I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 46 Phantom Stranger

In the end, Harley and Rachel were stopped by people from the Church of Blood.

In a dank alleyway filled with snow, two women stood back to back, with four men holding razors in front and behind them.

They range in age, ranging from young men in their early twenties to men in their fifties. They all look ferocious and look like cultists.

Their identities are also different. Some are car mechanics wearing work clothes and holding a wrench, some are freelancers wearing ordinary jackets, and some are middle-aged elite men in high-end handmade suits.

However, the leader did have an outfit that fit the needs of a cult leader: only wearing a hooded blood-colored robe in the middle of winter, a very ancient style, a dizzying blood-red color, and holding a strange-shaped dagger in his hand.

"Harry, can you really do this?" Rachel felt a little regretful before she even started.

Well, they were caught up on purpose.

Harley's suggestion, she said that she is a kung fu master and can fight ten with one.

Of course, in addition to Mexican machetes, this group of cultists also had pistols. They were really upfront. Harley was so unlucky and stupid.

But, she is not alone

"Last warning, leave me, I don't want to hurt you!" Rachel's eyes glowed red, and a second pair of eyes seemed to open on her forehead.

Not Yang Jian, the second pair of eyes is above the eyebrows.

Endless darkness came from all directions, condensing into dark tentacles under her body.

A little bit penetrating, a little perverted.

"Rachel, you can't escape, this is your fate." The blood-robed priest slowly stepped forward with a dagger in his hand.

"Do it!" Harry shouted loudly, and threw the iron bucket directly at the priest.

"Bang bang bang bang -" Three gunmen shot at her immediately.

Uh, no, shooting into the sky.

At the moment when the trigger was pulled, three tentacles protruded from the ground in front of them, and they suddenly raised their wrists.

"Ahhh!" The gunman's wrist hurt and he subconsciously let go of the pistol.

When Harley heard the gunfire but missed, she understood that the mage behind her had completed the "field control" task.

Relaxed, her movements became more calm.

When the blood-robed priest saw the iron bucket flying towards him, he subconsciously ducked sideways, but before he could stand still, a black shadow flew in his sight.

"Ah hey!" Harley accelerated her charge like a little spring, jumping more than one meter high. Her right knee hit the blood-robed priest in the face like a battering ram.

"Pfft!" The priest dragged a three- to four-meter trace on the ground where sewage flowed, spitting blood and white teeth, and fainted.

"That's it?" Harley laughed loudly. Facing the two cultists who were attacking with ferocious faces and wielding knives, she did not dodge and kicked into the air.

One long leg reached the white-collar man's throat before he hit her. With a click, she fell to the ground and lost all movement.

"Pfft--" Another cult member with a cockscomb head slashed her shoulder with a knife.

"Ah, be careful!" Rachel was shocked.

Harley turned around and hooked him, breaking the comb head's chin.

Looking sideways at his left shoulder, he saw a tear in his cashmere coat, and blood seemed to be seeping out.

"Damn it, I struck too hard, these are all experience packs!"

Harley became extremely upset when she discovered a skin injury. (ps: 10+ defense points can effectively defend against machetes. For the defense effects corresponding to different defense points, please see the chapter "Work Related - Harley's Golden Finger")

Harley is not afraid of being cut by a knife now, but is afraid of being stabbed by a knife. Especially in winter, with a thick coat and a sweater underneath, a sub-healthy office worker cannot even break through the defense.

Next, she stopped attacking the enemy's head, throat, waist, waist, lower body and other vital parts. She only carefully avoided the small sharp knife and fought the five cultists with bare hands.

"Boom!" The cult member, who was a car mechanic by trade, hit Harley on the back of the head with a T-shaped wrench.

Harry only leaned forward slightly, "Gudong, Gudong", the sea of ​​consciousness experience tank was filled and emptied, and it was upgraded to a level.

She turned around and smiled, making the cultists and followers dumbfounded.

"Bang!" She smiled and punched him in the eye socket, "You hurt me, keep working hard!"

"Uh-huh -" Not far away, Rachel covered her head and groaned, and her already lackluster face became even paler.

Harley frowned and shouted, "Rachel, are you okay? Is your healing technique a form of damage transfer?"

She dared to fight ten of them, not only because of her high defense, but also because Rachel admitted that she knew how to heal.

If she uses her power without scruples, she can even resurrect the dead.

With such a powerful mage by his side, Harley would not fight hand-to-hand with cults and disciples unless she was stupid.

They are all high-quality experience packages!

"It's okay with me," Rachel yelled.

She's very connected.

In addition to enduring the transferred pain, her "shadow tentacles" were also attacked several times while destroying guns and reversing the direction of small sharp knives.

Well, those shadows under her body are not real shadows, but a combination of soul and magic. They have human vision and hearing, but their attack power is average, and they are extremely painful after being hurt (ps).

"Hey, stop helping me with my treatment. Focus on field control to prevent them from attacking my vitals," Harley said.

"Otherwise, let's go. These people didn't hurt us, but you beat them with bruises and bruises. It's so pitiful." Rachel said softly.

In just one sentence, Harley received another stab in the back, and another slap that knocked out several of the opponent's teeth. She said evenly, "Wait a minute, the weather is too cold. I want to exercise more."

"Asshole, what do you think we are?!"

The blood-robed priest who had been knocked off instantly woke up in the cold snow water. He stood up unsteadily and was filled with anger when he heard Harley's nonsense.

