I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 355 The Kidnapped Muse

Cleo looked at the female warrior in the bilge and wondered: "Who is she?"

"She is the one who can crush Susanoo's head." Ivy said with a strange smile.

Cleo's heart moved and he asked in surprise: "Kryptonian warrior?"

"You now know what happened on earth yesterday.

It seems that Heavenly Realm has been keeping an eye on the Earth, and news spreads quickly. ” Harley mused.

Cleo looked at Harley with more fear, "If Susano'o has ill intentions towards you, why don't you trap him and kill him? Just like you have done countless times before."

"Killing him now will only bring trouble and has no value." Harley sighed.

"What is the value of killing Susano'o?" Clio asked doubtfully.

——The group of old gods gathered together to create a heavenly realm, so they must have common interests and demands.

It was probably a common source of force that prompted them to do that.

Perhaps, it has something to do with the establishment of the divine system?

If you figure out that power, then activate the 'Old God Defense Specialty'.

The gods in the sky are no different from the fruits in the peach orchard.

Susano'o's thunder origin seems to be very advanced, and I don't know how it is different from Zeus and Thor. Killing now will be wasted, and in the future

Harley swallowed, suppressed the greed in her heart, and said seriously: "I love peace and don't like killing.

Killing is only to eliminate violence and bring peace to the people.

If Susano'o is an evil god, killing him will bring peace to the world, and that's value.

But he is not a pure evil god, and killing him will not do any good to the people of the earth. "

"You mean, the value in your heart is the well-being of the people on earth?"

The beautiful face of the muse was slightly distorted.

——Witch Harley is indeed as shameless as rumored.

"I don't want to boast, but I have saved the multiverse, and now I have saved the Earth." Harley smiled proudly and asked curiously: "What are you doing on Earth?"

Only now did she have the intention to look at the other person carefully.

She has deep three-dimensional facial features, milky white skin, and a tall figure. She is a beautiful girl with a very Greek style.

Faced with Harley's scrutiny, Cleo not only did not feel shy, but instead straightened her breasts and pinned the curly hair behind her eyes, revealing her provocative eyes and moon-like face.

"Looking for my sister Calliope. She has been lost for more than half a century."

"How many muses do you have?" Harley asked curiously.

“Three elders and nine sisters, twelve in total, representing different arts.

For example, I am the muse of history and stories. "Clio said.

Harry was moved and asked, "Have you ever helped Ms. Rowling, the author of "Harry Potter"?"

Cleo smiled charmingly, "Zauliel told you, right? I'm honored to be able to help Ms. Rowling."

"Now that I'm communicating with you face to face, I don't seem to have any inspiration." Harley said strangely.

Cleo's face turned red, and he looked at her with watery eyes. His voice became particularly soft and charming, "If you want inspiration to burst out, you must at least have a 'fountain of inspiration' in your head.

A muse cannot enlighten a piece of wood.

Secondly, being kissed by a muse is not a metaphor."

Harley licked her lips, a little ready to move, "How about we--"

"Clio, you have been the muse to countless people, right?" Ivy shouted.

Cleo nodded slightly, "I have helped many people."

"Do you sleep with them every time?" Ivy asked in a bitter tone.

Cleo glared at her, "Don't be so rude. It's not the person I'm kissing, but their talent."

Harley patted Ivy on the arm and changed the topic: "Did your sister go down to earth and find a husband, or is she just too playful and unwilling to go home?"

"No, maybe some blasphemous human bound her with a contract and locked her up somewhere." Clio said angrily.

She suddenly grabbed Harley's arm, her eyelashes fluttering like small fans, and the pleading look in her big wine-red eyes was as clear as Harley's reflection.

"Harry, can you help me find Calliope?"

"I don't understand prophecy." Harley said.

Clio said: "Caliope is bound by the rules of the contract and cannot predict the specific location.

Moreover, I am also a muse, and would likely be in the same danger facing someone who could imprison my sister. "

"How do you want me to help you? I don't even know where your sister is." Harley said.

"You don't know how to predict, but you are very smart." Cleo said sadly: "Since Calliope disappeared, I have been to the earth many times, but every time I returned without success.

I saw you at the edge of the sky before. In addition to giving you a ride, more importantly, you are famous. I want to ask for your help. "

Having said this, she put her hand into the small floral cloth pocket at her waist, fumbled for a while, and took out a golden apple.

A strange sweet fragrance filled the cabin, and both Harley and Ivy couldn't help but swallow.

"How about you help me find Calliope and I'll give you the golden apple?"

"Harley, if you want a golden apple, it's better to ask for an apple branch. Let's cultivate it ourselves." Ivy's mental voice message said.

Cleo noticed the mental fluctuations and glanced at her slightly.

"I thought the golden apple would be very high-end. You are just a muse. Where did you get it?" Harley asked curiously.

"Do you think my status is low?" Cleo bit her red lips and said angrily: "My father is Zeus, and my mother is one of the Twelve Titans. It's just a golden apple, why can't I have it?"

