I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 287 True Paradise Network Company

Harley said: "Whether you can go to heaven or not, it will be better than doing this."

While talking, she plugged in the power and prepared to restart the host.

Constantine took her arm and said solemnly: "I would rather my friend return to dust than to one day become an evil spirit and occupy other people's bodies."

"I'm measured." Harley said.

"What's your point? I don't know you yet? There's no limit to what you can do.

For the sake of friends, for the profits that the technical director brings to the company, and for not listening to his wife and children howling.

For various reasons, you will definitely find a 'fresh corpse' for Rich once he pleads. "Constantine said bluntly.

Harley wanted to reach out and slap him.

But ask yourself, if Rich begs, she really doesn't mind going to the hospital to find a vegetative person who has been abandoned by his family and is about to have his IV tube removed.

"Are you sure he can be reborn in someone else?"

Constantine looked directly into her eyes and said seriously: "I'm 80% sure, but this is not a good thing.

Harley, please believe me, if you had done that, he might still be our friend Richie today.

After half a year or a year, you will see how costly it is to play with the magic of life.

At that time, you would rather go back in time, return to this moment, and make the same choice as me. "

"I don't remember when you learned prophecy." Harley sneered, "Or maybe you did something bad and made up excuses for yourself in order to reduce your responsibility and guilt?"

"Harry, I've been promoted to Master of Magic." Constantine sighed.

"Have you mastered the power of rules?" Harley was stunned at first, carefully sensing his magic power, and then laughed and said, "Your magic power is almost the same as when we first met."

"Is magic important? You don't even have magic, now." His eyes flashed with a strange light.

"You have mastered the natal curse and even upgraded it to your own exclusive curse, but you deliberately suppressed the urge to become an archmage.

I guess you are not satisfied with the existing natal curse and want to take advantage of the second deathbed transformation to let it continue to evolve. "

Harley's pupils shrank, and Zha Kang could see most of her state.

Five years ago, after mastering the Guardian Shield, Harley was promoted to an official mage.

Two years ago, she successfully merged the protective shield with the anti-injury magic - Mind Spell, and was able to be promoted to Archmage, but she deliberately did not let the spell be completely stable.

Her second deathbed transformation - greed for power, is still not over even today, six years later.

End-of-life transformation is both a danger and an opportunity.

The first deathbed transformation - the transformation of magic power, allowed her to master the technique of unifying all thoughts and get an opportunity to change the properties of magic power in a directional way.

Greed for power has at least two major benefits: improving the proficiency of cost magic; and understanding the true meaning of cost magic and allowing it to evolve.

Proficiency is easy to understand.

The more proficient you are in any skill, the easier it is to use it.

Harley is not a game character with its own attribute panel. As long as you press the skill button, the magic is released immediately, so there is no chance of failure.

In reality, casting spells is like shooting a basketball, and sometimes you miss.

For example, anti-injury magic - mind spell.

If you are not proficient, even if you accumulate enough damage, you may fail to cast the spell and be unable to activate the magic.

The reason why greed for power is dangerous is that you can clearly feel the entire process of cost magic activation.

This process is both intoxicating and allows people to understand the true meaning of magic more directly and deeply.

To put it bluntly, greed for power, a terminal transformation derived from cost magic, is of great benefit to the practice of cost magic.

Harry, who takes cost magic as his magic profession, naturally wants to take this rare opportunity to maximize his natal curse.

The natal magic spell she learned from the goddess Asal is "Guardian Shield".

After the attack breaks through the physical defense limit, a magical protective shield will be activated to resist the real damage to the body caused by the attack.

This magic is very useful.

For example, if the enemy has 100 points of attack, but her physical limit is 70 points of damage, if the guardian shield is not activated, her physical body will definitely not be able to withstand it and she will be injured.

Activating the Guardian Shield blocks 40 points, and the remaining 60 points of the attack cannot cause fatal damage to the body.

But Harley needs counter-injury magic to fight back.

She tried to fuse counter-injury with protective shield to create her own magic.

Now that it has been successfully fused, the attacks received by the Guardian Shield can be reflected back to the enemy.

For example, if the enemy has 100 attack points, the Guardian Shield can absorb 40 points, and the physical body has received 60 attack points. The counter-injury efficiency is now increased to 7%, and the enemy has received 60*7%=4.2 counter-injury attacks.

Now that the counter-injury is integrated with the Guardian Shield, the enemy will suffer (40+60)*7%=7 counter-injury damage.

The efficiency of counter-injury is greatly improved.

At this time, Harley is officially a mage. If she is promoted to master, the protective shield will become a rule.

If she gains new power from outside the universe, the power of her vast bloodline is transformed into magic power. She stands there with her arms folded across her chest, allowing the enemy to attack at will. She is not harmed at all, but the opponent holds his head and howls in agony.

But the Grandmaster and the new power are too far away from Harley at this time, and the superhero era is just around the corner.

Heroes with various superpowers are about to appear, or have already appeared.

For example, Superman's heat ray has no elemental power and is not magic at all. She is not immune to it, and her body with a defense of 40+ cannot withstand it.

But what should she do if she doesn’t want to be killed instantly?

After six years of research, Harley verified an idea: the 'expertise upgrade jar' within her consciousness can contain any energy. So, can we contain the energy from the enemy's attack - defend it, and then pour it back - the other way around?

