I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 418 The Angel King is bleeding

Superman and Wonder Woman can fly, but Bateman can only run, and he refuses to accept Superman's suggestion of "flying with his arms or hands". When the three arrived, it was already a little late.

In the center of the ruined walls, there was an open space, as big as two basketball courts side by side. Hundreds of people stood on the rotten bricks on the outside, suspended in mid-air, or hidden in higher dimensions.

There are mages dressed up as modern people, there are ancient mages, there are gods with hoods covering their faces, there are demons that exude evil aura, there are mages from other worlds with very different human appearances, and there are also many strange non-human creatures.

There are even three angels with wings folded behind them.

"How is this going?"

Diana was still calm, but Batman and Superman were like Alice falling into a tree hole. They were surprised and curious about this scene that looked like a 'paranormal martial arts conference'.

"Hey, Superman, Wonder Woman, and Bateman, how did you get together?"

No one from the manor greeted them, and Ivy, Carlisle and others were nowhere to be found. On the periphery of the crowd, a sexy girl with two balls of fire on her shoulders looked over curiously.

It's Harley's best friend since she was a girl, Rebecca "Witchfire".

"Satan above, look, Superman and Wonder Woman are here."

"They came for the witch, right? It's a pity that they came too late and couldn't participate in the previous battle."

The demons also pointed at the three of them. Well, only Superman and Diana. Bateman was ignored.

"Wu Huo, what are you doing?"

Diana was also considered a member of the extraordinary circle. She had been to the Oblivion Bar several times and recognized the fire mage who had been extremely active in recent years.

"Waiting to see the duel between Witch Harley and the Angel King Gabriel on Earth, where did you come from?" Wu Huo said.

"I came to Gotham to solve the terrorist attack crisis." Diana explained a few words casually, and then asked: "There were only a few people in the manor before, and you suddenly appeared. Even the devil dared to come?"

"You don't know what day it is?" Wu Huo asked strangely.

Diana thought for a while and said, "Today is very ordinary, but tomorrow is Christmas."

Wu Huo smiled and said: "Have you forgotten that the United States is at the end of the time zone? Today is Christmas, and Christmas has already begun in the east."

"It's just a few hours of time difference, what's the point?" Diana asked confused.

"The Holy Son is coming today." Wu Huo reminded.

"Ah, I really forgot." Diana exclaimed, "Is there any result?"

Wu Huo shook his head, "We were waiting for the result at the Forgotten Bar, but Harley jumped out to steal the show and made such a big fuss, so we came over first to see how she committed suicide.

It happened that Harley and Gabriel were dueling and needed witnesses, so qualified people, gods and demons came, regardless of angels or demons.

Although the demons here also come from hell, they have little to do with Flatulence and Raskov's "Witch Hunting Team".

Under normal circumstances, ordinary demons would not conflict when meeting Harley. "

"Witch Huo, don't talk nonsense and mislead the demon disciples!" An angry voice came from above.

But he was a green-skinned demon with a huge horn on his head that was shockingly big, three times as big as his head.

There are also a group of little demons around him who are similar in shape to him, but much smaller in size and imposing manner.

Being scolded in public, Wuhuo still wanted to get angry, but when he looked up and saw the devil, the two fires on his shoulders shrank.

"Duke Nebiros, I wonder what I said wrong?" she said with a sneer.

She is not Harley and cannot afford to offend the Demon Duke.

"Anyone who says that ordinary demons are not in danger when encountering witches is either stupid or bad." The green demon said coldly.

"I'm just chatting with Wonder Woman. I don't have any bad intentions." Wu Huo said in a low tone.

But she also refused to admit that she was stupid, and then added: "Harry is not a vicious person. She is very reasonable and rarely takes the initiative to conflict with others."

The green devil said angrily: "Are you saying this with bad intentions?"

The three Batemans looked on in confusion.

Wu Huo didn't know what she said wrongly. In her impression, Harley was a magical otaku. She stayed in Gotham and her own manor all year round and almost never ventured to other worlds. She was extremely honest.

