I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 331 The big guys running away

Many people in the White House have watched "Tribody Crisis".

After all, it not only won the Hugo Award that year, but was also enthusiastically recommended by the caravan leader.

After hearing what the caravan leader said, they all suddenly realized.

Grandma Xi asked strangely: "You don't trust aliens at all, why do you support Superman so much?"

“What I believe in is human nature, but what I am wary of is alien civilization.

Superman is a human being, not a civilization.

As an individual, he has proven himself through actions.

What's more, he was originally a part of the earth's civilization.

It may be a bit exaggerated to say that among interstellar civilizations, the ‘Laws of the Dark Forest’ are completely observed.

But for the development of the race and for the race to have a better living environment, in most cases, there will be a life-or-death, cruel competition between different civilizations.

Like a wild beast on the prairie.

Beasts have no humanity, and civilization has no humanity either.

It just so happens that General Zod, the last Kryptonians, now represents the entire Kryptonian civilization. " Harley said.

The caravan leader said seriously: "What can the Kryptonians get from us?"

"A planet!" Harley reminded: "Don't forget, Krypton is destroyed."

"Absurd!" Mike Pompeo shouted: "After knowing that there is Dr. Manhattan, God, Satan and wizards on the earth, the Kryptonians have a brain problem, so they give up searching for unowned and habitable planets in the endless sky, and insist on fighting the earth. "

This damn fat man has a bad leg and a lameness, but he has a very good mind.

Logically, there is nothing wrong with this statement.

"Mr. President, the alien mothership is approaching the White House and will arrive in five minutes." The technician in front of the information screen reminded.

Without saying a word, Harry picked up Laurie and walked out.

This time no one told her to stop.

She had made it clear.

The White House is the president's home, and the caravan leader's wife and children are all there. At this moment, his wife came over with a worried look and said: "Miss Quinn guessed wrong, it's just a few more trips.

But if the aliens are really as bad as she said, our whole family will..."

The horse gang leader was so excited that he quickly asked the bodyguard to take the child and run after Harley.

"Joseph, this is your turn," he shouted to the vice president.

"Hey, hey." The Sleeping Emperor slowly stretched his hand forward, grabbed a handful of air, then slowly turned back and told Grandma Xi: "The vice president is a sinecure, not even as good as a staff member.

Xiaoxi, as the Secretary of State, you are more qualified than me to lead the overall situation. "

After saying that, he took a trot.

Grandma Xi was stunned for a moment, and found that many senators, staff, and technicians were running after her. She quickly looked around and saw Mike Peng standing up with a cane.


"Anton, Sac, carry me and run." The lame fat man had already shouted to the bodyguard.

"Mike, you were firmly against Harley Quinn before." Grandma Xi said angrily.

Fatty said disapprovingly: "Opposing her is a political necessity, and we oppose for the sake of opposition.

The alien mothership descending above the White House is truly terrifying.

What if she really says it right?

I only have one life.

If she loses her life, there will be no chance to oppose her next time - Damn it, Anton, run away with me! "

The White House underground bunker is not a single nuclear explosion-proof chamber. It is almost a small underground city, extending in all directions, including the subway.

At first, it was Harley who pulled Laurie.

Entering the intricate secret passage, Laurie immediately took the lead and Harley followed.

General Lane and the President's family followed.

A huge crowd of people.

"Mr. President, what are you doing?" On the lawn outside the White House, General Mark, who was waiting to "shake hands" with Zod, became furious and cursed.

"Faq, just because of Harley Quinn's nonsense, you are going to abandon your responsibilities and honor?"

"Mark, if we leave the White House, it won't affect you! The mothership is bigger than the White House. It hangs above your head, making people feel scared." The caravan leader said.

"Barack (the name of the caravan leader), you will affect the way your friends on Krypton view people on Earth - I buy -"


"Hello? Hello, Mark, what's wrong with you?" The caravan leader patted his earplugs and asked doubtfully: "Is the signal in the underground tunnel not good?"

General Lane's expression changed drastically, "This is a military bunker specially built for nuclear war. There is no way the signal is bad. There must be an accident outside."

"Rumble" There was a slight vibration above the head.

Everyone was shocked at each other, "Did Harley really guess correctly that the Kryptonians are going to bombard the White House?"

The horse gang leader patted the earplugs a few more times and said, "Hey, who is in the information room? What happened to General Mark——"

"Mr. President, our network and communications are controlled by aliens again!" The Sleeping King howled from behind, holding a flower cell phone.

"Shit, Joseph, why are you here too? Who is controlling the overall situation in the command center?" the caravan leader shouted.

"I'll leave it to Xiao Xi—shit, Xiao Xi, why are you here too?"

As soon as he stopped to take a few breaths, Sleeping Emperor saw Grandma Xi clinging to the broad back of a strong black bodyguard and rushing past her.

"Director Ross found out that the signal was being controlled by Kryptonians again, and we knew we couldn't stay in the White House," she explained.

Seeing Harley in front of her, Grandma Xi greeted her shamelessly, "Harry, you are so smart. The alien really doesn't have any good things."

"This is unreasonable. The Kryptonians suddenly turned against each other. What's the reason?" Mike Peng was lying behind a strong man, looking confused.

