I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 322 Housekeeper Dog

"Information data defense systems and artificial intelligence are huge projects, and they are related to the national defense security of the United States. Quinn Technology will not assume responsibilities beyond its own capabilities.

We are willing to participate in this project, but our participation is limited to the establishment of firewalls in the communication field. "

Harley opened the PPT and introduced the pictures, texts and videos: "This security system called 'Guard Dog' has three major functions.

First, it is the world's most powerful data vault.

Data uploaded to the cloud will almost never be lost or stolen by hackers.

Secondly, it can turn on the ‘Xg’ wireless network at critical moments to ensure that the network will not be disconnected under any circumstances.

Finally, as everyone knows, I am the founder and current chairman of two companies, Paradise Mountain and Puppy Technology.

Therefore, the ‘Guard Dog’ developed based on the primary artificial intelligence ‘Duo Duo’ can be perfectly compatible with the operating system of any product in the Tiantian Mountain ecological chain.

When necessary, it can also fully control the operating system and protect all external information from intrusion. "

The generals, laboratory directors, and technology company CEOs in the audience all had strange expressions. They looked at Harley as if they were looking at a liar selling a miracle drug.

Finally, Minos, the three-star general sitting in the first row, asked: "Of the three major functions of the guard dog, although the first and third functions are very exaggerated, the results have yet to be verified. The key is the second function.

I have never heard of Xg wireless network that is not afraid of disconnection, can you explain it? "

"The general must know the history of the development of communication technology, from 2g to 3g, and then from 3g to 4g. Now 4g technology is constantly changing our society.

Obviously, 4G is not the end. For example, we at Paradise Mountain Technology are cooperating with Wayne Group to develop 5G technology.

And Xg represents a brand new communication technology.

It relies on the existing communication network, but it transcends any means of communication in the material world. "

"I can still understand what I said before. Xg is a new technology. But you rely on the existing network for a while, and you are detached for a while. Isn't this a contradiction?" Admiral Minos frowned.

Harley thought for a while and said: "General, you can understand it this way, think of wired communication as one era, and wireless communication as another era.

When wireless mobile phones, the first generation of mobile phones, were invented, Motorola's CEO was like me, standing in front of you and promoting their products to you.

He would say - Our mobile phones rely on physical base stations and network cables, but they are beyond the conventional telephone line network. "

The general and everyone in the conference room were thoughtful.

But while he understood it, he became more doubtful about the function of the ‘watchdog’.

"You mean, your company invented another dimension of signal transmission technology?" Dr. Swan asked.

"That depends on how you define 'new dimension'." Harley said.

Dr. Swan said: "If wired communication is one dimension, wireless signal transmission is another dimension. According to you, XG communication transcends wired and wireless. Isn't it a third-dimensional information transmission technology?"

Harley's eyes flickered, "Dr. Swan, do you think 'third-dimensional' communication technology is possible?"

Swan frowned and said: "With the current scientific and technological foundation and development speed of mankind, it will not be possible within five hundred years."

Harley smiled slightly, this was a good opportunity to slap her face on the pretense, but a mere Swann was not worthy of her uncovering the truth about the 'Guard Dog'.

“Guard Dog is just a program, and the hardware foundation it relies on is also existing mobile phones, tablets, wireless networks and other devices.

There are no new technological breakthroughs in the equipment. What has changed is only the algorithm and some special techniques to achieve false "three-dimensional communication" in function. "

Harley is learning from Zatara, disguising magic as magic.

Admiral Minos said solemnly: "But you said that after the 'Guard Dog' activates Xg, the Internet will not be disconnected under any circumstances. Isn't this a new technology?"

"Well." Harley smiled awkwardly but politely, "I have to explain that only when China Unicom is connected to China Unicom, activating xg will ensure continuous network connection."

"Pfft." Some people couldn't help laughing, including Bruce Wayne.

Admiral Minos said with a dark face: "Are you kidding us?"

"Of course not!" Harley said seriously: "General, can the military turn off anyone's mobile phone in the city center so that it is within network coverage but unable to connect to the Internet?"

"Not to mention the military's Information Technology Department, even Wayne Telecom can cut off anyone's Internet connection on the grounds of mobile phone arrears." General Minos said indifferently.

Harley took out her red-and-blue Paradise Mountain mobile phone and placed it on the podium, "Try and see if you can disconnect me from the Internet."

General Minos glanced at the officer next to him, and the officer left the table.

Five minutes later, the officer returned and said confidently: "Don't talk about Miss Quinn, even if Mr. Wayne is targeted by us, he still can't connect to the Wayne telecommunications network."

"Colonel, give me your phone number."

Harley slid her finger and clicked on the grinning bully dog ​​profile picture on the desktop of her phone.

An animation of a bully dog ​​running wildly appears on the screen, and the watchdog program starts.

The colonel immediately announced a series of numbers.

Harley left her phone on the podium and only pressed it a few times.

The next moment, "babo~~"

The bubbling text message alert sounded, and the colonel clicked on the message from the unknown number with suspicion: Now, are you convinced or not (three smiley faces).

"Shit!" he cried out.

"How is it?" General Minos asked.

The colonel handed him his mobile phone, "General, I swear, we have blocked any network connection of Miss Quinn, wireless WiFi, 4G telecommunications network, infrared, and Bluetooth."

