I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 424: Mr. and Mrs. Wayne watching puppy videos in heaven

Seeing Bruce's shy, nervous and expectant look, Harry was stunned.

"Bruce, why are you here?"

She was 100% sure that the Bruce in front of her was not a phantom.

But rationally, she understood that this Bruce must be a phantom.

"I went out to play with my family."

"What the hell, Miss Quinn?" A familiar voice came from across the street.

Harry looked up and saw another old acquaintance. He was surprised but also took it for granted.

Bruce is here, is Alfred still far away?

This Ah Fu is also ten years younger.

Moreover, he was holding an eighty-nine-year-old boy in his hand, who looked very similar to Bruce.

By now, Harley had vaguely guessed the truth of the matter.

"Miss Quinn, have you grown so big?" Ah Fu asked in surprise.

"Where are Lady Martha and Mr. Thomas?" she asked directly.

Ah Fu subconsciously pointed to the barbecue stall in the park and said, "We are queuing up to buy food. Please wait a moment and they will be here."

At this time, an angel wearing a white sportswear came over and whispered a few words to Ah Fu, and Ah Fu took the two young masters Wayne and left with him.

Another angel wearing a GCPD police uniform flew along the road, came to Harley, and said: "Duke Quinn, have you forgotten the management regulations of the lower heaven?

As a person in this world, you cannot communicate with anyone here. "

"I unexpectedly met an acquaintance here. It may be the guidance from the great voice of heaven."

The Sound of Heaven was used as a toilet again.

Not to mention, Harley's nonsense really frightened the other party.

The GCPD angel thought for a moment, nodded and said: "Martha and Thomas have joined the 'Holy Spirit Training Class', and their ideological awareness is far beyond that of ordinary people. They can understand some news in the secular world."

"Wayne and his wife also went to Holy Spirit School for further studies? So, joining the Party is imminent?" Harry was startled.

If Martha Thomas enters the bottom paradise after death, it is difficult to say about other multiverses, after all, the attributes of big capitalists are there, but in this universe, the couple is really cleansed.

In order to save the public school for poor students from being demolished and build high-end apartments, Martha sacrificed both her money and her life - losing the lives of her young son and Afu's father.

Thomas works as a doctor during the day, goes to Wayne Enterprises to check in, and works hard as a black man at night.

Even if they are still big capitalists, their behavior ensures that they will have no problem getting to the lower level of heaven.

But the Holy Spirit of Silver City is a bit exaggerated.

During his lifetime, he was a big capitalist who monopolized the city's economic lifeline and enjoyed all the wealth and honor in the world. After his death, he became a holy spirit and lived a long and prosperous life. They have taken all the benefits, and you want to teach others how to have a psychological balance?

Anyway, the chicken-like Shenjun Quin felt a little uncomfortable.

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne have reserved a registered residence in Silver City, and the Holy Spirits are all "dead-headed" - except for Silver City and God, everything else is rubbish in their eyes - they will definitely no longer envy her "rural registered residence" in the suburbs of Silver City. How could she do "Thirty Years in Hexi" in front of them?

She didn't want to see them anymore.

"Hey, Harley Quinn? Is that you, Bruce's classmate? The little queen of gymnastics."

While Harley was thinking wildly, the Wayne couple, who had returned to their prime age of twenty-six or seven, arrived, holding a large bag of barbecue, smoked sausage and other food in their hands. The aroma made her a little hungry.

"Hi, Martha, Thomas, what a coincidence." Harley smiled kindly and delightedly.

Thomas murmured in a low voice, "You have grown so big, so does Bruce."

"Harry, why are you here? By the way, is Bruce okay?" Martha asked with concern.

Harley stared into her eyes and said, "I just saw Bruce by the woods."

"Oh, he is the missing person in our minds." Thomas looked natural and explained with a smile: "The paradise we are in is located in the fifth thinking dimension called 'Limbo'.

You can think of Limbo as another universe, and Heaven as a planet within the universe.

In this dimension of thinking, reality is different from the earth, and thinking and imagination are no longer illusory.

So, that Bruce is truly our son.

I said this, do you understand? "

Harry puffed up his chest and said calmly: "I am Lord Quin, the Duke of Paradise Mountain. I can enter the Silver City at any time."

Wayne and his wife were not shocked. There was only a flash of doubt in their eyes, and then they breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It seems you understand, that's good."

Martha looked at her eagerly again, "Can you tell us about Bruce?"

Harley didn't pretend to be cool, but she was more confused than disappointed, "Do you understand the difference between you and me?"

Thomas nodded and said: "You are a living person, we are dead, and you can come to heaven, your status seems to be very unusual."

"But you're not surprised at all about my identity." Harley said strangely.

Thomas smiled slightly, with a transcendent Zen feeling on his face, saying, "This may be why Mr. Angel allowed us to meet you."

"Everyone has gone to heaven, so why bother about external affairs anymore." Martha also said very openly.

Harry was secretly surprised that these two people were very good at practicing Taoism, and they both looked like eminent monks.

It seems that the Holy Spirit School training is really effective.

Looking at the aloof couple again, Harley's heart moved, and she took out the Paradise Mountain mobile phone from her woolen windbreaker, and first opened an interview with Bruce Wayne, the world's richest man, in Time Magazine, which contained a large photo of him looking cool.

"Ah, Bruce has grown up and matured." The couple was no longer indifferent and detached. They were as excited as ordinary parents who received their son's admission notice from Tsinghua University.

"Alas, he actually wandered outside for seven years." Thomas said sadly.