"Uh" Harry was a little embarrassed and subconsciously compared this fairy to Xanadu.

In fact, it is not status that is inferior to others, but moral integrity.

"I'm not saying you have a low status," Harley stared at Cleo's little cloth bag with a pair of evil eyes. "The Muse seems to be weak. If you carry such a treasure with you, aren't you afraid of being robbed?"

"No one dares to do this in Heaven." Cleo quickly stuffed the apple back into his pocket and said warily, "Zaulie and I are friends. He said that you are also his friend, trustworthy and reliable."

"Hahaha" Harley smiled heartily, "Clio, you are my friend too, leave the matter of Calliope to me!"

This female fairy may not be very powerful, but she is indeed a second-generation god and rich woman who can be a friend.

Back on Earth, it was already dark, and Harley only slept for two hours before being dragged to participate in the victory parade.

The Watch team did not ride on the float.

The Archimedes airship was sprayed with a layer of dark paint and hung with garlands and ribbons. A group of people drove the airship and slowly circled the streets to welcome the cheers of the people.

The celebration took two days to end.

Then the horse gang leader and other military and political leaders, together with Harley, Luther and Bruce, began to discuss follow-up issues.

Ivy, Zatanna and others were originally qualified to at least observe, but they were unwilling to participate in government affairs.

The caravan leader said solemnly: "This meeting will resolve three issues in total.

First, the cleaning and collection of the spacecraft wreckage.

Secondly, the disposal of Kryptonian prisoners.

Finally, how should we get along with the new underwater people? "

Harley asked doubtfully: "The wreckage of the spacecraft was handed over to the military. More than 100,000 soldiers went into battle and searched house to house. Even if some parts were stolen, it would not be a big problem. Is there anything that needs to be discussed?"

"There are two big problems with the wreckage of the spaceship." General Minos stretched out two fingers, "The first is the planetary terraformer on the bottom of the Indian Ocean, which is occupied by people from the bottom of the sea.

However, their king is still in our hands and may be exchanged for it.

Then, you all know how terrible photon missiles are.

According to expert estimates, the explosion that occurred in low-Earth orbit that day did not exceed 400 million tons of TNT. In other words, less than three photon missiles were involved in the explosion.

According to the Kryptonian captives, the spacecraft was loaded with approximately 500 missiles. "

"How many did you find?" Bruce asked.

"About 380, more than 90% of them cannot be used, and the rest can be used to enhance the national power of the United States.

The question is, 500 minus 380, leaving 120. Where did the rest go? "General Minos spread his hands and looked at Harley with a pair of sad eyes.

Harley's face was straight, "General, do you doubt me?"

Minos frowned and said: "Harley, you are a ball-protecting hero. Of course I believe you, but the three Kryptonians who intercepted the spacecraft fragments that day were all under your control."

——With your greedy and cunning character, letting the Kryptonians secretly hide a few coins is too simple and fits your style of doing things.

"The purpose of stealing missiles must be to use them. Once they are used, they cannot be concealed. My reputation is much more valuable than a few missiles." Harley said calmly.

"Where did the remaining missiles go?" Minos asked.

Luther glanced at Harley and said, "General, you can't estimate the number of remaining missiles by dividing 500 minus 380.

Photon missiles are not chemical bombs and are difficult to explode.

Due to the terrifying high temperature and high impact force at that time, many missiles were likely to disintegrate or even vaporize in the explosion. "

"I hope that as you said, all the remaining missiles will be destroyed. Otherwise, every loss of one may threaten the lives of millions of people!"

Minos sighed and continued: "How to deal with the planetary transformer?"

"It's useless to keep it, destroy it." Bruce said.

General Lane immediately said: "Its technology is very advanced. It is a masterpiece of Kryptonian technology. Detailed research can greatly improve the scientific and technological level of the United States.

If it can be repaired, we can create a few migrant stars in the solar system. "

Bruce said seriously: "General, your idea is wonderful, but it is also a weapon that can transform the land environment and destroy the existing ecology of the ocean.

The reason why the people under the sea were able to be used by Harley to take the initiative to attack the crashed ship that day was because of this consideration.

If we don't want an all-out war with them, it's better to destroy it and both sides to give up that big killer weapon. "

Luther frowned and said, "Bruce, what you said is a bit childish.

Peace comes from the balance of power on both sides.

Our technology is far inferior to that of the people under the sea, and we need planetary terraformers as a 'nuclear deterrent'.

If we really ruined it, why should the people under the sea be afraid of us?

If there were no weapons to deter them and peace was entirely based on a promise, would you believe it? "

"We have photon missiles and Superman, which are enough to deter them." After a pause, Bruce continued: "I suggest destroying the planetary terraformer, not only because I don't want to irritate the people under the sea, but also because it itself threatens the security of the earth.

In the process of studying it, it will certainly not have no impact on the surrounding environment.

Once an experimental accident occurs, the ecological environment of the entire earth will change.

The cost is too high, and the benefits of transforming the colonial star are too far away. "

The caravan leader scratched his head and asked, "Harry, what do you think?"

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