I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 45 Three Palace Demons

"Your shadow is moving." Harley's body was trembling. "It looks like a crow."

With a "swish", all the shadows under the black-haired woman disappeared.

A person without a shadow is even more terrifying.

Harley swallowed, took two steps back, and quietly held the cross hanging on her waist.

The black-haired woman glanced at the cross with a look like Father Ma had seen a hundred dollars dropped on the ground.

"Don't be afraid. I'm not a bad person. The old man was too sad just now. I just shared her pain and didn't do anything bad."

"Share the pain? You bore her sadness and despair, so her mood became peaceful and peaceful?" Harley asked in surprise.

"You believe it?" The black-haired woman was also surprised.

She has been in this world for several years, and every time she meets someone who is sad, she can't help but feel sad for them.

Well, it's not that she has any special hobbies, she's just kind-hearted and doesn't want to see others suffer.

She can sense the emotions of others and absorb those emotions, whether beautiful or painful, but she only shares the pain.

The total amount of other people's pain will not decrease or disappear. Once the pain is absorbed by her, she will bear it all herself.

She often loses control of her abilities because she is too sad, just like today.

She also explained it to the people who discovered her secret, but they didn't believe it and looked at her like a devil.

"I was surprised before that the old man's mood changes too quickly." Harley invited the black-haired woman, "How about you come and sit over with me? By the way, my name is Diana."

The dark-haired woman's eyes flashed, she nodded hesitantly, and said, "Thank you, I'm Rachel, Rachel Ross (Raven's mother's surname is Ross)."

Back in "Harry's little corner", Harley spread out the blanket and let Rachel sit down against the backpack, then ran to the old woman. She ate most of the bucket of chicken legs and wings, and drank all the meat. Porridge, now he was lying back and soundly sleeping.

"You want some?" Harley took the family bucket and placed it between her and Rachel.

The black-haired girl didn't refuse and took a piece of chicken steak and chewed it carefully.

"Why aren't you afraid of me? My powers are strange and evil." she asked.

"Have you seen how the old man died before? No matter how evil your power is, can it be more evil than human nature?" Harley sighed.

"I should help him, me." Rachel's face showed remorse and pain again.

"You can't help." Harley said.

"I can do it, but I have to seal most of the power in my body at all times.

Saving people is not as good as emotional transfer, it consumes too much of my mental energy. If the sealed power gets out of control, something bad will happen. " she whispered.

"Even if your magic can turn dead people into living people, it can't turn bad people into good people." Harley sighed.

Rachel was silent.

Harley didn't care at all about the old addict. She was now itching to explore Rachel's magical secrets.

"Why did you seal your power?" she asked.

"My father is -" Rachel opened her blue eyes and stared at Harry for a long time, which made her feel a little guilty - the black-haired woman had said before that she could sense and transfer emotions.

Finally, Rachel seemed to have made up her mind and solemnly said: "I am the daughter of the devil."

Harley was a little embarrassed.

"You mean, your father is a devil-like villain?"

"No, it's not a metaphor, my father is the devil." Rachel said seriously with a straight face.

More and more middle-class.

Harley suppressed her awkwardness and asked, "Is your father Satan?"

"Satan is the name of the Lord of Hell, and the current Satan is Lucifer Morningstar."

"Morning Star. It smells a bit like a Mary Sue." Harley commented.

As the first fallen angel, Lucifer did not have a surname, and he initially had no gender. There is no information about Lucifer's surname in the church books. So, this ‘Morning Star’ is probably the surname Lucifer himself chose.

Rachel looked at her in surprise and asked: "Your tone is so calm, I can feel that this is your true attitude towards the Demon King of Hell.

Why are you not afraid and not at all in awe? "

"They are too far away from me. I can't even imagine what they are like. Naturally, the ignorant are fearless." Harley complained to herself.

"Hehehe, you are so funny." Rachel smiled for the first time.

"You have such a beautiful smile, you should smile more." Harley looked at her and said.

"You are beautiful too." Rachel lowered her head in a panic, her face almost red to the root of her neck.

She can sense and distinguish the smallest emotions, including other people's senses towards her: like, admiration, hatred, disgust, fear.

Some of Harley's instinctive emotions, which she didn't even know she had, touched Rachel.

Well, Harley was a little confused and felt that the other party's reaction was too much.

"Is your father Satan's younger brother?" She quickly returned to the topic.

"No, he once wanted to compete with Lucifer for the title of 'Satan'." Rachel whispered.

"Oh, you're so awesome!" Harry was really shocked now, "Who is your father?"

Rachel looked hesitant for a long time. She saw Harley's beautiful blue eyes were full of curiosity and whispered: "Three Palaces!"

Her mouth didn't move, no sound came out, but Harry heard it.

