I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 369 After many years, Harley is joining a new organization

"What is the basis for Dr. Manhattan and Jonathan to be one and the same?" Joseph wondered.

Harley chuckled: "Jenny's memoirs, Dr. Manhattan's analysis documents, and some of Dr. Manhattan's performances all prove his contradictions.

You see, he exists on the timeline, in the past, present and future.

He has been the strongest since his birth and has hardly grown because time has no meaning to him.

His abilities and emotions will not change over time.

Then here comes the problem.

How could he, who loved Jenny yesterday, fall in love with Laurie today?

Later, Laurie failed to get all his love.

Some people say that the plot of my "Red Manhattan" is vulgar. The relationship between Soviet Manhattan and three women is very confusing and uncomfortable.

But I completely relied on reality.

Let’s not mention Jenny first, because Jenny was Jonathan Osterman’s girlfriend during his period.

Just talk about Laurie

Then what?

By the time Laurie was thirty-five, he felt almost no passion in her.

Look at how they were so sleepy in 1985.

On the other hand, Representative Joseph, who was sitting across from him, moved his butt and butt on the sofa with an embarrassed look.

“When Laurie broke up with Dr. Manhattan on Mars, Dr. Manhattan was very sad and seemed to be in tears.

At least, he once told her that without his love for her, the rise and fall of mankind on earth would be completely meaningless to him. " he said.

Harry glanced at the old dog Dodo lying on the stone steps taking a nap outside the living room, and asked, "Have you ever raised a dog?"

Joseph also looked along her line of sight and sighed: "It doesn't seem like it can last a few months."

"If your old dog that has been with you for many years leaves you, will you feel sad or sad?" Harley asked.

"Well, you mean, Dr. Manhattan lost his passion and love for Laurie at that time, and only family and friendship were left?" Joseph said thoughtfully.

Harley said: "He definitely still has feelings for her, but it's also certain that it's not love.

Love is a matter between two people, and the person involved feels it the most deeply.

Laurie personally told me that at that time she almost became the second Jenny. Although Dr. Manhattan was with her every day, she still felt that he was gradually moving away.

I want to reach out and grab it, but I still can't find the strength and can't find the direction.

Fortunately, the third silk soul did not appear that year. "

"Dr. Manhattan, who is above time and matter, should not have active and gradual emotions.

Well, just like he likes sweets today, as long as his sweet tooth remains the same, he will never get tired of it.

When there are no variables outside of time, his emotions should be the same as his abilities, which should always be a horizontal line without fluctuations.

Time is not a variable to him. "

"If Laurie or Jenny get tired of him and abandon him, and then he loses his passion for them, that's normal.

Time is still not a variable, but they are changing and are new variables.

Well, he always likes girls who are young and energetic, that hasn't changed. "

"But the fact is the opposite. They even tried hard to retain his love, but he took the initiative to lose the 'hormones' of loving them and did not find another little girl.

This shows that time is affecting his emotions.

Time should not be a variable, but the reality is the opposite.

What went wrong?

I don’t know, I can only guess based on the existing information - if Dr. Manhattan and Jonathan are considered to be two people of the same body, it can perfectly explain all reasonable and unreasonable phenomena in reality.

The one who is changed by time and has rich emotional changes is the mortal Jonathan, and the one who is above time and remains the same is Dr. Manhattan.

They all obey the rules of quantum physics and are multiple superposition states that are difficult to observe.

But Dr. Manhattan has a "high position". By observing Jonathan, he caused his state to collapse into one, appear at a certain time and place, and then used powerful force to move him to a time and place "under the logic of normal people".

For example, Jonathan and Laurie are having dinner together. The next second, Jonathan should collapse to the moon 100 years later, but the next second, Doctor Manhattan moves him to the restaurant, the next second now.

As a result, a quantum state god with free movement and "rich" emotions appeared in the world. "

"Bah bang bang" Joseph looked excited, stood up and clapped vigorously, "Harry, I understand everything, you -"

you are right!

"You are so awesome. "Red Manhattan" deserves the Hugo Award." He shook his head again and again, "No, no literary award is worthy of its honor."

Harry waved his hand and said modestly: "It's just a science fiction novel, not worthy of such bragging."

"It's more than a novel, it's—"

It is simply the guideline for our "Seventh Knight" to capture the power of Manhattan.

"It brought me a lot of inspiration and thinking." Councilor Joseph hesitated for a moment and said: "In "Red Manhattan", Manhattan finally dies, but what happens after death?"

"Now that you accept the statement that Manhattan and Jonathan are two sides of the same coin, you should also understand that the only thing that changes over time is 'mortal Jonathan', and the one who dies is naturally him.

Death from ‘aging’.

It is not the body that is old, but the spirit and soul.

Look at Blue Manhattan, it was normal for him to have a crush on his female colleagues when he was young.

At the age of forty, he fell madly in love with the beautiful and sexy lolita Laurie, which also fits the style of a salty, wet and greasy middle-aged man.

