I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 268 Face to face with the giant ferocious beast, eyes really kill people

"Could the second line of defense be commanded by a famous World War II general?"

Harley stopped midway through her mocking words.

The second line of defense is much more formal. There are about a hundred thousand middle and high-level demons, each guarding a magic circle, and a giant protective shield 10,000 meters high is set up in the sky.

At the third line of defense, Harley met Swamp Thing, Doctor Fate, The Stranger, the Demon Prince Etrigan and many other big guys.

"Where are Zatara and the others?"

Harley lowered the airship and looked at the swamp monster curiously.

It was obviously just a walking pile of vegetable salad, but now it was actually wearing armor and riding a handsome hell dragon.

"They are in the secret house of Sage Aoqi, watching the battle process in a psychic way. Only when they encounter the right opportunity will they enter the battlefield in person." Swamp Monster said.

"I was so positive before, but when the final moment came, I shrank back." Harley said lightly.

"There are too many powerful people in Heaven and Hell, and there is no shortage of them, but Earth -"


In the center of hell, a black "tornado" of extreme darkness and corruption exploded.

The giant ferocious beast awakens from the Sunless Sea again!

He stood in the center of hell, with the fourth ring of the ninth level shattered, and the entire hell surrounding him.

Like a tornado rising from a bathtub full of dirty socks and underwear.

"Hey, giant ferocious beast, your Grandpa Etrigan is here, accept your fate! Drive, drive, drive."

Everyone was in shock when suddenly a loud shout came from the front of the formation. Harry looked up and saw the demon prince Etrigan, riding a nightmare beast, wielding a sharp sword, galloping towards the enemy, shouting. Giant ferocious beast.

The nightmare beast pulled out a trail of black smoke in mid-air, and the bright red cloak behind Etrigan was like a victory flag fluttering in the wind.

"Kill!" Hundreds of mid- to high-level demons were either flying, riding hell beasts, or driving carriages. There was even a group of demon motorcycle gangs with more than a thousand people, riding human heads as headlights, made of bones and rusty iron, A magical Harley-Davidson motorcycle that screams as it runs.

"Buzz buzz!" The chimney at the rear of the car spurted fire, leaving a thunderous roar along the way, as the demons carrying "flower arms" rushed towards the giant beast.

"Etrigan is the vanguard of the coalition forces, leading the death squads to launch the first wave of attack." Swamp Thing said.

"Etrigan is such a warrior!" Harry sighed.


The giant ferocious beast took a step, and the third ring of the ninth level of hell was shattered!


The giant ferocious beast took another step, and the second ring of the ninth level of hell was shattered!

Step by step, the giant ferocious beast starts from the Sunless Sea, climbs up step by step, climbs out of hell, and can reach heaven.

Even in the outermost reaches of hell, Harley felt like she was in the center of a magnitude 10 earthquake.

The earth was cracked, the sky collapsed, and dark red fire and black smoke erupted from the canyon-like cracks in the ground.

The Archimedes airship is like a leaf on a stormy sea, undulating and swaying.

Harley quickly raised the height and barely stabilized her body.

"Ahhhh~~~~" The miserable howl resounded through hell.

It's Etrigan and his death-defying vanguard.

They were like moths flying towards the steel-making furnace. As soon as they rushed through the sixth level of hell, the weak demons began to vaporize visibly to the naked eye.

Just like the final ceremony that took place in the Sahara Mountains that day, the wizards of the wizarding group were transformed into energy under the original magic power of the giant beast and became a part of him.

The giant ferocious beast is not a steel-smelting furnace and does not emit heat. On the contrary, it is like a black beam of light that penetrates hell. It has no form and restrained energy.

But even so, the demons who dared to face him were corroded and assimilated by his power.

"The whole army was wiped out before they even got close." Father Carlisle said in horror.

"Etrigan is not dead, he was sucked into the body of the giant beast."

Harley controlled the spacecraft and continued to approach the giant beast.

"Creak, creak, creak." The hull seemed to be squeezed by an invisible force, and it seemed like it had fallen into a sea of ​​strong acid. While the hull was corroding, it was being violently dismantled.

Not only the hull, but also the three people observing the giant beast through the window suffered heavy damage.

Ordinary people will shed tears and have eye pain if they look directly at the noon sun.

If the distance between the earth and the sun was reduced to one-tenth of its original value, the intensity of light would increase tenfold. Looking directly at the sun would result in 80% blindness.

No matter how close the distance is, you don’t have to look up and you will be roasted directly.

The sun is still like this. It can destroy the supreme existence of the multiverse by itself. How many times more powerful is its energy than a star in a single universe?

"God comes down to earth!"

Harley shouted and activated the "God Force Field": after the tenth level of God's defense, God's skin becomes territorial. Within a ten-meter area around the body, all damage from magic elements and magic rules seems to fall on the surface of God's skin.

Maintaining the God force field requires continuous consumption of mental power.

The wider the range, the stronger the attack and the greater the pressure it can withstand.

"Uh!" Harley blushed, as if she was holding in her feces.

The next moment, the pressure on Carlisle and Van Helsing suddenly disappeared, and the Archimedes spacecraft stopped shaking like chaff.

Outside the spacecraft, a transparent film visible to the naked eye actually appeared, blocking all black magic energy and regular attacks from the outside.

