I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 351 Puppy and God

The second generation of Night Owls was born before the end of World War II and died at the end of 2013. It must be considered that he has died.

Except that his wife happened to be away from home, his daughter, grandchildren and grandsons were all with him and they left happily.

This ending was much better than that of his fellow Watchers who met their untimely deaths.

Therefore, even Laurie only wiped away a few tears and was not too sad.

"Didn't I give you two 'Devil Fruits' a few days ago? Even if you can't regain your youth after eating them, at least you won't need 24-hour medical care, and you won't be able to support yourself after watching TV and laughing a few times."

Harley wondered when Laurie's daughter contacted the people at the funeral home to dispose of the body.

Laurie sighed: "I was still strong, so I gave the fruit to Sally.

I gave birth to a daughter at an advanced age, and Sally had not been in good health since she was a child, and now she has given birth to two children in three consecutive years."

"Where's Daniel?"

"He liked Walter and Dani very much, so he split the fruit in half and gave it to the two children."

Walt is Laurie's grandson and goes by the name Rorschach.

Well, Watcher ‘Rorschach’ is a code name, not his real name.

The action mode of the Watchers is similar to the Akatsuki organization in "Naruto". Teammates work in pairs. The relationship between Daniel and Rorschach is like that of Uchiha Itachi and Kisame. Well, they are heroes and have been fighting together for more than ten years. Criminals are more emotionally intimate.

Dany comes from his own ‘Daniel’.

"Does he still want his grandchildren to be superheroes?" Harley asked.

"Oh, how can serious parents want their children to be cross-dressing heroes? Daniel just hopes that they can be strong like heroes." Laurie said with a bitter smile.

Harley was silent, apparently sitting in the living room in a daze. A ray of spiritual power had already approached the Silver City with the help of the big cross: "Boss Zaulie!"

No one paid attention to her, but she had been to Silver City so many times that she could sense Zaulie's aura.

She went directly to the floating island where Zaulie was stationed at the 'Heaven Gate', saying that floating was not appropriate. She was more like a beam of light reflected in a mirror at this time.

‘Whoosh’, it’s here.

"Why didn't you answer?"

Harley saw an archangel holding a brown poodle on the edge of the floating island.

"It—" As soon as Harley's eyes fell on the poodle, the illusory form condensed by mental power immediately rippled like water waves.

If she hadn't had God's skin, she would have disintegrated into unconscious thoughts.

Eighty percent of them can't even hold on to their thoughts, and eventually become a trace of divine power.

Just like the wizards and demons who faced Little Black Bean back then.

"Little Coyotito, who are you?" Harley asked in surprise.

"Harry, can't you feel it? Why don't you come over and salute." Zaulie scolded.

Harley immediately suppressed the surprise and shock on her face, and stepped forward with a solemn expression. Under Zaulie's stunned gaze, she ignored the poodle's struggle and forcibly held its left front paw.

"Hello, Boss God, this is the first time we meet. I am a good friend of Little Black Bean, and I am also the Duke of Heaven Mountain and Lord Quin under your command."

The poodle waved its paw gently and lightly fanned Harley back four or five meters, "You know I am God, yet you dare to be so rude!"

Curly-coated dogs have great looks, but their voices don’t sound great at all.

It is very consistent with the identity of 'God's boss'. He is powerful and majestic.

When the sound reached my ears, it was like a golden thunder of holy light bursting in my mind.

However, it is majestic but not harsh, majestic but not oppressive.

"I'm shaking hands with you!" Harley exclaimed, "In the 21st century on Earth, when you meet your superiors, you always shake hands."

"It's better for you to bow than to shake hands." Zaulie frowned.

"Boss God, what happened to you? Did you come out of the Golden Hall, or from above?" Harley asked curiously, pointing to the sky.

When she first saw the poodle and her eyes fell on it, she immediately felt a familiar feeling, very similar to when she faced Little Black Bean.

Facing the supreme existence, the body and thoughts must be assimilated by it and turned into a homogeneous holy light energy.

Even though it was a dog, Harley immediately identified it as the supreme ‘God’.

"Harley Quinn, what are you doing here?" The puppy stretched out its head and asked without answering.

Harley looked at Zaulie who looked solemn, and said hesitantly: "I want to ask Boss Zaulie about something."

The 'higher-level leader' was just around the corner, so he shouldn't have spoken out and used the back door.

But the puppy is God. Even if it is not determined which part of God it is - it is certainly not the complete God - but at least it has part of God's authority, and some things cannot be hidden from it.

"You seem to regard Silver City as your back garden." Puppy God said solemnly.

"I originally had a registered residence in Silver City, and I still have property and a home on the outskirts of the city." Harley said aggrievedly.

The puppy stared at her for a while, "What do you want to do today?"

"I have a friend who just passed away. I want to ask about his final destination, Daniel Dreiberg." Harley said.

"He is a good man. He has never made any big mistakes. Now he is going to the bottom of heaven." The puppy said calmly.

Harley nodded, as she expected.

Not all superheroes can go to heaven, but Daniel is a very good man, with a kind-hearted personality and a simple manner, and he has no chance to make mistakes.

Well, the biggest mistake in his life was probably that he couldn't help himself and gave Dr. Manhattan a cuckold.

"Can you help me and ask if he is willing to come to my Heavenly Mountain to be a grass-headed god?"

The puppy paused and then said: "He thanks you for your kindness, but he is very happy with Rorschach now."

