I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 31 Escape quickly

"The cross is missing! Bishop Peter, Captain Doug has nothing on him." A panicked shout suddenly came from the walkway outside the door.

"What, it's gone? Was it thrown somewhere, or was it taken away by someone?"

Unexpectedly, Bishop Peter looked even more anxious and didn't even bother to negotiate with Harry in the room.

"Let me tell you, even I am not qualified to touch that thing. If anyone has inappropriate thoughts and dares to covet the holy relics of the Holy Crusade, then..."

The bishop's voice was cold and cold, and the air seemed to be much colder because of these words.

In the corridor, the uninformed monks and nuns looked at each other in confusion, while the insiders tried their best to prove their innocence to the bishop.

"Your Excellency, Captain Hercules is dead." Father Odom approached Old Peter and whispered, "Holy relics are supposed to protect their owners."

Bishop Peter turned his head suddenly and stared at the tattered wooden door, his eyes sharp as never before: "The holy relic must have shown a miracle, but she not only succeeded in killing Hercules, but also snatched it away."

"That should be it." Father Odom nodded slightly.

"She is just a teenage girl, how did she do it?" Bishop Peter asked doubtfully.

"Sir, the sacred relic cannot be lost. This is the key." Odom reminded.

"Harry, hand over the cross of Heracles, I swear to God, this ends tonight.

Until a well-meaning person picks you up, no one will bother you anymore. "Bishop Peter said solemnly.

His tone was full of sincerity.

Harry glanced at Aunt Teresa beside her. The old woman could barely hide the hatred and resentment on her face.

Unless one party falls completely, this matter will never be over!


"Do you think God will listen to your vows? I dare to swear that every time you go to pray in front of the icon of Jehovah, it is the most difficult time for God. He wishes that a thunderbolt would strike you to death. He endures it so hard." She sneered. road.

"We can't keep delaying it. She must be waiting for someone."

With this sentence left, Bishop Peter disappeared for a while.

About five minutes later, he returned to the door with a gloomy expression, "Harley Quinn, you stupid girl, you can't even imagine the significance of the Holy Crusade and the Holy Relics.

Not to mention Mother Teresa, even if Archbishop Marvin, or even the entire life of Gotham City, falls into your hands, you cannot stop the will of the Tongue of Fire.

I am not threatening you to hand over the cross immediately and let Mother Teresa go. I promise you a good ending. This is your last chance. "

"What is the cross?" Harley couldn't help but ask.

"I'm just counting to three, three!"

Harry pulled the old woman back and huddled behind the desk.

"Two!" Bishop Peter's voice was as deep as lead.

"No, Peter, my brother will not let you go." The old woman Theresa panicked and began to threaten loudly.



The wooden door burst into pieces, and the old nanmu bookshelf behind the door exploded into pieces. The long row of large sofas behind the bookshelf and the two naked men on the sofa were like fallen leaves in a hurricane, flying in the violent air waves.

"Fake, such a big determination?!" Harley was shocked and angry.

Amidst the smoke, five guards armed with automatic rifles came in.

The two naked men were not killed. They were lying in the rubble, moaning and moaning, but no one paid any attention to them.

"According to the last voice heard, she should be hiding behind the desk!" A guard guessed after standing at the door and looking around.

"Be careful, she killed Hercules, it's not easy." The guard on the other side made a gesture, and the five people spread out and surrounded him from multiple angles.

Harley knew very well that the opponent's tactical skills far exceeded hers and would never give her a chance to defeat them.

And they don't even care about the old woman's life. If she fights with another person, they are afraid that the others will shoot them with guns without hesitation, so...

"Wow!" Harley made a quick decision and jumped out of the window with the old woman in hand before the guards approached.

The desk is right by the window, which is very convenient.

This was also the "last resort" she had long thought about.

The night wind whistled in her ears, and her heart felt still.

As if doing a familiar gymnastics move, the moment the soles of the feet touch the ground, the knees bend and the body rolls forward.

Except for some dust and grass clippings, she was unharmed and made a perfect landing.

Well, this one is nothing to be proud of, it’s just the second floor.

"Crack!" The sound of "dead branches" breaking came from behind her.

"Ouch!" the old woman howled miserably.

"Da da da da." When he noticed her jumping off the building, the guard who had just entered the living room subconsciously hit her.

Harry was so excited that he quickly picked up the old woman, carried it behind his back, and ran quickly into the old forest behind the mountain.