The first time she used the God's Force Field, she faced a giant beast. Harley felt tremendous pressure, as if she had a two-hundred-pound sandbag on her back.

"Is this 'God descending to earth'? The magic that summons the spiritual power of God is too powerful." Van Helsing said in shock.

Carlisle was also inexplicably horrified, "I couldn't feel the slightest fluctuation of magic power at all, but it did block the magic power invasion of the giant ferocious beast. No miracle, it was God descending to earth!"

Look at the miserable situation of the Etrigan Death Squadron being alienated across the three levels of hell, and look at yourself, the spaceship is almost close to the giant beast, but the three of them have nothing to do with it.

The priest observed carefully and found that Harry's face was indeed flushed and her head was covered in sweat, but her expression was not too forced.

"Hey, listen, the giant beast is talking!" Van Helsing suddenly exclaimed.

Harry and the priest calmed down and immediately heard strange mental fluctuations.

"Little bug? Little bug, you entered my body. Well, I am troubled by a problem. Maybe you can help me."

It was like an echo coming from a deep mine, ethereal and thick, with a hint of confusion.

"It's a giant ferocious beast!" Harry thought thoughtfully, "The 'little bug' that fell into his body can only be Etrigan."

She thought again of the Order's philosophy and plans.

The giant ferocious beast is pure darkness, depravity and evil, and has not yet given birth to the source of power of self-consciousness.

So, those weird guys from the wizarding group used "hard fruit candies" like black pearls to deceive little friends.

That day the giant beast woke up and asked "Who am I?"

This time, he will probably ask the same question.

As expected, the giant ferocious beast said in a confused tone: "Before the birth of light, I existed in darkness.

In a world of darkness, I am darkness itself.

No name, no need for a name.

The title is to show the difference, but in the dark world, I am everything and I represent everything.

Then, light appeared.

Light is a foreign object in the dark world, and I am the dark world itself.

The appearance of light forces me to recognize the differences in things.

With the difference from other things, I understood that I was different from it, so I was born.

However, the self-consciousness arising from the difference from the world made me lose the satisfaction and comfort of "I am the world and the world is me".

‘Self’ separates me from the world and forces me to seek an existence that brings me satisfaction.

Just like now, I would never ask this question, but I asked it, and I need the answer to satisfy the doubts in my heart.

Little insect, tell me, who am I? "

Harley was a little confused. She guessed that the giant beast baby would ask such questions, but this was too philosophical and not magical.

Carlisle and Van Helsing also looked at each other. Facing such a giant beast, they were almost as confused as he was.

"Who are you?" Etrigan spoke.

It speaks sarcastically and criticizes loudly: "You are evil itself! You are the darkness that cannot be touched by God's light.

The evil you, the dark you, are destined to be incompatible with light and justice.

This is destiny that cannot be changed! "

"Etrigan is too upright." Father Carlisle's expression changed drastically. "It should say some nice words to appease the giant beast! Now, the giant beast is enraged."

The giant beast was indeed angry.

However, Thunder was not furious, but his tone became more severe: "Little insect, you made me understand fate, but this is not what I need!"

"Wh--" A sound broke through the air, and Etrigan spat out a mouthful of disgusted phlegm from the dark beam of light that penetrated the universe.


The giant ferocious beast took another step forward, the eighth level of hell, shattered!

The shock spread from hell to the entire multiverse.

"Ouch, no, the giant ferocious beast is looking over." Harry suddenly felt horrified, as if a hundred Mount Everests were superimposed on his spiritual sense in an instant, and his soul was almost shattered.

"Oh my god, the rules of the universe are shaking. This is a psychic attack beyond the forbidden level!" The old priest shouted in horror at the top of his voice.

"He's not trying to attack us, He's just focusing on us."

Van Helsing leaned half out of the top window of the spacecraft and subconsciously pressed the attack button of the N metal magic energy cannon on his shoulder.


The pale light blinded several people in the spacecraft, but when it fell on the giant ferocious beast, it looked like an elephant with only a hair on its back - small and powerless.

"Farke!" Van Helsing's face was ashen, and his fighting spirit was completely lost.

"Harry, can you still withstand your 'god coming to earth'?" Seeing Harley's body shaking, the old priest was worried and anxious: "What's going on? My buff magic can't be turned on, and I can't even summon Michael's projection. It can’t be done either.”

——Because you are within God’s force field!

Harley was a little embarrassed, as the magic mask had also tricked her teammates.

"The pressure is a bit high, but I can still hold on." She swallowed and operated the console with trembling hands. The airship drew an arc and came under Etrigan, who flew out like a cannonball.

After Van Helsing reached out to catch the demon prince, Harley drove the spaceship quickly towards the edge of hell.

The gaze of the giant ferocious beast is indeed like a psychic attack.

But in fact, they didn't attack at all.

This is still a problem of magic alienation.

When the mental power of the giant ferocious beast touches the mental power of the person it is looking at, it is like the physical body touching nuclear waste.

Their souls are automatically alienated by the power of the supreme source, thus producing the effect of psychic attacks.

Therefore, Harley's god-like skin can completely bear it.

However, the mental power of the giant ferocious beast was too strong, and when it landed on her, it was like a physical fist hitting the top of her head.

It's obviously mental power, but it actually produces the effect of a physical attack!

Can she put "one hundred tons of mental power" on her without her cheeks turning red, her body shaking, and her head sweating profusely?

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