I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 323 Invite a group of super heroes to be grass-headed gods?

Washington, a certain coffee shop.

"Sister Laurie, are you too ungrateful?" Harley said with a complicated expression.

When I first met Laurie back then, she was still a dashing and handsome middle-aged elegant woman who refused to join the ranks of old ladies.

Now she has gained weight.

The woolen coat was puffy and round, and the body was as thick as a bucket.

Appearance is no longer carefully groomed, wrinkles and spots are fully exposed.

There is only a hint of lipstick on her lips, and her hair is neatly combed and dyed blonde. She maintains the basic social etiquette of a woman.

The key is that her temperament no longer has the "youthful" sharpness and ability, and she looks no different from the Chinese square dancing aunts.

"I will retire at the end of the year. I am over 70 years old and have two grandchildren. What else do I need to pay attention to?"

Laurie was open-minded, with a smile on his face, very kind and happy.

"Where do you plan to live after retirement? Or come to Gotham?" Harley suggested.

Laurie shook his head, "How can a place like Gotham be a place to retire? I'm just outside Washington, comfortable and safe."

"It may be comfortable, but it's safe." Harley said hesitantly: "With my current strength, it won't be too easy to keep your family safe, but Washington is a bit far away."

"There is Amanda Waller in Washington, who has trained you two over the years. Leave small problems to her, and big problems will send you messages." Laurie said with a smile.

Harley thought for a while and said, "I'll give you a few miniature signal transmitters later. Put them in watches, necklaces, earrings, anywhere. If you encounter trouble, just press them quietly and it's OK."

"Can the signal reach Gotham?" Laurie wondered.

"It's the same principle as 'Watching Dog'," Harley smiled strangely, "You don't really think that Watching Dog is just a set of anti-virus software that uses a special algorithm, do you?"

"What is it?" Laurie asked curiously.

"He is Rich, my dead mage friend, whose soul is immortal and went to heaven. Well, Heaven Mountain, my fiefdom.

Now he lives in the host computer 24 hours a day in the form of data, building and expanding the 'Quinn Information Kingdom' in the quantum world. " Harley laughed.

Laurie thought for a while, shook his head and said, "I don't quite understand."

Harley explained: "Under normal circumstances, your mobile phone is connected to a telecommunications base station, and then through the base station, it is connected to the main server of Puppy Technology Company.

But Gotham's main server is only a main server on the surface.

Some time ago, I took 300 million U.S. dollars in gold, found a few alien wizards in the Forgotten Bar, and asked them to help design a 'magic energy-electric energy' conversion system.

Relying on that system, the holy light shining from Silver City can be converted into electrical energy.

In this way, Paradise Mountain has a real master server. "

Laurie suddenly realized, "No wonder you are sure that users who use 'Guard Dog' will never lose their data and no one can invade Paradise Mountain."

Almost all angels know the secrets about Heaven Mountain and the Duke of Heaven Mountain.

Angel also frequents the Oblivion Bar.

In this way, these secrets are not secrets at all in the mage world.

It makes no sense to hide something that even outsiders know from someone as close as Laurie.

"Through the line of 'mobile phone - base station - Gotham server - Paradise Mountain host', Rich can always perform the duties of a 'keeper dog' to ensure the security of user information.

If this line goes down, that's okay.

Rich can bypass any firewall or isolation network, just like I can successfully answer the phone at the Pentagon.

Not to mention disconnecting from the Internet, even if you enter outer space or another dimension without network base stations,

As long as he is willing to pay a certain price, Richie can still ensure normal communication.

He can connect to the Earth server through the Heaven Mountain host, and naturally can also connect directly to his mobile phone.

The server is nothing more than a ‘giant phone’.

However, doing so would be very dangerous.

This feature will not be open to ordinary customers, and Laurie you are certainly not an ordinary customer.

So, wearing my special signal transmitter, even if you fall into hell——"

Laurie made a serious face and interrupted her: "Do you think I will go to hell?"

"I'm just a metaphor, don't be too sensitive." Harley waved her hand.

Laurie sighed and said sadly: "It's not that I'm sensitive, our time is almost up, Daniel. It's probably only a matter of one or two years, so I'm really worried."

"You are watchers, you will definitely go to heaven." Harley comforted.

"No." Laurie shook his head gently, "I don't care at all about what happens after death.

How God judges is his business.

What worries me is death itself.

Daniel's situation is a sign that Watchmen is no longer in history.

Werther is a few years older than him, and may die early or soon, and then there is me, and Joan. I am very worried about Joan's condition. Recently, I often dream about him.

This is not normal!

I always think of him"

She frowned, "Harry, I'm worried that Joan will die too."

"You can travel around the timeline at will, how can you die?

Moreover, he was responsible for eighty percent of the fusion of the two worlds that caused more than a few cosmic vibrations.

Those beings with supreme power will still exist even if the universe is destroyed. " Harley said.

Although he comforted Laurie in this way, something touched Harry's heart.

She recalled the novel "A Certain Scientific Red Manhattan" she wrote that year.

The Soviets repeated the process of creating Blue Manhattan and created the 'Five-Star Red Manhattan', which died.

In order to dispel Laurie's random thoughts, Harley gave her two devil fruits before parting.

