I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 423 Harley, you are so beautiful

Harry wiped his dry eyes, put down Duoduo's body that was pressed into meat patties, and sighed: "Even if I am mentally prepared, I am still not used to changing from a living dog to a sacred dog."

"Then you go to the Forgotten Bar and adopt one. What's the name of that Dalmatian?"


"Yes, Jelly, wasn't she pregnant half a year ago? You and Helen agreed at that time that when Duoduo dies of old age, her grandson or granddaughter can take over." Carlisle said.

"I feel empty and uncomfortable." Harley looked around, "Ivy, help me prepare the spaceship. I'm going to heaven to find Duoduo."

Ivy was holding a kettle and watering the flowers in the garden while saying, "First it's the Demon Lord hunting team, and then it's Gabriel. We've been working hard all night, aren't you tired?"

"Well, I don't feel at ease if I don't look at Duoduo. It died so miserably," Harley said with a worried look on her face. "I wonder how scared and sad it is now. Will it have any psychological shadow?"

There is a biochemical laboratory under Indian Mountain, and the military joined hands with the Wayne Group to build an underground fortress.

After the "Biohazard" incident that year, the bunker was cleared but was not blown up.

If the bunker is blown up, Indian Hill will collapse.

The property rights of Indian Hill belong to Harley, and after a series of formal legal procedures, the bunker became her property.

Over the next few years, she transformed the bunker into an underground military fortress that integrated an arsenal, a warehouse, and a nuclear bomb shelter.

The various missiles, Vulcan cannon bases, and unmanned attack aircraft used against the Witch Hunting Team earlier all came from the bunker.

Duoduo, along with the housekeepers, cleaners, and doormen in the manor, all hid in the shelter inside the mountain through the tunnel.

Everyone in the manor is fine, but Duoduo is dead.

Probably worried about Harley's safety, it sneaked into the dog hole (vent) halfway and ran back to the tunnel leading to the living room of the Manor.

As a result, the floating island in the sky fell from a height of tens of meters, and the house and its foundation collapsed. Duoduo was old and frail, but he did not run away, and his body was crushed into a pulp, which was very miserable.

Well, even though it looked miserable, in fact, for Duoduo, there was not much pain at all, and death only occurred in an instant.

The floating island comes from the back mountain and is a relatively flat piece of land in the back mountain.

Yesterday, Harley went to Europa. While she was not at home, the Witch Hunting Team drew two sets of magic circles there: the Prisoner of Gods, and fell into hell.

Alex, the master of magic, used the formation to break the formation. He first lifted Carlisle's space confinement formation, and then moved the entire land with the formation in the back mountain to the sky above the manor through the great movement of space. Then he activated the God Imprisonment Formation to move Ha Li covered it.

When Alex escapes, the floating island falls like a meteor.

"Alex, the master of formation, right?" Harley stood in front of Duoduo's body and said with a gloomy face: "If you dare to kill my dog, I will take his dog's life."

The corner of Carlisle's mouth twitched, "Can you give me another reason? For example, he is a core member of the hunting team, or his God Prisoner Formation is a threat to your life.

A majestic grand master and an extremely rare formation master, don’t let him die in a miserable way because of a dog.”

"Do you know his details?" Harley asked calmly.

"I'm not sure. There are too many ancient magic sects on the earth." After a pause, the priest added: "Before today, there was no news that the 'Ancient Imprisoning God Array' had reappeared, which shows how low-key he is."

"Ancient Prisoner of Gods" Harley's eyes flickered, "Richie, where is Constantine?"

"I don't know, that bastard is so cunning, he got rid of me in just two days." Richie said aggrievedly.

"The arrival of the Holy Son will be over tomorrow. By then, he should no longer be hiding." Carlisle said.

"Hopefully he survives until the end of Advent."

Harley sent a "blessing", got into the Archimedes airship, and disappeared into the night sky.

Through the big cross, it only takes a moment for thoughts to approach the Silver City.

