I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 32 Gotham Phantom

Gotham is paradise.

This is the most prosperous neighborhood in the world. Walking along Fifth Avenue, you can buy all the world's top luxury goods, including bags, clothing and jewelry.

You can eat the most delicious food with national characteristics and watch the singing and dancing performances of the most famous art troupes.

The buildings here are so magnificent. Entering any store is like entering a palace, with decent dresses and high-quality waiters to provide you with the best service.

They will make you feel at ease and comfortable as if you are home, and they are also kind and polite, just like your relatives.

Gotham is hell.

Prices here are so high that even a middle-class household must be careful about its budget. Once your life loses pace, you may be evicted by your landlord because you cannot afford the high rent.

The gap between rich and poor here is huge, and the superstructure is so solid that it makes people despair.

Even if you have worked hard all your life and never made a mistake, you still live like someone else's slave, and you may still be hated and spurned by your master.

There are many communities here, the infrastructure is comparable to old towns in third world countries, and the security environment is like that of Central Asian countries disrupted by the US military.

The most well-educated people here, the most well-dressed and polite people, may show their ferocious faces in the next second and do evil things that even the devil would give a thumbs up.

Or, many of the people here are themselves villains with numerous crimes.

They are either demons walking the world, or they are on the road to becoming demons.

This is Gotham.

Of course, there are also people who wander between hell and heaven and live very comfortably and freely, such as...

"Well, after sleeping all afternoon, I'm already hungry. It's time to go find something to eat." Selena (Cat Girl) stretched out, walked around the unpowered hood, came to the fence, and looked down at the long line of lights below. streets.

He jumped, fell from the top platform, and stepped on the iron staircase on the side of the building with a "dong" sound.

"Deng Deng Deng!"

Run down the zigzag fire stairs and when you reach the second floor, the stairs are like a seesaw, falling from the second floor to the ground.

When the girl left the iron staircase, it "squeaked" and tilted back.

Selina smiled slightly, and the small switchblade in her right hand was already unsheathed.

“It’s party time!”

After blowing a whistle, she was like a drop of water, sinking into the crowded "dance floor".

The hustle and bustle on the street seemed to be a lively DJ dance music in her ears. She danced like a cat, passing through one store after another, passing one after another well-dressed and well-behaved men and women, holding a knife in her hand. There is no shadow when the time comes, and there is no trace when the time comes.

He has a bit of the style of Uncle Li in "A World Without Thieves".

When she first landed on the street from the fire escape, Selena had nothing on her body except the goggles on her forehead.

Ten minutes later, when she reached the end of the street, her leather jacket was already bulging and filled with all kinds of food.

The whole person seems to have gained a lot of weight.

There was also a pile of green bills in the pocket of his jeans.

"A lot of harvest!" Selina smiled proudly and turned into a dirty and dark alley.

When he came to the fire stairs, he jumped up and pulled down the steel ladder hanging in the air.

She climbed up like a monkey and stopped at the second floor window.

She sat at the corner of the stairs, opened the zipper, and took out toast, a box of musu meat, a large carton of milk, a bottle of cherry jam, half a piece of roast duck, a plate of sashimi, a package of durian meat, and half a banana.

Before starting, Selina moved towards the window.

Just on the first floor, separated by a wall, is a small bar serving simple food such as sandwiches and burgers.

Bars like this are common in Gotham neighborhoods.

Above the bar counter, a large LCD color TV is hung.

Just like many ordinary people eating dinner, Selena also grabbed a piece of bread while watching TV, dipped it in the juice of Mushu Pork, and stuffed it into her mouth.

"Well, the Chinese food is excellent!" She gave a thumbs up and said something vaguely in Japanese, which she heard from a Japanese restaurant.

After a burst of exciting music, a female voice familiar to the people of Gotham came from the TV: "This is Gotham News Focus, I am Mena.

As in previous days, one of the focuses today is still ‘Witch Harley’.

The people of Gotham should be familiar with this girl. She was once the smile queen in the gymnastics world!

Her father is also the murderer of the Wayne couple's murders, the famous perverted killer Andy Quinn.

Looking at this photo of her in high school, everyone, including me, will think she is a cute and beautiful athletic girl.

Her smile is like a sun that warms my heart even through the screen.

But who would have thought that she, this beautiful girl with impeccable appearance and temperament, could commit six murders in a sacred place like a monastery? ! "

"I didn't expect it." Selena chewed sashimi in her mouth and glanced at the full-body photo of a female middle school student on the screen. "I thought you were a little princess who couldn't even steal things, but I didn't expect you to be so ruthless. but."

". Before today's news, let us first review the 'Abbey Murder' on December 3.

