I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 419 Someone wants Harley to fix the match again

Gabriel tried his best to hold back his screams and almost choked back his tears.

He really regrets it!

I regretted competing with the witch as an ‘Iron Head’, knowing that there must be a trap in her proposal, yet still being confident and arrogant.

"Hera, the witch beat Gabriel to death!" Diana exclaimed.

"Oh my god, it's unbelievable." The gods and demons watching were also excited.

They had been making a bet before that the witch couldn't break Gabriel's defense at all.

But now after only five blows, a bloody flower exploded above Gabriel's head.

The King of Lies was so shocked that his mental projection jumped out of the subspace.

He took a closer look and wondered: "How did the witch do it? Her speed and strength don't seem to be enhanced, and there is no magic fluctuation."

Other demon kings, demon lords, gods and demons, and even big bosses such as Stranger and Doctor Fate also showed up, because hiding in the subspace is not enough to 'see' clearly, and some subtle magic fluctuations may be ignored.

"Ah, the devil. The devils are here too."

Their appearance caused another exclamation among the onlookers.

"Dong -" Harley was not distracted and knocked the stick two more times.

None triggered a critical hit.

Gabriel raised his heart and put it down again with doubts.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

His three attacks were very smooth, and he used his full strength in each attack. Blood and water flew from Harry's head, and even a few pieces of skin with hair stuck to him fell to the ground along with the stick.

It looked very miserable.

But no one thought she was really miserable, because she was grinning widely and kept shouting "come on" and "harder".

"Dong dong dong" Gabriel swung the bat.

"Gudong, Gudong." The experience jar bubbled.

"Hahahaha!" Harley's face was covered with blood and she laughed like crazy.

Well, the increase in experience is certainly something to be happy about, but now she has triggered the curse of greed for power.

You can only feel pleasure in pain.

He also activated the counter-injury attack - the mind spell from time to time, causing Gabriel's brow to twitch.

"Dong dong dong" Harley swung the bat, causing normal damage, but Gabriel had no reaction.

"Boom -" The critical hit was triggered, and Jia Baili's expression was ferocious, his teeth clenched, and his head was bleeding.

Everyone gradually went from shock, disbelief, grinning, teeth trembling, to incomprehensible. All the emotions were worn away by hundreds of blows, and in the end only numbness remained.

"Witch Harley is the real great devil! She actually came up with such a crazy way of fighting." The devil kings all felt terrified after seeing this.

"Fortunately I didn't insist on forcing her to let her go."

Dr. Destiny wiped away the sweat from his forehead with a look of fear on his face.

Seeing the two bloody gourds beating each other's heads with sticks like madmen, Superman felt a little uncomfortable and wanted to vomit.

He touched Bateman and asked, "Which one of them can't hold on first?"

Bateman muttered: "At 8:15 in the evening, they fought each other for 45 minutes, a total of 217 rounds, hitting each other 650 times, Harley lost 1273cc of blood, and Gabriel lost 317cc of blood.

In theory, the angel Gabriel has an advantage over the human Harley.

But Harley's face was still rosy, not only rosy, but also a little excited, her eyes were wild but she didn't lose her consciousness.

The force of each swing seems to be stronger now than at the beginning.

Gabriel, on the other hand, would have his expression distorted from time to time, as if he was enduring great pain.

There wasn't much blood flowing at the moment, but his cashmere vest was soaked with cold sweat.

So, I'm optimistic about Harley. "

"Are you sure that the amount of blood loss can be accurate to 1cc?" Diana asked doubtfully.

She was just grinning and getting goosebumps. She didn't go and couldn't calculate the amount of blood they lost.

"It should be roughly right."

"Then have you seen the secret of Witch Harley?" Diana asked again.

——You may have guessed it, it is very similar to a random critical hit in the game, with special attack attributes.

