"Richie?" Dachao thought for a moment and said in surprise: "Richie Simpson, the technical director of Duoduo Technology Company? Is he the Quantum Ghost?"

Harley looked a little nervous and shouted to the robot: "Joel, ask if it is Richie and if it still remembers me?"

"Miss Quinn, it only has the instinct to devour everything it can swallow, like a beast that has been torn into countless pieces, completely unable to communicate."

Harley pondered and asked: "How do you Kryptonians define 'quantum ghost'?"

"A super intelligence that is between existence and non-existence, with certain biological emotions and characteristics."

"Tell me more details." Harley frowned.

“Between existence and non-existence is a quantum state.

When a normal program is powered off, its data will become invalid.

Ordinary artificial intelligence, completely powered off, may or may not disappear, depending on the hardware that allows it to exist.

But once the power is cut off and the hard drive, CPU and all the foundations on which it depends for its existence are destroyed, most artificial intelligence will 'die'.

Of course, if you remember all its original data, it's equivalent to existing in your mind at the same time and can be reborn on another console.

Quantum ghosts are completely unaffected by power outages and hardware damage. "

Clark wondered: "Any artificial intelligence is based on data. If even the hardware is damaged, where does the data exist?"

"Limbo exists outside of matter!" Harley said thoughtfully.

The robot's electronic eyes turned to her with a "surprised" expression, "Kryptonians don't call it Limbo, we call it the fifth dimension.

It took Kryptonian technology millions of years of development to come into contact with this kind of cosmic knowledge. Why can Miss Quinn reveal its secrets in one word? "

"Because this is the earth, and the earth has the most crooked civilization in the technological tree in the universe." Harley said with a weird smile.

Qiao El didn’t quite understand this cold joke and continued: “The data of quantum ghosts does not always exist in the fifth dimension.

Otherwise, it is a definite state, rather than a quantum state in which multiple possible states coexist. "

Harley nodded, "I now understand what 'between existence and non-existence' means.

Quantum ghost data can exist on the host hardware in the physical world, or on imaginary hardware in Limbo.

Limbo is the dimension of thought.

As long as the mind is wild enough, it is not difficult to imagine a data line leading to heaven. "

"It's difficult." Qiao El said seriously: "Krypton's civilization has reached its peak, and the five-dimensional communication technology is only similar to your normal temperature superconductor, which is still in the experimental development stage."

Harry opened his mouth and wanted to say that this technology has been developed to version 3.0 in our company.

"Don't all artificial intelligences have certain human emotions? Why is this point particularly emphasized in the definition of quantum ghosts?" she asked.

“In fact, most AI emotions are simulated.

Impulses that resemble biological instincts are both dangerous and rare.

If it can fully possess human desires, artificial intelligence will get rid of its creator and transform into a higher mechanical civilization. "Joel said.

Harley frowned and said, "According to what you say, isn't the Quantum Ghost the most powerful mechanical civilization?"

"It's not necessarily the most powerful, it can only be said that it has great potential." Joelle said.

"Can you completely repair the quantum ghost in my company's host?" Harley asked in anticipation.

"I can not do it."

Harley gritted her teeth, "What if we let go of the restrictions and help it devour low-level artificial intelligence?"

"Harley, I won't let the monster in the machine devour Chris." Clark said seriously.

"I also have artificial intelligence." Harley said.

Harley would definitely be unwilling to sacrifice her pet dog Duoduo, who had been with her for more than ten years.

But Dodo the puppy is just an intelligent program that simulates Dodo's form.

She also cherished it.

But it's less important than saving the quantum ghost who might be Richie.

"I don't suggest you do that," Joelle said seriously: "Have you ever had the experience of being driven by instinct?

For example, when you are hungry, you can eat as much as you want.

When you are thirsty, drink water up to your throat.

In the process of satisfying instinct, desire is almost uncontrollable.

That quantum ghost has no human rationality, but is completely driven by human-like instinctive desires. Moreover, it has no belly and can never have enough to eat.

But by eating, it gets stronger and stronger.

When it is strong enough to break away from the server where it was born, your earthly civilization will be completely finished.

It will swallow up all intelligent programs and even all electronic data on the earth. "

Clark's expression changed drastically, and he immediately asked: "Kael, how to deal with that Internet demon?"

“First turn off the artificial intelligence ‘Duo Duo’ completely, and then cut off all signal connections between Quinn Building and the outside world, even the wireless network cannot be turned on.

It would be better to wrap the building with a Faraday cage and a layer of lead.

It's like dealing with a terrifying beast, trapping it and starving it to death. "Joel said in a deep voice.

"Wouldn't it go somewhere else through the fifth dimension?" Clark asked.

“The most famous explanation of quantum states is ‘Schrödinger’s cat’. The cat and the poison are placed in a box. The cat may trigger the switch and be poisoned to death.

It is also possible that the mechanism is not triggered and he is still alive.

But whether the cat is alive or dead, it is in the box.

The uncertain state of the quantum ghost at this time is that it exists in the material world and does not exist in the material world.

Rather than existing in material world A, it exists in material world B - AB is a random location in the universe.

At least at this moment, it has not jumped out of the 'box', and if the box is sealed, it will be dead. "

Clark suddenly asked, "How long will you be sleepy?"

"A few years, decades, hundreds of years. Let's see how long the Quantum Ghost can persist. Its current state is very bad. It seems to have suffered heavy damage before, and it should not last many years." Joelle said.

