I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 282 The high-spirited Richie and the decadent Zhakan

On the bed in the next bedroom, Harley discovered three bodies.

When the quilt was lifted, the smell of putridity and mold was as strong as grandma's old hen soup. They poured it into their nostrils hard, making the three of them look pale and almost feel sick.

Three small corpses, with varying degrees of decomposition.

There are deep marks on their necks.

The strange thing is that the three dead girls all have peaceful expressions, with a kind of head-numbing satisfaction.

"Their purity has been tainted by demons, and their sacred souls have been twisted into evil spirits, and even become accomplices of demons. I'm afraid..." Carlisle looked embarrassed.

"They are victims, should we let them go to hell and receive eternal punishment?" Ivy said excitedly.

Carlisle said: "The first child was probably tricked or kidnapped, but the second and third children were all seduced by the first and second children.

Just like the three of them seducing Gemma.

Therefore, they absolutely cannot go to heaven. At least, I couldn't. "

As he spoke, he turned to Harley with a look of anticipation on his face.

Harley frowned and said, "I would like to see them get salvation, but how strict the rules of heaven are, you know better than me.

Just deliver them in the ordinary way.

I guess they will only end up in the first level of hell.

The environment there is not bad, better than Limbo Prison. "

There is no punishment in the first level of hell, which is the destination of children who died in infancy and deceased rulers and thinkers.

These three little girls were only in their teens and died young.

"Under normal circumstances, the three of them would be saved and probably end up in the first level of hell, but the human-skinned demon has a master.

You've destroyed Nergal's consciousness again. Will he easily let go of his subordinate's legacy? " Carlisle said.

This also makes sense.

If the Human Skin Demon were a lone ranger.

Get rid of it, and the soul in its hands will be free.

But it is obviously not a lone ranger.

Well, almost all the Lone Rangers in Hell were used as cannon fodder in the Little Black Bean Incident - Hell's Three Lines of Defense.

"Well, there are creditors on top of creditors.

As long as you touch magic, even if it is passive, you will almost never be able to escape.

I now somewhat understand what the stranger said to me back then.

It would definitely be the greatest blessing for ordinary people if they could stay away from magic for the rest of their lives. " Harley sighed.

"If you traveled back a few years now and asked you not to touch magic, would you listen?" Ivy asked.

Harley had a strange expression and said, "I will grab the me who came through time and roar loudly - don't talk sarcastically, you bastard, give me your magic power!"

Ivy grinned widely, and Carlisle's expression twisted slightly.

Harry didn't just care about making sarcastic remarks, he immediately held the big cross and said, "The sky is moving, the earth is moving, Boss Zaulie will appear soon!"

The fine and dense rain of holy light spread across Limbo Prison and condensed into illusory figures like 3D projections above the three corpses.

The holy aura emanated from his body, causing the three little evil spirits hiding in the corner to peeping out. They were covered in black smoke, their faces were twisted, and they howled sharply.

Ivy saw Angel for the first time and stared at him curiously.

Carlisle saluted respectfully.

"Can you take the three of them to heaven?" Harley asked.

"How about letting them start the next life?" Zawulie said.

"You mean reincarnation?" Harley asked in surprise.

At least this DC multiverse has reincarnation.

Not to mention other pantheons that emphasize reincarnation.

How many lives have the Eagle Girl and Eagle Man reincarnated with the memories of their previous lives?

However, the two major "dead service companies" in heaven and hell rarely carry out reincarnation business.

Zaulie also understood Halli’s thoughts and explained: “Reincarnation is not difficult, but reincarnation is not in line with the Lord’s teachings.

People are born with original sin.

Good people have finally completed redemption and entered heaven to enjoy eternal blessings. Why should they go to the human world to follow the road of redemption again?

Bad people should go to hell after death, where they can repent for their life's crimes.

If bad guys can be reincarnated, how can hell be a deterrent?

It is also very unfair to those who have not sinned in previous lives. "

"It's not fair to let the souls of bad people repent in hell forever without giving them any chance," Ivy said.

"Who said there is no chance?" Zaulie said seriously: "Hell is not the final destination of sinners' souls, it is another staircase leading to heaven.

But compared with human experience, the road to soul redemption is more difficult. "

"Is there any precedent for souls from hell ascending to heaven?" Ivy asked curiously.

"You all know Dante's "Divine Comedy". In it, aren't there several sinners whose souls were redeemed and entered heaven?" Zaulie said.

"Those people are all Dante's relatives and friends. They are redeemed by others, not themselves." Harley complained.

"I'm not here to discuss this with you today. Do you want them to be reincarnated? Or, I'll throw them into Limbo to undergo the most original 'reincarnation'." Zaulie said lightly.

The most original form of reincarnation is "fallen leaves returning to their roots", and the soul completely dissipates in Limbo.

"Reincarnate." Harley said.

Zaulie stretched out his hand to grab it, and the three ghost children wailed and exploded thousands of tiny black smokes. Finally, only three golden light spots were left and fell into the angel's hand.

Before he left, Harley reminded: "The Legion of Eternal Punishment is hunting the Virgin Mary!"

"We already knew that."

Zhauliel turned into a light invisible to ordinary eyes and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Constantine's sister was really anxious. When she saw her sleeping daughter in the church, she rushed over to hold her and cried without asking why.

