I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 356 The first cooperation between Superman and Batman

"Harley, Bruce and Luther's suggestions seem to make sense. How do you think we should deal with the planetary transformer?" the caravan leader asked.

Harley smiled and said: "Neither destroy it nor seize it for use, just treat it as a simple learning target.

Form a joint scientific research team with the undersea people to carry out technological reverse engineering for common development and progress. "

"Uh" was an answer that was somewhat unexpected. The venue fell silent for a while. Everyone was shocked and thinking seriously.

"Is it possible?" the horse gang leader asked uncertainly.

Harry said: "There are three topics on today's agenda, one of which is how to get along with the people under the sea.

We can discuss this now.

Towards the people under the sea, one must either be hostile, indifferent, or cooperate.

We regard the undersea people as enemies. With our technological level, it seems that we cannot defeat them.

We cannot afford the war crisis caused by hostility.

If they continue as before, not interacting with each other, or even pretending that the other party does not exist, this can be maintained for a short period of time, but over time, conflicts will inevitably arise. "

"Everyone lived their own lives before, which was great." Minos said.

"General, will part of next year's military expenditures be used to prevent undersea people from attacking?" Harley asked.

"Well, your words remind me that if the people from the bottom of the sea attack the United States, we will not be prepared at all." Minos was stunned.

Harley smiled and said: "It seems that the general has understood.

We are on guard now, and when we feel capable in the future, we will definitely consider defending the enemy from outside the country.

After seeing it, people under the sea will definitely have the same thoughts and actions.

Then the conflict escalated, and the two sides became like a tiger, so they had no choice but to keep raising the stakes, and finally..."

"When the time comes, we can eliminate misunderstandings through dialogue and communication." Admiral Lane said.

Harley smiled strangely, "Since we have to have a conversation sooner or later, why not start now?"

Bruce touched his fat chin and changed his previous stance, "It would indeed be a good way to use the planetary transformer as a pure 'technology extractor' to communicate and cooperate with the people under the sea."

Luther took a deep look at Harley and said, "You did give a seemingly optimal answer.

But we are willing to cooperate, but the people under the sea may not agree. "

Harley shrugged, "That's another question, we're just discussing the attitude towards the people under the sea now.

Moreover, the United States is not equal to the earth.

There are many countries on the earth who are also neighbors of marine people.

The attitude of the American people cannot represent all human beings on the face of the earth. "

After discussing for a while, the caravan leader made the final decision, saying: "Use Harley's plan and treat the transformer spacecraft as a project for friendly communication with the people under the sea.

Although it is not a good idea, every smart American student should understand - making friends with big kids, bullying thin and weak kids, and isolating and ostracizing "freaks" who live alone.

This is also the consistent code of conduct of the United States in the international community.

But now the undersea people have joined the "family of international society". They are obviously bigger than us. If we don't want to be bullied and treated as a freak in "school", it's best to become friends with them.

By being friends with the big undersea people, we can better bully the Russians, Orientals, Middle Easterners, Europeans, Canadians, Australians, etc., all the "small people" outside the United States.

On the contrary, we are hostile to the people under the sea and have no contact with them until death. The Chinese, Russians, and even our allies secretly make friends with the people under the sea. Can you imagine the future of the United States? "

The issues about the wreckage of the alien spacecraft and the attitude towards the people on the bottom of the sea were over, and then everyone began to discuss the issue of alien captives.

"Fiora died in the battle, the chief scientist died in the big explosion, and there are eight of the ten Kryptonians left. What should we do?" asked the caravan leader.

Minos, Mike Peng, Grandma Xi and others quietly made eye contact for a while, and finally looked at Harley.

Mike Peng coughed a few times and stepped forward to take the first shot, "Harley, you detained five Kryptonians by yourself, but you have now resigned as the commander-in-chief of the Earth Defense Force. This..."

Harley raised her hand to interrupt him and said bluntly: "I need Kryptonians as bodyguards. It's about my life and fortune. No matter what, I won't hand over those five people.

And don’t be too greedy. Three Kryptonians, plus an attack ship, plus the remains of an alien spacecraft, and hundreds of photon missiles.

Everyone is sharing the meat at the same table. You can't just chew the meat. I am a strong person, but I don't even have to chew the bones, right? "

These bandit remarks made all the bosses present feel embarrassed and ashamed.

Bruce wasn't embarrassed, just looked weird.

Luther was envious and admired him, he also wanted to be so arrogant.

"Harry, this is a meeting of national leaders, not a meeting of the black state to share the spoils." The caravan leader said with a dark face.

"Tell me, what does the government need from Kryptonians?" Harley said.

"Kryptonians are terrifying weapons. Any prisoner left outside will pose a serious threat to national security." General Minos said seriously.

"Don't talk nonsense. For the sake of national security, I can obviously control them better than you." Harley said calmly.

"Harley, if you control so many Kryptonians, you yourself will become a threat to the country and people." Bruce sighed.

"Do you think handing over all Kryptonians to the military's custody will bring balance to the world?" Harley sneered.

Bruce shook his head slightly, "Leave everything to the military, why not continue to let you take care of it."

