At ten o'clock at night, neon lights flashed above the square street, people came and went below, car lights flashed in the distance, and sirens sounded one after another.

Not far away, the LCD TV hanging on the outer wall of Wal-Mart ended its commercials and began to play today's evening news.

"Gotham News, I'm Bruno, meet every day at 22:00 sharp. There is only one topic today, who killed the Waynes?

That's right, there's a new twist in the already closed crime alley shooting case. "

The avatar of the middle-aged announcer familiar to the people of Gotham disappeared, and a black-and-white photo filled the entire TV screen: Gordon and Harvey in suits and ties, back to back, arms folded, smiling confidently.

There is also a line of large characters on the side: Hero police, the fastest to solve the most serious murder case

This is the front page picture of Gotham Gazette on the day Andy confessed.

"At the GCPD press conference this evening, Detective Gordon presented detailed evidence to prove that Andy Quinn was the scapegoat for the shooting.

He solemnly assured all the people of Gotham that the real murderer would be caught, and also sincerely apologized to Andy Quinn's family. This was a dereliction of duty by the Gotham Police Department."

"The efficiency is pretty good." Harley muttered and pushed the cart into the crowd.

"Hey, are you cold? Come and warm yourself by the fire!"

As she was crossing a subway viaduct, a group of teenage waifs stopped her.

A scene that often appears in American movies and TV series: at night, in a remote street or under a bridge, a half-person-high iron oil drum is burning with a blazing fire, and a group of people are bragging around the fire.

Harley thought for a while, and she seemed to have no reason to refuse, so she pushed the car and walked over.

"I'm Mike, are you from another area? I haven't seen you around here before."

The first person to introduce himself was a black boy, sixteen or seventeen years old, who was stronger than LeBron James.

He was the one who invited her over to warm up by the fire before.

"I'm Diana. I've been in Gotham for a while, but recently." Harley shrugged.

Mike smiled knowingly, "This is Gotham. It can be a paradise of dreams, but it can also become a hell of reality at any time."

Then several other people made introductions in turn.

Two girls, Lily, a white girl with brown hair, and Donna, a black girl with curly hair.

The three boys, except Mike, the big black boy, and the other two white boys, Cox and Soren, are all thin and small.

There was also an old homeless man who was a little far away. He was just drinking alone and ignored them.

After chatting for a while, Harley discovered that they all ran away from the orphanage.

"I don't want to stay in an orphanage if I can fill my stomach in Gotham." Black girl Donna muttered.

"Is it easy to escape? Where are the teachers and guards?" Harley asked curiously.

"No one cares. As long as you don't use the gate, you can escape at any time. Their wages won't be affected if we leave, so why should we stop them?

On the other hand, the residents of Gotham Community were quite annoying. They often called us to report us and asked the police to drive us back to the sheepfold like lost sheep. "Cox said.

After a while, the thin man Soren approached Harley and glanced back and forth on her trolley.

"Diana, can you lend me some flying stuff?" He kept sniffing and rubbed his right index finger back and forth on his upper lip.

Harry was just about to say that he had never touched that thing, but then he remembered the guitar man he met earlier - the one who begged with a sign saying he was short of money to buy medicine. He couldn't believe that Harry, a musician, didn't have fun.

"We've run out. Money is tight recently and we don't have the money to restock." She sighed.

Sauron also sighed and moved away again.

During the whole process, no one else showed any unusual expressions.

Harley also felt more integrated into the small group she had just joined.

They are the same people, decadent, poor, degraded and unable to see the future.

Lily took out a small box from her pocket, shook it, and said, "I still have some glue here, do you want it?"

"Let's just use it," Sauron's eyes lit up and he leaned over first.

Then Donner and Cox also joined in. Harley was really curious and took a few steps closer.

"Isn't this just super glue?"

The box of super glue, the aluminum strip of super glue, and the brown sticky colloid squeezed out are also the pungent smell of super glue.

"Ah!" Sauron's face was almost glued to the glue, and his violent inhalation even overwhelmed the sound of the howling wind.

He looked satisfied, his sallow and thin face was congested and turned red, his eyes lost their clarity and became confused and crazy.

"Shit, can this thing really suck?!" Harley was stunned.

Then, Lily tore the aluminum strips from the middle, and the strong pungent smell dissipated. Several young people took turns to come closer and inhale through their noses.

"Don't just think about yourselves, let Diana have some." Lily said dissatisfied.

Harley quickly laughed dryly and said, "I'm not used to the smell of gasoline."

Lily didn't take it seriously, "Indeed, many people are allergic to the smell of gasoline."

Harley stepped aside and rubbed her hands to warm herself up, but found that Mike did not join in, but his expression became extremely serious.

"You don't like the smell of gasoline either?" she asked.

A look of pain appeared on Mike's face, he shook his head and said softly: "I used to like snorting glue, which was even more addictive than Soren's.

One time I was so high that I woke up and found my little sister lying on the ground with a bunch of empty cans beside her, lifeless.

After the forensic examination, the forensic doctor told me that her entire lungs were solidified by glue. She was only nine years old, and I taught her to suck."