December 3, 2005, that is, the night five days ago.

Harley Quinn violated the order of the convent, secretly left the dormitory after turning off the lights, and had a private meeting with a boy in the storage room on the second floor.

Maybe the fact that her father was responsible for the Wayne murder case put too much pressure on her, maybe she was confused by the drastic changes in her life, maybe the loss of a loved one was too hard a blow.

In short, during those difficult days, the little queen of gymnastics became addicted to drugs.

St. John's Abbey was a holy place and there were no highs to satisfy her, but she was also an old hand and knew how to search the storerooms for Tonle cleaners.

Parents, please note that when your children blow bubbles into the detergent, they are probably not blowing, but sucking.

That thing can replace regular Du Ping to a certain extent.

Du Ping added sex, and the little queen of gymnastics was so high in the storage room.

They made too much noise, and the conscientious guard captain Doug heard the sound and went to look for them.

Faced with the captain of the guard's well-intentioned advice, the overly excited Harley Quinn lost her temper.

She is a sports student who once ran for the "Hundred Dollar Bill". It is said that she can lift a metal water fountain. She is very strong and the attack is very sudden. The baseball bat landed in front of her forehead for a second, and Captain Doug was still trying to persuade her to do it. A good girl."

"The death of Captain Doug can barely be blamed on Du Ping and Impulse.

But Harley Quinn, who completed her first murder, seemed to have unlocked the genetic lock - the sinful gene originated from her father.

She and her boyfriend Jack continued to get high next to Captain Doug's body. When the drug wore off, Jack regained consciousness and persuaded his girlfriend to call the police and surrender immediately.

Harley Quinn showed her true nature as a witch at that moment. She blew her boyfriend's head off with a club just because he had to inform the Mother Superior. "

"Queer!" Selena bared her teeth.

"Of course, Jack was not dead at the time. He spent two days in the hospital resuscitating him and gave a rough account of the situation before he unfortunately passed away."

"After murdering her boyfriend, Harley Quinn's criminal DNA boils over. She decides to do nothing more than run away from the convent.

Before leaving, she stopped by Mother Teresa's office. She needed money!

Grandma's bedroom was next door, and she was awakened by the sound of rummaging for things, and she got up.

Harley Quinn's gentle attempts to persuade her failed, and she became the third victim.

Following Mother Teresa's scream, several dormitories downstairs were alerted.

The first person to arrive was a young man named Benson. He was unarmed and only enthusiastic. Unfortunately, he was held hostage by the witch.

With the hostages in hand, the guards who arrived did not dare to act rashly.

During the negotiation process, the witch Harley suddenly burst into laughter, raised her gun and struck a blow, killing two guards in a row, and even the hostage Benson was beaten to death.

Well, Harley Quinn's pistol comes from Captain Doug, and the Abbey guards all have guns.

After killing someone, Witch Harley immediately closed the office door and blocked it with bookshelves, sofas and other objects.

The guards had no choice but to find C4 explosives to break through the door. Unfortunately, the witch was too cunning and blocking the door was just a cover-up.

While the guards were struggling to break through the door, she had already jumped out of the window and escaped."

After briefly explaining the case, anchor Mena began to report on the latest developments in the case: "The above are the results announced after a joint investigation by Gotham and the Jersey City Police Department. Recently, there have been some different voices.

For example, Harley Quinn's agent told multiple media another version of the story.

However, her story is too ridiculous. Not only does it lack evidence, but many of its contents are self-contradictory.

As a regular news media in Gotham, our station will never broadcast untrue remarks that disturb public sentiment and tarnish justice and sanctity.

Let’s talk about the current situation of the female agent. Three days ago, she was arrested by the Gotham Police Department for defamation and rumors, and was released from jail on bail by her father this afternoon.”

"Fake, I just want to hear another version of the story!" Selina patted her slightly bulging belly, stood up and prepared to leave.

Looking at the food placed on the iron shelf, although the cups and plates were in a mess, more than half of them were left.

After hesitating for a moment, she bent down, packed up the leftovers as much as possible, put them into a convenient bag, held them in her hands, and slid down the iron stairs to the ground again.

No skills are innate. She couldn't remember how many times she was hungry before she developed her current stealing skills.

She left Naihe Island at the age of nine and wandered in Gotham City for seven or eight years. She was deeply aware of how harsh the living environment here was and how many people were struggling on the edge of starvation in the dark corners of the city.

(ps: Gotham Phantom is a combination of three good friends, Harley, Poison Ivy and Catwoman.

Selena is Catwoman, Catwoman as a girl. After a while, Poison Ivy Ivy will also appear. )

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