I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 306 Sky Eye Society

"Since you have this awareness, you should have thought that they would burn bridges across the river?" Laurie said.

"I'm afraid this bridge won't be demolished"

Harry smiled sarcastically and said seriously: "Sister Laurie, does the government really have a mysterious treasure house? And it plans to set up a new department to manage it?"

"Since I first revealed this news to you a year ago, how many times have you repeated this question?" Laurie said impatiently.

“Yes, I asked several times when it was going to be established.

The results of it? To this day, there is no certainty. " Harley said.

Laurie said: "They are recruiting extraordinary people everywhere.

If there are not enough strong people to join, there is no point in listing the company early!

I can tell you one more news.

Colonel Steve Trevor, who had an affair with Wonder Woman, was elected as the first president of the "Sky Eye Society".

If you return as an FBI super criminal agent, you will definitely replace Amanda Waller and become the second in command of the Eyes of Heaven. "

Harley shook her head and smiled: "I don't want to be a deputy, I want to be Steve's superior.

Well, I want to be the supervisor of the Sky Eye Society. "

"Are you sure there will be a supervisor in the Sky Eye? I don't even know about this." Laurie asked doubtfully.

"Just watch. When the Sky Eye Conference is officially established, there will definitely be a supervisor appointed by Congress or the president."

She smiled and said: "According to the game rules of the United States of 'separation of three powers and mutual restriction'.

The Sky Eye Society belongs to the administrative department, and there must be corresponding judicial and legislative bodies.

The judicial power belongs to the Supreme Court and the Yuan, and the legislative power lies in the Congress.

Both parties are considered supervisors of the Sky Eye Society.

But there had to be someone in charge, and I wanted that position. "

Back when Harley hadn't traveled through time, she was watching Marvel superhero movies, such as Avengers, Iron Man, and Captain America.

There are often plots in it that make her strange: a senator who is just doing nothing, sues Iron Man one day, accuses Captain America the next, and then storms into SHIELD headquarters the day after tomorrow, gesticulating and yelling.

"This kind of plot that feeds the audience shit is unreasonable. How can Avengers be so cowardly?"

That's what she thought at the time.

But now that she has been a mayor in the United States for several years and entered the political arena herself, she just wants to say: This is so fucking reasonable and normal.

Because this is how the political game in the United States is played.

As long as S.H.I.E.L.D. belongs to the government department, it will be subject to the supervision of the U.S. Congress and the Court of Justice.

Especially Congress.

There are only 100 senators in the entire United States.

With such a "precious" position, you can't quarrel in Congress every day and then criticize other countries' internal affairs, right?

Well, they also find fault with their own government departments.

When watching the movie back then, Harley hated and despised those congressmen who did nothing and only found trouble for the heroes.

Now, she is trying to live like that.

"Why are you interested in the Sky Eye?" Laurie asked.

"I am very interested in the secret treasure house of the Sky Eye Society."

Harry said truthfully: "American agents are notorious in the world, and they are equally notorious in the magical world.

Especially in recent years, stories have often spread in the magical world about them crossing the border like locusts, searching for and robbing magical objects all over the world.

For example, two years ago, I received news from a mage that the Merlin Sword, the Merlin Book, and the Merlin Staff all fell into the hands of the American government.

I even asked you at that time, intending to borrow the Book of Merlin to read, but you didn't know anything about it.

Another example is that half a year ago, Pandora's Box appeared in a mountain village in Chile.

The wizarding world was shocked.

I am very happy that after spending so many years in the supernatural world, I finally encountered the story of a secret treasure hunt that I love to see.

At that time, I was planning to organize a group trip to South America.

But within a few days, news came that the American soldiers used missiles to clear the area, directly blowing up the village and killing the mages who were looking for treasures everywhere.

Although the American soldiers also suffered heavy losses, they did use high-tech instruments to search for special radiation waves and found the magic box in the ruins within a few hours.

The methods are ruthless, the thieves are mature, the magic and science are combined, and the technology is superb. Even the devil from hell has to give a thumbs up to the American agents and say, "That's awesome!" "

Laurie was a little embarrassed and said nonchalantly: "It's probably the CIA, or a special department of the military. Not only do they recruit superpowers, but they also want black mages, so they use a little bit of tactics.

Alas, during the two years when the giant beast was involved, the wizards used black magic to commit crimes everywhere, but the military was unable to do anything. It brought too much excitement to the Pentagon. "

Harley said: "I once criticized the atrocities of American agents in the Forgotten Bar in front of countless mages.

But if I become the superior leader of the Sky Eye Society, I am willing to swallow what I have said and present the Patriotic Medal to all the American soldiers who sacrificed their lives. "

The corners of Laurie's mouth twitched a few times and he said: "You are capable enough, but surely the president will not agree that this is related to Superman?"

"The negotiation between Washington and Superman is an opportunity to use my talents to conquer the White House." Harley said.

"It's a pity that you didn't have the chance to participate at all." Laurie said.

"Haha, just watch."

Three days later, the White House in Washington.

The horse gang leader hung up the phone with a strange expression, looked at his Secretary of State, Grandma Xi, and said: "Superman called, and the negotiation time is set in a week.

The location is Gotham, the top-floor conference room of the Quinn Hotel.

