I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 298 Superman Punch

Afterwards, Pinocchio introduced Cyborg's father, Dr. Stone, to Harley and others.

Harley was thinking about the metal promethium, but she also greeted them seriously, and then introduced a few people around her to each other.

After entering the camp, the ice-cutting operation continued. Dr. Shitou led the researchers from the Red Room Laboratory and took charge of the entire process. Dr. Havel did not even become a deputy.

Harley didn't fight with Pinocchio for control of the camp, he just let him have his way.

Colonel Hardy, on the other hand, was very dissatisfied that he and others were yelled at by a mere mercenary.

But Harley was in no mood to listen to his complaints.

"Does the military have a lot of promethium metal?"

She cares more about Ninth Metal.

"As far as I know, it's very rare. An ordinary employment mission for Deathstroke costs at least several million dollars.

This time, the military spent a lot of money to ensure the safety of the alien spacecraft, and only one kilogram of promethium was available. You can imagine how precious it is. "McPeng said.

"If I want to buy it with money, what are the options?" Harley said with a smile.

Mike Peng rolled his eyes and whispered: "I heard that you have a paradise card. Is it really as magical as the legend says? Can you open my eyes?"

"With the kind of person you are, Mike, you don't need that thing. When you die, Saint Peter will lead the angels playing trumpets to greet you." Harley said.

“I ask myself that I am loyal and dedicated to the country, work hard for the people, and do everything in full compliance with God’s teachings. I do not need a heaven card.

But General Mark, former President Bush, Speaker Pelosi, and Mrs. Hillary are all very interested in it.

After all, more insurance means more peace of mind.

Likewise, if you can give them peace of mind, you can also gain some peace of mind. "McPeng said meaningfully.

"Forget it about the others, but Admiral Mark is only in his early fifties." Harley looked puzzled. "Looking at his energetic and strong appearance, he has at least twenty years to live. What's the point of catching him now?" ? Could it be that he is sick?"

Mike Peng shrugged, "The Admiral is in good health. Perhaps, he is prepared for anything."

Harry turned his eyes slightly and said with a strange expression: "Everyone in Gotham knows that I am a black magician. Have you heard about it?"

Mike Peng's pupils shrank and his smile became a little forced, "It should be nonsense, the slander against you by those tabloid reporters."

Harley shook her head and said seriously: "I am really a black magician. During the two years when I was the Godfather of Gotham, I sacrificed many human beings to the demons of hell.

Please tell those who want to have more peace of mind. I can help them resolve their regrets and make them feel more at ease. "

"What regret?" Mike Peng's bald head was sweating, and his fat face turned pale.

He had indeed heard the horrifying urban legend about how Godfather Harley dragged the black people who offended her into hell.

“The regret of having a political enemy die early and wanting revenge but not being able to achieve it.

I can summon the souls of any former president, former five-star general, or former congressman, and let them whip and torture them at will, thus gaining satisfaction and peace of mind.

how do you feel? "Harry looked at him with enthusiasm.

Mike Peng hesitated, trembling and ran away.

"A bunch of trash, and they want to threaten my aunt!"

Harry looked at his back, snorted coldly, and walked back to his tent.

The 100-meter-high glacier is only two to three hundred meters in diameter. The spaceship is halfway up the mountain, and the thickest point is no more than 100 meters.

The Arctic Cargo Company's helicopters transported barrels of natural gas, and used a flame cutting gun similar to a welding gun to cut out a two-meter-high circular ice hole.

Because they were worried about long nights and long dreams, and because Mike Peng had brought thousands of American soldiers, they had enough manpower, so they worked in three shifts and dug through the glacier overnight, making contact with the spacecraft inside for the first time.

Well, this time Dachao couldn't get there first. He was locked in a tent next to Harley. He had nothing to worry about eating and drinking, and he also had a mobile phone to play with, but he couldn't leave the tent.

