I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 444 Etrigan’s Warning

After hearing Harley’s request, Richie on the phone immediately said: “Harley, the program is very simple, it’s nothing more than adding a new member to the puppy software family.

But there are three issues that need to be addressed.

First, my identity, as well as the core secret of the watchdog, may be leaked, so you have to put some thought into making up a reasonable excuse. "

"Well, a few days ago I picked up an Apokolips Mother Box, a personal terminal belonging to the world destroyer and war lord Steppenwolf, a supercomputer. Have you cracked it?" Harley asked.

Rich said: "The mother box technology is too advanced. I am a programmer and cannot understand its hardware technology at all. However, Black Warrior is an expert and now I have some clues."

Harley smiled and said: "Whether we can really crack the Mother Box technology or not, we can claim to have successfully mastered it and transformed it into a super brain that can communicate across Limbo.

As for you, just change your voice and image and pretend to be the artificial intelligence of the mastermind.

In this way, you can fool those reckless heroes who are not very educated. "

Bruce coughed lightly and said, "Harry, I can get a bachelor's degree in psychology in the second half of the year."

——I am not a reckless hero with low education level.

Harley ignored him and only spoke to Richie.

“The second question is, in order to provide ‘financial management services’ to superhero guardian dogs, we must first know who the superhero is.

Superheroes hide their identities and do not want their secrets to be discovered.

Finally, exorcism may seem simple, but it requires very professional magic knowledge. Ordinary heroes do not have it and cannot deal with powerful demons, and it is even more difficult to capture demons alive. "

Harley thought for a while and said: "This matter is not urgent. When I take control of the Sky Eye Society, one day I will be able to find out the details of superheroes without making them disgusted.

Well, we can ask Bateman to advertise and promote the 'Paradise Mountain Financial Management Platform' first.

Expertise is easier to solve.

In Jessica's superhero "Tomorrow's Star" plan, My World's No. 1 Fighting Arena is an important training point.

Martial arts training is a 'physical education class', and exorcism knowledge is a cultural class. Only when one develops morally, intellectually, and physically, can he be a qualified superhero. "

After saying that, she looked at Bruce and asked, "Do you think Bateman will join the 'Paradise Mountain Financial Management Platform' internal beta project?"

Bruce pondered and said: "You can give it a try. Bateman also wants to master orthodox exorcism skills, but is the 50% commission too high?

After all, heroes often have to fight with their lives to hunt a demon. "

"Don't you often enjoy VIP treatment in your daily life?" Harley counted on her fingers. "There are 98 VIP customers at the airport, banks, barber shops, hotels, coffee shops, restaurants, foot washing shops and even puppy videos every year. Meida’s super V member.”

The corner of Bruce's mouth twitched, "So, your financial services in Paradise are also divided into levels?

Heroes are here to earn merit in heaven, so it would be better for you to let them top up first. "

“If you don’t recharge, the sword is useless and the hero has no money.

I will publish some small tasks on the platform. For example, a great ball-protecting hero is going to watch a fashion show in Milan. He needs two S-class heroes to protect him and will be rewarded with a third-level VIP for one year.

The first-level VIP gets 55% of the profit, the second-level VIP gets 60%, the third-level VIP gets 65%, and the fourth-level VIP gets 70%.

Of course, heroes are free.

They can also freely choose to level up slowly. Each time a demon is sent, they will gain additional experience based on the demon's strength. If they have enough experience, they can also become VIP customers.

It is very fair and just and completely eliminates wealthy players. " Harley said with a smile.

"Harley, you really have the talent to be a profiteer, even superheroes are exploited." Bruce sighed.

"Then do you want to join this financial management program?"

Bruce's expression changed, and he said in a low voice: "Are you the only mercenary in heaven?"

Harley sneered: "Don't think about it, even if there are other mercenaries in heaven, do they have watchdogs that can send messages across Limbo?

No one has lower operating costs than me.

Even if a competitor appears, I can defeat it through unfair competition and monopolize the entire industry.

At that time, whatever funds I have subsidized will be doubled and earned back on you. "

Bruce thought rationally for a long time and decided to become a mercenary in heaven who was no longer on staff.

Because it would do him no harm at all.

Ordinary heroes have less chance of encountering demons.

Without demons, the identity of Temporary Paradise mercenary means nothing.

If you encounter a demon, you have to kill it anyway. Instead of working in vain for heaven, it is better to make some extra money.

"You asked me to shoot you with a gun before. What do you mean?" Bruce waved Colt in his hand and asked doubtfully.

Harry said: "According to our original agreement, I will take you to see Teacher Asal only after your 'murderous intent' satisfies me."

"Are you satisfied now?"

Totally satisfied, no malice at all.

Harley's mood is complicated, and Bruce has no ill intentions towards her, which means that he may not be a like-minded friend, but he must be a friend who can be relied on in times of crisis. Although there is a huge difference in ability between the two, she helps him most of the time. When help was needed, he couldn't help.

Bateman's zero malice and Superman's zero malice have completely different meanings.

