I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 288: Discussing Heroes on Richie’s Grave

"He was able to sneak into the Paradise Information Network not because his technology surpassed Silver City, but because he didn't care about his life at all and directly used his soul to crash into the firewall."

After a pause, Zaulie whispered a secret of the Silver City: "After a mortal dies, the soul ascends to heaven - whether it is the outer heaven or the Silver City - through the information screening system of the Golden Hall. So, you understand?”

Harley said in surprise: "You mean, there is a bug in the firewall of heaven, and it will subconsciously let go of the souls of human believers? Richie almost sneaked into Silver City?"

"It's not a bad idea, but it's not a bug. To enter Silver City, you need to go through several procedures. He only passed the first hurdle - a believer of the Lord." Zhaulie said.

"Why was Rich's soul released again without a trial?" Harley asked.

"Why is there no trial? Wasn't it the holy fire that descended from heaven and burned his flesh to ashes?"

"Oh, I mean, the soul seems to have no punishment." Harley said.

"Without a physical shell and being kicked out of heaven, where can the soul go?" Zaulie asked.

go to hell.

It is indeed a punishment in place.

Harley suddenly realized, "Something happened in the middle, and he returned to the network and became a quantum ghost."

"That has nothing to do with heaven. If he makes a mistake, heaven will punish him, and the cause and effect will end." Zhaulie said.

"I'm looking for you this time to find his soul." Harley told him about Constantine unplugging the power. "His soul information was not found in the machine."

Zaulie closed his eyes, and his mind quickly browsed through the information database of the Golden Hall.

"Not in hell, nor in heaven. He is a believer in the Lord and will not go to other gods. I guess he may be lost in Limbo and disappear completely." He said.

Two days later, a public cemetery outside Gotham.

"I've known Rich for eight years, when I was a little girl and he was an adult, and we met online."

Dressed in a fitted black dress, Halle stood in front of the coffin and rambled on, describing in detail and complete the experiences of how she and Richie met, became friends, exorcised demons together, started a business together, and became billionaires and world-famous together. Tell it once.

The small and sincere details in his words made Richie’s mother burst into tears.

"Rich was a great friend, a great partner, a great life coach, and everyone who knew him knew what a great person he was.

Therefore, when he passed away unfortunately, I felt sad but not too sad. I was sure that he was called by the Lord and went to heaven. "

Half an hour later, the funeral ended and the guests dispersed.

On the tree-lined path outside the cemetery, Harley was walking with a handsome man with long blond curly hair.

"Do you really believe that people can go to heaven after death?" Luther asked curiously.

Well, Lex Luthor came down from Washington to attend Ridge's funeral.

Two reasons. First, Rich Simpson at this time was not a nobody.

He was a nobody before.

But after following Harley, he became one of the most famous and authoritative information technology engineers in the industry in just a few years.

Secondly, Luther owns more than 10% of Paradise Mountain's shares. Rich is the designer of Paradise Mountain's intelligent electronic operating system and the general person in charge of the information technology department.

The two have also communicated on virtual reality technology many times and can be considered friends.

Therefore, Luther's appearance at the funeral did not surprise Harley.

"I'm a nun, but you ask me if I believe in heaven?" Harley glanced at him sideways.

"I thought you were building a character by becoming a nun. Your earlier experience was not very glorious." Luther said bluntly.

"Haha." Harley laughed scornfully, "Do you think I would invest several years and hundreds of millions of dollars in the cult just for the sake of personality?

Luther, tell me why you're here! "

Luther pursed his lips and said seriously: "I know that Richie had developed a relatively mature brainwave digitization technology, which is virtual reality, during his lifetime. I want it."

"What do you want it for? Just to make money, just wait for the 'Puppy Video' to go public and raise funds." Harley asked curiously.

Luther's eyes flashed and he whispered: "Let me make it clear, virtual reality is only the first generation product. Rich's truly epoch-making achievement is the quantization of the soul! I want that technology."

"Do you know how Richie died?" Harley asked strangely.

"The experimental equipment malfunctioned and the person was electrocuted to death due to leakage. This is the official statement.

I'd rather hear the real reason from you. "Luther said calmly.

"The soul quantization experiment failed." Harley sighed.

"I don't believe it," Luther said firmly, "I knew he succeeded before he had the accident."

"He's bragging to you." Harley said.

"Harley, I actually quite admire you. Can we be more sincere?" Luther frowned and said, "I am a scientist myself, even the smartest person on earth——"

Harley raised her hand to interrupt him, "Isn't the smartest person in the world Adrian Veidt (Watchmen, Pharaoh)?"

"Are those old almanacs from hundreds of years ago? You might as well use Newton, Einstein, and Leonardo da Vinci to refute me.

Of course, if they really lived in the same era as me, it would only increase the value of "Luther is the smartest person". "

Luther's face was full of arrogance and pride.

"Then" Harry rolled his eyes, "Why do I feel so damn superior every time I communicate with you?"