When he turned sixty and lost his 'drive', his feelings for Laurie became purely family, which was also in line with the behavior of normal people.

Wait for Laurie to leave him, if you want to start a third relationship.

I guess he will also find a ‘wife’, which is also a ‘family member’.

Naturally, the requirements for a wife are different from those for a lover. The lover must be beautiful and sexy, and must attract his attention at first sight.

The appearance and figure of your wife are not important. The key is to let him experience love and care.

Therefore, in my book "Red Manhattan", I found a black aunt to be the third girlfriend of the Soviet Manhattan.

Alas, I was scolded miserably by book friends. "

"Bah bang bang." Joseph was excited again, with admiration in his eyes and applauded vigorously, "It's so wonderful, Hallie, you are simply——"

——I even suspect that you are an omniscient and omnipotent female Manhattan.

You guessed it right again!

"Don't pay attention to those book friends who scold you, they don't understand you." He said solemnly.

Nine years ago, when he first read "Red Manhattan", he also called the author stupid, but now, he almost became her fan.

"Hahaha, the ancients often said, 'Boya is always there, but Ziqi is rare.' Joseph, I found that you are my Zhong Ziqi!" Harley said happily.

Then, she explained to him the beautiful story of "Bo Ya played the drum and harp, and Zi Qi played the ke".

"Harry, you and I really met each other late. Yes, I am your Zhong Ziqi."

Joseph had more important questions to ask her, so he was naturally generous with her compliments.

At the same time, his heart moved slightly, and he came up with a bolder idea: Should he recruit the witch Harley into his gang?

Her political background is actually very good. She is a pure-blooded white person with no mixed blood. She is an elite among white people. Her grandfather is also the core member of the "Seventh Knights".

"What will be the state of Dr. Manhattan after Jonathan dies of old age?" he asked.

Harley thought for a while and said: "Theoretically, Jonathan is not really dead. He and Dr. Manhattan will collapse from two sides of one body into one state, a 'ball' with one body and one side, an omnipotent ball."

Joseph's expression changed. According to her theory, the Seventh Knights' plan was supposed to be 'Jonathan'. By killing Jonathan, wouldn't it have enabled Dr. Manhattan and allowed him to collapse into a complete body in advance?

Will he get any good results from stealing Manhattan's power?

"Harley, Jonathan or Dr. Manhattan, who has more power?" he asked anxiously.

"Jonathan can't even stop a nuclear crisis. As long as all nuclear powers launch nuclear bombs together, he can't stop it, but Dr. Manhattan can integrate the multiverse." Harley said.

"What does merging the multiverse mean?" Joseph asked confused.

"I am also guessing." Hallie told Laurie her guess again.

"He is so strong." Joseph was surprised and happy.

Dr. Manhattan is so powerful. With his power, wouldn't he be able to surpass God?

But if he was that strong, could they still succeed?

Maybe it was time for him to test her.

She can be a good strategist!

"Harley, if, I mean if," he said slowly with a confused look on his face, "If you were to write a sequel to "Red Manhattan" and a villain steals the power of Soviet Manhattan, how would you arrange the plot?"

——The meat show is coming!

Harley was excited in her heart, but with doubts on her face, and said: "I have already written the sequel to "Red Manhattan", which is "The Trisolarial Crisis in the Post-Manhattan Era"."

"Well, I mean, let's think differently and don't take the alien route." Joseph smiled unnaturally.

——It was a little deliberate. I don’t know if she was suspicious.

Harley did not pretend to be stupid, she frowned slightly, showing hesitation and vigilance at the right time, and said after careful consideration: "Even if I rewrite the sequel, I will not arrange such a plot.

Two reasons. First, I just can't imagine what kind of technology could take away Dr. Manhattan's power.

Secondly, it is impossible for ordinary people to withstand all the power of Dr. Manhattan. "

Joseph smiled proudly, what Witch Harley could not imagine had already become a reality in their hands.

"Why can't it withstand the full power of Dr. Manhattan?"

"Because for an ordinary person, being like 'Jonathan' is already the limit, and 'Jonathan' is not all Dr. Manhattan." Harley said.

"Why did Jonathan reach his limit?" Joseph frowned.

Harley chuckled and said: "If Jonathan can still bear it, Doctor Manhattan will definitely continue to send power to him. Anyway, they are two sides.

But in reality, you also know that Jonathan is not capable enough to destroy all nuclear bombs at the same time. "

"It makes sense!" Joseph suddenly realized, and then his face began to change.

——Since she can’t monopolize the ‘power of the hydrogen bomb’, there’s no need to worry about her taking a piece of the pie after joining.

Next, he no longer talked about Manhattan, but instead talked about the "black equal rights movement" and the notorious Ku Klux Klan.

Harley immediately understood that the inspection phase was coming.

She did not explicitly conform to the theory of "white supremacy", but only slightly changed her attitude towards the KKK.

This can be regarded as "fawning", but Joseph is still not very satisfied, thinking that she is too left-wing.

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