I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 383 White Manhattan

"Did she really succeed?"

Looking at the cheap daughter who was shouting "Who else?", the old man was extremely puzzled, "Qiong will never be happy to let her get the power, I'm sure."

"Maybe Joan is too weak," Laurie murmured.

After Harley and her ex-husband died one after another, she felt very depressed.

The appearance of the horned alien ax man before did not move her too much.

“Joan is never powerless or needless to exert force, for him, all realized realities are due to his choices.

As long as he chooses not to let Zhao Yu succeed, Zhao Yu will inevitably fail. "The old man said firmly.

"Then why was she able to save the day and even defeat the aliens?"

"Obviously, the minotaur who dresses and talks like a third-rate stage actor is not Joan's chosen heir.

To put it simply, the death of the Minotaur was entirely the result of Joan's choice.

Didn't you notice just now?

When the tauren Niuhide appeared in a coaxing manner and trumpeted that he was the destroyer of worlds, I didn't even bother to give him a look of contempt.

A nobody, a clown, obviously unable to escape the fate arranged by Joan. "The old man said casually.

If Steppenwolf heard what he said, he would definitely roar loudly: You are a nobody, I am Steppenwolf, the terrifying demon king who makes countless worlds in the multiverse tremble.

"But now, Zhao Yu has no rival at all." Angela looked up at the sky, "It has been so long, there must be no more 'variables'."

Hearing this, the old man in Chinese tunic suit subconsciously raised his head, and then his pupils shrank and he murmured: "Have you ever felt that the blue laser ball above is much dimmer?"

"It is indeed not as good as before. Maybe the energy cannot be preserved for a long time after Joan's death." Angela said.

"No." The old man frowned and shook his head.

"What's wrong?" Angela asked.

"Nothing is wrong. Psychic energy is not lost that easily. Moreover," the old man pointed at Zhao Yu, who was busy and sweating on the operating table, "Why hasn't she entered the transformation room yet?"

"Ask her."

The old man coughed a few times and shouted: "The smartest woman in the world, what are you waiting for? It's freezing cold at the end of December. I'm old and weak, so I can't stand it."

Zhao Yu was immersed in his work and said casually: "Father, don't worry, I can always let you witness my greatest moment."

"Is there something wrong with the instrument?" the old man asked.

Zhao Yu was silent for a moment and said: "I was invaded by an alien mastermind before and crashed my operating system. I had to rewrite the program."

"Hey, that's a big project. Can you finish it today?"

"Don't disturb me, I can finish it faster." Zhao Yu's voice was a little more impatient.

The old man chuckled a few times, found a chair, sat down with a relaxed expression, and then kept looking up at the atomic centrifuge in the sky.

Half an hour passed quietly, and Zhao Yu, who was busy working as a programmer, also noticed that the "sky" was getting darker - the blue sun above his head was quickly extinguishing.

The brightness was less than one-tenth of the original value, and the energy states of the eight surrounding buildings began to become 'unstable', flickering on and off.

"What's going on? The energy in the atomic centrifuge is flowing away? This shouldn't be the case!" she yelled in panic.

"Hehe." The old man in Chinese tunic suit sat there with a hint of sarcasm in his laughter.

"What did you find?" Zhao Yu said sharply.

"I found that your atomic centrifuge technology is not up to par." The old man smiled.

"Impossible, you stole Manhattan's energy to study the giant octopus in the 1970s, and you were able to preserve his energy for more than ten years. I stand on your shoulders, and the technology will only become more mature." Zhao Yu shouted.

"Maybe you're standing crookedly."

Zhao Yu ran down the console and checked the equipment of the cavalry regiment from beginning to end. Then she saw the 'container converter' that was still flashing blue arcs.

"Fake!" She looked ugly and yelled: "You bastard, this converter and the centrifuge are connected in series, and the energy leaks out from here."

In the past, they were able to teleport to the warehouse because when the cavalry regiment activated the converter, part of the psychic energy would be transferred to the atomic centrifuge dozens of kilometers away.

Since energy can flow from the converter into the centrifuge, energy from the centrifuge can also flow into the converter. They are like two connected ponds.

"Why don't you turn it off?" Zhao Yu kicked Tulsa's Clark hard.

"You asked me to squat down with my head in my hands and not to move around. Of course I wouldn't dare to move around." Clark said aggrievedly.

"Stab it—" Zhao Yu pointed his finger, and blue arc light shot out from the energy tower, turning Tulsa's Clark into a soap bubble.

With a cold face, she ignored the different expressions of the people around her and walked straight to the cavalry regiment's console. Just as she was about to take action, she said, "Stab--"

The energy tower jumped out of a blue arc of light again, landing on top of her head in her horrified and dazed eyes.


Like the humans, gods, and demons before her, her intrinsic field collapsed and her body turned into basic particles.

The scene was deathly quiet, everyone was stunned, standing still, not daring to move.

"Who, who?" Laurie swallowed and asked softly.

Only the north wind in winter whistles sadly.

"Ah, Mrs. Zhao is dead!"

The researchers, security guards of the Zhao Group, and even the soldiers who were intimidated by Zhao Yu screamed and fled in all directions.

The old man in Chinese tunic suit was calm and said with a smile: "There are some discrepancies in the process, but the results are completely in line with expectations."

"Do you know who is behind this? Do we want to leave too?" Laurie asked.

"I don't know, but he will definitely not hurt us." The old man said confidently.


