When she was first brought back to the castle by the Crusaders, Zed could not bear the loss of her lover and freedom - even though she had stayed in the castle for more than ten years.

She almost went crazy.

Then the priests of Firetongue 'helped' her.

They used a machine that combined magic and science to purify her body and adjust her mental frequency to be in harmony with the light of heaven.

She gradually calmed down and accepted her fate.

Even after her encounter with Constantine yesterday evening, her mental fluctuations quickly returned to calm after the incident.

Today, being led by the hand of wisdom (the Patriarch) to the Holy Light, she felt detached and ethereal, as if she had already stepped into another world.

The followers of the Tongue of Fire cult pointed their cameras at her, and the images in the camera, together with his passionate voice, turned into radio waves and spread to major diocesan TV stations around the world.

I don’t know if John can see it.

A wave of detachment appeared.

Thinking of him would always bring her out of her ethereal state.

She sighed silently: gone, everything is in the past, friends and lovers. She will fulfill her promise to her destiny.

"This is the moment, this is the place of prophecy."

The Hand of Wisdom shouted excitedly, letting go of her hand.

"This is the child - our daughter, this is the woman, this is Mary!" the priests shouted with arms stretched out.

At the exact moment, the gates of heaven opened and she ascended into a glorious place surrounded by light and stars.

The Lord's followers descended to earth.

Not the Lord, but the Lord’s followers.

Not only was Zed not surprised, but he felt a sense of familiarity.

Last time.

The angel approached her with joy, caressed her with joy, and plunged her into an uncontrollable ecstasy.

Just as the glory was about to come, the angel twitched and stared at her with disgust, like a judge judging a slut who has committed all the crimes in the world.

Zed suddenly woke up, she was already unclean because...

She knelt on the ground, holding her head and wailing.

Not because of impurity itself.

It's not that she was disappointed that she couldn't complete the mission in the prophecy - she didn't want to be a holy mother in the first place.

She cried because she was extremely sad.

She is sad because she was betrayed by her lover.

The only love in this life, the most beloved man, sowed the seeds of evil in her body.

Yesterday, while he said he loved her affectionately, he coldly pushed her into a desperate situation with no way out.

Divine punishment comes.

The destruction flung fragments of reality into various dimensions, and John was the terrorist who planted the bomb.

He spat a mouthful of phlegm into God's eyes and threw ridicule at the gate of heaven, but had he ever thought about her fate?

She covered her face, tears streaming down her face.

She could hardly feel the pain of divine punishment melting away her flesh and soul, because the pain in her heart had already submerged her consciousness until

"Zed!" As soon as the familiar voice, but whose name he couldn't remember, came, Zed's arms suddenly tightened and he was involuntarily pulled into a cold embrace.

Looking back, Zed was stunned, "Harley?"

Not to mention that she never thought that someone would come to save her, even if she was asked to guess ten times, she would never think that it would be Harley.

They haven't seen each other for several years.

"Harry, let's go. This is divine punishment, the punishment I deserve."

Zed, who was originally filled with despair and only sad, suddenly became excited.

She has lost her glory and love, and she cannot afford to lose another friend who is willing to bear God's punishment for her.

This is divine punishment.

No one can save her.

Harley would trap herself instead.

"Nothing is deserved, not to mention that you are not wrong at all." Harley held her wrist with her left hand and patted her bald head with her right hand. The God force field was turned on, covering only Zed's body.

Zed thought that Harley used his body to block God's punishment for her.

Because the pain and burning on her body disappeared, Harley was above her, covered in bruises, blood flowing out from the gaps in the heavenly armor, and the smell of burning filled her nose.

"Harry, don't be like this, I don't deserve what you are doing." She burst into tears and struggled hard, "You can't help me, only divine punishment can burn away the impurity and shame in me.

So what if you leave alive? I have no future. "

If Harley is a man, or has other thoughts about Zed, he should hold her face and shout: Fool, you and me.

But she purely regarded Zed as a friend.

If Zed hadn't been bent on death, Harley would have slapped her bald head and shouted: We're going to get revenge on John Constantine.

But there was no hatred in Zed's heart, only despair and shame.

"Zed, in fact, John still loves you. He is outside and has a lot to explain to you." Harley said annoyingly.

The reason why Zed is desperate is because Zha Kang betrayed their love, and she feels that there is no hope in life.

"Harley, you don't need to put in a good word for him, I know what he has done and I understand his choices." Zed's face was full of sorrow, "Moreover, after experiencing this incident, I have now seen through the love between men and women.

I sincerely hope to die cleanly in exchange for God’s forgiveness for my indulging in mortal desires.

Harley, being able to get to know you and be your friend is the greatest luck in my life, but please fulfill my last wish - "

"Boom!" Harley punched Zed impatiently, hitting Zed's temple, causing her eyes to turn white before she could finish her words, and she fainted.

"It's better to do it this way."

She nodded with satisfaction, stood under God's Punishment, watched the jar bubble crazily, and laughed crazily.

From level 59 to level 60, and then overflowing from level 60. She just wished she had no energy to activate the sixth defense specialty, unable to upgrade to level 61, let alone continue to absorb experience.

"Ah, Witch Harley has come out. It's really miserable. Even the armor of heaven is in tatters."

"It's like frying her half-cooked in a pan, and then cutting her into pieces, well - well, she's holding a person in her arms, it's Saint Mary!"

"So she went in to save people, and her interest is to save people? Why? This is unreasonable!"

