I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 267 Veterans of World War I fight giant ferocious beasts

From the time she was taken to the wizarding group's lair by Didier to the time Harley returned to Earth, a lot of big things happened, but in fact not even two days passed.

After returning to Earth, Harley first went to the mayor's office, then handed over official duties to Harvey Dent, and began to prepare for the next awakening of the giant beast.

With the help of the Stranger, she formed a small team with two other members of the cult who were not welcomed by the Earth Wizard Council.

That evening, after a day of hard work, Harley and Ivy took their dogs for a walk in the park under the sunset.

Ivy hesitated and said: "Do you really want to team up with them? You were trying to avoid the bad things about giant beasts before, why are you so active now?"

"I was afraid of death before, but now that I'm sure I can't die, I naturally start thinking about how to get the most benefit from this matter." Harley laughed.

"Since there is no life-threatening danger, can I also join the 'Paradise Mountain Team'?" Ivy asked.

"There is no danger to me, and there is no danger to you."

The two of them did not just go out to walk their dogs, but to meet "net friends".

In front of the stone table by the river, Ivy took Duoduo away, and Harley walked alone to the two old men playing chess.

He was also tall and looked more like a warrior than a priest.

However, Carlisle is still somewhat refined and gentle, while the other one is a pure warrior.

Just the crisscross scars on his face clearly revealed his tough and iron-blooded temperament.

"This is Harley Quinn. You should have heard about Van Helsing." Father Carlisle introduced the two of them: "Harley, this is the Patriarch of the Van Helsing Order. You can call him 'Van Helsing', or He was called——”

"Call me Van Helsing!" The old patriarch raised his hand to interrupt him and said in a loud voice: "After becoming the 'Van Helsing' of this generation, I abandoned the name I had used in the first half of my life."

He has a pair of sharp gray eyes like a goshawk.

The way he looks at people is like searching for a fatal flaw in his prey.

Harley only responded to his inspection with a faint smile.

"You seem to have experienced a lot of life and death battles, which is quite good." He said when he looked away.

"You are not bad, you are an old warrior." Harley smiled slightly and asked: "Forgive me for being ignorant, I have only heard of the vampire hunter Van Helsing, but I know nothing about the Van Helsing Order."

“The Order is a church organization that specializes in dealing with vampires, and its leader is collectively called ‘Van Helsing’.

Eighty percent of the Van Helsing stories you have heard come from a certain Van Helsing of the previous generation. " Carlisle explained.

"I haven't seen a vampire yet," Harley said.

"This is the reason for our existence." Van Helsing said solemnly.

Harley said: "Since you are focused on dealing with vampires, why did you join the battle against the giant beast?"

"I got news that Vampire Queen Mary saw an opportunity and planned to form a new wizard group, which is an organization of followers of giant ferocious beasts in the human world.

I won't allow this to happen. "The old vampire hunter said seriously.

"Ghost Queen Mary is quite clever." Harry thought thoughtfully.

That day in Limbo Prison, in front of a million-strong coalition of humans, gods, and demons, she openly announced: The core concept of the Wizarding Group has been verified, and it is completely correct. If she had not caused trouble, the Wizarding Group would have given birth to hundreds of Duke Avanti. , more than a dozen gods and wizards.

As soon as the news came out, the magic world was already in a state of excitement, and even the slightly ambitious mages were starting to get ready to take action.

Ghost Queen Mary is planning to form a new wizard group, and she must also hope to get rid of her original master (giving her her first supporter) through the distortion of the magic power of the giant ferocious beast, and at the same time, her strength will skyrocket.

"Who is the Vampire King? Count Dracula?" Harley asked curiously.

"The ghost king of this generation is named Andrew Bennett."

"Have not heard."

A 'nobody', Harry was a little disappointed.

Van Helsing said seriously: "Bennet is a direct descendant of Cain, the ancestor of vampires, that is, a second-generation vampire. His status is much more noble than Dracula."

Harley asked, "What has Cain been up to lately?"

Van Helsing shook his head, "Back then, even if Cain was not active, news about him would spread at least every few years. However, in the past five hundred years, he has completely disappeared without a trace."

"It's probably sealed by someone." Harley said immediately.

The price of killing Cain was too high, so sealing was the best option.

"We're going to talk about team formation today. I have a pretty good impression of you."

Van Helsing is back to business.

"I also think you are very pleasing to the eye, and with Stranger as your guarantee, the three of us will form a team." Harley said cheerfully.

Van Helsing nodded and said, "Let's talk about each other's specialties first and assign combat tasks."

Carlisle said with a smile: "I am a battle priest, healing, buffing, transposition, and damage transfer."

The old priest talked about a lot of random magic skills.

"You are so versatile." Harley said in surprise.

"Well, I'm actually a Holy Light Wizard, a priest with wizard talents.

When he experienced his first deathbed transformation in his early years, he took the initiative to twist the magic power into light attributes. " Carlisle said.

"What state are you in now?" Harley asked again.

"Arch Mage, I am currently practicing in another world, seeking opportunities for breakthroughs.

Still, I am a priest, a servant of Michael, who can borrow the power of heaven. "

"Don't talk about whether these are available or not," Van Helsing said impatiently: "We have to deal with giant ferocious beasts, what's the use of ordinary moves? Let's just talk about killing moves."

Harley glanced at the old soldier and wanted to say, just the three of us scumbags, just making soy sauce on the outside of the battlefield and then returning home alive, we have already exceeded the task and even had a killer move, are we really going to confront the giant beast?

