I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 314 Quantum Ghost

Quinn Manor, front yard and living room for receiving ordinary guests.

The technical director, who had just taken office not long ago, said with a sad face: "Ms. Quinn, this is not the first time I have reported this situation to you.

Since the last host burnout accident, personal computers in the company, and even the 'Duoduo Video Network', have often experienced data errors and even logic operation failures.

It's like our company is being targeted by a ghost hacker who causes trouble from time to time.

I carefully checked every host and even analyzed every piece of source code, but I still couldn't find the problem. "

"What suggestions do you have?" Harley asked.

Henry, a middle-aged white man, hesitated and said: "If possible, I would like to know what type of calculations Miss Quinn asked the server to do that night."

"It means cracking the firewall of another mastermind. I am the attacker." Harley thought for a while and said, "Do you suspect that the other party has left a Trojan horse in our server?"

Henry nodded slightly, "Although I can't imagine any company on earth whose artificial intelligence can surpass the 'Duo Duo' developed by Director Rich.

But judging from the degree of damage to the host, the other party's information technology must be at least one era ahead of ours.

With such a huge technical advantage, it is not easy to leave Trojans in our hosts.

Therefore, my suggestion is that to untie the bell, you must also tie the bell. It is best for Ms. Quinn to find the person and use a ransom in exchange for the safety of our host. "

"Wait a moment, I'll make a call."

Harley left Henry in the living room to drink coffee and went to the backyard garden. After hesitating for a long time, she sent Clark a message.

Three minutes later.

"Whoosh~~~" The strong wind swept the ground, the fallen leaves were flying, and Clark in the red cloak was suspended three meters high in the air.

"Dressed like this, are you on a mission again?"

Thinking of the next question, Harley looked a little embarrassed.

"Whenever I have free time, I will carefully look for cries for help and then rush over. Just now, I rescued a Volvo truck that had rolled over," Clark said.

Harley subconsciously turned on her phone and clicked on the puppy video, only to find a message saying "The server is under maintenance."

Then she turned on the oil hose again.

The video of "Shocked, tearing Man lifting a large truck full of chemical raw materials with one hand" has received 4.7 million views.

Harley felt a little uncomfortable. The first one to open a superhero section was Puppy Video. The first one to set up a 'community' for each superhero was Puppy Video.

Originally, at least half of these millions of clicks belonged to puppy videos, but now...


Clark, like Bruce, had a pact with her not to call her by her real name while in uniform.

She touched her nose and said with twinkling eyes: "There is something I must confess to you."

"What's going on?" Clark frowned and looked to the southwest, in the direction of Manhattan, "Where's Bateman? There's a fire on Ninth Avenue."

Harley was stunned and said: "Baitman is an ordinary person, I'm afraid he can't care about this matter. How about you go and blow out the fire first, and then we can talk?"

"I have learned about his deeds. In addition to fighting crime, he has also rushed into fires to save people many times." Clark hesitated: "For an ordinary person to be able to do that, he is far greater than me.

Gotham is his territory, and it’s not easy for me to dominate.”

"It doesn't matter, he is probably holding a bowl and wearing big pants, squatting in front of the house eating dinner, and he doesn't have time to rush to Manhattan." Harley laughed.

"His home is far from Manhattan?" Clark asked curiously.

"Well, he lives in a suburb near Long Island. He can't fly. He drives a car or rides a motorcycle on weekdays. He's so slow." Harley said.

"Okay, it's important to save people, please wait for me for a while."

Clark disappeared with a swish, and landed in the yard with a swish half a minute later.

In the Batcave, as soon as Bruce received the fire information, he put down his 'mechanical engineering' book and got into the Batmobile.

Then, he habitually turned on the small TV next to the bridge to watch the latest information on the fire.

"My dear, the Bateman we called for didn't come, but the Ripman from the Metropolis did!"

"Tear Man?" Bruce froze, his eyes fixed on the screen.

The red cloak was like a bolt of lightning, and only the red light flashed back and forth. Dozens of trapped residents were already on the street.

Then, Tearman's belly swelled, as if it contained a hundred tons of liquid nitrogen. He pouted his mouth and blew out a line of "frozen air" dozens of meters long. The raging flames were extinguished visibly to the naked eye.

Amid the cheers of the crowd, he smiled at the people of Gotham, waved and disappeared.

Bruce unbuckled his seat belt with a dull face and pushed open the car door, just in time to see Ah Fu walking over happily holding a mobile phone from Tianshan Mountain: "Master, it's better now. The fire is out. You don't have to go out to take risks, and you don't have to delay dinner. The efficiency of tearing apart Man is too high."

"Call Lucius immediately. I'm going to get the first draft of the 'Bat Armor' design tonight." Bruce seemed to be gritting his teeth.

"Master, what's wrong with you?" Ah Fu saw that he was not feeling well.

“He is strong, fast, can create hurricanes with just a breath, and has no flaws.

His threat to the security of the earth is far greater than that of Harley. I must seize the time to formulate countermeasures. "Bruce said solemnly.

"But, he is a superhero and more popular than you." Afoon said quietly.

——Or, just because he is more popular than you, you regard him as the biggest threat?

Ah Fu thought so in his heart.

Ah Fu didn't dare to ask.

"Afu, do you know what I learned at Quinn Manor today?" Bruce looked deeply and sighed: "Power must have its price."