"Psychic voice transmission?" Harley was far more surprised by this little trick than the "passerby character" Sannomiya.

Of course Sannomiya is no stranger, but in her previous life, Harley had only watched DC movies and some famous American TV series such as The Flash and Green Arrow, and didn't know much about comics and cartoons.

San Gong is famous, but he has always been a supporting character with few roles.

"I have been being hunted by him. If I say his name, I may be sensed by him." Rachel explained.

"I have also read church history, and it seems that your father is not among the enemies of Christ." Harley asked doubtfully.

The great demon king who can compete with Lucifer for the hegemony of hell should not be so unknown.

"My father is a foreign devil."

"What?" Harley opened her mouth slightly, "What kind of ghost is the foreign devil?"

"Hell can be compared to the United States. In the past, Indians ruled the United States. Later, Columbus discovered the New World and old Europeans immigrated to America."

Rachel frowned slightly, "The demons in hell are stronger than the Indians. My father failed to subdue the demon kings in hell."

Harley thought thoughtfully, "Hell is like America, a land that originally existed. One day, the indigenous demons appeared, and they have been ruling hell.

And your father comes from another dimension, and now he is an immigrant in hell. He wants to defeat the local snake, but he doesn't expect that the other party is a tiger in the mountain? "

"Well, more or less, my dad's power is constantly seeping into my soul. If I am controlled by him, he can use me as a portal and enter the earth in my true body.

At that time, no one can stop him except God coming to earth. " Rachel said.

"Why can you enter the earth at will, but your father can't?"

Rachel said: "I am a hybrid of human and demon, and my mother is American.

In college, she was so curious and ignorant that she joined a cult that worshiped my father.

During a sacrificial ceremony, my virgin and female mothers were sacrificed to my projection father who was summoned to the human world. The union of the two resulted in me.

In fact, the purpose of that ceremony was to give birth to a portal to the human world. "

Harley didn't know what to say.

"There are many cult organizations in the United States, almost all of which are related to demons. Diana, you have to be careful not to be deceived into them." Rachel said sincerely.

"Oh, I understand it deeply." Harley sighed.

"Why, have you encountered a cult too?" Rachel asked curiously.

"It's worse than a cult." Harry hesitated for a moment and took out the cross. "Please help me find out why this thing doesn't work? Or is there any activation spell?"

"I've seen it before, it contains the power of God." Rachel took the cross and input the light blue and magic power of spiritual will into it.

After a long time, she shook her head, returned the cross to Harry, and said, "I can't open it with my power, but I can be sure that this is a contract."

"Contract? Isn't this a cross?"

“The cross is just its appearance in the material world, and its essence is a contract signed by God himself.

But I can't decipher the content of the contract, let alone transfer it to you. " Rachel said.

Harley was a little disappointed, but more shocked, "Is there really a God?"

"I believe in God." The hell princess said seriously.


"I want to learn magic, can you teach me?" she said coyly.

It's a bit unscrupulous to ask someone to teach you magic when you've just met them.

But not long after they met, the topic deepened into this topic. As their words deepened, so did their friendship.

"No!" Rachel suddenly stood up and said anxiously: "I was careless. I used my power here before, but I stayed there for so long. They came looking for me."

"Who?" Harry looked around, but didn't see anyone suspicious.

"My father's followers, the Church of Blood!" Rachel stood up, pulled Harley and wanted to run away.

"Did you see it wrong?"

Or, do you want to perfunctory me and find excuses not to teach me magic?

Harley squatted and refused to leave, but the black-haired girl couldn't drag her.

"You have mortal eyes, but I can sense the emotions of everyone here. They are surrounding us." Rachel's face turned pale with anxiety.

At this time, Harley also became serious. He quickly picked up his backpack, guitar and metal bucket, and ran away without even picking up the blanket on the ground.

Sure enough, as soon as they started running, several men immediately broke away from the group of passers-by and chased after them.

Those people were all wearing ordinary clothes, and their appearance and temperament were no different from ordinary office workers.

When they ran out of the subway station, Harley's expression became strange. Not only did they look ordinary and wear ordinary clothes, but they also ran at an ordinary speed.

"Diana, run quickly!" Seeing her slowing down and looking back, Rachel became anxious, "Can't you run anymore? Throw away the metal bucket and guitar, and I'll carry the backpack. "

"Why are we running?" Harley saw the male white-collar man chasing him sweating on his forehead, and felt even more weird.

"You are the Princess of Hell, the daughter of the Great Demon King. Why are you afraid of these little bastards?"

"They have weapons, and they are not afraid of death. If I use magic too much, I will lose control. Don't worry, as long as we run fast, they can't catch up." Rachel said quickly.

Harley was speechless.

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