"Tony, have you recently joined a church group called 'Pyramid'?" Harley looked at Zha Kang's fat brother-in-law and asked.

"Miss Quinn, we were church members of the Pyramid when we were in England." Tony said cautiously.

"So, you know that the Pyramid is a peripheral organization of the Holy Advent Crusade?" Harley said lightly.

Before the bad thing with Harley became big, the Holy Advent Crusaders were not very famous.

Few people outside Britain have heard of this church organization.

But the influence of the Crusaders is definitely world-class.

Its subsidiaries involve all levels of society and are located in major cities around the world.

For example, there is a century-old church orphanage in the suburbs of Jersey City.

For example, there are evangelical organizations like Pyramid that go deep into the people at the bottom.

For example, the "Saint Mary Investment Foundation" is composed of multiple banks.

Back then, the Holy Advent Crusaders were able to command the Gotham government and silence Washington at will, but they did not just rely on the Advent of the Tongue of Fire. In fact, the Holy Advent Crusaders were responsible for the Advent of the Son, which already speaks volumes about their strength and influence. .

"Miss Quinn, when we were in Liverpool, Cheryl and I were unemployed and living on relief funds. We had no choice but to join the Pyramid!" Tony said eagerly.

Of course he knows about the grudge between the Crusaders and ‘Boss Harley’.

She is the boss of the Tiantianshan mobile phone store he now runs.

"You mean, you have to join the pyramid to receive relief?" Harley frowned.

“Join the pyramid and you can receive more relief money.

Relief benefits are divided into multiple payments, all of which need to be applied for.

Some people take relief money and live like beggars.

We also live on relief funds, but our family looks like a middle class. "Tony said proudly.

Harry said calmly: "What tasks does the pyramid have for you recently?"

"Same as before, let me help promote the Pyramid among the neighbors. For example, give away free evangelism CDs to customers in specialty stores." Tony said.

Harley waved her hand and let him leave.

Perhaps, the Holy Advent Crusaders wanted to monitor Constantine and Zed through their family.

But Tony and Cheryl themselves had no idea.

The Quinn Building is located in the middle of Central Park West, with a total of 25 floors. Starting from the 18th floor, the area is 40% smaller than the lower floor. That is, a huge open-air platform is built on the 18th floor.

Well, an outdoor garden.

It is more than 500 square meters and even comes with a small basketball court and a 100-square-meter swimming pool.

This is also the headquarters of "Duoduo (Puppy) Technology Company".

Duoduo Technology was founded in 2008. At first, it followed the path of China Bilibili - losing money every year. It was only after Harley's four-year term as mayor ended, that is, two years ago in 2011, that it set foot in the journalism industry and started a business. "Puppy Toutiao" APP.

Well, there are successful examples of ByteDance, so of course she has to learn from the successful ones.

If possible, Hallie would like to control the three major nuclear weapons of Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.

However, she is just the local bully of Gotham, not the queen of the United States.

The United States has never lacked visionaries, and Harley has no shortage of competitors.

She became mayor in 2007 and started to make a fortune in 2008.

But even if she becomes the rich and powerful mayor of Gotham, she can't force star companies in other cities to listen to her.

For example, in 2008, she wanted to acquire Twitter, but the founders of Twitter had already found angel investors.

Therefore, in the end, she only got part of the stocks of those companies.

She cannot yet fully control the company or control the board of directors.

Then she simply started anew and built the "Quinn Social Network Kingdom" by herself.

In Paradise Mountain, a company whose main business is mobile phones, laptops and other electronic products, Harley actually only holds 30% of the shares, and the remaining shares are divided among several partners.

For example, she needs the core technology of Wayne Group, and Wayne's board of directors is not stupid, so naturally they are more willing to exchange technology for equity.

But Duoduo Technology has never been listed on the market and belongs entirely to her.

Now, Duoduo Video can only eat the leftovers of the idiots. In the future, well, Harley has 100% confidence in her technical supervisor, the quantum mage Rich.

The confidence to develop a video software that surpasses Douyin in terms of functionality and experience.

At this time, on the rooftop of the 18th floor, at the small table where employees were having afternoon tea, Richie was eloquent, showing his confidence to Harley and Constantine.

"So, you understand? Harley's low-level intelligence that recommends videos based on user preferences is simply too childish.

We can definitely go one step further and create a virtual helmet like that in a science fiction movie.

Now that you can travel in the digital world consciously, why are you still watching short videos?

We can all communicate consciously, and only the old haters use Facebook, tweet, and watch other people.

Harley, we can sweep across the United States’ Internet giants, and our Duoduo Technology Company will become the only king! "

Constantine looked at his high-spirited and impassioned old friend with a stunned expression.

Compared with the slovenly Weetabix electronic engineer back then, he had gained a lot of weight and was as round as Zed's Naiko. Damn it, a man actually reminded himself of a woman's Naiko. He must have lived a very happy life these past few years.

He was also wearing a high-end handmade suit, with a limited edition Patek Philippe on his wrist. The shiny leather shoes reflected his tired and pale face. His face was as bad as his life in the past two years.

Look at Harley again. Back then she was just a country girl who couldn’t even perform exorcisms. Now she is noble, elegant, graceful, famous in the multiverse, and powerful.

The friends were so proud of themselves, and Constantine, who was so upset, felt unbalanced.

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