Combined with the information revealed in the conversation by the nearby 'goblins' - Harley robbed Dr. Manhattan's power two days ago - although she did not turn blue, she finally got the power of Manhattan.

Critical strikes fit well with the uncertainty of quantum forces.

Taking into account the files of Dr. Manhattan that he had read in the early years, Manhattan's best attack method is to destroy the intrinsic field of living things (existence force field).

In the end, it can be concluded that Harley triggered the intrinsic field attack through some unknown method.

Even someone as powerful as the Angel King Gabriel cannot block a direct attack from the eigenfield.

Bateman thought a lot, but there was no hesitation on his face. He shook his head calmly, "I couldn't guess it at all."

——He only needs to know Harley's secret. Although Wonder Woman is a hero, at least for now, she has not gained his trust.

However, the ‘Anti-Harley Plan’ had to be significantly revised.

If a layer of 'Strong Eigen Field' coating is added to the surface of the 'Anti-Harley Armor', it may be able to withstand Harley's 'Copycat Manhattan Attack'.

If you can simulate Harley's eigenfield attack, you may be able to upgrade your "anti-demon armor".

Bateman folded his arms across his chest, groping his fleshy butt, buttocks and chin with his fingers, lost in thought.

"Stranger, you have a good relationship with Witch Harley, please tell her to admit defeat!"

After taking another critical hit, Gabriel couldn't bear it any longer.

He transcended the voice of heaven and directly used the 'Golden Hall' to send a message to the stranger.

The strangers outside the crowd were stunned for a while.

He never expected to receive a message from Gabriel, or a 'letter for help'.

The Angel King's tone was still high, but he could hear the anxiety and pain.

"I'm afraid it won't be easy to handle," the stranger thought carefully about his choice of words, "She has been like a little wild horse with a single head since she was a child, unruly and daring.

Hit me on the head with the butt of a gun, play with Lucifer, kick Dr. Destiny, and lie in the name of God.

Just two days ago, she treated the war lord of Apokolips, Steppenwolf, as a minion, killed him, and then stole Doctor Manhattan's power.

I simply can't imagine anyone teaching her things in a commanding tone. "

He and Gabriel are both human angels, but there is a big gap in status.

Gabriel is the king of angels, wearing a crown and occupying the hall of honor.

But he is an exiled half-fallen angel (ps) who specializes in doing underworld work for the Voice of Heaven.

On weekdays, even if the two of them met by chance - Gabriel lived in Manhattan, Stranger lived in Long Island, and they were both in Gotham - 'Snobbish' Gabriel would not take the initiative to talk to him.

Stranger might not feel inferior to Gabriel, but now that he was being spoken to and asked for help, he was really flattered.

However, he also understood Harley's character and agreed without hesitation.

"Intimidation does not lead to inducement, so offer her an offer that is difficult to refuse."

Gabriel was not stupid and knew that empty words would be difficult to convince the 'greedy' witch.

"What conditions are used? Where is the bottom line?" Stranger asked curiously.

Through Gabriel's bottom line, we can also guess how bad his state is at this time.

It’s not bad and I won’t take the initiative to “surrender”.

Didn’t you see that Harley was still laughing so hard that the others’ teeth were sore and their legs were weak and their whole bodies had goosebumps?

"I want to end this embarrassing farce immediately." Gabriel said with force: "Look at the people around us, they treat us like monkey tricks."

The stranger didn't listen to the second half of the sentence at all. He was only thinking about the word 'immediately'.

This shows that Gabriel is willing to pay any price.

"Harry seems to be much more embarrassed than you. Blood is all over his body, and his skull is exposed and cracked." The stranger said tentatively.

"This is not a question of who is more embarrassed." Gabriel said in an impatient tone, "The penitence stick cannot kill people. I originally planned to make it a murder weapon. One stick will knock the witch's little head into a rotten watermelon, but God..."