Well, before, the jar could only be entered but not exited, and the energy purity requirements were extremely high. The energy in the attack was bound to be chaotic and explosive.

In fact, the jar is her body itself.

It's just that the physical body's method of storing energy comes from the evolutionary treasure, and she doesn't know how to use it herself.

Now she's trying to fuse the Jar with the Guardian Shield.

This is also her first attempt to actively use the Evolution Arcana.

Currently she has four specialties and five jars.

The experience jar must not be moved, and the other three jars must be filled with the energy required for the corresponding expertise.

The God's Defense Specialty has reached level ten, almost reaching the limit of the DC universe, and the corresponding jar is empty.

Don't expect to retaliate like Murong Fu did, but at least you can increase your resistance to all kinds of strange supernatural attacks.

"I discussed my situation with you back then, so it's nothing if you can guess my practice plan." Harry said.

Constantine didn't tell the difference, he just blew out a smoke ring with a complicated expression and said: "My master's rules have nothing to do with attack and defense. They are spiritual talents of the 'true knowledge' type.

Faced with any magical thing, I can quickly generate "real insights" close to its essence from the level of the rules of the universe. "

"for example."

“For example, when you defrauded the origin of Satan in Indian Mountain, you had to complete your contract first.

I guess that you yourself were unable to find all the loopholes in the contract, so you must have asked God for help.

But if it were me, I could pick out all the loopholes myself. "Constantine said proudly.

Harley frowned and said, "Your 'insight' predicted that Richie would turn into an evil spirit?"

"Harry, believe me, under the guidance of my spiritual sense, I made the best choice." Constantine said bitterly.

"Why did you choose such a weird power of rules? I thought you would become a formation and summoning master." Harley asked doubtfully.

Constantine said: “Because of Astra! After the exorcism incident in Jersey City, I started a terminal transformation of my soul and cognition.

That transformation directly determined my future path.

Formations and summons are skills, not Tao.

Without true knowledge, how can we ensure that there will be no problems with the summons? How can I modify the magic circle to achieve the effect I need? "

"In your opinion, is Richie in the console dead?" Harley asked, pointing to the console.

Constantine looked painful and shook his head: "I'm not sure, but from now on, it's best not to let this machine be powered on, let alone connected to the Internet."

Harley insisted on turning on the phone, but she unplugged the network cable in advance.

"Have you ever thought about how desperate and resentful Richie would be if his consciousness still existed, full of hope but unable to wait for the rescue of his friends, and falling into endless coldness and darkness?

Despair and resentment are the greatest nutrients for the birth of evil spirits. "

"But you can't help him!" Constantine's expression twisted slightly, "He will become more desperate and resentful."

"I can help him, I have connections in heaven."

"I hope you will do what you say."

Constantine looked at her deeply and stopped blocking her.


The video wall was dark, and smoke from burnt plastic emitted from the console.

"Shit, you just unplugged the power supply and burned the motherboard? You shouldn't. There are protective measures."

"It was confused before." Constantine said.

With a dull face, Harley called a team from the technical department and spent a whole night repairing the supercomputer.

I don’t know whether it was because too many parts were replaced, or because Richie’s soul “blacked out” after Zha Kang turned on the power, or for other reasons. In short, after turning on the machine, Richie never appeared.

Seeing Constantine's secretly relieved expression, Harley sneered: "He has a wife, daughter and mother. You think about how to explain it to them."

Constantine's face turned pale and he said calmly: "I don't want this kind of accident."

"Go and tell them the same thing."

"Boss Zha, I need to ask you a favor."

Returning to Quinn Manor, Harley immediately passed the large cross and a ray of consciousness ascended to heaven.

"I have a good friend, Rich Simpson—"

Unexpectedly, before she could finish speaking, Zaulie's face darkened, and he interrupted her with a wave of his hand: "I know him. Just yesterday, he invaded Silver City."

"What, invading Silver City?" Harley was a little confused. "My friend is just an ordinary mage. He has not even awakened his magic power. How can he commit such a serious crime as invading Silver City?"

"He almost sneaked into the Golden Hall, and half of the Silver City was alarmed. How can I still lie?" Zaulie said seriously.

Harry wondered: "He was just investigating the Crusaders. Could it be that the Crusaders are 'networked' with Silver City?"

The technology in heaven is so advanced that it can communicate wirelessly with the earth through Limbo? "

"Harry, don't think that angels wear armor and dress up like knights. The technology in heaven is stuck in the age of knights.

Putting aside the factors of faith, heaven and even the other seven divine realms are all super advanced civilizations to your earthly civilization.

In ultra-advanced civilizations, cross-dimensional information transmission is the most basic ability.

If you think about it carefully, you will understand.

Without this technology, how can gods listen and respond to believers? "Zhaulie said calmly.

Harry thought thoughtfully, "The process of communicating between me and the Voice of Heaven is also a cross-dimensional magical communication technology?"

"Technology, magic, and divine arts are all living things' understanding of the rules of the universe. They are a kind of knowledge." Zhaulie said.

“Since Paradise’s information technology is so advanced, why was it invaded by Richie?

He probably didn't even know where he went, but he was inexplicably burned to ashes by the power of heaven. "Harry said with a wry smile.

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