"What's wrong with what I said?" she asked blankly.

A demon nearby sneered and said, "What if a demon told humans that demons are kind, friendly, reasonable, and never harm humans. Do you think it has bad intentions?"

"That's bad," Superman muttered.

Wu Huo's pretty face turned green and red.

Bateman's hard-faced muscles twitched, and he muttered: "As for that? It has become common knowledge in hell and has spread to the next generation."

"A witch is cunning, deceptive, vicious, vicious, and sinful." Nebiros shouted at the little devils around him: "She is evil itself, the untouchable darkness, and the source of trouble that causes trouble.

Don't listen to her, let alone believe her.

If you see her demon, unless you are accompanied by a big demon, even in broad daylight, the little demon should stay away immediately. Do you understand? "

"Understood!" The demons nodded in unison.

The expressions of the three giants of Zhenglian were all twisted.

"You are so brave, you dare to slander me in my manor," Harry's shout suddenly sounded from the center of the open space, "Where is the devil from? Please tell me by name."

She and Gabriel teleported together from nowhere.

"Witch, don't be afraid of you. I am not afraid of you. I am stationed in the City of the Dead all year round and rarely come to the human world. Moreover, I am proficient in 126 escape techniques." Nebiros puffed out his chest and said confidently.

Gabriel said in a deep voice: "Witch Harley, you have wasted enough time, don't add any more complications."

"Okay, get ready to start." Harley withdrew her gaze, holding God's big stick in her hand, staring at the noble angel king on earth, "Should I go first, or you?"

Nebiros breathed a subtle sigh of relief and whispered to the demons around him: "The witch is cunning, we can't be more cunning than her, we can only go astray.

For example, learn more escape techniques.

If you talk to the witch, she will lie to you, start a fight if you disagree with the witch, and she may set a trap to harm you. The only way to escape is to make her unable to reach you, which is the safest and safest way. "

"But, you mighty devil, wouldn't it be too shameful to run away?" A little devil asked in confusion.

The Demon Duke said sternly: "As long as you face the witch and run away immediately when the opportunity arises, there is no shame in you.

For example, Raskov, the son of the Third Palace, he is a dignified demon king and the biological son of the Third Palace Demon King. His status and strength are much stronger than yours.

But I know that he has been visiting famous teachers in recent years just to learn the art of escape.

Don't doubt it.

I was one of the famous teachers he visited.

And the effect of his learning the art of escaping can be seen.

Because he escaped quickly, the eldest prince who was ten times more powerful than him died, but he was still alive. From the third son of the third palace to the only son of the third palace.

Because he escaped quickly, the witch hunting team was 10 to 10 tonight, Omani, one of the seven demons, declined, and the conceited king narrowly escaped death due to flatulence.

But apart from being a little frightened, Raskov didn't even lose a hair. "

The demons nodded repeatedly, but Diana sneered: "You don't even dare to go back to the casino in Las Vegas. You hide around all day long. Raskov is a coward alive!"

She had been chasing the second prince for a while.

Nebiros said sternly: "There is always hope while alive, even if you die a hundred times, and the second prince is always at a strategic advantage.

He has always been planning Witch Harley, and it doesn't matter even if he fails a hundred times.

Because as long as he succeeds once, the witch will decline. "

Diana agrees with this. Only a thousand days can make a thief. How can a thousand days prevent a thief?

"Of course, the witch is what we and other demons should be on guard against, and she is also an example for you little demons to learn from," Nebiros looked at the group of little demons and educated him earnestly: "The witch is cunning and insidious, ruthless, ruthless and vicious, and does all kinds of evil. .These are the most praiseworthy virtues in hell.

We demons are not mortals. We are ashamed of being sincere and kind, and proud of being hypocritical and vicious.

If the witch is in hell, she is the best devil and the idol we worship. "

"This is a golden and good advice!"

The demons nodded repeatedly and looked at Harley with reverence.

