I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 498 Defense and Capture

"Which Green Lantern are you?" When the mutation suddenly occurred and the Green Lantern appeared, Harley was not nervous or panicked at all. She just looked at him calmly and asked, "You seem to have used a mental shield to add a disguised skin to yourself?"

War Eagle's eyes flashed with divine power, and he sneered: "He is an alien with brown-red skin."

He and his younger brother Bai Ge are both spokesmen for the gods, similar to Shazam. By shouting "War Eagle" or "White Dove", they can transform into uniforms and receive the power of the gods.

Seeing that his identity was exposed, the green lantern simply removed his mental disguise and revealed his true face.

Except for its brownish-red skin, its appearance and shape are almost the same as those of humans.

"I am Abinsu, a native of Koruga, the manager of sector 2814. The earth is under my jurisdiction."

He looked around, faced the fearful and repulsive eyes of humans, and said solemnly: "The hero you admire is actually a hypocritical criminal.

She used lies to provoke conflict between Earth's heroes and the Green Lantern Corps in order to escape the justice we were about to bring her. "

"How long have you been lurking on the earth?" Bateman's eyes were sharp.

Abinsu frowned and said: "The earth is within sector 2814, which is my jurisdiction!"

"You mean, the earth is your territory? Where did your Green Lantern Corps get the power to arbitrarily designate the earth as the territory of aliens without the knowledge of the earthlings themselves?" Green Arrow asked unhappy.

"Where does your legal basis come from?" Superman asked.

Abinsu raised his hand to stop the miscellaneous questions from the other heroes and the audience, and said seriously: "Everyone, you are focusing in the wrong direction. The focus is on the Witch Harley. She is deceiving you."

Aquaman said loudly: "Alien, you have missed the point. Of course we care about what Senator Quinn did, which led you to think that she was guilty.

But now, you have illegally sneaked into the earth and claimed to be the manager of the earth.

This is what needs to be explained most clearly. "

"Even if the Fifth Ring Admiral violates your laws, she is not an alien. Why should she use alien laws to punish people on earth?" Animal Man said angrily.

Abinsu has seen too many similar scenes. The 'uncivilized' natives are more dissatisfied with the green light management than they think they need the green light.

He has experience handling such scenarios.

Taking a deep breath, the 'Greatest in History' Green Lantern said loudly: "The headquarters of the Green Lantern Corps is in the center of the universe - Oa.

There is a "Book of Oa" on Oa, which is to Green Lantern what the Bible is to ordinary Christians.

The "Book of Oa" records ten basic laws that members of the Green Lantern Corps must abide by.

That is, the law of the Green Lantern Corps.

Among them, those relevant to you include:

Article 1: Protect life and liberty within the jurisdiction.

Article 3: Do not interfere with the culture, political system and collective will of the people on any planet.

Article 4: Comply with local laws and obey orders from local authorities within reasonable limits.

Article 5: Negative measures shall not be taken against an enemy who does not pose a threat to the life and freedom of others.

Article 6: The equipment, resources and status of the Green Lantern Corps may not be used for the personal benefit of Green Lantern members.

Article 8: Respect life and never give priority to violence unless you have no other choice. "

As Abinsu recited loudly, the noisy cursing and scolding in the conference hall gradually disappeared, and finally the whole place fell silent.

The dissatisfaction and indignation on the faces of the people on earth were gradually replaced by surprise and thinking.

——The green light even abides by local laws. It seems very righteous, at least not the colonists as previously guessed.

The White House representative had a stern expression: I didn’t expect that Green Lantern’s packaging of its own justice would be more perfect than what the United States does on Earth. It’s terrible.

Well, it’s easier for politicians to “see through the surface.”

No matter how beautiful the slogan of Green Light is, the fact that the earth is being ‘managed’ has never changed.

After all, shouting beautiful slogans is the main job and stunt of politicians, and their understanding of ‘slogans’ is also more essential.

"The Earth is my jurisdiction, but it is by no means my fiefdom." Abinsu's eyes were burning, and he did not shy away from any Earthling who looked at him, "It's not that the Earth belongs to Green Lantern, but Green Lantern belongs to the Earth!

As a Green Light member of Sector 2814, I serve your planet! "

One presidential adviser wanted to wonder aloud: Where were you when the Kryptonians invaded?

But politicians are not heroes and cannot act on their own initiative. The Green Lantern is an entire army, managing the entire universe, and its strength lies on the earth. When they use washing powder to pretend that a deer is a horse, don't other countries also recognize it?

Now, Green Lantern has become "Cosmic America", and Earth America is not even "Cosmic Iraq".

Besides, I haven’t picked up the washing powder yet.

Abinsu’s righteous and awe-inspiring speech continued: “From the moment you put on the Green Lantern ring, the interests of the people of the universe will always be higher than our Green Lanterns themselves.

The Legion used violence against the Earthling witch Harley just because she committed a heinous crime first and resisted arrest.

What she offended was not the Green Lantern Corps, but the overall interest of life in the universe. "

"What did she do?" Superman asked.

This time, there was no aggressive prejudice in his tone.

"She destroyed the Wall of Origin." Abinsu said solemnly.

"Uh, that's it?"

The people on Earth, who were already interested, all looked disapproving and slightly disappointed.

"I thought she was conducting a large-scale black magic sacrifice on an alien planet," Cobot muttered.

"I thought she was catching the President of the Galaxy or the Emperor of the Universe 'playing games'." The Riddler next to him was very disappointed.

"I thought she was using an entire alien race to experiment on magical creatures." The clown snorted, looking bored.