General Minos was not very shocked. After all, Harley Quinn was also a big shot and it was impossible to joke at a recruitment meeting of this level.

"Go to the Ministry of Information and ask if you can find the Trojan and intercept the signal again."

The colonel looked at Harley, "Miss Quinn, can you continue to call me?"

Harley nodded, and the colonel's phone vibrated again. He pressed to answer it without saying a word. He just left the phone with the general and trotted away.

The room was quiet, everyone was staring at the mobile phone in the general's hand and listening.

Harley tapped her fingers on the tabletop gently on the podium, and a subtle "tuk-tuk" sound also came from the phone opposite.

In nearly ten minutes, the expressions on everyone's faces changed from casual to cautious.

Five minutes later, the colonel led two people from the technical department over and said seriously: "General, the Pentagon's server cannot find any signal.

However, at the headquarters of Wayne Telecom in Washington, it was confirmed that Miss Quinn was on the call, and the phone bill was being deducted every penny. "

The general returned the phone to the colonel and looked at Harley in surprise, "How did the data skip the Pentagon and get out?"

Rich, who made the Heavenly Mountain host his new home, helped open up a fifth-dimensional information channel, bypassing the Pentagon.

Harley felt proud in her heart and showed a glow on her face, "You can use the Watchdog as a set of powerful anti-virus software to kill viruses from the Pentagon."

Admiral Minos took a deep look at her and immediately made a decision: "Miss Quinn, congratulations, you got the order for the Pentagon's communications protection construction project."

"Uh, don't you need to shop around?" Harley was stunned.

The general turned around and scanned the crowd, but no one stood up to object.

Luther had a complicated look on his face. This news was going to spread, and those big consortiums that were shorting the shares of Paradise Mountain Company would be in trouble.

He quickly took out his mobile phone and quietly sent a message.

Well, the 'Sickle' ran away and Leek took over.

After Harley stepped down, Luther and Bruce came on stage one after another.

Bruce only said a few words casually and gave up his position to Lucius Fox.

Luther, on the other hand, is very "diligent". He is eloquent and eloquent on stage, detailing every technical advantage of his information technology department, and even the identity and achievements of each scientific researcher.

It can be seen that he really wants to win this big project.

Luther, like Harley, was almost self-made and the founder of their respective consortiums.

Because I started late, I didn’t have many interactions with the Ministry of National Defense.

Unlike Quinn in Star City and Wayne in Gotham, two long-established plutocrats are frequent visitors to the Pentagon. Every time the military makes a big purchase, both of them get a share of the pie.

Luther will have to work extra hard if he wants to get a piece of the pie from this project.

In addition to several large technology companies, there are also many information technology companies specializing in network security and artificial intelligence.

Harley had to admit that she looked down on the world's heroes.

The United States, at least the United States in the DC universe, has terrible technology.

At least five laboratories have come up with relatively mature human-computer interaction technology and supporting primary artificial intelligence.

What surprised Harley the most was Dr. Hank from MIT in Chicago.

Like Rich, he is also experimenting with spiritual digitization and virtual reality.

It's just that Ritchie used the magic paradigm to quantize the entire soul. Dr. Hank is more like inventing the matrix of the Matrix, and only the brain waves are digitized.

At the reception later.

"Dr. Hank, I am deeply impressed by your achievements in spiritual digitization, and it just so happens that our Duoduo Technology is also conducting the same research.

Unfortunately, my friend was called by the Lord and died young, leaving behind a half-completed great project that could change the course of human history.

Now, I'm looking for a new chief engineer for this project.

Not only to create a new era with technology, but also to comfort the spirits of friends who have ascended to heaven. "Harry said sincerely.

Hank, who was tall and looked more like a football player than a scientist, said hesitantly: "I have heard about Mr. Rich's research for a long time.

To be honest, I really want to see the research results of the 'Quantum Magician' with my own eyes.

But as early as two months ago, I had promised Mr. Luther that I would join the Luther Group after fulfilling my professional contract with MIT. "

"Harry, our two families can definitely cooperate." Luther came over with a wine glass and said with a smile: "With the technical foundation left by Richie, plus the top scientific research team I have recently collected.

By then, let alone virtual reality, advanced artificial intelligence will also be realized within ten years.

The world will be turned upside down as a result. "

"We have discussed this issue many times." Harley tilted her head and declined politely.

Then, her expression changed slightly and she said strangely: "Hi, Louise, is this your boyfriend?"

Louise's hair was pulled up high, and she looked elegant in a red dress.

She was not alone, but Clark, who was wearing a black suit and thick-rimmed glasses.

Louise's eyes flashed and she said in a natural manner: "Clark Kent, my colleague at the Daily Planet."

"Miss Quinn, Mr. Luther, Dr. Hank." Clark showed an honest and honest smile, very approachable.

"I am a special correspondent for the science and technology and natural environment columns, and it is an honor to meet you."

"Um, hello, Clark." Harley shook his hand.

"Clark, long time no see." Luther looked complicated.

Clark looked at him affectionately, "Yes, it's been several years."

"Do you know each other?" Louise was startled.

"Don't you know my hometown is also Smallville?" Luther smiled.

Louise frowned slightly, "Mr. Luther, I heard that you are obsessed with super AI research to develop a robot to deal with Ripman?"

Luther's eyes flashed slightly, "I didn't want to hurt anyone. I just wanted to protect the earth and the people of the United States."

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