Luther's pupils shrank and he sneered: "Don't tell me, I feel the same way. Which one of us is hallucinating?"

"I'm so embarrassed for you." A big smile broke out on Harley's face.

Luther stared at her for a while and said calmly: "The topic has gone too far.

I have knowledge and wisdom that you can never match.

So, in talking to Rich about the technicalities you can't understand, I confirmed the information you'd be hard-pressed to notice. "

"He has mastered mature brainwave quantization technology."

He raised his chin slightly and announced softly and slowly.

"What do you want this technology for?" Harley asked.

"You set the price and I pay. Why bother asking a customer who is buying eggs what to cook tonight?" Luther said.

"If you buy eggs to hatch chicks, and then raise chicks to lay eggs and sell them, wouldn't the idiot who sold the eggs before have no way to survive?" Harley said with a smile.

"Idiots will die sooner or later. Smart people should take the money from selling eggs and reinvest in a business they can control." Luther said calmly.

"I think I'm suitable for selling eggs." Harley said.

"Without Richie, who else in your technical department can support the current appearance?" Luther sneered.

"Let me say this again when you and I advance together one day. Now, judging by your incomprehensible wisdom, can you see the taillights of Ritchie's technological heritage?" Harley said with a faint smile. .

"Harry, cooperation will benefit both sides," Luther said meaningfully.

If you don't agree, fight.

Harley pointed to the intersection and saw Bruce in a black suit who was constantly looking over here, "Do you know him? I grew up, Bruce Wayne, the richest man in the world.

You beat him down first, then threaten him. "

Luther glanced at Bruce and said in a sour tone: "The richest man who got shit luck."

At that time, due to the suppression from Washington and the anti-Quinn alliance formed by many parties, after Harley's forward momentum was suppressed, she did not give up the opportunity to make a fortune to others, but taught Afu to take over the second baton.

As a result, Bruce Wayne, who had disappeared without a trace, inexplicably increased his assets and became the richest man in the world.

Now that he was seen by the two and pointed at, Bruce simply walked over and asked politely: "What are you talking about? Do you mind if I join in?"

"Bruce, what do you think of Superman?" Luthor asked with a smile.

Bruce raised his eyebrows slightly, "Are you talking about superheroes?"

"I would rather call them 'Super Destroyers'." Luther said seriously.

"What did they destroy?" Bruce asked curiously.

"Order, morality, law, people's hearts, and the future of mankind!" Luther said seriously.

Bruce chuckled and said: "I also think they are quite redundant, and they all dress like perverts, but they are not as scary as you said, right?"

"It's scarier than I said." Luther said, "For example, order.

There was an accident on the plane. Although it was cruel, I have to say, those people deserved to die.

The plane accident was due to crew error.

If you make a mistake, you should be punished. This is the rule and order.

For example, morality.

We used to worship people who worked hard and were smart.

He is constantly striving, smart and wise, and is the best example of morality.

What now?

Those so-called heroes, with their natural powers and random actions, attract the worship of thousands of people, but what can they worship them for?

This is moral decay.

For example, the law. Alas, the constitution has been trampled into a mess, and a nobody is arbitrarily exercising the law enforcement power that only law enforcers have.

For example, the human heart.

People's hearts become distorted with corrupted morals.

Listen to what the children are saying?

They watched the short video and cheered loudly, ‘I want to tear apart Man’!

Professions such as scientists, inventors, and lawyers that can truly promote social progress are completely ignored by children.

But when the children grow up and face the cruel reality, the once beautiful hopes can only turn into cold and holey nothingness.

For example, the future of mankind

Hahaha, after listening to my above analysis, human beings still have a ghostly future?

The earth in the future will be a huge country of faith.

All humans will become followers of those superheroes.

Other than providing the power of faith, ordinary people do not need to work hard or do anything. "

Harley looked at Luther in surprise. Although his words were radical, they were still insightful and almost predicted the life of mortals in the future era of superheroes.

Bruce touched his round and plump butt, buttocks and chin, and said softly: "Mr. Luther, your words are a little biased. Not all heroes are unattainable. Some people can also inspire us ordinary people."

"I would like to hear the details." Luther said curiously.

"For example, Batman appeared in Gotham recently." As soon as Bruce finished this sentence hesitantly, he caught a glimpse of Harley rolling her eyes. He couldn't help but panic in his heart and his cheeks were hot: Could it be that Harley discovered the identity of 'Batman' ?

How did she know?

As Bateman, he had never even seen her face to face.

Luther didn't notice his micro-expression and only frowned: "Bruce, with all due respect, we are discussing superheroes.

Bateman is just an ordinary person with mental illness. He is neither a super nor a hero.

An ordinary person, because he envies those destroyers who are admired by everyone, dreams of putting on a cloak and being as powerful as his idol.

Poor and pathetic, greedy for vanity and underestimating his own abilities. "

Bruce's face darkened.

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