"I thought she stole the treasures of the Green Lantern Corps or other higher civilizations." The White House representative said disappointedly.

"I thought she was."

Seeing that the people on Earth, including Superman, all had unconcerned faces, Abinsu said anxiously: "The Origin Wall is the protective barrier of the universe. If the wall is destroyed, the universe will also be destroyed."

"The wall collapsed?" Batman asked in a low and hoarse voice, unhurriedly.


"The wall is coming down?"


"Is there any sign of collapse?"

"For now, not yet," Abinsu said in a difficult voice.

Then, he added: "But the witch caused irreparable damage to the wall, you see."

The ring on his hand projected an image as big as an IMAX screen in mid-air, with a green border and a colorful image: a huge wall with people standing like ants on the side, and there were 'shallow pits' with a radius of several kilometers, one after another, Dozens of pictures flashed by one after another.

"What is this?" Everyone was even more disapproving. "Isn't it just digging a hole? Why did he kill her when they met, without even explaining."

Bateman touched his fleshy chin, "Well, the first pit is the biggest and deepest, and the following pits are shallower and smaller. It is obvious that she is very restrained. This shows that Harley Quinn does not want the wall to be built in terms of subjective will. destroyed."

"Then why did she dig so many holes?"

"She was studying the Origin Wall out of curiosity," Bateman said.

"No matter what she thought, she essentially destroyed the wall. The life of the wall is the life of the universe."

"But when she encountered the Origin Wall for the first time, she didn't know what the wall represented, let alone the Green Lantern Corps' law prohibiting destruction of the wall - by the way, have you announced this law to the public?" Bateman asked.

Abinsu shook his head, "No one has ever destroyed the Origin Wall before."

Bateman said coldly: "In other words, you have not legislated, let alone publicized the rules on earth not to destroy walls.

But when Harley Quinn makes a mistake without realizing it, you re-enact a law and sentence her to death? "

"This is illegal."

"The civilization level of the Green Lantern Corps should be very high. How come the judicial system is not as good as that of the United States, oh, even Africa."

The people on earth are noisy again.

Abinsu's face remained unchanged, and he raised his voice and said: "The Green Lantern Corps are not barbarians! We just wanted to take her to Oa for interrogation that day, and the final verdict has not yet been determined.

She killed and resisted arrest, which was what led to the series of tragic battles that followed. "

"Could it be that the video she just showed us is fake? Or has it been modified? Your attitude is arrogant. Not only do you refuse to explain, but you also made the first move." Bateman said.

Abinsu faced everyone's suspicious gazes with a slightly embarrassed expression, "I have to explain the difference between the Guardians and the Green Lantern Corps first.

In the video you just watched, the two guardians of the universe were in charge.

They were the two short, blue-skinned old men.

They are the leaders of the Green Lantern Corps and never leave Oa to go on missions.

They are arrogant because the Guardians are one of the oldest intelligent beings in the universe; they are indifferent because their emotions have long faded over billions of years of history.

I admit, the Guardian's attitude that day was not friendly.

But that's the Guardian, even when facing Green Lantern members, they have the same attitude. "

The little blue man's attitude towards emotions is more exaggerated than what he said.

They would even cut out the brain lobes of those who had emotions.

Bateman said: “But Harley Quinn doesn’t know the Guardians’ personalities and doesn’t recognize them.

It was the Guardian's coldness and indifference that made her doubt the justice of the Green Lantern Corps.

Out of self-defense, she chose to attack with all her strength.

According to Earth law, she is almost innocent.

If the Green Lantern Corps' order is not a decoration, you should reflect on your actions instead of chasing after her. "

Abinsu frowned and said: "Baitman, did you defend the Witch out of a complete understanding of the situation at that time, or did you just oppose the Green Lantern Corps' judicial interference on the people of Earth?"

"I stand on the side of reason, and you can use reason to convince me," Bateman said.

"Witch Harley, why have you been silent?" Abinsu turned to Harley with a faint smile.

Harley shrugged, "Everything I thought of, and everything I didn't expect, has been said by Bateman. What else do you want me to say?"

Abinsu said to Bateman: "Prisoners have the right to defend themselves, but the basis of defense is the law."

After a moment of silence, he sighed: "Obviously, this trial of Witch Harley cannot be based on the laws of the earth.

First of all, the earth has no laws regarding 'threats to the security of the universe'.

Secondly, what she committed involves the safety of the entire universe, and the earth's unilateral attitude can only be used as a reference. "

"If the Earth won't let her go, are you going to take her away by force?" Bateman frowned.

Abinsu frowned and looked at him.

Superman suggested: "Can you send representatives to Earth to try her in public at Earth's International Court of Justice?"


A green light exploded over the conference room, and Ganser, the little blue man, teleported to the scene and said coldly: "The earth is just an uncivilized civilization in a remote corner of the universe.

The human race has not even set foot in the universe, and naturally has not established a sense of responsibility to protect the universe.

At least for now, you can only accept guidance and have no ability or qualification to interfere with the actions of the Green Lantern Corps. "

Then, without giving others a chance to ask questions, he directly pointed his cold eyes at Harley and waved his hand, "Stab!"

A circle of green light wheel sliced ​​through the floor like tofu, and a big green hand snatched away the roof, exposing everyone in the conference room to the sky.

At this time, the earth's sky was filled with dense green stars.

The energy flows between the stars and forms a giant network that encompasses the entire earth.

It's like a basketball in a net bag.

"Witch Harley, you have nowhere to run!"

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