Five hours after Zod was captured, a grand press conference was held on the lawn in front of the White House.

"Yesterday afternoon, the Kryptonians came to Earth and took control of our electronic equipment. They also threatened us to hand over Superman, who had already become an American citizen.

We're here negotiating with the Kryptonians this morning.

Here, earth and aliens shake hands for the first time, communicate formally for the first time, and are betrayed by aliens for the first time.

Tonight, at this moment, I hereby solemnly declare to all mankind."

The horse gang leader pumped his fist excitedly, "We won! Americans defended the earth and protected all mankind."

"Bah bang bang!" American reporters clapped excitedly and cheered loudly.

"Now, we invite our war heroes, the Watch Squad!"

The caravan leader waved his hand, two searchlights were lit, and the Archimedes airship appeared above the lawn.

The flash of the camera in the reporter's hand formed a white glow, the crowd surged, and the cheers became more and more deafening.

"Oh my God, this is..." In a villa on the outskirts of a metropolis, Daniel burst into tears when he saw the familiar yet unfamiliar aircraft on TV, "This is my airship, the symbol of the Watchers, and it has come to life again."

My decision back then was not wrong. Not only did Halle live up to my expectations, she even did things I could never dream of doing.

They defended the earth, and they accomplished more in one day than we did in decades. "

The young woman holding a baby next to her wiped his face nervously, "Dad, you are hanging a needle, don't get too excited."

"The new Watcher team saved the world in my airship, how could I not be excited?" Daniel's face turned red with excitement, but he still rolled his eyes and his breathing became rapid.

"Nurse Nina, Nurse Nina, my father has passed over again, come quickly!" the woman shouted anxiously.

"Turn off the TV. I told you not to let him watch the news."

A middle-aged woman rushed out of the kitchen to get the remote control.

"Don't, don't turn off the TV. I still don't understand. The butt and butt of the airship seem to be a little bigger, and the shell is also a little rusty. Why doesn't Harley take good care of it?" Before the nurse could give him the medicine, Daniel took a deep breath, and then When I woke up, I was in better spirits than before, and I was simply radiant.

"Dad." The young man and the woman looked at their father with an uncontrollable panic in their hearts.

"Harry, in view of your extraordinary achievements, after discussing with the permanent directors of the United Nations, I decided to retain your title of 'Starless General'.

Well, from the starless general of the United States to the five-ringed general of the United Nations.

Although you don't have any military power, and you are not the direct superior of any army, when you face any general of any country, you will be half a level higher in status.

Even if the former five-star general of the United States appears in front of you, he must give you a military salute first. "

On the podium, the horse gang leader took out a medal with five rings and personally helped her hang it on her chest.

"Bah bang bang!" The reporters and guests below applauded, and a group of "Earth Defense Forces" who had been Harley's subordinates for a few hours whistled and shouted "Fifth Ring Admiral".

"Wow, this is really a great honor." Harley smiled in surprise.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Earth Defense Force is an official position, and the Starless General is a military rank that represents identity and status. After defeating Zod and attending a White House meeting, Harley took the initiative to return them to Congress.

Well, her temporary military rank and official position were proposed by the horse gang leader, but they were approved by Congress, which is very formal.

"You deserve this honor because you saved the earth." The caravan leader said with a complicated expression.

This benefit was indeed what he fought for her, but it was beyond his expectation that it was recognized by all the council members in just a few dozen minutes.

He thought he would have to waffle for a few days.

"Not only is this an honor for me, I'm a representative of the Overwatch team."

Harley extended her right hand to the group of friends around her.

Bruce, Adam, and Lucius all held their heads high.

Luther, who was wrapped in bandages in a wheelchair, although his eyes were filled with envy, jealousy, and hatred, he straightened his back as much as possible and assumed a majestic and glorious posture.

"It is the glory of all the 'Earth Defense Forces'. One of them was a brave soldier who even protected me with his life!" Harley pointed to the American soldier on the left side of the auditorium again, "The Earth Defense Force only existed for a dozen hours. , but I want to say, long live the Earth Defense Force!"

The soldiers waved, clapped, and shouted excitedly: "Commander Quinn is mighty, long live the Earth Defense Force!"

"Similarly, it is also an honor for all the police officers of the Metropolitan Police, and an honor for all the officers and soldiers of Washington State. They evacuated citizens, rescued the wounded, and, like us, always fought on the front line."

"But these are still not all. Today, all of us in the United States and all humans on the planet are glorious members, because none of us bow to aliens."

The applause became more intense and lasted for a long time.

Cheers and applause also came from the streets outside the White House.

"Harry is really good at talking. I was a little nervous watching from the side." Zatanna leaned close to Ivy and bit her ear.

She and Lucius both wore masks and did not intend to completely disclose their identities, but they were also happy to come here to enjoy the honor that should belong to them.

Bruce is the third generation of Night Owl, and he has an eyepatch himself.

Ivy, Adam and Luther are generous.

"She was right. The glory of defeating the Kryptonians and guarding the Earth belongs to all of us." Luther said sourly.

"You also preached to reporters this afternoon that you accounted for 60% of the credit for saving the world." Ivy sneered.

"That's right. The glory belongs to all of us, but the credit may be greater or less. None of you can deny that kryptonite weapons played a vital role in this battle." Luther said seriously.

"Are you in pain?" Bruce couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

"What?" Luther didn't respond.