To physically reach the gate of heaven in an airship, you need to fly slowly.

"You are so brave, you dare to hit even Gabriel."

Seeing Ha Li, Zhaulie's expression was a little strange. It didn't look like reproach, but more like admiration?

"I've been beaten, what else can I do?" Harley said disapprovingly.

"Aren't you afraid that he will retaliate against you?" Zaulie asked curiously.

"Now that I have broken the pot, I don't have to worry about the debt." Harley smiled.

"If you drop it too many times, the jar will eventually break." Zaulie warned.

Harley said helplessly: "He came to me first to cause trouble. What can I do? The Iron Giant is dressed in N metal, which will greatly help me improve my strength. I will not give up on it no matter what."

Zaulie pondered and said: "Actually, Gabriel was right, after killing Omani, his six brothers will definitely not let it go.

The Earth and the Milky Way will both face a period of great turmoil. "

"I will kill Omani. This is what I said. It will be useless even if God comes."

After saying the cruel words, Harley immediately flew to Heaven Mountain.

Silver City is a floating city with gold as the floor and silver as the bricks, emitting white holy light at all times.

Just like Asgard, appearing out of thin air in the empty "universe".

On the outskirts of the huge Silver City, there are stone mountains that surround the Silver City like satellites.

Harley's Divine Lord Quinn's mansion is built on the top of a giant floating mountain with a radius of a hundred miles and a height of 10,000 meters.

The giant floating mountain is connected to the ten surrounding peaks of different sizes. They are all the fiefdom of the 'Duke of Paradise Mountain' and Harry's private territory.

It is said to be True Lord Quin's Mansion, but in fact there is not even a complete house on the top of the mountain.

There is only one archway with the inscription 'True Monarch Kui Yin's Mansion' written on it, but the back of the archway is completely empty.

Oh, it's not empty. There are pieces of things that look like photovoltaic power generation panels, a set of computer hosts as big as Dongfeng trucks, and seven or eight monitors.

Just no house.

"Harley, you're here." Richie was like a djinn in a magic pot, emerging from the surface of a monitor. His upper body was human, and his lower body was foggy, still connected to the screen.

"I'm here to kill the Iron Giant. It's safest to get the benefits in your pocket."

The reason for the fight between Harley and Gabriel was for the Iron Giant. Naturally, the Iron Giant could not die before the result appeared.

After placing the Iron Giant at Quinn Manor, Harley was worried that while playing the 'Iron Head' game with Gabriel, she would have no time to pay attention to him and be secretly 'robbed' by the Demon King.

Then, she spent 50,000 merit to ask the Voice of Heaven to send the Iron Giant to Heaven Mountain, where he would be guarded by Rich.

"My Lord, who possesses the supreme power, please accept the sacrifice from the Duke of Paradise Mountain, and use your supreme glory to purify his sinful soul!"

Harley spoke with a voice from the sky and slammed the big cross into the back of the Iron Giant's head - the hole she had made with God's stick earlier at Quinn Manor.

"Buzz--" The dazzling holy light shot out from the cross, almost turning the stainless steel giant into transparent glass.

"No no no no--"

Not one person is wailing.

Harley was surprised to see illusory figures flying out of the Iron Giant's body one after another.

All soul.

Exactly the same soul.

The soul left the body, was pulled back, and turned into nothingness in the holy light.

The whole process lasted a full three minutes.

Harry couldn't count how many souls appeared, but he was certain that there were at least more than a thousand.

The next moment, a message came from the cross: "Kill the Demon Lord Omani, and you will be rewarded with 5 million merits. Sacrifice the Demon Lord's soul, and you will be rewarded with 1 million merits. Kill the reincarnation of the Demon Lord, and you will need to pay 4 million merits. The total rewards will be merits." 2 million."

"What?" Harley jumped three meters high excitedly.

"Sound of Heaven, you actually cheated me out of money?!" She roared towards the cross, "I killed the third prince and got a total of 50 million meritorious service, and killed the eldest prince and the clone of the third palace and got a reward of 80 million.

