I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 307 Zod is coming

Harley handed the newly released document to Superman and said: "Today is Friday, so it is also called the "Friday Agreement."

There are four main contents, two on each of rights and obligations.

Article 1: Superman enjoys all the legal rights of normal citizens in the United States, and the government will use national power to ensure this.

They will never look at you differently or deal with you blatantly.

There must be secret research and preventive measures.

The key is that they cannot and openly shout in front of the American people and Congress, "Superman is a threat and should be expelled and eliminated."

Even if they really want to deal with you, they will have to bear the corresponding legal risks and will no longer be 'politically correct'.

Especially political correctness is very important. "

Dachao nodded slightly.

He understood what Harley meant.

Before today, holding high the banner of "Oppose Superman and destroy the aliens" and spitting in front of Superman would be regarded as a hero by most Americans.

After today, anyone who dares to do this is considered politically incorrect.

Without Superman's intervention, the police will arrest them, the courts will prosecute them, and the jails are waiting for them.

This is somewhat similar to the final result of the "Black Equal Rights Movement". White people still discriminate against black people, but the discrimination violates the law.

"Article 2: Superman has the power to be a superhero in the United States, but his authority cannot exceed that of ordinary police officers stipulated by local laws.

This article may seem simple, but it actually has epoch-making significance.

It means that you have obtained legal "law enforcement power" from the government, which is equivalent to an ordinary police officer.

Superman, you can kill people if necessary, it's not illegal. "Harry said weirdly.

"I will never kill anyone." Dachao said seriously.

Jessica was surprised: “This condition is even more favorable than that of the Watchmen back then.

After the emergence of the Keene Act, the Watchmen must also surrender to the government and the military in order to obtain law enforcement powers that cannot be publicly recognized.

Similar to a secret agent, rather than a police officer who can appear openly in front of the audience.

Harley, how did you do that?

Does Superman have a greater obligation than Watchmen? "

“Two responsibilities correspond to the above two rights respectively. First, strictly abide by the U.S. Constitution and local laws, and have the same responsibilities as ordinary American men.

For example, paying taxes, serving on a jury, or serving in the military.

However, the United States rarely imposes forced conscription. If the critical moment comes, you will not hide behind it. "

"I have never refused to perform all legal obligations as an American citizen." Superman solemnly said.

"OK, next point, no matter what form of serious threat the national security of the United States is threatened, you are obliged to provide the best protection you can under the guidance of the government.

The ‘guidance’ here is only a suggestion, not mandatory.

He stands in the camp of the United States, but he listens to the U.S. government's instructions rather than its propaganda. " Harley said.

"Basically I can accept it, but any threat" Dachao frowned, "I don't want to become the second Doctor Manhattan.

I don't agree at all with his behavior of helping the US military massacre Vietnamese people.

When I watched the "Patriotic Teachings Video" in school, I felt so sick that I felt like vomiting. "

"Oh, have you seen that video too? Did your history teacher criticize Dr. Manhattan's atrocities?

I even wrote a paper back then.

Alas, I dropped out of school before I could submit my thesis to the teacher. "Harry sighed.

Dachao shook his head and sighed: "My history teacher was full of fanaticism and shouted, 'Long live Dr. Manhattan, long live the United States.' Not only did he shout it himself, but he also asked us to shout it together.

Not shouting is unpatriotic. "

"Our teacher also shouted."

Jessica suddenly felt closer to Da Chao.

However, when she shouted, she was so excited, her face turned red, and she held up an old poster of Dr. Manhattan.

Harley said: "Don't worry, you are only protecting the security of the United States. You don't need to imitate Dr. Manhattan and help American soldiers invade other countries.

You can read on.

Under the two major rights and two major obligations, there are hundreds of detailed explanations for them. "

Dachao read very quickly and finished reading everything within a few minutes. There was no need to read in detail. During the previous negotiation, he monitored the entire process.

"Harry, thank you. I am very satisfied with this agreement." He said sincerely.

"Harry, how did you convince those big guys in Washington? Even Dr. Manhattan didn't get such good treatment back then." Jessica asked curiously again.

"It's not that Dr. Manhattan can't do it, it's that he doesn't care. He has no ties in the world, and even his lover and friends can't trap him. What's the point of laws and agreements?"

Harley glanced at Da Chao, who was listening carefully, "Actually, the US government's acceptance of you is far greater than that of Dr. Manhattan."

"Why? Doctor Manhattan is at least an American, but I am from an alien planet." Clark asked.

"Ah, you are an alien?!"

Jessica covered her mouth and exclaimed, her eyes widened like bells, full of surprise and excitement.

Da Chao glanced at her and frowned: What is this extra woman doing here?

"Because you go home to spend the holidays with your mother every year, and because you try your best to save everyone every time." Harley said.

Clark was thoughtful, closed the document, looked at Jessica and said, "What is your purpose of letting this lady know about me?"

Jessica sat upright and said seriously: "Actually, I am a superhero agent."

"I don't need an agent." Clark shook his head.

Harley smiled: “You need it!

First of all, the name of Superman is established, and your news can be seen everywhere on social networks.

Some people like you, and some people spread rumors to slander you.

You need professionals to maintain your public image.

There is no need for false beautification, just let the people of the world know the real you.

You don’t want to be misunderstood, right? "

Clark was silent, his expression slightly relaxed.