"Rorschach is also in heaven." Harley thought for a moment and asked, "Where are the Pharaoh, the Comedian, the Hundred Dollar Bill, and the Silk Soul Generation?"

"The Pharaoh is not dead, the laughing craftsman and Silk Soul are guilty of their sins and fall into hell.

The original hundred dollar bill is also in the lower heaven, with Daniel and Rorschach. " said the puppy.

"Boss God, are you here specifically to wait for me, or are you being escorted by Zaulie, or are you accompanying Zaulie to guard the gate?"

After hesitating for a moment, Harley was still curious and asked her doubts.

"I'm very curious about you, come and take a look." The dog God was very honest, but at the end, there was some confusion on the dog's face, "It's really not easy for you to face me directly."

"Haha, I am born with supernatural power. Oh, I am gifted." Harley smiled and asked, "Can I see you at the gate of heaven in the future?"

"It will take a while." Dog God said.

"Harry, I already know the information you want to inquire about. Let's leave." Zaulie said calmly.

Harley took one more look at the puppy God before saying goodbye and leaving.

When she disappeared, Puppy God frowned humanely, "She often goes in and out of Silver City, and she wears Heavenly Armor for several years, but she is still not infiltrated by the power of Heaven."

"My lord, you can't see the reason either?" Zaulie said in surprise.

The puppy sighed: "I am God, but God is not just me.

Even omniscience and omnipotence within the multiverse is very difficult for me.

Harley Quinn's 'talent' is at least at the level of the Almighty Universe. "

Beyond the DC multiverse is the omnipotent universe.

Harley's mid-level god skin at this time has indeed reached the upper limit of the DC multiverse.

Although the Puppy God is not a perfect God, his judgment is very accurate.

"My lord, are you even curious about her 'talent'?" Zaulie asked.

"I'm curious, but" Puppy God paused for a moment and sighed: "If she uses that helicopter to heaven card, when her soul enters Silver City, she should be able to find out all her secrets."

Zaulie's expression changed several times, "Do you want her to use it?"

If Hallie uses the Heaven Card, it means she burps, and it means God gets the right to own her soul.

Any attempt to rob the souls of ‘believers’ in heaven is a declaration of war against God.

For a moment, Zaulie thought of a lot, and his heart shuddered.

Puppy God felt his emotional changes and said calmly: "Little Black Bean and I were born on the same day, and I represent God's humility and brightness.

The ‘Voice of Heaven’ and the will behind the Voice of Heaven may be considered part of God, but they are different from me. "

——If anyone really reaches out to her, it has nothing to do with me or God!

Zaulie understood its subtext, and then thought of the story that the Bull Archangel Asmodu had been privately publicizing in recent years about "the traitorous king (Angel King Michael) occupying God's residence (Golden Hall) and stealing God's authority." speech.

Zauliel has never wavered in his faith in God, but sometimes he has doubts. Behind the voice of heaven there is another voice.

The Heaven Card was awarded to Harley by the 'Voice of Heaven'.

Last time, Harley even tipped him off: The newly established magic organization on earth, the Holy See of Cold Flame, seemed to have the shadow of a big boss in heaven behind it.

The Lengyan Holy See is called the Holy See, which looks like a cult.

But many high-level officials in the organization can borrow the power of angels and know many secrets of Silver City.

For example, the details of the paradise card in Harley’s hand.

Zhaulie said with a complicated expression: "Perhaps you can carry out a certain degree of reform in today's Silver City."

"Reform for what?" Puppy God said calmly.

Zaulie carefully considered his words: "The Angel King Michael has rarely appeared in the past thousand years, so that there are many bad rumors about him in Silver City.

I still trust Him and love Him, but others may have other ideas.

Could it be that you just stay here with me and don’t plan to enter the golden palace? "

"As soon as Little Black Bean returned to the Sunless Sea, the demon kings immediately sealed the abyss well to prevent its power from spreading to hell, and prohibited its name from being spread among demons and black mages.

I can walk freely outside the city, which is already very good. "Puppy God said quietly.

These words were a bit desolate and a bit embarrassing.

But the identity of Puppy God is somewhat special. It is the other extreme of Little Black Bean.

Little Black Bean is arrogant, impulsive and dark.

It is so humble. It has transformed into a poodle, how humble it must be!

What's more important is that, like Little Black Bean, it stands too high and doesn't care about the fight for power and profit of the people below.

"Your attitude will only make Silver City more unstable." Zaulie sighed.

"Let them do whatever they want and take me to the bottom paradise." The puppy barked.

Harley didn't know about the conversation between Puppy God and Zauliel.

With some guesses about poodles, her consciousness returned to her original body and she told about Daniel's carefree life in heaven.

But Harley wisely didn't mention Rorschach or the hundred-dollar bill.

If she had told him, Laurie would most likely ask the Comedian and the Silk Soul Generation if they were there.

Those were her biological parents who had an affair during marriage and went to hell.

After comforting Laurie, Harley left immediately.

She will come again on the day of official burial.

Tonight, she had more important things to do.

In an apartment by the river in the metropolis.

Ivy recited a spell, and the little kumquat in the pot suddenly expanded and turned into a giant "Pac-Man", opened its mouth, "Crash!"

It was like a thin, dripping green-brown juice, sandwiching a soft human head.

Admiral Mark's head and neck were dead.

But it doesn't smell bad, instead it fills the room with a refreshing fragrance, a mixture of grass juice and fruit juice.

"Um." He didn't die, his mouth was actually opening and closing gently.

"Mark, tell me Dr. Manhattan's secret." Harley shouted.

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