I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 432 Harley’s crazy fan

Archangel Uriel is finally the current Prime Minister and one of the angel bosses, and will not be harmed by the power of evil. Well, his fragile lifeblood is indeed contaminated with filth, making him miserable.

However, his pain was more of angina.

Because of disgust, loss and anger.

His body convulsed and twisted, twisting away from Zed, and fled hastily from the scene of the Holy Arrival, as if escaping from the corruption and corruption of hell.

The holy and kind radiance on Zed's face disappeared, and he lay there wailing in pain.

"It failed, He spurned her!" The face of the Holy Advent Crusade Patriarch changed drastically, and he held his head and wailed: "We have been plotted, Mary is no longer suitable to be the Holy Grail of the Lord."

"Shame, shame!" The top Crusaders cursed with grief, anger and fear.

Zed's expression became even more twisted and painful.

Carlisle's beard and hair were spread out, and a spiritual chain stretched out from the palm of his right hand, tightly binding the spirit body Zha Kang, and roared: "You bastard, what did you do to the Holy Mother?"

Zha Kang smiled miserably and said, "You know."

"Fuck you Nana!" Carlisle hit him hard on the head with a fist covered in spiritual power, and said angrily: "That alone can't tarnish the Virgin. You must have cast evil black magic on her."

Zha Kang shook his head, "She has awakened the Seal of the Holy Mother. Not even Satan can quietly use black magic to plot against her."

He looked at Harley, "That day, Rich hacked into the London transportation system and disabled the traffic lights. As a result, I was hit by a car and broke both legs and my left arm. I almost died tragically on the spot.

You never doubted it afterwards, why could I recover from my injury within a few days? "

"What's there to be suspicious about? To me, a broken arm or leg is just a minor injury." Harley said.

"That's right. You go through Satan's punishment once a week and have a complete healing plan, but I don't." Zha Kang smiled bitterly, "It's Nergal. He injected his demon blood into my body, so I can Recover injuries quickly.

Therefore, after I vent my desire in Zed's body, I can pollute her body.


"You disgusting devil!" Carlisle punched him again.

"Devil's blood can stain the sacred."

Bruce silently made a mental note.

"Boom!" The Holy Grail was contaminated, the arrival of the Son that had been planned for many years failed, and 'God' was angry.

A hole was directly opened in the sky of the material world, and the silver spiritual light beam that represented a miracle and the presence of the Holy Spirit a moment ago turned into the most severe ax of punishment at this moment.

God descends into divine punishment.


The hilltop where the Holy Advent Crusader Castle is located is like a piece of glass painted with large church ritual images, shattered into pieces, and each piece shattered into slag.

The top Crusaders, who had long understood that God's wrath was coming, were still mentally prepared to face divine punishment, but only accepted the fate of destruction with a dull expression.

More ordinary believers who could not understand the situation were panicked and hysterically shouted the names of the Holy Mother and God, asking for help from the sanctity of their faith.

But no matter what reaction the Crusaders made, it was meaningless. They, along with the ancient castle that had existed for thousands of years, and everything on the hillsides, forests, and lakes around the castle, were all smashed into pieces and thrown into another dimension.

All traces of the existence of the Crusaders, everyone related to the coming of the Holy Son, and even that piece of time and space were completely wiped out.

It's like a cleaner using a brush to brush a piece of bird droppings off the glass.

It's like wiping the glass clean means the contamination never happened.

"This is divine punishment. All uncleanness will eventually be purified." Carlisle murmured.

The Holy Power Light Pillar transformed into the Sword of Divine Punishment, causing even more violent elemental fluctuations.

With it as the center, circles of white spiritual power waves visible to the naked eye spread to all sides.

"Creak, creak, creak." Even the small airship swayed like duckweed on the waves.

"We have to step back." Black Knight said from the driver's seat.

Harley's expression changed several times in succession, she gritted her teeth and opened the cabin door, jumping out of the cabin.

"Harry, what are you doing?" Ivy yelled nervously.

"You guys stay out of the way first, and I'll see if I can fish out Zed."

The Heavenly Armor "clicked" covering her whole body, and a pair of metal angel wings behind her flapped rapidly, and Harley jumped several kilometers away with a "swoosh".

It's not teleportation, there's no space fluctuation at all.

It can trigger quantum attacks when punching, quantum defense when being hit, and quantum displacement when moving.

Harley's movement trajectory was like a parabola with more than a dozen segments erased by an eraser.

Under normal circumstances, her flying speed when wearing the Heavenly Armor did not even break the speed of sound, and was very slow compared to other heroes. However, after randomly triggering quantum displacement, her speed suddenly became extremely fast to outsiders' senses.

Ivy didn't even have time to persuade her, so she plunged into the divine punishment light beam with surging energy, like the tail flame of a rocket propeller.

"Satan is above, is the witch committing suicide?"

Not to mention that everyone on the small airship was horrified, even the melon-eating people hiding in the dark screamed in surprise.

Bruce opened his head and looked around, and found hundreds of "ghosts, monsters," demons and monsters gathered together in twos and threes, pointing at the God's Punishment Light Pillar.

"It's your first day meeting the witch? Does she look like someone who will suffer?" A four-eyed octopus demon sneered again and again, "The witch is cunning, and everyone knows that she can't afford to be early, so there must be big benefits there!"