Harley continued: “Secondly, you are an adult and you have a family and you need to make money to support your family.

You don’t need to shoot commercials and receive endorsements, you just need to take good care of your social accounts. With your super popularity, you can easily earn a lot of money.

And this requires a professional team to handle. "

"I can work and support my family," Clark said.

"Making a living is not the priority. If you want, you can go to outer space to find a gold-rich meteorite and instantly overtake Bruce Wayne and become the richest man in the world, but that doesn't make much sense."

"Wow, can this happen? Superman, can you go to outer space?" Jessica exclaimed.

Harley frowned and said, "Don't yell, you are fighting for the position of agent, you are not a fan."

Jessica immediately shut her mouth and sat upright.

"I'm not interested in becoming the richest man," Clark said.

Harley said: "I know. What I want to say is that making money on social networks is a normal way of life.

If you want to integrate into society, don't appear too unique.

If you are really not short of money, you can donate all the money you earn online. "

Is Clark really not short of money?

Haha, my father is dead and I am running around outside. My mother cannot take care of the farm by herself. There are so many farmers going bankrupt in the United States every year, and there is no shortage of Martha.

In the end, the house and farm were all lost, and Martha was already very old. She had to sleep in the truck and work odd jobs, becoming a homeless man with a car.

Moreover, even if Clark became a reporter, with that meager salary, would he be able to buy a house and a car in Washington?

How can I get a wife if I don’t have a house or a car?

Oh, Louise, the second generation of power, is a rich woman and a super girl. She looks tough, but she doesn’t want to be a softie.

Seeing that Da Chao still looked hesitant, Harley asked Jessica to go out and wait, and then said: "You are already a little tempted, but you just have doubts about Jessica, right?"

Clark nodded slightly, "Harry, your words are very convincing.

Perhaps, I really need a professional to help clear up people's misunderstandings about me.

But I prefer to choose someone I trust. "

Harley said slowly: "When the church orphanage incident first happened, Jessica was desperate and looked for reporters everywhere to expose the shady story of the orphanage.

It's a pity that she has no evidence.

Fortunately, she had no evidence and was imprisoned by the Crusaders. She signed a confidentiality agreement and successfully escaped.

He was not secretly arrested and trained like Harvey Dent.

Nor was he swearing with a gun pointed at his head like Jim Gordon.

And because of that agreement, she stayed on the West Coast for the next few years and never saw or contacted me.

After I became the mayor, took the initiative to contact her, and helped her terminate the agreement that was deemed illegal by the Gotham Court, we resumed normal communication. "

Clark thoughtfully said: "Jessica is a person with professional ethics and a very trustworthy person."

"She is also very professional. Her grandfather was first the agent of the first generation Silk Soul, and then the agent of all members of the 'Militia' (the predecessor of Watchmen).

Moreover, the most important quality of a superhero agent is actually confidentiality.

Old Shexnader (Jessica's grandfather) did a very good job in this regard.

Of course, everything depends on your own wishes. " Harley said.

Clark pondered for a moment and said: "Sign a temporary contract first and try it out for half a year. I will not tell her my true identity until she gets my complete trust."

"No, never tell her your identity." Harley waved her hand, "You don't need to be so close. She is just an agent to help you maintain your public image, nothing more."

"Why?" Clark asked curiously.

"For her safety."

Dachao also has to fulfill an obligation that is not part of the agreement: prove to the US government that alien spacecraft does not pose any harm to national defense security.

Harley helped choose Lois Lane as a government representative.

First of all, she is the daughter of General Lane and has a military background. She will not lie to her own father for an alien, at least not now.

Secondly, she is a Pulitzer Prize winner, with sufficient IQ and knowledge, but not too professional.

Will not be deceived by Superman.

There's no way to trick alien technology from Superman either.

After visiting the spaceship parked above the Fortress of Solitude, Louise handed a stack of photos to Boss Washington, and then swore:

"I assure you, that spacecraft cannot be safer. It was originally a reconnaissance ship without star weapons, and now it has become the ceiling of the Arctic ice castle.

Superman calls it the 'Fortress of Solitude'.

Check out these photos, all taken from the inside

Therefore, the alien crisis has been completely resolved, and I think it’s time to reveal the news about Superman to the world. "

After reading the photos, the horse gang leader breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Actually, our satellite has been following Superman and has found that place.

In the Arctic Circle, staring at it, the crisis of the alien spacecraft is resolved. "

"The alien crisis has been resolved, which is finally good news."

The generals also breathed a sigh of relief.

Deep space of the universe.

The southern constellation Corvus is the former site of Krypton, dozens of light years away from the solar system.

An interstellar ship walks through the ruins of the planet like a ghost, grabbing any available resources and pulling them into the cabin.

Suddenly, the spacecraft came to a sudden stop, and in front of the bridge console, a capable woman with short hair said in surprise: "General Zod, we just received a distress signal from an old reconnaissance ship.

That spaceship was built 18,000 years ago and had a growth program for cultivating Kryptonians. "

On the captain's chair, a tall man suddenly stood up and said excitedly: "Only Kryptonians who pass the genetic test can activate the rescue procedure.

It must be Jor-El's son, Kal-El!

He has a central treasure book on him, plus a growth program

Fiora, where is the signal coming from? "


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