"There was a shadow on his face, and there was no satisfaction or happiness in his eyes." Martha sighed.

Harley stared at the photo and looked at it again and again, seeing all the pixels, but she couldn't find any 'shadows'.

"This is his current girlfriend."

She then opened the photos of Selena's life at Quinn Manor - the luxurious lady version of Anne Hathaway.

"Bruce is very discerning. He is so beautiful and looks very well-educated." The couple grinned.

"Actually, she's a snitch, and she didn't even go to middle school." Harley said.

The expressions on Mr. and Mrs. Wayne's faces were frozen.

Then Harley opened Bateman's news, "He is also Bruce, and now he has inherited the mantle of 'Black Man' and become a cross-dressing hero."

"Oh my God!" Martha punched Thomas hard and said excitedly: "It's all your fault. How could a serious parent let his child become a cross-dressing hero?"

"There's nothing wrong with being a hero, at least he hasn't turned evil." Thomas muttered.

Harley opened the super criminals section again and clicked on videos of several criminals using their super powers to kill citizens.

"This is the criminal that the drag heroes now have to deal with."

"I bought it!" Martha covered her mouth and almost cried.

Thomas also looked pale and said in disbelief: "How come the earth has changed in just a few years?"

Then, he said eagerly: "By the way, has Bruce learned the martial arts secrets I left in the computer? Those are the exercise methods I searched from the Chinese Internet. More practice can greatly increase the chance of saving one's life."

Harley turned on the video of Bruce using Chinese kung fu to wreak havoc on the dockside drug dealers.

Just like Changshan Zhao Zilong came out of Cao's formation seven times.

"Wow, he's better than his predecessor. He's much better than I was back then."

Thomas smiled happily.

"What a great guy." Martha smiled reassuringly.

Harry raised the corner of his mouth, opened the dog video, and looked for the owner named 'Bat that Can't Fly'.

He is the number one Bateman hater on the Dog Video Network and often edits videos of Bateman making embarrassments.

Similar to the ghost videos of Tianchao Station B, a certain Kun playing basketball, a certain big lottery.

Hallie chose an electronic music mix that wasn't a spoof, just a pure "Batman was beaten into a flying star".

Exciting music sounded, and robbers and villains from all walks of life beat the drums, punched Bateman, shot Bateman, shocked, burned, beat, surrounded, and stepped on him. Bateman was also tortured in various ways while beating the drums, showing off various Various expressions of pain.

Watching videos with the rhythm of music is very addictive.

It has more than 400 million clicks, 500,000 coins, and 1.2 million comments.

So scary.

The Waynes were stunned, their faces were pale, their expressions were frightened, and their whole bodies were shaking.

"How could this happen? Is Bruce okay?" Thomas also wavered in his belief and said bitterly: "I shouldn't have encouraged him to be a hero."

"Gudong, Gudong." The experience jar bubbled crazily.

Harley was stunned for a moment before realizing that it was the second will defense specialty.

By attacking the strong will of others, you can increase your own will defense experience.

This time, it rose by one-fifth.

You must know that it took Harry six or seven years to upgrade this expertise from level three to level four.

One-fifth is already an exaggeration.

Harley was so happy that she quickly opened the videos of Superman, Wonder Woman and other "real super" heroes, "These are superheroes too."

"Oh my God, Bruce's colleagues are actually this kind of people." Thomas' face became more worried. "Not only was he physically tortured by super criminals, but he was also mentally attacked by other superheroes. It's too difficult for Bruce."

Harley was a little disappointed that the jar stopped bubbling.

Did you masturbate?

She comforted her again: "Don't worry, Bruce also has the ability to make money, you see."

She opened the homepage of the up owner of "I want to be Batwing's Batwing" - a Batman idiot.

With "Victory" as the background music, Batman's Batgun, Batarang, all kinds of cool Batsuits, Batmobiles, Batmobiles, Batfighters. Batman's equipment, including the hot and sexy Robin Cat , showing them one by one, and showing the footage of him using these equipment to wreak havoc on Gotham's criminals.

At the end is a line of words: Mortal body, comparable to gods.

"Who is Robin Cat?" Martha was more concerned about the women around her son.

"That's Selina. For Bruce, she gave up her identity as a female snitch, turned from darkness to light, and became his superhero assistant."

The kitten was always her friend, so of course Harley would take the opportunity to help her put in a good word in front of her mother-in-law.

For example, although she didn't go to high school, she got a doctorate in art and jewelry appreciation, and used her own ability to open an art gallery on the busiest street in Gotham.

"What a good girl." Martha was satisfied.

"Martha, this is my son!" Thomas continued to stare at the next video that automatically played.

It's still a hot-blooded clip made by a brainless person.

Seeing Thomas' blood surged, he wished he could put on a bat cape and fight alongside his son.

"Bruce, I'm proud of you!"

Harry sighed: "Your approval is probably what he wants to hear most——"

Speaking of this, she was stunned for a moment, then smiled and turned on the camera, standing in front of the Wayne couple, "Click!"

"Can we take pictures? Can Bruce see it?" Martha guessed what Hallie was thinking and became extremely excited.

"You can also make video calls." Harley opened the address book and prepared to dial Bruce's number.

"No!" The GCPD angel who had been watching the show stopped her and said, "Duke Quinn is a member of Heaven and can barely communicate with people in Heaven.

Bruce Wayne is a pure man of the world.

Mortals are prohibited from approaching heaven in any form, lest it cause adverse effects to the people in heaven. "

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