"Mr. Wayne, what do you mean?" All the military bosses turned dark.

Bruce looked serious and asked repeatedly: "Generals, can you deny the plan to find a few psychics to control the Kryptonians and then let the Kryptonians 'serve the country'?

Can you deny using artificial specimens from Krypton to conduct superhuman experiments?

If the military is defeated in a country in the Middle East, such as Afghanistan, can you resolutely not send Kryptonians there to carry out massacres? "

General Minos looked embarrassed, "Don't say these things haven't happened yet, even if they have happened, aren't we doing it for the United States?"

"Protecting the interests of the United States must be right?" Bruce said tit for tat, his eyes sharp, "The Kryptonians are in Harley's hands, and she will probably use them to deal with the devil, the devil, or the evil god.

Ask yourselves, which one is more consistent with universal morality, killing demons or massacring people in other countries? "

General Minos blushed, "I have a clear conscience in defending my country!"

"General, I respect you very much for protecting your home and country, but we are not discussing your personal ethics now." Bruce sighed.

The caravan leader wondered: "You are opposed to Harley continuing to detain the five prisoners, and you are also opposed to the military accepting all Kryptonians. Then how do you think the Kryptonians should be dealt with?"

Bruce said seriously: "I think it's best to invite another person to the scene when discussing this issue."



Harry was surprised and confused. Bruce obviously didn't have an impromptu idea. Could it be that Bateman had secretly connected with Tearman?

"Superman." The horse gang leader said hesitantly: "This matter is not suitable for him to participate in."

"Mr. President, generals, and Harley, think about it seriously, will Superman completely ignore his compatriots?

No matter what result you finally achieve, you have to consider one consequence - what if Superman is not satisfied? "Bruce said solemnly.

Luther sneered: "So what if he's not satisfied? He's just an alien refugee, we don't have to look at his face."

The caravan leader, Minos and others heard this, but did not look at him. Instead, they focused their questioning eyes on Harley, "It's still too late to get Superman now."

Luthor gritted his teeth and said, "I can handle Superman, don't worry!"

They finally looked back at him, their eyes full of suspicion and contempt.

Then, they all turned their heads again and looked at Harley, "You promised that day that you would be responsible for Superman and ensure that he would not threaten the United States and mankind."

Luther was filled with shame and anger, and his face looked ugly.

——Superman is Lex Luthor’s responsibility. Only he can be responsible for Superman!

Harley's expression was tangled. For her own benefit, she should have joined them.

But let her kill Chao.

"Oh, call Superman over." She said helplessly.

She only plots against her enemies for profit, and Da Chao is her friend.

The corners of Bruce's lips curled up into a pleased and proud smile.

He knew that Harley would compromise, and he was glad that she stuck to her bottom line.

"Give me all the Kryptonian prisoners and I will send them back to the Phantom Zone." Dachao said firmly.

Just open the lead-wrapped door and shout "Superman" outside, and Superman will appear in a "whoosh".

"This is not in the interest of the United States." General Minos said angrily.

If they had known that Superman was so domineering, they wouldn't have forced Harley.

Harley has five, and they also have three. Three is better than nothing.

Dachao glanced at Bruce vaguely, then disappeared with a "swish".

The shocked expressions of everyone were not over yet, "Whoosh~~"

Chao appeared on the spot again, "I have taken away the three Kryptonians detained at the Stryker Island military base."

"What?" Everyone was shocked.

The caravan leader forced a smile and said: "Are you kidding-"

"General, Superman broke into the military base and kidnapped the Kryptonian prisoners!" Colonel Hardy's urgent voice came from General Lane's mobile phone.

Ryan didn't answer him, but turned to look at Superman in horror, "There is kryptonite in the prison."

"I will first use heat rays to destroy the kryptonite from a distance, and then enter the cell." Superman said.

"Superman, have you forgotten the "Friday Agreement"? (ps)" the caravan leader said angrily.

Superman said seriously: "Mr. President, I am not breaking the law, but I am preventing you from breaking the law!

Those Kryptonians will be tried by the law, responsible for the crimes of invading the earth, and then imprisoned in the phantom zone, but they will not be sent to laboratories or become killers in the military. "

"You are slandering us. We did not send Kryptonians into the laboratory." General Minos shouted.

"General, if you don't have those ideas, but intend to try the Kryptonian prisoners of war according to the law, why do you object to me sending them into the Phantom Zone in accordance with normal legal procedures?" Superman said.

Minos was speechless and had no strength to confront Superman.

"Harry, what did you say?" He threw the ball to Harley.

"Superman, I need Kryptonian bodyguards to keep me safe.

As a five-ring general who saves the world, I deserve this treatment. " Harley said.

Superman solemnly said: "I promise you, if the devil comes to earth to cause trouble for you, I will rush to Gotham immediately to protect you."

Harley said: "What if I go to find trouble with the devil?"

Superman hesitated and said: "It depends on the situation. If you deliberately stir up trouble, I won't help you."

(PS: The "Friday Agreement" was signed by Harley and Superman with the government. Chapter 302, two rights and two obligations. Superman has the rights of a citizen, and must also abide by the law and fulfill the obligations of a citizen.)

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