"What the hell, that's a land of despair and death. Whoever goes there loses his life, what's the benefit?" A skeleton man whose whole body was on fire said disapprovingly.

"Haha, when have you ever seen a witch do business at a loss?" the four-eyed octopus demon sneered.

A hooded black mage said: "I have read the US government's psychological and behavioral analysis files on Witch Harley. Hundreds of top experts have come to the conclusion that the witch has always pursued victory and profit. people."

An alien god with a drop-shaped head sighed: "I have also read that report, and the analysis of the witch is very accurate.

For example, in the 'Cyclops Project' a few days ago, the Seventh Cavalry Regiment looked like a grassroots team, but the target of their plan was Dr. Manhattan.

If it were me, I would never dare to cooperate with them.

At that time, if I had known that the witch joined the cavalry halfway, I would have laughed at her for being so resourceful and resourceful. "

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but sigh, and said with annoyance and envy: "But everyone knows the result. She won a great victory and gained the supreme power of the multiverse. It's so jealous!"

"Who says otherwise? The witch always has a target in mind when doing things." The octopus demon also had a face full of regret, "I was nearby that day, but because I was timid and worried about Manhattan and the witch cheating to death, I missed a good opportunity to disrupt the situation."

The flaming skull man was startled and murmured: "That seems to make sense. Last night she and Gabriel had a bet on the 'Iron Head'. I thought she had water in her head, but she beat the Angel King's head until it was wet." Splattering.”

"How about we follow along and take a look? No matter whether we can get some benefits or not, we can't teach the witch to take advantage again." A demon suggested.

At this moment, several demons tried to get closer to the Pillar of Punishment.

But still halfway, they couldn't bear the burning of the power of the holy light, and ran back wailing one by one.

Bruce looked dull, "Shouldn't the devil be synonymous with cunning? Why does he look a little silly?"

Constantine said with a complicated expression: "With Harley's character, let alone the devil, even I have some doubts about whether there is any benefit in it.

But now I’m full of hope, there’s nothing good in it, just a poor woman waiting for redemption.”

"Bah, you people have evil intentions and are full of dirty minds, so you blame others and slander Harley out of thin air." Ivy said angrily.

Constantine was silent, but his eyes were full of expectation, and he kept staring at the Divine Punishment Light Pillar.

The surrounding demons are unwilling to give up.

Someone suggested teleporting through space and directly entering the interior of the Divine Punishment Light Pillar.

However, those powerful people in the magic world are not really brainless, and no one takes risks with their true bodies.

"Ah, how miserable. As soon as my clone entered, it was evaporated into nothingness by the holy light." The four-eyed octopus demon said in horror.

"Me too, not even a single thought came back, and my soul was completely destroyed. Those birdmen are so cruel that they want to completely kill even their own believers and the Holy Mother!" The Flame Skeleton King said in horror.

On the airship, everyone looked worried.

"Ah, I saw it!" A powerful god took back his clone in time. Although he only came back with a thought, he also got part of the information in the divine punishment beam. "I saw Witch Harley covered in blood, and she was miserable in the divine punishment. Howling miserably, she is finished. I swear, she is really dead this time."

"Harry." Ivy's face turned pale.

"I don't believe that the witch can't fail!"

One demon spoke firmly, as if with a strange belief.

"I don't believe it either. The witch will never die, nor will she die intentionally." More than half of the demons echoed.

The alien god said angrily: "A wise man comes back a thousand times, why can't she be stupid once?"

Immediately, a large group of black mages, demons, and evil gods retorted: "That's Witch Harley, she will never be stupid!"

"Even if she was stupid, she wouldn't make such a stupid mistake."

"You must be a newcomer to the supernatural world, or from the countryside. You have never seen the cunning of a witch."

"Everyone knows that Witch Harley has a god who descends to earth, and he is different from us after all."

Looking at Ivy and Carlisle who looked worried, and then at the confident demons outside, Bruce was at a loss.

Finally, the second and third seven or eight powerful gods used their avatars to go in and check, and they all got the same result: the witch was in terrible condition.

"It's true that the witch has God descending to earth, but God's descent is also a skill given to her by God. Now that God is punishing the blasphemer, there will definitely be no mistake of 'attacking the other's shield with his spear'.

God's descent to earth has failed, and Witch Harley has really declined. "

The demons were still hesitant to believe it, but the flames of God's wrath were too damaging to evil creatures, and no demons could use their clones to send back the message.

"We have to rescue Harley!" Ivy ordered, bringing the airship closer.

Zha Kang advised: "Harley is probably fine. Dozens of demons came in front and back, and she was wailing. But think about it, how long has she been wailing? Isn't her throat dry?"

"Then why does she keep wailing and not escaping?" Ivy asked.

"I don't know." Zha Kang shook his head.

The reason is actually very simple.

"Gudong, Gudong." The experience jar was like a wooden bucket placed under the tap. The experience skyrocketed visibly to the naked eye, and Harry couldn't help but laugh happily.

It's just that the God's force field can resist the punishment of 'God'. If Harley needs to be hurt, naturally the force field can't protect her body.

The body melted in the holy light, the vocal cords were torn, and the laughter naturally became shrill and terrifying.

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