He picked up his curved dagger and plunged the knife into his right wrist. Blood spattered everywhere, and at the same time, strange syllables came out of his mouth.

"Ah, Harley, be careful, he is going to summon the shadow of my father." Rachel exclaimed.

"What a beautiful thought!" Harley picked up the wrench from the ground and thrust it into the blood-robed priest's mouth like lightning. The spell suddenly stopped, and even the miserable scream was muffled in his throat.

"Trash, you are just trash in my eyes!"

"Bang bang—chichi!" After attacking the priest's stall, she received two blows from others.

Harley swayed a few times, but her expression remained unmoved. She forced herself to the priest's side, stepped on his bloody right hand, and pulled out the dagger from her wrist.

Ten minutes later, Harley's coat was tattered and dirty, holding a wrench in her hand and gasping for air. The muddy ground next to her was filled with groaning, moaning and wailing cultists.

"I don't even have the strength to hit people, but I still follow others' example and join a cult!" She said angrily. They were bald again and couldn't provide any experience.

With a mouthful of bloody spit, she yelled at them: "Go back to your hometown to farm, your current profession is too dangerous for you!"

Even his clothes were torn and his body was dirty, and he had only been promoted two levels.

Level 14, 14 defense points.

Now the machete fell on her body and chopped up her coat. It could only leave a bloody mark on her skin, which slowly oozed out blood without bursting.

Two streets away from the battlefield.

Rachel took Harley's arm and said excitedly: "Diana, you are so good! Fighting eight with one, is this Chinese Kung Fu?"

"You are a princess from hell, and you still care about the fighting skills of mortals?" Harley asked strangely.

"I only know magic, but I don't know how to fight. But once I use magic, it will arouse my father's idea, and then locate my location and send nearby Blood Church disciples to hunt me down." Rachel sighed.

"Can mortal swords and guns hurt you?" Harley asked curiously.

Rachel nodded and said: "If I don't defend myself at all, my body is not much stronger than that of an ordinary girl."

This is a bit low-key!

"Can you teach me magic?" Harley asked.

Rachel hesitated, "Diana, I am not begrudging my knowledge of magic, but I can see that you have a fanatical desire for power, which may lead you to go astray when exploring the mysteries of magic.

You wanted to kill those disciples before, right? I feel a strong murderous intention in your heart. "

"Do you think I'm a bad person?" Harley's face was uncertain.

She did want to kill someone and silence her, but she saw that Rachel was a superhero-like good person - she had a stubborn resistance to killing people - and she didn't want to make Rachel annoying, so she showed mercy.

"No, don't get me wrong!" Rachel held her right arm with both hands and said urgently: "You are a good person, I am worried that the magic will lead you to evil."

"Magic is just power, no different from a pistol or a machete. Good and evil only depend on the person who uses it," Harley said.

"You're just saying that because you know nothing about magic."

Rachel said sternly: "If you smoke frequently, your lungs will become blackened. If you get drunk frequently, you will have a bad temper. Smoking and alcohol can both affect a person's body and personality.

So, how can magic rooted in the soul and originating from the blood be as dull as swords and guns?

In fact, every ounce of magic is a living thing. "

Seeing that Harley didn't seem to believe it, the black-haired girl said bitterly: "Believe me, no one understands the horror of evil forces better than me.

Every moment, I was suffering and had to use 99.99% of my energy to suppress it. "

Harley's face was dull and sullen.

The two of them were silent and walked aimlessly along the empty and dark streets.

"Diana, I, I'm leaving." Rachel whispered after a long time.

"Where to go?" Harley asked.

"I don't know" Rachel shook her head slightly.

"You don't have a home?"

"I once had a home that was destroyed by my father. In the past few years, I have been wandering in various cities in the United States, helping those who are in pain." Rachel said.

"Transfer pain?" Harley frowned. This was really a rubbish skill.

Well, she is very ignorant.

If Rachel does not suppress the evil power in her body and lets go with all her strength, she can instantly drain the emotions and memories of millions of people in Gotham, and then turn them into her own power.

"You should use less magic like this in the future. Everyone's pain has their own reasons, and it is also a part of their lives."

"I won't cast magic on everyone. I've seen many people choose to hurt themselves or others because they can't bear the pain and despair.

Therefore, I only help those who cannot get out of pain and despair on their own. " Rachel said.

"But the total amount of pain has not been reduced. It is too cruel and unfair for you to bear it all by yourself. They don't even know that you helped them." Harley was a little excited.

Rachel smiled softly, shook her head and said, "It doesn't matter. I hope everyone won't be in so much pain. I never thought about being grateful. I'm very happy to be able to help others."

Harry looked at her for a long time and sighed: "You should be the daughter of God——"

"She is!" A group of portal-sized blue light suddenly appeared and disappeared instantly. A man wearing a blue cloak appeared in front of the two women.

"Rachel Ross, please come with me!"

(ps: Raven’s Soul Shadow (tentacle) is not really weak in attack power, but the physical attack is too low.

Its essence is a soul attack, which can inflict pain and fear beyond the limit of endurance on the enemy's soul, and even directly devour the soul.

The soul attack is too strong, causing death or disability, and the raven never uses this attack, only using it as a tentacle.

Like other superheroes, she refuses to kill.

The Phantom Stranger is a very magical existence in DC. He is not very famous, but he is involved in almost every major event. )

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