"His preference for the Witch Harley seems to surpass that of Adam and the Son of God (Christ)." His voice was filled with resentment, "I now somewhat understand Lucifer's thoughts back then."

The last sentence made Stranger's heart beat a few times.

He immediately decided in his heart that no matter what, he had to help the Angel King on earth once.

Adam was the first human being created by God in the Garden of Eden (on earth).

After Michael took him into heaven, the angels had to salute him.

Lucifer stood proudly and refused to worship, and conflicts arose.

Later, God asked all the angels to swear allegiance to the Son. Lao Lu showed his middle finger and simply raised the flag of rebellion.

Well, it’s not that there was Jesus first and then there was the Son, but Christ the Son came down to earth and was reincarnated as Jesus.

Today’s second advent of the Son is not the birth of the second Son, but may be the second entry of Christ into the womb of the Virgin Mary.

The Stranger worries that Gabriel will go back to his old ways and fall from jealousy and pride.

"Actually, Harley is not very favored by God. Really, look at how miserable she has been in these years. Also, her coming to earth may not have anything to do with God." He advised.

"Don't say good things for Him. 'God descends to earth' is 100% His power. I know this better than you." Gabriel gritted his teeth, his tone full of certainty.

Because he himself also has ‘Gabriel Skin’.

The Satan skin obtained by Harley at level 8 of her fourth defense specialty is actually a prototype and incomplete product of God's force field.

It wasn't until the ninth level absorbed the power of heaven that Satan's skin evolved into God's skin, and the tenth level absorbed the origin of the little black bean, then the final form of God's force field was opened.

Gabriel and Michael also have their own "skin" - a small force field, so ordinary magic cannot hurt them at all.

Therefore, Gabriel could feel that Harley's God Force Field came from the same source as his, but was several levels higher than his.

How can this not make him unbalanced and become envious and jealous?

"Harry, you have entered a state of greed for power again. It is very dangerous. Why don't you forget it. I can help you intercede so that Gabriel will no longer interfere with you and the seven devils."

Harley was stunned for a moment before realizing that this was the stranger trying to break up the fight.

"Don't worry, the confession stick can't kill anyone. Besides, before the fight with Gabriel, I ate a belly full of high-energy magic food, and I've only digested one-tenth of it now."

Harley is very optimistic and very sensible.

The stranger could not guess that food was closely related to the recovery of injuries, but he also understood that Harley had a chance to win, so he changed his words: "Everyone is looking at you as a joke. If you are embarrassed, heaven will be embarrassed as well."

Harley vaguely understood Stranger's thoughts and said meaningfully: "So I want Gabriel to be embarrassed. The worse he is, the happier I am.

My happiness was enough to offset the shame of being treated like a monkey.

Anyway, when I win the final victory, they will only look at me with awe and not any slightest contempt.

Therefore, if Gabriel cries and shouts ‘repent’ in public, I will not stop. "

Stranger sighed, "Let me tell you the truth, Tian Zhisheng hopes that you will end the competition immediately, and you can do whatever you want."

Well, poor Heaven's Voice is really used as a toilet by a group of 'fallen' angels, anyone can use it.

(ps: If every angel has a priesthood, then the Stranger represents betrayal.

When Lucifer rebelled against God, Stranger also betrayed God and joined Lucifer's camp. However, he gave up halfway and betrayed Lucifer again and returned to God's service.

Then God demoted him to the mortal world and became a wandering "God's little black hand".

For example, he did what Judas did and betrayed Jesus.

For example, Jim Corrigan, the host of the ghost, died after being betrayed by him. His soul combined with the power of God's vengeance and became a ghost.

Another example is Mrs. Xanadu and Raven Girl.

In addition, Harley's new skill is actually a critical hit damage with attribute attack. In game terms, it is: there is an x% probability of hitting double or more physical attacks, and triggering real damage to the existence field.

As for where the extra critical hit power comes from.

It can be considered that part of her energy in the past or future has been lost to this moment.


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