"Because this is Qiong's arrangement." The old man said with emotion.

"That's not necessarily true." A proud chuckle came from the 'container'.

"Buzz-click!" The energy tower and the laser ball in the sky completely dimmed, and the energy of Manhattan completely disappeared.

"Hallie?!" Laurie exclaimed.

Several people ran to the door of the cabin together and saw a bloody mosaic slowly squirming at the bottom of the cabin, like an invisible hand squeezing the mud into a human shape.

After she has a basic human form, she condenses it from top to bottom into a vague human face and limbs.

After that, it was as if the blurry image gradually became clear, and a sassy female warrior wearing golden heavenly armor appeared in front of everyone.

"I'm really surprised that it's you. It's not a surprise. It's more of a shock than an accident." The old man said with a complicated expression.

"Harry, everything that happens outside is the result of your director?" Laurie said blankly.

"Give me a few minutes to get used to my newfound strength."

Harley closed her eyes and opened her arms. She didn't need the armor's wings, and her body floated naturally. She separated from the dirty blood and slowly flew out of the cabin.

Connection Power Defense Specialty, Level 9: 1. Immune to quantum energy attacks, immune to time attacks, 30% - 50% immune to ordinary supernatural attacks;

2. Immune to and strongly interfere with the restart of time. In any form of universe restart, at least the body and consciousness can be kept intact;

3. The force field of connection, ten-meter radius: eliminates the fatal effect of any regular attack in the multiverse, and its own intrinsic field is indestructible (within the multiverse).

The strength of connection defense expertise that has been upgraded to level nine is similar to the god's defense expertise. In addition to various defensive effects, it also has a powerful force field.

Harley was a little disappointed that she was not completely immune to ordinary powers.

But being completely immune to time attacks made her very satisfied.

Especially the second item, the exemption from the restart of the universe, made her completely relieved: she no longer had to worry about being played around by the supreme being like a plaything.

She was a little confused about the third article's position on the power of connection.

Moreover, she has not yet been exposed to multiverse-level fatal rule attacks, so she is not deeply impressed by them.

Well, she will meet him soon.

Darkseid's Omega rays are regular attacks with a fatal nature: any living being hit by Omega rays will definitely die.

If there is no protection from the supreme being, Dachao will be instantly hit by Omega and die if he touches it.

What Harley is more concerned about now is that 'the intrinsic field is indestructible'.

Does this mean she will never die in the future?

Dr. Manhattan's attack method is mainly to destroy the opponent's intrinsic field. The ninth-level defense specialty has the special effect of "indestructible intrinsic field", which is reasonable.

It's just that it's difficult for Harley to test her ideas because she has to risk her life to try.

If you guess wrong, your life will be lost.

When she meets Papetua, the mother of the DC universe, she will understand what "the intrinsic field is indestructible" means.

It's not that it's impossible to kill, but it's very difficult to kill completely.

Strictly speaking, Dr. Manhattan also has the characteristic of "indestructible intrinsic field".

Seeing Harley's eyes open and her body slowly falling to the ground, the old man in Chinese tunic hurriedly asked: "Why are you still white? Did you not get Joan's power?"

Harley touched her rosy face and said in an uncertain tone: "I didn't turn blue? But I really absorbed his power."

Long before Steppenwolf came along, she took her fifth defense feat to level nine.

But Dr. Manhattan's power is vast, and after his expertise reaches level nine, there is still a lot left.

The reason why it took so long was mainly to absorb Manhattan's spiritual power to transform itself.

"You did not turn blue." A flash of understanding flashed in Pharaoh Wang's eyes, "Moreover, you did not gain his ability."

"How can I see it? I won't be sure about my ability until I try it once." Harley said.

"Hehehehe" the old man laughed, "this sentence has exposed your old background.

Joan's skills don't need to be tested at all.

He exists in the present and the future at the same time, and his skills are always at the peak of his proficiency.

But you are not even sure what you are capable of. "

"Yes, my abilities in time are all defensive. I cannot exist in the entire timeline at the same time like Dr. Manhattan." Harley nodded.

Although she has never tried it, she has a feeling that if anyone observes her on the timeline, she will be able to detect it.

She definitely didn't have this ability before.

"Beyond time is Joan's core ability. You have absorbed so much energy, have you mastered the technique of turning people into soap bubbles?" Pharaoh frowned.

Harley shook her head in embarrassment. She had not learned any of Manhattan's signature skills - time travel, material reorganization, and intrinsic field attack.

Her strength and speed have not changed significantly, because the escape pattern taught to her by Goddess Asal cannot convert energy other than magic into the power of blood.

The way she absorbs the power of Manhattan is the same as the one designed by Zhao Yu and others, which is to directly accommodate it physically.

However, she does have a few more "quantumized" skills. Her attack, defense, and even running are all quantized.

For example, her punch should have only one ton of power, but after quantization, it can exert the effect of two tons of power.

For example, if she is punched by someone, her body may undergo quantum fluctuations in time, and the force of the attack will be borne by her in the present and in the future, which is equivalent to doubling her defense.

For example, when Harley runs fast, quantum fluctuations occur in space, and she will teleport forward a short distance with a swish.

These are just Harley's conjectures. How specific they are will require a long period of exploration and practice.

"You white Manhattan, you're a waste of Manhattan!" Pharaoh looked at Harley and said with certainty: "In the end, you still couldn't escape Joan's choice. He chose to let you end up sucking loneliness."

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