There was only a slight roar above the tunnel for a while, and then it became completely quiet, with only the sounds of running, breathing, and making phone calls.

Harley kept refreshing the Puppy Headlines page, and finally, five minutes later, a piece of news about "Shocking Changes in the White House" appeared.

Author, Lois Lane.

The news is short and concise: Negotiations between the government and the Kryptonians are suspected to have broken down. After Superman entered the shuttle and left with Kryptonian commander Fiora, the mothership descended above the White House a quarter of an hour later. But as soon as it arrived, it took action brazenly, lowering a tractor beam and sucking Admiral Mark away.

There is also a video below, showing the entire process of a spaceship as huge as a hundred-story building sucking away Admiral Mark.

"Hey, will you not die if you are greedy for life and afraid of death?" Harley couldn't help but laugh.

Laurie glanced at the phone screen and asked in surprise: "Why?"

At this moment, they had gotten into a "sightseeing car" and were heading out along the tunnel.

Of course, it is impossible to walk on foot for more than ten kilometers.

Harley and Laurie huddled together and whispered: "Of course it is to find the secret of Dr. Manhattan from Admiral Mark's mind.

Blue Manhattan is the strongest person on earth, and he is terrifyingly strong.

After being reminded by the news and demonstrations and crowds, and by my "arrogant words", any alien with ambitions for the earth must confirm his status before implementing an invasion plan. "

"You're sure the Kryptonians have bad intentions for Earth, and then—"

Noticing the caravan leader and others looking over from the back row, Laurie immediately stopped talking.

But the way she looked at Harley was very complicated.

——First confirm the malice of the Kryptonians, and then use the news to hype Dr. Manhattan's power, making the Kryptonians extremely fearful. Then, during today's negotiation process, tell the Kryptonians with facts: Admiral Mark knows all the secrets of Manhattan.

Admiral Mark was not her entire target.

Harley had confessed to her before that she wanted to use Kryptonians to test Joan's situation!

Laurie's eyes were blurred, Joan, where are you, are you okay now?

Harley was disappointed.

Although she successfully predicted that "there are no good aliens", she pretended to be a coward in front of the caravan leader, Grandma Xi, General Lane and other military and political bosses.

Everywhere she passed, even the guards and civilian staff looked at her with admiration.

But the Kryptonians did not attack the White House, and did not send any Kryptonian girls to intercept them halfway.

There was no fatal chase, and everyone in the White House bunker survived intact.

She originally thought that the Kryptonians would launch a surprise attack and then "help" clear out a large number of big shots in the military and political circles who were hostile to her.

Just like what Joker and Galavan did in Gotham.

Unfortunately, the Kryptonians lacked the 'Gotham gene' and let her down.

When the horse gang leader settled in the "Roosevelt II" underground military base 30 kilometers away from the White House, she was ready to ask for benefits from him.

"Mr. President, this is over. It's time for me to return to Gotham."

This is playing hard to get.

"What are you doing back in Gotham?" the caravan leader asked in confusion.

"My home is in Gotham. Go home and wait for things to calm down." Harley said matter-of-factly.

The caravan leader almost jumped when he heard this, "The evil true face of the Kryptonian devils has been exposed. Washington is in danger, the United States is in danger, and the earth is in danger.

People all over the world are waiting for us to save them, but you still go home and wait?

Waiting for the destruction of the earth? "

"Hey, I've done what I can, and the rest can't help anymore." Harley sighed.

The horse gang leader looked around and saw many people in the war room staring at her, so he simply took her to his small office.

"Harry, we have known each other for several years, right?"

"Well, when you ran for president, I helped you raise more than 20 million in campaign funds as a representative of the Gotham Democratic Party. We knew each other then," Harley said.

New York State is the stronghold of the Democratic Party, and Gotham is the economic and political center of New York State. During the campaign speeches, the leader of the caravan visited Gotham many times.

"Since we are old friends who have known each other for many years, I will tell you some things directly." The leader of the caravan looked at her and said: "Although I don't understand what the Kryptonians want, their arrest of General Mark has clearly shown that they are against The United States is hostile to mankind.

We have no choice but to fight to the death.

The Kryptonians are a super technological civilization, and relying solely on the military power of the United States, the possibility of victory is slim.

Harley, you are famous in the wizarding world. You killed the Demon Crown Prince in the Arctic Circle earlier. You must be very powerful. You are the best person to save the earth——"

Harley waved her hand to interrupt him, "My identity in the government has always been very clear.

Think tanks and leaders, not death squads and thugs.

Barack, I'm a billionaire and have a great life.

I don’t want to charge into battle, wear the flag, and die with honor. "

The leader of the caravan said solemnly: "What I mean is, let you lead this invasion war against the Kryptonians.

Well, you are the leader and the person in charge. "

This is a big benefit!

Harley doubted: "Even if we can convince Congress, will the Pentagon agree?

As you know, in order to save the multiverse, justice and light over the years, I have offended many evil forces.

Important officials in the Washington government are their spokespersons, and they all look covetously at me. "

The horse gang leader's cheek muscles twitched, and the politicians in Washington were all spokesmen for evil forces. Then wouldn't the White House where I was now become a devil's cave?

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