, ancient rock walls, looking up to the sky, no ceiling visible.

"You bring me a girl this time." An old and weak voice sounded from the front.

"Bang bang bang!" As the sound fell, the braziers surrounding the hall were lit one after another, and a half-meter-high golden red flame rose.

On the high curved platform in front were seven huge stone chairs, with a frail old man with white beard and hair sitting in the middle.

Holy shit!

Could this be the old Shazam from "Thunder Sculpture"? !

Did Stranger bring me to select the Thunder Sculpture? !

Harley was shocked, delighted, and a little embarrassed.

She imagined herself yelling "Shazam" and then thunder flashed and she transformed into a tights

The Stranger's words interrupted her reverie, "Your Majesty the Wizard, you asked me to select the destined person in the world who is qualified to inherit the power of Shazam. For decades, I have never dared to neglect my duties.

This girl, Harley Quinn, showed me how fearless and mentally powerful she is. I think she qualifies as a magical guardian. "

Harley was shocked, was the stranger really talking about her?

Brave and fearless, with a strong spirit.

She blushed a little, and her eyes when looking at the stranger softened a lot - maybe God really had other plans for Rachel?

"You brought some children before, but they were all unqualified." The old wizard muttered.

"You can use the Book of Reflection to observe her past and future." The stranger's tone was unexpectedly respectful.

He is the Hand of God. Well, the little black hand.

Is it worth it for just a thunderous sand sculpture?

Harley was a little confused.

Then, she was shocked by the stranger's words.

"What kind of book is it that can see the past and the future?"

The old wizard gently tapped the armrest of the stone chair. The dazzling white light suddenly disappeared, and a book half a man's height and thicker than a pillow floated in front of the wizard.

There was a huge eye on the outer cover of the book, like a living creature, turning towards Harry strangely.

Then, the book opened and the pages flipped open.

Scenes appeared in mid-air, all of Harry's life, from birth to now.

Harley breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, this strange book did not reflect her past life.

"Well, is the coming of the Holy Son again in the Holy Advent Crusade?"

The scene in the monastery lingered for a moment longer.

"Oh, she had hesitation." The old wizard shook his head gently.

This was in the monastery, the night the one-eyed dragon violated Barbara. Harley woke up and was about to explode. The one-eyed dragon yelled at her, and then Angela came to stop her. Harley hesitated for a moment, and then she was ready to find a weapon to resist the rape. burst.

"This is my first time encountering something like this. It's human nature to hesitate a little, right?" Harley couldn't help but argue.

The old wizard turned his silver eyes to her and said emotionlessly: "Indeed, your reaction is normal, but you are just an excellent ordinary person, and my heir is not an ordinary person!

He does not weigh the pros and cons in the face of injustice.

He was furious and never flinched in the face of atrocities.

Facing the weak, he was full of compassion and sacrificed himself for others."

"So, you understand, little girl, you are just an ordinary person, I want a hero!"

Harley actually didn't know how to retort.

She fell silent.

Stranger couldn't help but promote her advantages, "Your Majesty the Wizard, she is very brave, you can continue reading."

In the picture, Harley killed two guards with a baseball bat, and the old wizard frowned.

In the picture, Harley was boxing with a homeless man in an alley, and the old wizard frowned even higher.

"Why is he so cruel when he can't threaten you anymore?" He murmured softly.

In the scene, Harley gave a drug addict a ten-dollar knife, and the old wizard muttered: "How can you help others do evil?"

In the picture, at the subway station, the old beggar kept complaining that he was hungry, Harry was hesitant, and the old wizard looked disgusted.

Finally, the Three Palace Demons appeared, and the old wizard's brows relaxed a little, "Not bad, he has a brave spirit. Not only was he not scared to death when facing the Three Palaces, but he also dared to stand up and resist. Not bad, really good!"

Then Harley hit the stranger with the butt of her gun, and the old wizard nodded slightly.

After playing the past, the future starts playing again.

Harley craned her neck, hoping to peek into her future.

The picture was rippling with water, making it completely unclear.

After a long time, the old wizard closed the book and sighed: "Stranger, she is stronger than ordinary people, but she is still an ordinary person."

Stranger asked: "If she gets the power of Shazam, will she fall?"

