I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 368 Be your own observer

Jenny's memoir continues.

It was the first meeting after the Militia (the predecessor of the Watch) was reorganized into the Watch.

There are many old heroes who have exited, such as Sally's old splash (Laurie's mother, a generation of Silk Soul, Sally's grandmother) and a generation of Night Owl.

There are also many new heroes added, such as the dirty and weird Rorschach, the second-generation Night Owl, and the little splashy Laurie who seduces other people's husbands.

Captain Metropolis (the spiritual leader of the militia and watchmen, similar to Captain America of the Avengers) believes that after the end of World War II (the militia was originally formed mainly to combat the gangs causing trouble in the United States), in today's American social environment, no criminal gang is worth watching. Or the whole team can work together.

He wrote everyone's names or code names on slips of paper, put them in the box and drew lots to form teams, working in pairs to take care of each other.

Qiong and Silk Soul drew together.

At that moment, I was furious and, regardless of being rude, I pulled him out of the meeting before it ended.

However, I was in tears at the time and was obviously in a bad state. Although the heroes were surprised and confused, they did not blame me.

Outside on the street, I asked Joan if it was you who did it.

All he has to do is answer yes or no.

He did say 'no', but he added without any hesitation: In this quantum reality, I would have been in a group with her tonight.


They say he is God. It seems that God will also become confused after encountering love.

He regarded me as an illiterate soul who had not even finished middle school.

He forgot that I was his colleague.

I completely understood the subtext of his words: there were dozens or hundreds of results of the lottery. Before the note was finally drawn, each result represented a reality in the future, and he chose the one that best suited his own mind.

My guess was absolutely correct.

After the divorce, I asked about that night again, and he confessed that he would have teamed up with Rorschach.

Speaking of this, Harley couldn't help sighing: "If Dr. Manhattan had not forgotten the truth, followed the arrangement of the 'True God', and became teammates with Rorschach, the two would have an irreversible relationship and understand each other's tragedy twenty years later. I have to say will happen."

Later, Rorschach teamed up with the second-generation Night Owl Daniel, and they had a very good friendship for twenty years.

Little Joseph's pupils shrank, "What tragedy? Alien octopus invasion?"

Harley shook her head, "Rorschach's death."

"Who killed Rorschach?" asked little Joseph.

"you do not know?"

"I thought you didn't know. Only a handful of senators with close ties to the military know the true origin of the alien octopus.

If Lowry told you, she would have violated the confidentiality agreement she signed at the White House. "Little Joseph frowned.

Harley said calmly: "She told me, but she didn't break the contract because I am a five-ring general!

I had to make sure Zod and the giant octopus were not on the same side.

As long as the secrets I inquire about are related to aliens, not even the president can hide anything. "

"Admiral of Five Rings." The corners of Joseph's mouth twitched slightly.

"You go on, what does Red Manhattan's three marriages have to do with Jenny's oral documents?" he said.

"Didn't you find out something was wrong with Dr. Manhattan through Jenny's words?" Harley asked.

"That's not true." Little Joseph shrugged and said awkwardly but honestly: "Dr. Manhattan just made the same mistake that every man makes.

Men may like different types of women, but they all like 18-year-old beauties.

What's more, that's the second generation of Silk Soul!

In the years since she debuted, which male in the United States has not had sexual fantasies about her?

Well, maybe he should wait a few more years. 15 is too young and can easily cause criticism. "

"You're right. As long as a man has the ability and opportunity, he can't cross the threshold of 15-year-old Laurie, but is Dr. Manhattan an ordinary person?"

Little Joseph was stunned and said: "Tearman seems to be in love, it's a gossip on the puppy headlines. At least, he once had a girlfriend."

"Superman and Doctor Manhattan are really different." Harley shook her head, "Let's put it this way, why do you think Doctor Manhattan was born?"

Little Joseph didn't know, but he had read "Red Manhattan", which had a detailed explanation of the birth of Soviet Manhattan.

"He became his own observer?"

"Strictly speaking, Jonathan Osterman became Dr. Manhattan's quantum observer." Harley corrected.

Her setting of Red Manhattan comes from two major sources of inspiration: "The Files of Dr. Manhattan" by Mr. Rogers, and the other is "Ball Lightning" by Liu Xinci.

However, the core idea of ​​"Ball Lightning" - macro atoms (ps), she didn't feel much about. The main reason is that the ending of the heroine Lin Yun is very interesting - she was transformed into a quantum state in the nuclear fusion of macro atoms.

Wasn't Dr. Manhattan transformed into a quantum state in a similar way?

He can observe the past and future on the timeline, just because the past and future also have his quantum distribution.

It can be understood that a person exists in the past = 1, exists in the present = 2, exists in the future = 3, exists in xx galaxy xx planet = 4, exists on the earth = 5, and exists outside the universe = 6

Six possibilities, equivalent to the six sides of a dice.

After the die is shaken, but before the die stops spinning—and before any conscious being observes it—any of the six numbers may appear under the lid.

This is the quantum state, an uncertain superposition of multiple states.

This is also Dr. Manhattan.

The 'numbers' of ordinary people are certain, existing in a certain place and at a certain point in time, and have a unique state of existence.