"I can summon the projection of Michael, the King of Angels." Carlisle said seriously.

Harry didn't hide the suspicion on his face, "Michael is busy with everything. He didn't even join the coalition forces. He has been sitting in Silver City. Will he respond to you?"

The priest summoning Michael is equivalent to the dark wizard summoning Lucifer. Even if it is just a projection, it is exaggerated enough.

However, Huanxi once said that Lucifer also has two or three "god-favored ones" in the human world who master Satan's exclusive sacrificial rituals.

"Under normal circumstances, the King of Angels probably wouldn't respond to me, but this time the situation is special." Carlisle said.

Harry's heart moved, "Have you ever gotten a hint from Michael?"

"It's not a hint, it's an oracle!" Carlisle looked pious.

Harry was dumbfounded, "I also have a killer move called 'God descends to earth', which summons the spiritual power of God to possess me, making me immune to the magical attacks of giant ferocious beasts."

The priest's face turned red, feeling that she was targeting him, deliberately saying such insulting words to people's intelligence, and making fun of his 'Michael Summoning Technique'.

"Since we have formed a team to fight, we should treat each other with sincerity." Old Van Helsing sighed.

"Believe me, I won't take my own life for granted.

When I say the trump card of "God comes to earth", it means that I will play the role of "shield soldier" when faced with the attack of the giant beast. " Harley said.

"This" the two old men were stunned.

What she said was very honest!

"Can you really summon God's clone?" the old priest said in shock.

"It's not a clone, it's just his power." Harley said vaguely.

Carlisle thought about it and said: "We can use damage transfer to let you bear the magic attack of the giant ferocious beast for us."

"No need to bother, I can open the field." Harley said.

"You are responsible for all the attacks in the field? This skill is too powerful." Carlisle said in horror.

"Otherwise, why would it be called 'God descends to earth'?"

"Carlisle summons and assists, Harley defends, and I attack mainly." Van Helsing said.

"What are your skills?" Harley asked.

"You'll know then."

Half a month later, the Sunless Sea began to tremble violently. The giant beast was about to awaken, and the coalition forces sounded the rally call.

As soon as Harley put on the "Third Class Soldier Suit", the two teammates walked out of the space door together.

"Is this your 'killing move'?"

Seeing the sci-fi laser cannon as big as a bathtub on Van Helsing's shoulder, Harley became uneasy.

"Can this mass-produced weapon kill giant ferocious beasts?"

"Have you seen it elsewhere?" Van Helsing said with a wooden face.

"It's just a crappy thing in a Hollywood movie." Harley sneered, "Even if it's really an alien weapon, what's its use against giant beasts?"

"It took me ten years to build the 'Magic Ghost Destroyer Cannon' with N metal. It was specially prepared for the immortal vampire king. There is only one in the entire multiverse. You say it's a mess?!" Van Helsing beard They were all stunned and staring with anger.

"The magic ghost destroyer cannon has such a bad name. Hey, what metal are you talking about?"

The casual sneer on Harley's face was instantly replaced by caution.

"N metal, the same material as Doctor Fate's helmet."

Harley said in disbelief: "You actually used the ninth metal to make a cannon? You"

There's something wrong with your brain!

Fan Hexin sighed: "N-metal armor is the most cost-effective. Not to mention immortality, at least it can extend your life and live for hundreds of years.

But I only have a small piece of N metal, which can be used to make a ring, but it is not even enough for a mask. "

Harley was stunned, "You used it to make the core component of the laser cannon? How was the effect?"

"Killing vampires is like killing chickens."

Harley turned to Carlisle again, staring at his gorgeous pointed helmet, "What metal is it made of?"

The priest understood her thoughts and smiled bitterly: "N metal is very rare, and I don't have that blessing."

Harley stopped talking nonsense, waved to Ivy who looked worried, closed the airship door, and rushed into the shadow world with a "swish".

"Wow, so spectacular!"

At the edge of hell, Harley saw a shining silver wall.

It was a giant attack formation, composed of one hundred thousand angels.

The devil has established three lines of defense on the first, third and fifth levels of hell.

Almost all the demons in hell were mobilized - if they refused to come, they would be beheaded by the Revolutionary M Party.

The first line of defense consists of millions of low-level demons, densely packed like ants, trembling and busy preparing for war under the whips and scoldings of the big demon overseers.

Some of them were holding rusty iron tools and huddled in the ditch, looking dazed.

Some dragged heavy mortars, climbed up to the bunker with difficulty, and pointed the muzzles into the depths of hell.

There are also demon cavalry regiments arranged on the flanks, with skeleton horses on their hips, rifles in their left hands, and crescent scimitars in their right hands.

Behind the defense line, there were blazing bonfires with iron pots as big as bathtubs hung on the fires.

The little lemures cut into pieces the hell beasts that oozed green slime.

No need to wash, just throw it into the bubbling pot.

The demon wizard next to him took out one twisted and wailing human soul after another from his waist pocket, tore it into several pieces, and threw them into the boiling soup like seasoning.

From time to time, they would take a ladle of boiling soup, take a sip, and squint their eyes to taste it carefully.

Further back, heavy weapons are being assembled, a four-story-tall trebuchet, and a hell dinosaur beast as huge as an oil tanker.

"The smell of a mob came to my face, and I smelled failure."

The airship roared past the first line of defense, and Harley complained in the driver's seat.

"It's not that bad. It is said that the commander is Old Maoqi, Xiao Maoqi, Xiafei, Fuxi, Petain and other famous generals who fell into hell in the First World War." The old priest said.

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