"The bandage on your lower back is bleeding, it seems." Bruce looked miserable.

"I" Luther's face was twisted in pain, but he shook his head calmly, "After the dual treatment by the priest and the doctor, the injury is almost stable."

——Every member of the Watch team has the opportunity to speak on his own tonight. Now it’s Harley, and then it’s his turn. He can’t miss this opportunity.

"You're also seeing yellow fluid from the back of your neck. How about I ask someone to take you to the hospital?" Bruce asked with concern.

"No, I'm fine." Luther wanted to shake his head, but when his neck moved, it stung like flesh.

After finishing his speech, he immediately returned to the hospital.

He set his sights on Harley, hoping that she would end soon.

Harley really didn't say any more nice words, and she wanted to leave as soon as possible.

But the reporters below refused to let her go and kept asking questions one after another.

This is a ‘post-war press conference’, and of course there will be a question-and-answer session for reporters.

Harley clicked on Louise because Louise's father had formed an invisible alliance with her.

"The Kryptonian civilization is not weaker than the Trisolarans in "The Trisolaran Crisis".

Comprehensive information blockade, electronic instrument control, indestructible space battleships, main guns that can easily destroy a planet, planetary transformers that change the earth's environment, and god-like individual strength.

Before today, who would have written a novel or made a movie that would have allowed earthlings to defeat such a powerful alien mothership.

No matter how beautiful his writing is and how fantastic his writing is, I will always think there is a big problem with the logic.

But reality is stranger than fiction, and not only did we win, it only took a few hours.

May I ask Commander-in-Chief Quinn, what is the key to this victory? "

Luther was very excited, stretched his neck and murmured: "The key is of course my 'anti-Superman' weapon. Harley, you can't open your eyes and tell lies!"

"The key is to attack the weak with strength and use your strengths to avoid weaknesses." Harley said with a smile.

"Can you be more specific?" Louise said.

Not only the reporters in the audience, but also the horse gang leader, General Lane and other important military and political officials behind the podium also held their breath and stared at Harry closely.

They are also very curious.

It’s really a dream to win this time.

"Krypton is a standard technological civilization, starships and weapons are pure technology, and the body of steel also comes from genetic engineering.

When the Earth competes with them for technology, it will be difficult to win.

Because the technology field is their strength.

But Earth not only has science, it also has magic.

Kryptonians are complete magic laymen."

At this moment, not only reporters and White House dignitaries were thoughtful.

Many wizards and demons from all over the earth watching the live news also looked thoughtful, "The witch used the scientific Superman to deal with the purely magical Milton, and used magic to deal with the purely scientific Kryptonians.

The secret of the witch's victory in every battle seems to have been exposed!

She combines magic and science, so she can make use of her strengths and avoid her weaknesses, taking all magic and science into consideration.

As long as her enemies also wield the powers of magic and science, she is in danger. "

"Perhaps, we can try." The demons were about to make a move.

"Why did you reveal the secret of magic?" After stepping down, the horse gang leader frowned.

"I can't hide it anymore. The incident of defeating the Kryptonians has too great and widespread impact." Harley sighed.

“At least you have to hide it from ordinary people, and if you can’t hide it, you have to lie!

Magic has the potential to break the system. When ordinary people learn of its existence, they will definitely try their best to pursue its secrets.

Then society becomes uncontrollable. "The caravan leader said.

"Why is it out of control? The government has a shadow bureau, and the worst it can do is expand the number of agents.

Moreover, don’t hide it now, you can’t even lie.

Go to the superhero section of Puppy Video and check it out for yourself. Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Animal Man, Warhawk and Dove are many magical superheroes. " Harley said.

"Ah, Luther is vomiting blood. Call an ambulance and take him to the ICU!" There was a commotion on the podium in front. Harley looked intently and saw that Luther's head was tilted to one side and he had fainted.

"Luthor is a hero anyway, who made him so angry that he vomited blood?" Harley said angrily.

"He's not popular, and reporters just asked the first question - who discovered the Kryptonian's Achilles' heel.

He may be too excited, or too tired, or the injury may relapse.

Anyway, he started coughing, coughed up blood, and passed out. "Bruce said.

Harley is dumbfounded

After Luther is Major Adam. His achievements are not ranked third, but he is a representative of the military.

Then came Zatanna and Ivy.

Zatanna often performs magic tricks in front of hundreds or thousands of people and has no stage fright, but she is not suitable for bombast.

On the other hand, Ivy, with a tight face, once again preached to the audience the need to protect forests and green spaces - the Kryptonians did not protect the environment, which led to the destruction of their home planet. The Kryptonians with such powerful technology were retaliated by nature. Shouldn’t the people on earth learn from this?

Not to mention, many viewers actually found her views insightful.

Bruce also adapted to this kind of scene and talked freely on the stage.

"Harry, something happened."

Harley was listening absentmindedly when Laurie approached her with a sad look on his face.

"Something happened to my family, please take me back by airship."

"What's the matter? Can I help?" Harley asked curiously.

"Daniel just..." Laurie's eyes turned red and she burst into tears.

"Why this time? It was fine a few days ago." Harley asked doubtfully.

"Sally said that when he saw Bruce on TV wearing a Nite Owl uniform, he excitedly shouted, 'This handsome guy, he is just like me as a young boy.' He laughed several times and died out."

(ps: Sally is the daughter of Laurie and Daniel, and the young woman who held the baby before.)

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