At four o'clock in the morning, Harley was awakened by an excited Colonel Hardy.

"Sir, please don't sleep anymore. Mike Peng is arranging his troops and preparing to enter the ice cave immediately!"

"In such a hurry?" Harry huddled in the sleeping bag like a caterpillar, squirming towards the foot of the wall, then relied on the wall for support, sat up in the sleeping bag, and shouted: "Let them go, I don't believe that the technology of the earth people can Cracking the alien spacecraft’s firewall.”

"Congressman, if you don't supervise on site, if they betray the government and steal the spacecraft, we will be ashamed of the trust entrusted to us by Congress and the President!" Hardy shouted excitedly.

“Go to the damn Congress, go to the damn president, if they trust us, can they let that short winter melon come over?

Moreover, there are more than a thousand berets and you only have a hundred soldiers. There is really a conflict. There are no checks and balances!"

Harley was woken up in her sleep. She was already angry to get out of bed, and she deliberately didn't want to be too far away from Chao at this time, so she started to curse when she spoke.

"You have to do your best."

Colonel Hardy sighed and stepped back.

Harley tilted her body, and with another "plop" sound, she was lying sideways on the cold-proof floor.

Only half an hour later, Colonel Hardy ran over again and shouted: "Congressman Quinn, something bad is going on, and it's not necessarily a bad thing. That Dr. Stone is so powerful. He has cracked the first Layer protection system and open the spacecraft hatch!"

"Impossible!" Harley tore open her sleeping bag and rushed out of the tent, "What technology did Dr. Stone use?"

"Uh" Colonel Hardy stared at her body and murmured: "Congressman, do you still wear armor when sleeping, or metal armor?"

Harley looked down, looking slightly embarrassed.

Because she was always on guard against incoming attacks, she put on the "Duke of Paradise Mountain Armor" early.

Golden breastplate, bright silver shoulder pads, gauntlets, chain gloves, silver skirt and armor, revealing half of the smooth thighs, and then a pair of golden long combat boots.

The style is somewhat classical, but compared with medieval knight armor, it doesn't look clumsy or heavy at all.

On the contrary, it looks very light and agile, completely highlighting the soft lines of women.

It has an iron-on fit like underwear.

Well, like the Golden Saint Cloth.

"You shouted before that they were approaching the spacecraft. I was worried, how could I still sleep?

Considering that I will soon have to fight to the death against the traitor who stole the spaceship, of course I have to be fully prepared.

This armor looks like an antique, but it is actually made of high-tech materials. "

Although she was explaining, her aura was so strong that it was more like scolding her disobedient younger brother.

When Colonel Hardy heard this, he showed no signs of surprise or suspicion.

Because people all over the world know that the former "Mayor Man" likes to wear armor very much, and he also likes to collect all kinds of armors. He mentioned it many times in interviews.

Her GRE carbon nanofiber bulletproof armor is a household name and is well known around the world.

This explanation is reasonable.

After Harley got back into the tent and put on a down jacket, she asked again: "What technology did Dr. Stone use?"

Colonel Hardy looked at Dr. Harville.

The old doctor frowned and said: "At least it's a junior artificial intelligence. I heard him talking to that big iron box. It was a very complicated language communication."

"What box?" Harry's mind moved and he had a vague guess.

The old doctor gestured with his hands, "A cube with a side length of 40 centimeters can squirm like a level 11 Rubik's Cube like a nanorobot. I suspect that it is not earth technology."

——Eighty percent is the mother box of Apokolips!

Harry felt someone peeping in his spiritual sense. When he turned around, he met the eyes of the bearded Clark looking over from the tent next door.

"What are you looking at?" she asked.

"Reporter Ryan just ran into the ice cave. I was worried that she was in danger, but no one paid attention to me despite shouting several times," he said.

"so what?"

"Can I go to the ice cave with you?" the bearded man asked.

"You are still a suspect!" Colonel Hardy said impatiently.