"You're still from Gotham. Why don't you keep a few submachine guns at home? If I had a gun, I would have killed that bunch of rubbish." While running, Harley complained.

If she had a gun, she would really dare to fight them.

"I would have killed you if I had a gun." Teresa's face was pale and her thin lips were trembling. "You just ran away. Why did you take me with you? My left calf bone is broken. Let me go."

"I don't want to face an enemy who knows nothing about it in the future. Tell me about the Tongue of Fire, the Crusaders, the Cross, and the Son. I want to know all the secrets." Harley said.

"I can't say." The old woman almost collapsed and burst into tears.

"Ah, it hurts so much." Harry pinched her broken calf suddenly, and the old woman howled like a pig.

"Tell me." Harley said coldly.

Previously, torture could not be used in the office because both Gordon and Harvey's cell phones were connected.

Now, she has nothing to worry about.

"Don't hurt me, I say it, I say it all."

Harley let go of her hand, and the old woman took a few breaths and said weakly: "The Holy Advent Crusade is a fundamentalist missionary institution. Twenty years ago, it was just a traditional church organization that expanded its influence through financing.

But twenty years ago, God passed down a prophecy about the unprecedented drastic changes in the universe. On the winter solstice, which is the birthday of Christ, December 25, the miracles of the past will be repeated. "

"Uh, is there a new 'Jesus' about to be born?" Harley grinned.

She felt as if she were listening to a fairy tale.

"Tell me the truth, do you believe in the real God, or are you using the name of God to worship some unknown evil god?" she asked.

"If you don't believe it, why bother asking me?" the old woman said angrily.

"Woof woof woof" heard the barking of hounds and the shouts of guards in the distance.

Harry walked quickly across the lawn and entered the forest path. The thin branches were slapped on his face like a whip, causing pain.

"Talk about the holy relics," she began to gasp.

“As the name suggests, holy relics are sacred objects with ancient history, such as the Ark of the Covenant and the Spear of Longinus.

The final rites of the 'Second Coming of the Holy Spirit' require the opening of the gates of heaven. At that moment, heaven and earth will be completely connected. "

Harry's heart moved, "You previously called the cross the key to heaven, the key. Do you need to gather all the holy relics to open the door to heaven?"

"Roughly the same."

"If God and heaven are real and you can see it with your own eyes, why do you dare to be so depraved? Don't say that God's teachings allow fornication." Harley asked doubtfully.

She had always suspected that the Holy Advent Crusade was a cult, and this was the reason.

"As long as the Holy Descendant is completed, we will all be redeemed. No matter what we have done before or what sins we have, once we are cleansed, we will ascend to heaven.

This is the promise given to us by the Tongues of Fire, a promise from the very lips of God in Heaven. "The old woman said enthusiastically.

Harry was shocked for a moment, then sneered and said: "If God really said this and really let you go to heaven, then he is no longer God."

"Blasphemy!" The old woman grabbed Harley's blond hair and pulled hard.

"You are seeking death!" Harley pinched her broken leg again, causing her to scream.

"She's there, I saw her." A dozen flashlights were flashing around behind her, and when she heard the howling, a beam of light fell on the old woman's back.

Harley knew she didn't have much time, so she had to leave the old woman behind and go into the woods where the terrain was more complicated.

"How do you activate the cross? I've seen its miracles."

"Dream on it, it only belongs to the Doug family."

Recognize the owner of the artifact?

"I don't believe it!" Harley squeezed her broken leg again, "Say it quickly, or I'll crush you to death if you don't tell me."

"Ouch, I'm not lying to you. Ouch, it hurts!" The old woman's whole body convulsed in pain, and her eyes turned white. "One of Hercules Doug's ancestors was the Holy Spirit, just like St. Peter and St. John."

"You are lying. The twelve disciples Jesus selected were all Jews, and there was no 'Doug' at all. Even in the history of the Holy See, there was no sage named Doug."

"I swear, if you lie, you will die without a burial place——"

"Click, click, click." More than 20 meters away, several automatic rifles fired at the blurry figures.

"Chichichi!" Harley heard the sound of bullets entering flesh, but felt no pain.

Then, a sticky warmth flowed into her neck.

"Hello, Aunt Teresa?" Harry didn't need to shout. He knew she was weak just by the soft feel of her hand.

So, Harley threw her out.

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