"This thing cannot directly extend life, but it can strengthen the body. When physical fitness improves, diseases will naturally decrease, and life expectancy can be considered increased in disguise."

"Are there any side effects? Devil's fruit, why is it called such a name? It sounds scary." Laurie looked at the two 'Black Bolins' and swallowed, "But it has such a strong fruity aroma and seems to be delicious. !”

"The side effects have been borne by the plant, so feel free to eat it," Harley said.

In the following days, Harley did not leave Washington immediately.

She has to fulfill her contract as a 'housekeeper', and in addition, she has to be busy with some work matters.

The reason why Harley allows the household dog to enter commercial use is for three purposes: first, to make money; second, to build a reputation, which will facilitate the recruitment of DC's wonderful talents like Dr. Hank, and by the way, to penetrate into the center of American power; third, to make grass Head God' Richie upgrades.

Don't think that Harley is not short of money.

Not to mention her current expenses for food and clothing, the luxuries of earthly luxuries are no longer enough to satisfy her.

Well, more than half of the daily necessities come from the "Royal Offerings" of another world in the Forgotten Bar, and require a large amount of real money to purchase.

Tianshan Mountain sells mobile phones and computers, which is very profitable, but Harley doesn't hold a lot of shares.

The unlisted Duoduo Technology Company is simply a money-burning scam.

Duoduo Technology initially imitated Bilibili and Toutiao, but it was difficult for the second dimension to become mainstream culture in DC America. Harley replaced animation with ‘superheroes’.

Well, Duoduo Video is a relatively pure superhero community.

In the middle and later stages, I will take the short video route of Douyin and Kuaishou.

And these projects were all huge money burners in the early stages.

Even more expensive is technology research and development

Embarrassingly, the household dog is the only profitable project of Duoduo Technology Company.

But money and fame are not Harley’s main purpose in selling the ‘housekeeping dog’.

When helping Richie repair his soul, Harley thought that 50 million in merit was too expensive, so she asked Little Black Bean to help negotiate the price. Little Black Bean was really very respectable, and Tian Zhisheng insisted on the principle and refused to lower the price, but gave him an extra gift. A precious little gift - making Richie a real grass-headed god.

Belief is the ladder of faith.

In order to awaken Little Black Bean, the wizard group frantically creates extraordinary tragedies on the earth. The purpose is to make mankind realize the existence of darkness and evil forces.

As long as you believe, belief is power. This power allows Little Black Bean to grow rapidly and finally wake up. Speaking of which, was the wizard group working for God in vain?

In fact, archangels and archdevils can also absorb the power of faith.

For example, Hallie also used to make a name for herself to attract inner dragons to cooperate.

Richie, who was "canonized" by God, can also gain strength from "belief".

He is the 'housekeeper dog' himself, and the housekeeper dog has become a god.

The people on Earth use household dogs, praise it after it works, trust it, and Richie can get strength from it.

This is a characteristic only possessed by gods - absorbing the power of faith and strengthening themselves.

However, this kind of power can only be stored in his body, like recharging a battery, and cannot improve his realm and make him truly a god.

Somewhat similar to Green Lantern's Lantern Ring.

The Lantern Ring needs to be recharged, and recharging only extends the Green Lantern's battery life. The strength of the Lantern's will truly determines the Lantern's strength.

Rich, the "grass-headed god", used the power of faith he obtained to build a "network cable" from Heaven Mountain to the earth in Limbo, simulating the "networking" between Silver City and Christian believers - a bit like the Kingdom of God.

When believers pray, their thoughts are like laying a network line from earth to heaven. It is very thin and fragile.

Countless and ubiquitous thin lines closely connect the earth and heaven, forming strong channels that allow believers' souls to ascend to heaven.

In the end, as long as the world chants the name of God, the "Golden Hall" in the center of Silver City will immediately record all his information.

Every time Rich responds to someone who uses the Watchdog software, he builds a mental network between Paradise Mountain and the user.

The strength required for this process is obtained through the customer's faith in the guardian dog.

In this way, Rich responded to customers countless times and drew countless thought networks between the Heaven Mountain host and the earth. Isn't this the process of building a "golden hall" in heaven?

Well, it's a bit like the construction of the Kingdom of God.

In the future, Richie himself may become Harley's "copycat golden palace."

Harley felt that the Golden Hall of Silver City was a super server that controlled the daily operations of heaven.

In addition to information collection and processing, every communication with the voice of heaven is also carried out through it.

She even suspected that the mechanical Voice of Heaven was the AI ​​of the 'Golden Hall Server'.

If the 'Copycat Golden Palace' plan can succeed in simulating even one tenth of it, Harley will be able to more easily transmit information between Earth and Heaven Mountain in the future.

You can even use your mobile phone to summon heavenly soldiers and generals.

Well, her grass-headed gods are all heroic spirits who can be quantified, crawl to the earth along the network cable, jump out of the mobile phone, and use magic to materialize their bodies.

It's a bit like Marvel's Asgard's Bifrost.

It is said that the DC multiverse has at least 52 single universes, and each single universe has Superman?

If you go to the multiverse and befriend a group of more supermen, after they die, take their heroic spirits to Heaven Mountain and transform them into grass-headed gods.

Then summon the heavenly soldiers and generals, that scene.

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