The expressions of the Big Three became even more distorted.

"Bang!" A muffled sound came from the center of the field.

It was Harley who was swinging the stick, jumping up and hitting Gabriel on the head.

Everyone stopped talking and looked at the two people competing.

"Ada!" One blow had no effect, and Harley jumped up and hit her a second time.

It's like hitting the rim of a pot with stainless steel chopsticks. It makes a loud sound but has no fart effect.

Gabriel crossed his arms, a hint of sarcasm appeared on his indifferent handsome face.

After three strokes, Harley handed over the stick neatly.

"What kind of competition is this?" Superman asked confused.

"The battle of iron heads. In a circle with a radius of ten meters, two people use sticks to knock on each other's heads to see who can survive to the end."

At the end of the sentence, Wu Huo's expression was a little weird, "It is said that he imitated the fighting method of the Celestial Master. It's really weird."

"BOOM!" The ground shook violently, dust filled the center of the field, and everyone was stunned.

The smoke and dust cannot block the sight of the extraordinary people present, even Batman has ‘Bat Glasses’.

When Gabriel struck out with the club, Harley was like a small nail under a hammer, and her whole body was instantly submerged into the dirt.

Not even an inch of the skull was left.

"Gabriel, you have gone too far."

Harley's furious voice came from the ground, with a hollow echo that seemed to come from a deep well.

"So deep!" Wuhuo murmured.

Then she immediately said: "Harry is so strong. He's not dead yet, and he's still very angry."

Everyone nodded together.

Seeing the confusion on Bateman and Ripman's faces, Diana explained: "Before, Witch Harley only used her physical strength to knock Gabriel off.

Gabriel knocked the witch, but added powerful magic and law power. "

"You never said before that you can't use magic power. As long as you are in the circle and hit your head with this stick, you can do whatever you want." Gabriel sneered.

Although he was smiling, his eyes were also suspicious.

Even if the confession stick cannot kill someone, it can still maim them and make them scream "repent", but the witch did not repent.

Harley was lifted up by the underground vines in disgrace, "Very good, let's try to see whose method is stronger."

She was not uninjured, her head was bleeding profusely, her orifices were bleeding like springs, and her delicate milky white skin was as chapped as porcelain with streaks of blood.

It's a bit miserable.

"My Lord God, give me strength!"

Harley looked up to the sky and screamed, just like He-Man summoning "Vico to appear".

God has descended.

Gabriel's expression changed slightly, and the power of rules he exerted on the confession rod collapsed and disappeared in an instant.

"God." He looked up at the sky, his expression uncertain.

——The old man is so confused, how come he can’t even tell the difference between his own son and the wild bastard picked up from the trash can outside?

"Come on, what are you still fussing about?" Harley shouted.

"Boom!" Gabriel hit him with a stick, and a silver lightning flashed through the air.

"Boom!" The air shook, and Harley's calves fell into the mud, and a handful of blood spattered from his head.

"Gudong, Gudong." The experience jar bubbled crazily, increasing by almost three percent!

"Come on! One more time." She shouted excitedly, looking crazy.



The blood flowed down his cheek and gathered into a stream at his chin.

"Gudong, Gudong." The experience jar continued to bubble.

"Hahaha!" Harley's face was covered with blood, and she looked up to the sky and laughed.

Bateman looked sour.

The audience's scalp was numb.

Gabriel handed over the stick with a dull face, feeling a little uneasy because God came down to earth and made his defensive magic useless.

"Dang——" Gabriel's eyelids twitched.

Fortunately, there was no blood.

But it hurts!

Damn it, he hadn't felt pain in tens of thousands of years.

Moreover, he really wanted to shout "I regret it"!

He held back with all his strength, maintaining a calm expression on the surface, and even raised the corners of his mouth in a sarcastic manner.

"Go on." He sneered.


Fortunately, Quantum Critical Strike starts and the presence field doubles the attack.

"Bah—" Blood spattered, and the expression of the Angel King on Earth was distorted, "Ouch—"

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