"Yes, Witch Harley actually sacrificed herself for others? This is completely inconsistent with her cunning and vicious persona."

"Why is it unreasonable? She and Saint Mary are friends. I heard that she has a good reputation on the road. Well, she is very loyal to her friends. It seems that the rumors are correct."

"There are many companions who were tricked by her, right? For example, the wizard group, the lich Didier was still her teacher. For example, the cavalry group a few days ago, there were many of her old classmates and friends in it.

By the way, there is also her old grandfather.

The seventy-year-old man has been arrested by the police. If he is found guilty of all the charges, he will be sentenced to the electric chair immediately. "

"Well, the witch is very devilish. Sometimes she is ruthless, and sometimes she hurts her friends."

"Finally I see an advantage in her."

"You should say that the witch finally has the advantages of a normal person. From the perspective of our devil, her cunning, betrayal, cruelty, and coldness are all advantages."

Amid a large group of super powerful people pointing their fingers, Harley quickly returned to the airship with Zedd in her arms.

Ivy immediately handed over the high-energy fruit, and Carlisle used magic to treat her flesh wounds.

"How is Zed?" Zha Kang said excitedly.

Harley ignored him and only urged: "Leave here immediately, quickly!"

"Whoosh!" Bright golden light penetrated into the cabin from the window, and everyone couldn't help but raise their hands to cover their eyes.

‘Tongue of Fire’ Uriel appeared in front of the airship, thousands of golden flames, like long tongues, licking the void around him.

The scorching heat brought by the fire almost melted the outer shell of the airship and instantly ignited everyone in the cabin.

In fact, Bruce's coat has been ignited. If Harley hadn't turned on the God force field in time, he would have burned into nothingness from the outside to the inside, from clothes to flesh and soul.

"Hand over Saint Mary." Uriel said coldly.

"Boss Wu, don't get angry in a hurry. I'll hang up with Boss God." Harry didn't bother to argue with him. He directly held the big cross and called the voice of heaven: "Supreme Lord, I know that I failed to complete the work of the Holy Son. In Arrival, Zed is guilty, but she herself is innocent.

Her only fault was that she was too religious about God's teachings. "

"That's nonsense!" Uriel couldn't bear it anymore and shouted angrily.

Well, because Uriel was present, Hallie did not communicate quietly with the Voice of Heaven, but literally made a phone call, openly using a large cross.

"I'm not talking nonsense." Harley pointed at Zed and said loudly: "God teaches us to be sincere. She is sincere to her friends, and she is sincere to her lover.

God teaches us how to love, and Zed devoted 100% of his true love to his lover.

Yes, her body was tainted with demon blood.

But if she had not been so sincere and had not loved so deeply, she would never have been deceived by Constantine.

Her fault was that she lived in a fallen world with corrupt morals and did not follow the crowd and arm herself with hypocrisy, coldness and cunning. "

"Harley." Zed looked at her steadily, tears streaming down his face.

Well, she woke up when the golden fire from Uriel fell on her.

Uriel said indifferently: "Being defiled because of indulgence in desire is the greatest original sin."

"Hahaha, aren't you slapping yourself in the face?" Harley pointed at the archangel and sneered loudly, "Or maybe you weren't the one who put the dick into Zed before?"

"Vulgar and blasphemous!" Uriel shouted angrily.

Vulgar indeed.

Bruce touched his nose, his expression unnatural, and he felt embarrassed for Harley.

"If having sex with a normal man and woman who loves their lover is also an unforgivable original sin, then why was the Holy Son born in such a sinful way?"

Uriel said angrily: "Don't mess around. No matter how outrageous her behavior was in the past few years, she can be forgiven. Only this time, she failed her identity and responsibility by making peace with the fallen wild man on the eve of Advent. A great sin to forgive.”

"May I ask Angel Uriel, where did Zed meet Constantine?" Harley smiled easily.

"I don't want to hear your sweet talk." Uriel said coldly.

Harley shook her head and said: "Don't you understand yet? The voice of heaven is the judge, you are not, you are not qualified to judge anyone.

Because you, like Zed, stand side by side in the dock and are jointly responsible for the failure of the coming of the Son of God, and I am Zed’s defender and want to exempt her from the main responsibility. "

Uriel was startled, and a trace of panic quickly flashed across his handsome and majestic face.

——The Voice of Heaven actually didn’t deny Witch Harley’s remarks.

"Going back to the previous question, where did Zed meet the sinner Constantine?" Harley asked and answered herself, "At the headquarters of the Holy Advent Crusade.

I want to ask again, the coming of the Son is about to begin, why did the Tongue of Fire neglect its duties and teach the Holy Mother to be abducted by thieves? "

——Don’t say sinner or thief, I’m right next to you!

Zha Kang frowned and whispered in his heart.

Bruce looked at Harley in surprise. In just a few words, Zed had changed from an adulterer to a victim of abduction. Moreover, she was abducted because she was too kind and sincere. It’s too obedient to God’s teachings. It’s too nonsense.

But if you think about it along her train of thought, it makes sense.

——No wonder the demons all say, don’t talk to the witch and don’t listen to her words, otherwise you will fall into her trap involuntarily.

Uriel is in danger.

He is the Tongue of Fire, and he has now gone from being the person responsible for presiding over the coming of the Son to a sinner who has neglected his duties.

He should learn from the experience of the demons and just do it without talking to Harley.

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