I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 330 Picking peaches and handing peaches secretly

Fiora did not hide the disdain on her face and sneered: "I can make the decision, but you can't. It's better to ask the person behind you to come and talk to me in person."

"Oh, it seems I really have to do it myself."

In the earbuds, Admiral Mark spoke slowly with a smug smile.

Harley smiled at the Kryptonian, "Wait a moment."

She took a few steps back, pressed her earbuds and whispered: "General, it's inappropriate for you to come forward. The Kryptonians may have a conspiracy."

"I know what's going on, so let's just come back." Admiral Mark said calmly.

Harley sneered in her heart, faced the street, sighed helplessly, took off her earplugs, and said loudly: "The latest instructions from the Pentagon, negotiations have entered the second stage.

Mark, the four-star general, will take my place in negotiating the final treaty with Kryptonian Commander Fiora. "

Fiora was stunned for a moment, these words didn't seem to be meant for her.

"Ah, is the four-star general going to take action personally? It seems that the peace talks are going to succeed."

"I know General Mark. He is the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the top boss in the military."

"A four-star general does have more status than a mere congressional staff member."

"Look carefully. He is clearly announcing good news, but the 'Mayor's Man' has a helpless expression, as if he has something to hide."

"Hey, do you still need to think about it? The negotiations are about to bear fruit, and the big boss will start picking peaches."

"I don't want to watch 'House of Cards,' I just want to know if Admiral Mark can take down the Kryptonians."

"This shouldn't be a big problem. The most difficult part of the ice-breaking journey has been solved by Harley Quinn. As long as Admiral Mark's IQ is normal, he should be able to complete the final agreement."

The crowd of demonstrators and protesters shouted and talked loudly, and reporters even took photos wildly with cameras.

This time Fiora understood the object and purpose of Harley's shouting, and she couldn't help but secretly despise the stupidity of the people on earth.

Harley retreated into the White House and was pulled into the underground bunker by Laurie.

"Those bastards are going to burn bridges across rivers."

Laurie looked very unhappy, "Through your conversation with Fiora, the psychological evaluation team immediately analyzed that Kryptonians are a super-civilized race that can communicate.

Ophira's expression was very solemn when you asked the Kryptonian to swear an oath of honor.

Judging from her subtle facial expressions, Kryptonian soldiers have a special obsession with honor.

Therefore, Mark, that old bastard, plans to pick the fruit himself.

A person who values ​​​​honor will at least not kill anyone at the negotiation table. This is his confidence.

If a peace agreement could be signed with the Kryptonians, James Mark would go down in history.

Alas, this opportunity should have been yours. "

Harry looked around and saw the two of them alone in the aisle. He lowered his voice and said with a smile: "Mark, that old turtle has such beautiful thoughts. He is dead this time."

"What?" Laurie was confused.

"Dr. Manhattan is a sinkhole that will bury him," Harley sneered.

"I do not quite understand"

"Why do you think there were so many people holding up images of Dr. Manhattan outside the White House today?" Harley laughed.

"Did you arrange it?" Laurie asked suspiciously.

Harley took out her phone and opened the 'Puppy Headlines' with a smile.

"Where are you, Dr. Manhattan? The earth needs you", "Let's call for Blue Manhattan", "Dr. Manhattan is more reliable than a superhero", three news articles are displayed on the homepage.

"There are very few users of Housekeeper Dog, but when all signals are interrupted, no matter how few users there are, the news can spread quickly through word of mouth."

"Why did you do that?" Laurie asked confused.

“Let the aliens pay attention to Dr. Manhattan, and then teach Mark’s group of people who have the secret of Blue Manhattan to trick him.

At the same time, I also tested Dr. Manhattan to see what state he was in now.

Haven't you been dreaming a lot lately? " Harley laughed.

"Testing Joan" Laurie's face changed several times and he said doubtfully: "I also want to know about Joan's situation, but how can this kill old Mark?"

"We'll see."

As she spoke, Harley took out her mobile phone and gave an order to the editors of Puppy Toutiao: report her helplessness and aggrievedness at being picked off by Mark, attribute the results of the previous negotiations to her, and take full responsibility for any subsequent failure. Admiral Mark.

Anyone who believes in freedom of speech in the United States is a fool. Have you ever seen a billionaire like Emperor Sichuan who, after leaving office, have to build his own website so that he can speak out publicly?

If you want to get along in the United States, you must control the news media or social networks that can guide public opinion.

This is why Puppy Technology loses money every year, and Harley spends money every year.

Ten minutes later, two news articles about "The Inside Story of Admiral Mark's Replacement of the Mayor" were already on the "Hot Search List" of Puppy Headlines.

At this time, Admiral Mark's helicopter and Superman arrived at the White House at the same time, and cheers flew over the crowd.

In the underground bunker of the White House, the caravan leaders and others stared at the screen, applauding and whistling with relaxed expressions.

"Superman is here too. This is different from what we discussed before." Harley put down her phone and frowned.

According to the consensus reached by the big guys at yesterday's meeting, Superman is like a nuclear weapon for the people on Earth, and he cannot be easily allowed to appear in front of the Kryptonians.

"Admiral Mark is not stupid. Considering that negotiations may fail, it is safer to have Superman with you." Adam sighed.

Well, Harley's temporary guard captain also came down.