"Congressman Quinn called in the afternoon, and Manager Candia testified for me that I have been working at Arctic Cargo for at least two months." Bearded said.

Hardy was surprised and asked: "You have been in the tent the whole time, how did you know that the congressman had called?"

"I heard what you said."

The bearded man told the truth, but Colonel Hardy misunderstood, thinking that the janitor was not being strict with his words, and leaked the information to the "suspect".

"Even if you-"

"Buzzing buzzing" The glacier outside the camp shook violently, and the interior lit up with dazzling silver and red light, as if a small sun was rising.

Even though they were hundreds of meters apart, the ground they were standing on was trembling slightly.

"Oh my God, they succeeded!" Dr. Havel exclaimed.

"Too fast." Harley frowned.

Colonel Hardy's face was ashen, but he was helpless.

The bearded Clark had sharp eyes and took steps forward, ready to move, but finally sighed and stood still.

——He swore on the names of his parents that he would not move around for at least two days.

Moreover, he is now not sure that the spacecraft is related to his life experience.


Explosions came from the glacier. Harley was looking confused when Ivy came over and whispered: "There is news from Seaweed. It's not that the spacecraft has started. They are being attacked."

Almost at the same time, the bearded Clark shouted: "Congressman Quinn, the people inside need us, they triggered the defense system of the spacecraft."

Colonel Hardy asked in surprise: "How do you know?"


At this moment, another change occurred. Outside the camp, there were five corners, and a black light pillar rose from each corner, forming a giant five-pointed star array in the sky 500 meters high.

The entire camp is two kilometers in diameter, including the spacecraft inside the glacier.

Of course, because it was not yet five o'clock in the morning, and it was in a high latitude area close to the Arctic Circle, the sky was extremely dark, so dark that you couldn't even see your fingers.

Except for Harley, Ivy, the formation master hidden among the American soldiers, and Clark, who has a keen sense and is not afraid of the dark, few people noticed the five light pillars and the formation.

"Wow, these Americans are so efficient. They didn't even need alien experts to launch the spacecraft. Thank you very much, it belongs to us!"

This triumphant laughter from the top of the glacier was heard by everyone.

"Russian spy!"

Colonel Hardy blurted out because the other person spoke a distinctly rolled Russian.

Harley looked ahead with a strange expression.

What kind of crime did the Russians commit? American politicians take the blame when something goes wrong. Now even the devils in the United States are doing their best.

"Be careful, they are coming, and they are carrying huge icebergs."

The bearded super vision sees through the darkness and shouts a reminder.

But before he could say anything, the owner of the voice had already arrived above the camp.

"Hahaha, American pig, go to hell - ah!"

The Demon Lord can cast small forbidden spells almost instantly, and they have been prepared for it. Before they finished speaking, an iceberg with a diameter of 100 meters roared down from an altitude of 200 meters.

Well, they just lifted the iceberg with their hands.

Just like ordinary people throwing snowballs and icebergs into the camp.

In other words, throw it at Harley's position.

At the same time, ten Godzillas popped out of the ground and suddenly exploded, rising thirty meters high. The ice surface shattered, and deep gaps opened in the frozen ground inside.

Ice shards were flying, but scarlet hell flames rose from the cracks in the ground.

Icebergs fell above the head, and the ground cracked and spewed out hellfire. It was a real world of ice and fire.

This is the true strength of the Demon King, who can destroy cities and countries with just a single move.

But before the iceberg hit the ground, two more nuclear explosion-like roars came from the sky, and the 100-meter iceberg shattered into ice cubes of different sizes.

The eldest prince Milton was laughing loudly when he suddenly felt his left ankle tightening, as if it was clamped by an iron hoop. Before he could react, his body uncontrollably sent out a sonic boom in the air.

The next moment, it landed on the hard but cracked ground.


Who am I, where am I, what happened?

The soul's three questions were like sparrows whirling around the eldest prince's dazed head.

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