I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 384 The End and the Beginning

"Do you have so much confidence in Dr. Manhattan? Do you firmly believe that the current reality is the result of his choices?"

Harley was unhappy being called 'Dead Manhattan'.

She feels that her potential is no lower than that of Blue Manhattan.

When she has superhuman strength and physique, and can achieve double or even higher 'quantum crit' special effects, in the entire multiverse, who can withstand it?

When she can independently control her own quantum defense, double or more superposition defense, who in the world can break through her skin?

"Isn't it?" Pharaoh raised his chin slightly and said with an arrogant expression: "No one has ever defeated him except me.

You may have amazing means and abilities that I don't know about.

But you didn't pull him off the timeline.

From beginning to end, he was able to make his own choices.

This is your biggest mistake.

To deal with Joan, his omniscience must be broken.

Otherwise, he will inevitably choose the outcome that is most beneficial to him, making it impossible for you to plan his outcome.

Just like now, you seem to have won a great victory and absorbed a lot of energy, but you have not obtained his divine power at all. "

"If it were you, what would you do? Use tachyons to block his perception?

Pharaoh, you are old and useless and don’t even understand the state of Black Manhattan. " Harley sneered.

The old man's face turned red with anger, "Tell me, what didn't I understand?"

Harley looked around. Under the intimidation of the unknown mastermind, everyone ran away, except for the Pharaoh who firmly believed that this ending was the ending chosen by Joan, and that Joan would never harm them.

Laurie believed him.

Angela stayed because of her obsession - to find the real culprit behind the murder of her husband.

"This is not a good place to talk."

Harley waved, and the Archimedes airship suddenly appeared in front of several people.

"Shit, when did Aki have this ability?" Pharaoh was startled.

"Harry, you are such an insidious and cunning guy." Laurie couldn't help but sighed when he saw Carlisle, Ivy and the mysterious man in full Kryptonian armor on the airship.

The first two people entered the airship without hesitation, but Angela stood there, staring at Harry with a mixture of emotions.

"Aunt Angela, you don't know me? I'm Harley from the Quinn family. You told my mother with envy back then that it would be great if you had a beautiful, cute, smart and sensible daughter like me." Harley said with a smile.

"You have grown up and become more beautiful, but you are not cute at all. You are very smart, but you use your wisdom in evil ways. Harley, you have become so strange." Angela said with a complicated expression.

"Auntie, I was only seven years old back then, and now I am three and seven years old. Of course, I can no longer be as innocent as before, especially when I went to Gotham - serious fathers will warn their children not to go to Gotham when they grow up. That Gotham." Harley sighed.

Angela looked accusingly, "You killed Joan, don't you feel guilty at all? You have known him for almost ten years."

"You come up first. The quantum centrifuge and energy tower are turned off. The monsters and monsters hiding in the dark will no longer have any worries. This place will become very lively and dangerous." Harley said.

Sirens are now heard on the streets. If ordinary cannon fodder can enter this place safely, bigwigs from all walks of life in the supernatural world, the magical world, and other worlds will appear one after another.

Harry couldn't even imagine how many powerful beings were staring at this.

When she picked up Steppenwolf's ax and mother box and jumped into the airship, Angela hesitated for a moment and followed.

There were still many questions in her mind that she wanted to ask Harley.


The next moment, the tail of the airship pulled out a long bright white trail, soaring straight into the sky.

There is no entry into the shadow realm.

The shadow world at this time is really not as safe as outer space.

However, the spacecraft did not break out of the earth and enter the stratosphere, but maintained a high-speed flight.

Harley guessed correctly, there were many big guys hiding nearby; she also guessed wrong, before the police entered, they only saw the small airship leaving, and they all ran out.

No one knew that Dr. Manhattan was living in seclusion in this remote town.

It was even more unimaginable that a mortal would dare to plot his power.

Therefore, the only people involved in the "Hydrogen Bomb Power" stealing plan were the 7th Cavalry Regiment, Zhao Yu and the Pentagon.

Later, Harley was added, and Steppenwolf lurked in the background.

But Harley entered the transformation chamber and started the transformation, and the power of Black Manhattan began to leak out.

Especially Zhao Yu transformed the entire black Manhattan into a huge ball of energy, stored it all in a centrifuge, and hung it in the air. He wanted to shout to the world: Come on, everyone, I have caught Dr. Manhattan, whose name I have heard for so long. .

This movement is almost as good as the day when Harley stole the power of Satan in Indian Mountain.

Everyone who can make it is here.

"Oh, it was a mistake, it was a mistake!" Faust sighed sadly, "I knew the witch was cunning, but I didn't expect her to be so cunning, and she actually pretended to be dead and pretended to be decent.

I should have used remote magic to destroy those instruments before. "

"Why don't you destroy it?" Gabriel asked.

Faustus wears a golden headband and dark purple classical robes, looking and dressing like an ancient alchemist.

Gabriel is wearing a suit and leather shoes, with an elegant temperament. His hair is heavily waxed and combed meticulously, like a university professor with a British aristocratic background.

"Oh, it's all my fault for being greedy. I want to wait for that woman, Zhao Yu, to fix the operating program of the converter, and then I can go up and pick the fruits myself.

Also, I've always been a little scared of Dr. Manhattan.

If the instrument is destroyed and he is resurrected, then" Faust smiled bitterly and shook his head.

The people around him were silent, they also had the same thoughts and concerns.

"Snobbery, Giles seems to be your man." Faust said to Gabriel with a smile.

"Don't call me 'snobby'." Gabriel said coldly.