Superman doesn't care who we choose as our representative, but he also has his own representative. "

Grandma Xi's heart moved and she exclaimed: "It can't be Harley Quinn, right?"

"That's her!" the caravan leader said with a bitter smile: "If we don't take her to play, she will simply 'jump' to Superman.

Alas, it seems that they are related."

"Trouble, Witch Harley's reputation for cunning has been heard many times even by me outside the magic circle.

Superman needs her help, I'm afraid it will be harder for us to fool him with our country and people's righteousness. "Grandma Xi said with a solemn expression.

"So, why keep targeting her?" The horse gang leader sighed, "There is only one paradise card, can you grab it?"

Grandma Xi's eyes flashed slightly and she whispered: "Heaven Card is just one of them. Some people in Washington are impure and have affairs with the Crusaders, the Court of Owls, and even demons.

For example, Hardaway and Hopkins were arrested this time.

They are relatively good, but they were bribed by "mysterious people" and are not real "religionists". "

"I can't control this matter, and I don't plan to try it. The water is too deep." The horse gang leader shook his head.

A very subtle smile of satisfaction appeared on the corner of Grandma Xi's mouth: I think you appreciate it.

Hollywood superstar Tom Cruise auditions for his new movie in Los Angeles, California.

"My eldest lady, you are just a transparent little person who has acted in a third-rate TV series. Why should you act like a big star and look down on a small supporting role in two scenes?"

The audition was about to begin, but her own actor arrived late, unprepared, and even looked unhappy. She disliked the small role, and sweat broke out on Jessica's broad forehead.

"Ordinary supporting characters can at least show their faces. The female mecha warrior wears a helmet. Even if I participate in the show, who can remember me?" Lucy, who is tall and fit, said dissatisfied.

"At least it will improve your reputation in the industry. If you audition for other movies in the future, the casting director will definitely take a high look at you when he hears that you have participated in Tom Cruise's masterpiece." Jessica said.

Lucy rolled her eyes and said, "I heard that the National Bank is going to elect a 'Hundred Dollar Bill' again. You have a relationship with them. Can you recommend me to run?"

Jessica frowned, "The banknote is already the eighth generation. Do you know what the endings of the previous seven generations were like?"

"Superheroes are super popular recently. Look at Buddy the Animal Man, a fourth-rate hero and a pure vegetarian. He actually received an audition invitation for a major supporting role in Disney's billion-dollar production.

I also want to quickly become famous as a hero. "Lucy bit her red lips and said.

"I did know several directors of the National Bank in the early years, but now they have retired early and have no other options." Jessica shook her head.

Lucy's eyes turned cold, "If you can't help me, why should I ask you to be my agent?"

The muscles in the corners of Jessica's eyes twitched a few times, "Lucy, we signed a contract, and I think my professional ability is not bad."

"The contract is signed with the company."

"Lucy, Lucy Katie, it's your turn," the casting director yelled from the doorway.

Lucy smiled, but didn't move.

"Lucy, you go to the audition first—"

"Ding ding ding" a pleasant ringing sound, Jessica subconsciously prepared to take out her mobile phone and turn it off, but she saw that the caller ID read "Harry", and she hurriedly pressed the button to answer it.

"What? Are you kidding me, asking me to be Dachao's agent?"

After only chatting a few words in a low voice, Jessica exclaimed.

"Lucy, is Lucy Katie here?" the casting director roared.

"Jessica, the director is anxious, what do you think?" Lucy smiled.

Jessica hung up the phone and patted her congested and red face.


She was like an agitated she-wolf, raising her neck and howling.

Lucy was stunned, "Are you crazy?"

"Get out, get out, no loud noises are allowed here!"

A staff member ran out of the audition room and yelled rudely at Jessica.

"Lucy, you little bitch with cerebral palsy, I won't play with you anymore." Jessica laughed loudly and raised her middle finger to the staff member who was pushing her, "Bah, rubbish movies, rubbish stars, rubbish Hollywood!"

After saying that, regardless of other people's reactions, she turned around and walked away.

Two days later, on the edge of the Hudson River in Manhattan, the once four-story fighting arena disappeared and was replaced by the 35-story "Quinn Hotel."

Jessica was stunned to see the president, secretary of state, vice president, and three generals with three stars hanging on their shoulders, filing out of the conference room. At the door, they shook hands with Harley, who was wearing a women's suit and elegant posture, and said goodbye in order.

Finally, after Harley sent them into the elevator and the elevator door closed, she exclaimed: "Harry, are they all from Washington?"

"You don't even know the president?" Harley turned around and smiled.

"I know you, but I can't believe it." Jessica murmured: "I know you have become a big shot now, but all these national leaders are here, and there is no news report at all. It is too unbelievable."

"They're not here for me." Harley took her back to the lounge, opened the window, and shouted: "Superman!"

"Whoosh!" A red shadow flashed, and a tall man in uniform appeared indoors.

"Oh my god, Dachao?!" Even though Jessica was mentally prepared, she felt dizzy when she saw the living "number one superhero", as if she was in a dream.

Seeing the "middle-aged crazy woman" with an ecstatic face and drool hanging from the corner of her mouth, Dachao frowned in an incomprehensible way.

"Are you satisfied with the outcome of this negotiation?" Harley asked.

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