If Harley were here, she would be roaring: I clearly said 'magic has its price'.

He continued: "My martial arts skills are acquired through seven years of hard training.

Harley's extraordinary physical fitness is partly due to practicing more diligently than me, and partly due to the heavenly warrior contract to deceive Satan, eliminate the wizard group, and quell the unrest of giant beasts.

Each time, she almost paid the price with her life.

But what about Tear Man?

In front of him, even Harley was as weak as a child.

Where does his strength come from?

What price will he pay?

Today, I saw a young mother who did not deserve to die, falling into hell in order to help her grandmother pay the price of black magic.

Her three-year-old son was watching from the side

That scene was horrific.

Tomorrow, who should pay the price for tearing apart Man's divine power?

he himself?

Or, innocent people? "

Ah Fu frowned and said, "You can handle the gangsters in Gotham. Why don't you leave the task of preventing Superman from deteriorating to Miss Quinn?"

Bruce shook his head and said: "Harley can even cooperate with the Demon King to prevent her from tearing apart Man. She will only think about how to use his power to benefit herself.

Okay, go find Lucius and ask him to help me modify an aircraft first.

The Batmobile is a bit slow and prone to traffic jams, so it can no longer meet my needs. "

Quinn Manor, back garden.

"Tearman, you are so efficient. You solved a fire ten kilometers away in less than a minute.

If you were more active, I'm afraid Bateman would lose his job. " Harley exclaimed.

"What do you want from me?" Clark frowned.

"This." Harley's eyes wandered, "Tear Man, I must apologize to you. That day on Azmir Island, I used various tricks to quietly steal a jet of the spacecraft."

Clark's expression remained unchanged and he said, "I know."

"Oh, were you there that night, or did you hear it with your super hearing?"

Harley was even more embarrassed, her face flushed.

If Clark were a supercriminal, not only would she not have any shame, she would be triumphant and sarcastic.

"Most of the time, I don't turn on super hearing. Taking in too much information for a long time will make me mentally exhausted, but Chris has a record." Clark said.

Harry's heart moved, "Chris is the artificial intelligence of the Fortress of Solitude?"

Clark pondered: "In the small spacecraft my parents sent me to Earth, there was a 'key' that contained a lot of information.

Among them is an advanced artificial intelligence that appears in the image of my biological father.

Imitate my father's image and thinking characteristics in all aspects.

After using the key to control the main brain of the spacecraft, the original low-level intelligence of the spacecraft was transferred into the body of a robot and became the steward of the Fortress of Solitude. "

Harley suddenly realized that Chris was laid off. Hey, Dachao was definitely not lying when he said that Chris was just a low-level artificial intelligence.

Can low-level artificial intelligence defeat 'Duoduo' created by Rich?

Duoduo is also a low-level artificial intelligence.

But it's low-level, largely due to poor hardware.

Even if he is defeated by Chris, it is impossible to leave behind an imperceptible Trojan.

"Since you knew I stole the injector, why didn't you tell me?" she asked.

"The spaceship belongs to the Kryptonian expedition. At least until I find it and control it, it is not my property."

Clark is such an honest man!

Harley sighed in her heart, "Did Chris leave a Trojan on my host?"

She recounted in detail the cyber attack suffered by Duoduo Technology Company.

"I will help you ask."

Dachao soared into the sky, and ten minutes later, the half-human-tall robot landed in the garden.

"Hello Miss Quinn, I'm Chris."

The robot that looked a bit like Star Wars C-3PO was suspended in mid-air and actually bowed to Harley.

"At that time, I only passively defended against attacks from another intelligent system and did not reverse intrusion. I couldn't do it either."

"Hi Chris, I take your word for it."

Harley tried to touch its head. Its electronic eyes spun around a few times but did not dodge.

"Chris, can you do me a favor and find the virus in my company's host?" She looked at Clark and asked.

"Master?" Chris also looked at Clark.

Clark reluctantly said: "Since it wasn't Chris, it was probably the work of earth hackers.

Most likely they are still your business competitors.

Therefore, Chris only detects viruses and will not build a firewall for your host, nor will he help you invade the other party's mastermind,"

He is reluctant to interfere in business competition between companies, especially if alien technology is used.

"OK!" Harley used her mobile phone to log in to Duoduo Technology's main server as the highest authority administrator, and then handed the phone to Chris.

The robot held the mobile phone and its electronic eyes flashed rapidly.

"I've entered the server. It's a very rudimentary hardware facility. Miss Quinn, I found it. It's attacking your artificial intelligence."

Clark reminded again: "Just eliminate the virus, don't do anything extra."

Harley was unhappy. Saying such words meant that he was not willing to help her. His unwillingness to help her meant that he did not want her to be a good friend.

"I understand, I'm just going to - squeak, squeak, squeak -"

The robot seemed to have received an electric shock, a string of electric sparks erupted from its body, and it fell to the ground with a thud, twitching all over and sparks flying everywhere.

"Oops, Chris was attacked." Harley suppressed a laugh.

Clark looked ugly, "Joel, take over Chris' body."

"Yes!" A clear male voice replaced Chris's mechanical voice.

The electric spark disappears immediately.

The male voice became serious: "The quantum ghost was discovered. The quantum ghost seems to have been severely damaged and is relying on instinct to devour artificial intelligence to repair itself."

"The seriously injured Quantum Ghost" Harley's expression changed and she said in surprise: "Richie!"

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