The old wizard shook his head, "When she has no power, she shrinks back and thinks too much about her own gains and losses. The power of Shazam is strength and faith. It will help her evolve and help her become a qualified hero."

"Then she was selected?" Stranger asked.

The old wizard still shook his head and sighed: "The most important quality of a hero - sacrifice, will never appear in her."

Harry reluctantly admitted that the old wizard was probably right about her.

Shazam waved his hands weakly and said: "If you really have no choice, it's okay to let her become a magic warrior.

But I can still persist for a few more decades. I can wait slowly and wait for the best people to appear. (ps)"

"Let's go, it's over." Stranger said to Harley.

"Hey, even if you can't win the first prize, you can still win the second or third prize!" Harry shouted to the old wizard.

Old Shazam showed a disgusted expression and looked at the stranger: Look who you are looking for!

"Harry, don't be so philistine."

——Don’t embarrass me!

The stranger looked a little confused.

"I don't ask too much, just teach me some magic knowledge. If you don't give me the power of Shazam, I can learn it myself, okay?" Harley said.

"Chichichichi" the braziers were extinguished one after another, and the stone castle returned to its previous darkness.

"Why is the old wizard so stingy!" Harry said unwillingly.

"Do you know why he wants to choose an heir? He has very little vitality left and is about to die. He can't even speak a few words. How can he have the time and energy to teach you magic?

Moreover, when he was young, he was not a good-tempered person and had no apprentices. "The stranger said.

Within a few words, the two of them were back in the subway tunnel.

Harley turned back, touched the rough stone wall, and asked curiously: "The old wizard lives underground in Gotham?"

"He is in the center of the multiverse, the Eternal Castle on the Rock of Eternity. Just now, we left this universe. Not the earth, but the universe." Stranger said meaningfully.


(ps - I can’t write the author’s words (only 500 words), and I don’t want to write a single chapter. Don’t worry, I will never write ps in the text when charging.

Some readers may wonder why this plot is adopted, it seems that Harley has accomplished nothing and nothing has changed.

Let me explain, the Stranger asked Harley to choose Shazam, 90% of it was with good intentions, and 10% of it was to fix her future - to make her a good person who obeys her fate.

To put it simply, the plot has actually changed significantly, but what has changed is the future. The Stranger made Harley become Shazam, partly because he did not want the "plot" to change significantly.

Because Shazam is just the coat of old Shazam's soul, and Shazam is still the old Shazam himself in essence.

Yes, Shazam is a god. He appears dead, but in fact he is not dead at all. He is to Thunder Shazam what Naboo is to Doctor Destiny.

Dr. Fate is a mortal. If you put on Naboo's helmet, you will immediately gain access to Naboo's knowledge and power. To put it bluntly, those chosen mortals are all puppets of the gods.

There is almost no difference between the old Shazam costume as "Harley" or the original Shazam costume as Billy Batson. In fact, there is a difference. The reason why Billy was chosen was not because of his luck, but because of his special physique and natural ability. It can connect to the Origin Wall and is 100% compatible with Shazam's lightning power.

But at least, whether Harley becomes Shazam or Billy becomes Shazam, it has no essential impact on the future. To put it simply, the "plot" remains unchanged, and this is just an attempt by The Stranger, because the future plot will be because of Hazam. Leigh has undergone significant changes, including the fate of old Shazam and Shazam (plot).

In addition, the future that old Shazam saw in the Book of Reflection is not the real future, and of course it is not a false fantasy. It is the unique setting of the DC universe-hypertime flow.

In a hypertemporal stream, everything may exist simultaneously. To be more direct, countless possibilities in the future are in a river of time. What old Shazam saw was a possibility in Harley's temperament.

No one can really see through Harley's future - strength, power, status. )

(ps: For wizards, magic power equals vitality. Now old Shazam can indeed persist for another hundred and eighty years.

Later, the seven human sins in the seal escaped, and he spent a lot of magic power to choose Billy.

In addition, Stranger is not making it up when he helps Shazam find his successor.

There are several origins of Shazam. One is that strangers help find people, and the other is that in the movie "Thunderbolt", old Shazam uses "travel magic" to select suitable children from the world.

These two origins are not contradictory and can proceed simultaneously.

In fact, searching for people requires a lot of magic power. Old Shazam didn't select many people in total, so it was not as efficient as Stranger. )

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