Superman has a good-natured character and has zero malice towards many people, but Bruce is a half-demon on the verge of becoming possessed.

Bateman doesn't kill, he only maims people - everyone knows that.

The bottom line Bateman sets for himself is not to kill anyone, because he often has the urge to kill out of control - only smokers want to quit smoking, drinkers will quit drinking, and people who want to kill people will quit killing.

Therefore, Bateman can easily develop ill will towards others.

Therefore, Bateman's zero malice toward Harley is far more precious than Ripman's.

"Shoot me again." Harley retreated to the wall, "This is a test, use all your strength."

"Bang bang bang" Bruce gritted his teeth and shot out a bunch of bullets.

Harley put her left hand behind her back, her expression relaxed and carefree, and she grabbed her right hand so fast that she couldn't even see the afterimage.

"Ding ding dong dong." He opened his fist, and bullets rolled from his palm to the ground, many of them.

Zero experience.

"Your speed, eyesight, and reaction surpass those of Ripman, right?" Bruce said in shock.

"It must be beyond your eyesight." Harley rolled her eyes.

Bruce said: "He gets shot a lot, but you catch the bullets easily."

"He got shot because he didn't care about getting shot."

Bruce shook his head and said, "By the time he cares, I'm afraid he will be shot too and become mentally inert."

Harley handed him another magazine, "Think of me as an Arkham fugitive, a super criminal.


Without murderous intent, you cannot worship Goddess Asar as your teacher. "

"Bang bang bang" Bruce fired the bullet empty, and before Harley could comment, he sighed: "Facing you, I naturally think of myself as Bruce.

When facing those criminals, even if I wasn't wearing a uniform, I would subconsciously step into Bateman's role.

The two feelings are so far apart that they cannot be confused at all. "

"Why? I've always been on your 'list of people to be wary of', so you should have a sense of belonging." Harley asked strangely.

Bruce thought for a while and said: "The object of my wariness and opposition is your rule of Gotham, not you as a person.

Just like Roosevelt and Stalin may become good friends, but they are destined to walk on different paths.

We are more fortunate, being able to be friends while confronting each other on ideas. "

"Perhaps you need stick therapy more." Harley said quietly.

Bruce said disapprovingly: "Afu also often calls me mentally ill, but I feel that I am very clear-headed and can see more thoroughly and understand better than you."

Harley sighed: "OK, I will open the back door for you. You pass the test. When you recover from your injuries, I will take you to see Asal."

"Actually, a large part of the reason why I met her was to master the skills of quickly recovering from injuries. Arkham criminals are still at large, and Gotham needs a healthy Bateman." Bruce said seriously.

"Harley, Harley"

Suddenly, the space in front of Harley expanded and deflated, transparent ripples appeared in the air, and a loud voice called her name.

"Etrigan?" Harley was familiar with his voice.

"Why can't I get in?"

The ripples in space became more and more intense, but there was always a barrier keeping him out.

Harley made seals with both hands, canceled the formation under the manor, and then explained: "This is Quinn Manor, and the space-time confinement formation designed by the formation master has been deployed."

"Boom!" In the air, a dazzling fire exploded from one point, and the flames swept in all directions. A fire ring channel opened in the space, and the brown-skinned devil with fish fins and ears jumped out.

"I've never seen that grandmaster's magic circle before. It's so powerful." Etrigan exclaimed.

"John Constantine, he is unreliable, but his ability is not bad." Harley took out a bottle of brandy from the cabinet, unscrewed the lid, and handed it to him directly without using the wine glass, "What do you want from me?"

"Gudong, Gudong." He drank half a bottle of wine in one breath before the Demon Prince said seriously: "Harry, you're in big, big trouble. It's best to leave Gotham immediately and hide outside Silver City for three to five years. "

"Who wants to deal with me?" Harley asked in surprise.

"The Demon King intervened this time," Etrigen said tangledly, "It involves His Majesty Lucifer, I can't go into details."

Harley's expression changed slightly and she said angrily: "Lucifer swore that after I accepted his punishment array, he would not retaliate against me in any way."

"Your Majesty is not targeting you. He is punishing others. You are just a knife, but the person being punished has a good background and wants to fight to the death."

"Punishment. The punished person has violated the laws of hell, and it has something to do with me!" Harry's heart moved, "Is it flatulence or Raskov?

I remember that there is a "witch's clause" in hell. Failure and humiliation are not sins in my case.

Is there any inside story that I don't know about? "

Etrigan's expression changed, and he shook his head and said: "Harry, you are very smart, and your guesses are mostly correct, but I am His Majesty's confidant, and I must not betray Him."

"But now you've come to me to tip off the news, so don't make stuffed rice!" Harley said.

"Your Majesty has been so kind to me, and I respect Him the most. However, you saved me during the Little Black Bean incident." Etrigen held his head and looked up to the sky and sighed: "Since ancient times, loyalty and righteousness have been in dilemma, which has always made heroes burst into tears!

That's all I can say.

But I can give you two suggestions. First, inquire more about hell-related news recently. Second, immediately take your family and friends to your fiefdom outside Silver City to live in seclusion. "

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