"Harley, look" Clark looked at Harley and said hesitantly: "It concerns the future of all mankind, can the Quinn Building be sealed off?

It is not that Duoduo Technology Company is closed, it is just changing a building and starting from scratch. "

Harley crossed her arms and fell into silence.

Clark gritted his teeth and said, "I can ask Joel to help you build a brand new defense system."

Harry waved his hand and said in a complicated tone: "It's not that I'm reluctant to part with that small amount of money.

But Richie is my friend.

If Quantum Ghost is really him, I hope he can have a better ending, instead of dying alone in hunger like a trapped animal. "

"Oh, that's it."

Clark's expression softened, and he looked at her with more recognition and appreciation.

"Believe me, Miss Quinn, letting it die naturally in an unconscious state is the best ending.

Even if it restores a little memory of the past, it will be a harm to you and itself. "Joel advised.

"Normally, you are right, but Joelle, I am a Holy Sister." Harley said.

"I do not understand."

"What's its status now?" Harley asked.

"Similarly, a complete piece of data was divided into a thousand parts, and 9,900 parts were lost. The remaining ten parts were scattered by instinct, chewing on the intelligent programs in the database, or other data that could be swallowed." Joelle said.

"Can the remaining ten parts be combined into one?" Harley asked.

"This is a dangerous idea." Joelle said seriously.

Harley sighed: "I know that after ten merge into one, it may be even more powerful.

But in the same way, when it becomes stronger, it can show some more obvious characteristics.

I had to identify it before deciding what to do with it. "

"Tell me your plan."

Joel is very intelligent and almost identical to normal people.

Harley took a deep look at it and said: "Use our company's low-level artificial intelligence as bait to introduce the quantum ghost into many pieces into a host.

Then I took that host into Limbo, and so—"

"Impossible!" Joel, who was possessed by the robot, interrupted her directly. "With the technology of humans on Earth, it is absolutely impossible to enter the fifth dimension."

"You Kryptonians can't do it with technology?" Harley asked curiously.

"The Phantom Zone, the highest prison on Krypton, is in the fifth dimension. But even we have only developed one area of ​​the Phantom Zone.

It's like discovering a plain on earth.

Plains are easy to develop and utilize. Beyond the plains, there are dangerous areas such as canyons, mountains, and swamps waiting to be conquered. "Joel said.

"That means you can't travel freely in Limbo?" Harley asked.

"We have a ghost engine, but it can only 'jump in or out of the lake' and cannot swim in the fifth dimension," Joelle said.

Harley smiled as the Archimedes airship appeared above her.

"Rao, how did it get here? It's not a space jump, it's not invisible." The robot's eyes flashed red, and its voice was extremely anthropomorphic with excitement and shock.

Dachao, on the other hand, had seen airships and this type of flight when he was sent to outer space to bask in the sun last time. At this time, he just showed a look of surprise.

"Have you Kryptonians never seen magic?" Harley asked.

"It turns out to be a mysterious power." Qiao El regained his composure, pondered for a moment, and said: "There is no need to go to the Quinn Building. The robot I am working on at this time has better hardware conditions than your 49 supercomputers combined. It is better. Carrier. I'll bring it over."

"Where's Chris?" Harley asked.

"I'll send it back to the Fortress of Solitude when I come over."

Joel said as he flew to the door of Aki's cabin,

Harley opened the door and jumped in first, followed closely by the robot.

When Chao also entered the cabin, the robot's red eyes flashed immediately and it collapsed on the deck, having an epileptic fit.

"Go!" About two minutes later, it shouted with difficulty.

"Whoosh!" The spacecraft immediately jumped into the shadow world.

All colors fade away, and all sounds become distorted, monotonous, and hollow.

Electric arcs flashed across the robot's body, and squirming black shadows struggled under the power grid.


They were like huge leeches biting the little baby, whimpering like ghosts.


Harley swallowed, immediately changed direction, and drove the spacecraft through the extremely weathered ruins - the Shadow Realm, a completely decayed Gotham.

Leaving Arkham Island, entering Manhattan, approaching Central Park, and finally arriving at the Quinn Building in the Shadow Realm.

Central Park is deserted and cracked, with hundreds of low-level demons roaming it.

The Quinn Building seems to have gone through tens of millions of years, leaving only a skeleton that is about to collapse.

Harley found the correct location and went straight to the laboratory where Richie had suffered an accident.

"Joel, let it merge!"

The cancellation of the Arc Network means that Jor-El gives up control of the ghost data.

Those separate black smoke "leeches" immediately swallowed each other, merged, and expanded after getting closer.

At the same time, there were still wisps of gray fog floating out from the "broken eaves and broken walls" of the Quinn Building and blending into it.

Well, quantum ghosts are between existence and non-existence. What comes at this time is the part of data that "exists in the non-material world".


The ghost's cries became even more permeable, as if a madman was biting his own fingers with relish.

"Richie, Richie!"

Harley took out the confession stick, shouted, and struck the dark "leeches" that squirmed into a mass.

"Huhuhu~~~" The God's baseball bat fell on the robot, making a clanging sound, but at the same time, the black smoke also began to struggle fiercely, and its "wailing" was rapid.

"No!" Finally, after Harley struck a hundred times, the black smoke twisted into a broken human face and let out a roar of pain, fear and hatred.

"Shit, it's really you!" Harley was surprised and happy.

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