Harley was silent.

"Hey, kids!" During the silence, two black figures came from a distance.

It's two grown men.

"Someone is coming." Mike shouted to the glue-sucking crowd, picked up a steel pipe behind the cement pier of the overpass, and strode in front of a few people.

Soon, the visitor stopped a few steps away. He was wearing a black hooded robe and had a strong and powerful figure. He looked a bit mysterious.

Harley's pupils shrank, and she walked to her cart naturally. The zipper of her backpack was opened, and she could reach out and pull out the pistol and shotgun inside.

It's a monk's robe.

They wore modernized monastic robes.

They are church warriors.

"There's nothing you want here, and we won't join any organization." Mike shouted.

The unusual attire of the two people also aroused his vigilance.

He was worried that the other party was a cult member.

"We are not bad people, let's take a look at this first." The man on the left opened his briefcase, took out some A4 papers and handed them over.

Harry had quietly turned around and looked around, but didn't find any other monks. Now he relaxed and just walked over to them without hesitation.

"What, this, is this magical Harley? Are you looking for a witch?"

The monk stared at her for a while, then looked away and looked at several other young people.

Well, Harley's current non-mainstream look is so colorful that even her mother Tracey wouldn't recognize her when she saw it.

Seeing the color printed photos, Harley was relieved and surprised, "This big man and the old woman, who are they?"

There are three color photos, namely of the blond Harry in high school uniform, a slightly dull white young man, and a white woman with gray temples.

The young man has good features and is about 20 years old. He is wearing a black POLO shirt, showing off two steel-like square chest muscles. He is very strong!

The white woman was in her fifties, with a bruised nose and swollen face, and bleeding from the corners of her mouth. She seemed to have been tortured and was very miserable.

The monk said: "The man is Clark, Clark Kent, and the woman is Martha, Martha Kent."

Harry stiffened and almost screamed.

However, from the looks of it, Da Chao should not be in Smallville now.

So where did he go?

"Martha and Clark are also wanted criminals?" she asked.

"No, we just want to tell Clark through this flyer that his mother is having a hard time now and misses him very much." The monk said.

He actually thought of using this method to force Clark to show up.

I send you two words of Holy Advent Crusade, "Niubi!"

Harley turned her head, her face twisted a little, "Mike, have you heard of Clark?"

"Let me take a look," Mike clamped the steel pipe in the creaking nest, took the printed color photo and looked through it.

"With just one look, I know that this is a child from a good family. You are looking in the wrong place." He said to the monk.

"Clark may have been a simple farmer's son before, but now that he is involved with the witch Harley, he has fallen." The monk said solemnly.

"Hey, we don't care what happens to Clark, you can leave." Sauron shouted dazedly.

The monk did not leave, but continued: "Have you seen any strange young men and women walking together recently? They may be disguised as homeless people."

"Fake, even if we knew, why would we tell you?"

Cox cursed and he was in high spirits.

"Witch Harley and Clark Kent both carry huge bounties. Anyone who provides useful clues will receive a bounty commensurate with the value of the information." The monk smiled.

Soran rolled his eyes and shouted thoughtfully: "Ah, I remembered it. I saw a sneaky man and woman this afternoon. The big man looked a bit like Clark."

The monk stepped forward excitedly, "Where are they?"

"Sauron!" Mike frowned and pulled the thin man, shaking his head slightly.

He did not prevent him from telling the news about Clark, but warned him that people in the church could not afford to offend and should not be deceived.

But his actions caused the monk to misunderstand.

The monk stared at Mike and said coldly: "Child, you have to think clearly. Not only is our church looking for witches, but the police are also looking for them. If you don't want to talk to us, do you want to talk to the police?"

"I" The other party's cold eyes made Mike shrink.

"Sauron, this is your business and has nothing to do with me."

Finally, he avoided the monk's sight and stepped aside.

Sauron was so excited that he didn't care about Mike's attitude at all. He approached the monk with a smile, "The witch is very fierce, you have to show some sincerity first."

"What sincerity?" the monk asked.

"Do you have any fans?"

The monk was silent and began to wonder if the little addict was lying.

"A beautiful sword will do, too. Instead of one hundred and fifty thousand, there's always one hundred or two hundred, right?" Sauron added quickly.

The monks looked at each other, and one of them took out his wallet from his pocket, took out one of the hundred-dollar knives and handed it over.

Except for Harley, several other young people, including Mike, stared straight at their wallets and even swallowed lightly.

"OK, I'll take you there." Sauron's eyes were shining, and he was more impatient than the two monks.

"Sauron." Harley looked hesitant.

Mike whispered: "Solon is a drug addict and will definitely take them to Poisonous Grasshopper Bol. As long as they are sure to have money, Bol will never let them go -"

"Bang - bang!" Two points of fire came out from under the stone pillar in the distance, and the two monks fell down without any struggle.

Harley was stunned.

Mike and Donner were stunned.

Sauron looked at the corpses on the ground to the left and right, feeling at a loss.

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