Lin Yun, the heroine of "Ball Lightning", is very similar to Dr. Manhattan in addition to her supreme power, experience and state of existence.

She also exists throughout the universe.

The state of existence is in an uncertain superposition state.

But her existence is very scientific.

For example, when you can't see her (no observer, don't lift the lid of the bowl above the dice), she may be beside you (she can be any one of six numbers, 5 = on earth, beside you ).

When you perceive her (with an observer, to lift the lid of the bowl on the dice), it is almost impossible for her to be next to you.

1=In the past, there are countless pasts; 2=At this moment, there is only one point in time; 3=In the future, there are countless futures; 4=Anywhere in the universe, there are countless places; 5=Earth, yours There is only one physical location around you; 6=outside the universe, there are countless possible locations.

Therefore, the probability of her being seen is 1*1/4*∞=0, not one in six.

Four times one over positive infinity is zero.

No one could sense Lin Yun, but everyone saw Dr. Manhattan.

How did he do it?

Moreover, not all Gotham people, Metropolis people, Celestial people, Neon people, aliens, ancient people, and future people see Dr. Manhattan.

You can only see him at a certain time and place.

Dr. Manhattan eats beef noodles with Laurie at Lanzhou Ramen House from 5:30 to 6 o'clock, so you can only see him at Lanzhou Ramen House from 5:30 to 6 o'clock.

Before five-thirty, you went to the noodle shop, but you couldn't see him. From five-thirty to six, you went to the Shaxian Snacks on the next street, but you couldn't see him either.

Like ordinary people, his state collapsed from countless possible quantum states to one, only one.

This means someone must be observing him! ! !

Only when the quantum superposition state is observed can the state collapse to one - only when the dice clock is uncovered can the dice collapse from six possibilities to one certain value.

But why did Lin Yun abide by the rules of quantum physics scientifically, but Dr. Manhattan openly violated the rules?

Could it be that 'unscientific magic' is at work?

"Even gods, demons, and aliens have come out. It's scientific only if it's unscientific." Little Joseph said.

Harry shook his head and smiled: "It seems that you don't agree with the views in my book."

Little Joseph's eyes flashed slightly, and he seemed to acquiesce on the surface, but he was sighing in his heart: It's true that I don't agree, but many readers don't agree with your point of view. After you won the Hugo Award for "The Trisolaran Crisis" and became famous at home and abroad. After that, "Red Manhattan" was still called "a bloody love story dressed in science fiction."

In recent years, some people have even compared it to bad books like "The Twilight Saga" because "Red Manhattan" has a mind-numbing "three men and three women hexagram" at the peak of the love plot.

but now.

The way he looked at Harley now, there was a subtle admiration in his eyes: no matter how ridiculous the polyamory in "Red Manhattan" was, it turned out that she guessed everything right!

He wanted to hear her explain her reasons in more depth, which was why he came to her.

Action against Blue Manhattan is about to begin, and she is he. In their minds, the most powerful Manhattan expert on the planet, although she is just a novelist and has never even met him.

Harley sighed: "The Doctor Manhattan we see is not the real Doctor Manhattan at all.

Jonathan Osterman and Dr. Manhattan are two people.

Just like Dr. Manhattan himself did - after he returned from the Eigen Field Laboratory, he drew a hydrogen atom symbol on his forehead and changed his name to 'Dr. Manhattan', completely giving up his former identity and not even recognizing his old father. .

In his new identity, he attended the funeral of scientist Jonathan Osterman.

Until his death, Jonathan Osterman's father did not know that Dr. Manhattan, the "God on Earth" who caused a sensation in the world, was his son. "

"What's the point of such a separation of identities?" Joseph wondered.

“When we saw the big blue man with our naked eyes, we thought he was Dr. Manhattan, but in fact, he was Jonathan Osterman.

The reason why he collapsed from a multiple state to a unique state was because someone was observing him.

The Observer is the real Dr. Manhattan"

Lin Yun may exist at any time and at any place. She is difficult to observe by ordinary people without superpowers, but the almighty God can definitely observe her and make her state collapse into one, appearing at some point in time in the past, present, and future. at an exact cosmic location

Then, God used great power to send Lin Yun to the earth, to the present, and to where Lin Yun wanted to go.

Replace God with Dr. Manhattan - he does have God-like powers, and then replace Lin Yun with Jonathan Osterman.

In this way, there is an "unscientific supernatural event" in which Dr. Manhattan is in a quantum state, but his state is determined to be like an ordinary person.

".This is my scientific explanation of Dr. Manhattan's existence. Well, no magic, pure science." Harley said.

"Why does Dr. Manhattan want to help Jonathan and send him to where he wants to be?" Joseph wondered.

"Because Dr. Manhattan is Jonathan, and helping him means helping yourself. What Jonathan thinks is what he thinks. It's very reasonable." Harley said.

Joseph said blankly: "But you just said that they are not the same person."

"Hey, do you have any coins?" Harley asked.

"Uh, yes." Joseph was completely confused.

"Give me one." She spread her hands and asked.

Joseph took out a one dollar and handed it over.

"This side is a portrait, it's Dr. Manhattan," Harley turned over to the other side, "This side is a word, it's Jonathan Osterman."

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