Faust said strangely: "But the nickname given by Witch Harley is really apt for you.

I remember a hundred years ago, when you were based in London, anyone who wanted to see you had to at least bring an aristocratic genealogy and an Oxford University diploma. "

"Faust, you talk a lot of nonsense." Dr. Fate said calmly.

"I'm getting close to the snob. Giles has been in the cavalry for several years. The snob should know something." Faust said with a smile.

"Lord Gabriel, are you also planning Manhattan?" Doctor Fate asked.

The magic masters, gods and demons in the distance were all staring at Gabriel.

"Does the king know what each of his subjects ate at night?" Gabriel sighed.

Sage Aoqi frowned and said: "The space fluctuation that appeared earlier was the sonic boom channel of Apokolips, right?"

Doctor Fate whispered: "It's Steppenwolf, and he also died in a clone."

"Are you sure it's a clone? Isn't it more appropriate for Dr. Manhattan's power to be carried in his true body?" Sage Aoqi said.

"Steppenwolf's true form is invading Earth-2 (another single universe)."

After a pause, Dr. Destiny said in a complicated tone: "He doesn't dare to risk his true body.

Just like us, we all speculated that Dr. Manhattan might be dead, but we still waited for Harley Quinn to leave and made sure there was no danger before we dared to come over. "

"Afraid of death and shame, Dr. Manhattan has no emotions. It's not unusual to kill anyone with just one finger." Faust said.

Dr. Destiny said: “The appearance of Steppenwolf means something extraordinary.

According to escaping soldiers and researchers, Giles stayed with Steppenwolf for several years.

It shows that Steppenwolf has been eyeing the Earth of this universe for a long time.

Alas, I'm afraid that the invasion of Apokolips is not far away. "

Faust said quietly: "Now shouldn't we be more concerned about what Witch Harley got and come up with countermeasures?

She has always been a cunning and cunning troublemaker. If she dyes her face blue again, I'm afraid the magic world will never have peace in the future. "

Doctor Fate was silent.

Sage Ochi and Gabriel didn't say a word either.

Faust frowned and waited for a while. Seeing that they didn't respond, he simply flew to the small group of demons and black magicians on the other side.

"Actually, it wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing if the witch really turned into a little blue man."

Seeing Faust approaching, the only son of the Three Palaces immediately stopped talking.

"As you know, I don't have any friendship with Witch Harley. I even besieged her during the Indian Mountain incident." Faust shouted.

The only son of Sannomiya said: "You are different from us after all. Look around, you are almost an Avengers who is anti-Harley Quinn."

Faust looked around. There were many demons, dark wizards, and wizards from other worlds, and there were only five or six big figures: Nergal, the representative of the Legion of Eternal Punishment in the human world, Tannerak from the Cold Flame Holy See, Alex from the Brotherhood, Ursula, the black witch of the people under the sea, the fallen druid Dark Thorn, the mysterious master with a masked face

"The Brotherhood has a grudge against the Witch?" Faust asked doubtfully.

"We have no grudge against money." Alex, dressed as a British gentleman, said in a standard Oxford accent.

"If the price is right, I can do it too." Faust touched the beard on his chin and said with a smile.

The only son of Sannomiya was silent for a moment and said: "If the witch really gets the power of Manhattan, it might be a good thing."

"Good thing? Are you not out of your mind? Or maybe you were frightened and decided to kneel on the ground and lick her little blue feet?" Faust shouted.

The only son of Sannomiya sneered: "You are the only one who has no brains. Think about it carefully, how did she get the power of Manhattan?"

He pointed to the surrounding instruments and said, "The equipment is all here, why can't we repeat the previous process?

Blue Manhattan can be trapped in a cage and unable to move, and Blue and the Witch are no exception. "

"Hey, it seems to be very exciting."

"Harry, why are you not dead?" Laurie asked curiously on the airship: "The Cavalry Regiment's converter is missing a centrifuge. You should have exploded and died."

"I am born with supernatural power." Harley smiled: "Zhao Yu smartly realized that the 'power of the hydrogen bomb' cannot be absorbed directly, but he forgot that the energy discarded by the centrifuge is also part of the complete power of Manhattan.

Without them, even if she succeeds, she will only be a broken Manhattan. "

"It's not that she forgot, but she knew that no one can absorb the complete spiritual energy." The Pharaoh looked at her and said, "But you are a weirdo. I don't know what means you used to survive.

But even if you didn't die, you still didn't escape the fate chosen by Joan.

You failed and did not get the power of the gods. "

"Why do you always insist on denying the fact that I defeated Black Manhattan?" Harley frowned.

"Because defeating Joan is an honor that belongs only to him. He is arrogant and arrogant and will not allow you to take away his glory." Laurie sneered.

Pharaoh's old face twitched a few times and insisted: "What I said is the truth."

"The fact is, the knowledge in your head is out of date, old man!" Harley sneered: "As I said before, you haven't figured out the status of Black Manhattan at all."

"Tell me, I don't understand."

Harley looked at the black girl beside her, "Aunt Angela, there is really no need for you to resent me, because your husband's death was not murder, but a chosen natural death of old age."

"Will Joan die of old age? Don't be ridiculous." Pharaoh laughed.

"Where have you been hanging out in the past few decades?" Harley asked curiously: "Have you never seen the famous "Red Manhattan"?"

"What "Red Manhattan"?" the old man asked doubtfully.

"A novel written by Hallie. I used to think the content in it was ridiculous, but now seeing how successful it is, it shows that her guess may be true." Laurie sighed.

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