Even if Omani is not as good as the two sons of the third house, he shouldn't be so far behind, only two million? "

"Because I don't need the origin of Omani, because I need the origin of the Three Palaces." Tian Zhisheng said indifferently.

Harley was stunned, then quickly reached into the back of Onyma's head, scooped up a handful of something white and bloodshot, and poured it into her mouth.


The ice is cold and a little sweet, like jelly.

The sixth-level food defense feat is activated and can consume intermediate-level magical items (magic items below the level of artifacts and divine fruits).

In addition to the nutrients that replenish the physical body, there are also traces of magic spreading from the stomach.

Harley did not use the Escape Pattern, but channeled her magic power into the Fourth God's Defense Specialty.

If the expertise is absorbed, it means that the origin of Omani is the same as that of the Three Palace Demons, which can complement the power of God.

It means that the Voice of Heaven is lying.

If it can't, well, it really can't.

"Omani is also a demon from another dimension, so why is it useless to you?" Harley asked helplessly.

"Useless is useless." Tianzhi's voice did not explain.

Even if it didn't explain it, Harley could guess the reason: God had already obtained the origin of the alien dimension that gave birth to Omani.

"What does reincarnation mean?" she asked dejectedly.

It's just a demon king who only earns two million, which is so unmotivated.

This time Tian Zhi Sheng did not charge any fees and said directly: "N metal is the ninth metal that surpasses the eighth divine gold and can modify the rules of physics.

Omani's soul is imbued with the power of N metal, and will keep his memory reincarnated and never die.

Without the supreme power beyond the Ninth Metal, they can never be truly killed. "

Harley thought of the couple, Hawkman and Hawkgirl, who kept reincarnating.

"What kind of place is Senagon, and why are there so many Ninth Metals?"

Tian Zhisheng said: "N metal is just one of the ninth metals, just like ordinary metals are divided into iron, copper, silver and gold.

For example, the metal promethium on Earth.

And the N metal in the entire universe comes from Senagon. "

Harley looked at the hill-like body of the iron giant and asked, "Can you help me refine the N metal?"

"Yes, you only need to pay 70% of the N metal as an extraction fee." Tian Zhisheng said.

Harley didn't even bother to jump this time and simply "hang up the phone".

The Lower Heaven is somewhat similar to the Shadow Realm.

The shadow of the human world is projected into hell, which is the shadow realm.

Therefore, the scenery in the shadow world can correspond one-to-one with the human world.

The shadow of the human world is projected onto heaven, which is the bottom heaven.

However, the scenery in the bottom heaven is not exactly the same as that in the human world. There is a big difference.

Because there are ‘people’ in the lower heaven.

People can build houses, cultivate fertile fields, and significantly change the environment.

Harley comes to a city that seems different from Gotham.

The sun is shining brightly in the sky, the air is fresh, and the sky is blue, dotted with a few lovely white clouds.

In the city, the buildings that modern Gotham has are all here, but they are newer and more energetic, as if they have been given a layer of warm light, making them more comfortable to look at.

But there are more buildings here that have never appeared in Gotham.

Harley guessed that they were newly created by the residents of this place.

The streets are wide and neat, too clean to be like the real world.

In addition to the humans with leisurely postures and kind expressions, there are also angels with wings sandwiched among them.

Harley swore that even the most perfect Gotham in Bateman's dream was not as harmonious and beautiful as one-tenth of it.

As soon as she thought of Bateman, Harley's eyes widened and she exclaimed: "Bruce?"

The boy on the park bench on the side of the road turned around and said in surprise: "Harry? Why are you so old?"

"Am I old?" Harry's face turned dark at first, then he quickly stepped forward and stared at him for a long time.

It's exactly Bruce Wayne, the teenage Bruce who was still suffering from acne ten years ago.

"Are you an adult?" Little Bruce blushed and said coyly: "Harry, you are so beautiful."

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