Harley lowered her head and continued playing on her phone.

Well, remotely coaching Puppy News editors on how to write news.

The negotiation process between Admiral Mark and Fiore was far smoother than when Harley was there.

Because General Mark doesn't care about Superman's interests at all, even if Superman is protecting him.

"Admiral Mark, it's been a pleasure communicating with you."

After reaching a basic agreement verbally, Fiora smiled and took the initiative to extend her right hand.

Mark held out his chest and belly, smiled kindly, and held her iron glove, "Commander Fiora's wisdom and etiquette also impressed me."

"Admiral, will you follow me to the mothership to sign the final peace agreement, or will you let the mothership come and General Zod come here?" Fiora asked.

Harley quickly shouted: "Don't let the mothership come down, let alone the Kryptonians take away Superman!"

Admiral Mark also has earplugs that communicate with the underground bunker of the White House.

"Why? The Kryptonian's request is very reasonable. Either we go up or they come down." The caravan leader frowned.

"Let Admiral Mark go up by himself! The mothership fell over the White House, like stuffing its neck into a noose." Harley said.

"It's not wrong to say that, but if the Kryptonians are really malicious, can we prevent the spacecraft from landing?" Mike Peng said disapprovingly.

"We also invite General Zod to come to Earth." Admiral Mark made the decision.

Seeing Fiora boarding the space shuttle with Super, Harley no longer cared about writing Mark's 'essay', and pulled Laurie out.

Catching a glimpse of Sam Lane looking over from the crowd, she felt a move in her heart and shouted: "General Lane, I have something to discuss with you, can you come over?"

"Harley Quinn, what do you mean?" Mike Peng said coldly.

No one who can stand here is a fool.

Combined with Harley's previous remarks, let's look at her current behavior.

It was obvious that she felt the situation was critical and wanted to run away.

Facing a pair of angry eyes, Harley sighed helplessly and said, "I think it's dangerous, but you think it's safe. In that case, let me leave quietly, okay?"

"This is the safest place." The caravan leader said.

"I think the basement is a little stuffy. Let's go up and get some fresh air." Harley said.

"Miss Quinn, it was you who proposed the negotiation." Secretary of State Grandma Xi reminded me.

“My suggestion was to make all Kryptonians swear a poisonous oath, but Admiral Mark did not listen.

I would also suggest that Superman not be allowed to leave Earth at any cost.

Now, Admiral Mark sells him out to the Kryptonians in front of everyone.

The above two suggestions are the prerequisites for signing a peace agreement.

The negotiation is certainly aimed at peacefully resolving extraterrestrial incidents.

But before that, we must first determine whether the Kryptonians have no ill intentions towards the earth.

At that time, it was no problem for them to come down or for us to go up.

I don't understand, I made it clear before.

Admiral Mark, and you, are not listening at all. "

Harley spoke very fast, without any hesitation when speaking, and her attitude was very rude.

"Miss Quinn, you are just a staff member. You make suggestions and whether to adopt them or not is decided by the general and the president through discussion." Grandma Xi said in a deep voice.

Harley said: "The suggestion session is over, can I leave now?"

"You can leave at any time." The horse gang leader frowned: "However, I value your suggestion very much. I hope you can explain clearly the reason why the Kryptonians will attack the White House."

"Mr. President, we have reached a consensus before that it is necessary to continue negotiations only when it is determined that the Kryptonians have no ill intentions towards the earth.

Otherwise, the contract can be torn up, not to mention that the contract has not yet been signed. " Harley said.

The horse gang leader nodded slightly, "I like your "The Trisolaran Crisis" very much. The cruelty and indifference of higher civilizations to lower civilizations is horrifying to watch.

But Kryptonians are very rational and rational.

Judging from the conversation, they may be arrogant, but they did not show pure malice towards human beings.

Kryptonians are so civilized and polite, if we force them to swear a poisonous oath before a peace agreement is signed.

First of all, it seems that we are barbaric and overbearing, but we are not qualified to be overbearing.

Secondly, if an agreement can be broken easily, the oath is worthless. "

The horse gang leader can become the gang leader of the United States of America. He is indeed not stupid and his analysis is very organized.

Harley pondered: "Mr. President, no matter whether you swear a poisonous oath or insist on not letting them take Superman away, it is not the ultimate goal.

Mainly through this process, they prove that they have malicious intentions towards the earth. "

"Proof of malicious intent?" The horse gang leader touched his chin and said: "This is what has always been strange to me. From the beginning, you firmly believed that the Kryptonians were going to be detrimental to the earth.

It is based on this concept that your suggestion is reasonable.

We didn't fully accept your suggestion because our views on Kryptonians are far less extreme than yours.

It's not that I trust the Kryptonians to be good people.

However, most conflicts arise from interests. I don’t see any conflict of interest between us and the Kryptonians. "

Harley said solemnly: "Mr. President, if you have watched "The Post-Manhattan Era: Tribody Crisis", you should understand my attitude towards aliens - aliens, there are no good people!"

Mike Peng said in disbelief: "The reason why you are making such a fuss is just because of a novel?"

The caravan leader waved his hands and said thoughtfully: "It was not because of the novel that Harry had such an idea. It was these ideas that created the novel.

Whether Harley's views on aliens are right or wrong remains to be verified.

But now, I finally understand her behavior at this time. "

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