I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 257 Final Ceremony

The battle lasted for half an hour. As two consecutive groups of more than 300 dark wizards rushed back from all over the world for support, Swamp Monster gradually became unable to make ends meet - the power of nature transmitted could not match the power consumed.

Harry, who was hiding behind the stone door to eat the melon, watched helplessly as it was like moss at the bottom of a drained swimming pool, being eradicated bit by bit and gradually shrinking.

The last lump of green goo struggled to be burnt to ashes.

The wizarding group suffered heavy losses.

Especially low-level wizards.

Facing the plant god's attack with open arms and legs, they were unable to resist at all.

"Mr. Didier, are you okay?"

Groups of wizards rushed back from the outside world. They were busy cleaning the cave, repairing the magic circle, and restarting the alchemy pool. Harry was embarrassed to continue hiding, and tiptoed to find a corner of the cave. Avanti threw him on the ground and bit him. Old Lich.

Well, he is suffering the backlash of dark magic again.

Avanti can transform between reality and reality, but that doesn't mean it can't be hurt.

In order to attack others, it must transform into a physical entity for a moment.

If the attack is intensive enough and sustained enough, the momentary flaw will be enough to hurt it.

Avanti was injured and could only ask her master for magic power to repair her body.

If the magic power is not enough, the flesh shell will make up for it.

The old lich was bitten and devoured by Avanti in the corner of the cave. Wizards often passed by, but they didn't take it too seriously.

No one even paid attention to him except Harley.

"Harry, can you give me a piece of your Third Palace Son's heart?" the old man begged weakly.

"Aren't you afraid of being alienated?" Harley asked in surprise.

Didier pushed away Avanti's jagged mouth to stop it from biting his face and mouth, and said:

"The final ceremony is about to be held. Even if it is alienated from the origin of the Three Palaces, it will eventually be distorted by a greater distortion.

Moreover, instead of eating it myself, I feed it to my Avanti, which suffered a serious injury this time. "

Harley looked at the deformed monster. From the left waist down, half of its body and an entire thigh were missing. Its intestines were dripping with smelly mucus, hanging unsteadily under its body like a roundworm pulled half out of its crotch.

"I came here from the mayor's office, how could I carry the devil's heart with me?" she said helplessly.

"Didier, how are you?"

At this moment, the great witch leader came over, leading seven or eight masters with auras as strong as mountains and abyss.

They stood in an arc, seeming to be concerned about Didier's injury. They were all a little close, but they vaguely surrounded Harley and the old lich.

Harley had a keen sense of spirituality and had always been wary of the wizarding group. At this time, she only glanced at the indifferent eyes they gave her, and she felt confident.

She sneered in her heart, with a look of regret and self-blame on her face, and lamented: "I should have used my killer move to help Teacher Didier.

Unfortunately, I could only hide behind the door and watch the battle, not daring to take action. "

"What killing move?" the great witch master frowned.

"Every seven days, I have to accept Satan's punishment, which is the punishment array. Do you know?" Harley said.

The Grand Witch Lord, Didier and other wizards still looked puzzled.

Gorky, a white wizard with a kind face and a look like Tom Hanks in the crowd, his pupils shrank and said in horror: "Do you want to use Satan's divine punishment to drag the Swamp Monster to death together, just like you did to the Red Lady and the Crystal Sage?"

The Great Witch Master quickly asked about the situation of the ‘Punishment Formation’.

‘Fake Hanks’ recounted in great detail how Harley killed the four masters.

This caused all the wizards to scream in surprise and look at her with strange and fearful eyes.

Harry lowered his eyes, mentally scolding Zatara and the others who had sworn to keep her secret.

At the same time, she also began to suspect that this kind-faced mage was probably a spy like her.

It's just that he is a spy of the wizard group in the "White Wizard".

"Yes, I am willing to do my part for the Wizarding Group, but the time is not right." She shook her head regretfully.

"Why is the timing wrong?" Didier asked.

Harley looked serious and said: "If I activate the punishment array and divine punishment comes, Satan will be able to pass through me and immediately lock this piece of hyper-time flow fragments.

A swamp monster is already too difficult to deal with. Once Satan takes action, the wizarding group's great achievements will be lost. "

The great witch master turned pale.

Didier and the other wizards looked frightened, and their eyes were full of fear and joy.

Gorky immediately activated his psychic power and pulled several colleagues into the psychic space without Harley noticing.

Just like a holographic projection, the mages sit around a round table, with the same appearance and appearance as living people.

"Grand Witch Lord, we have to give up our previous plan. Once we attack her and it cannot be solved instantly, she will activate the punishment formation.

When Lucifer comes, our lives and the great cause of the wizarding group will be completely over. "

"Can your mind control kill her instantly?" the witch master asked.

Gorky said helplessly: "Master Witch, you should ask, at this critical moment, is it worth risking everyone's lives and the cause of the wizard group for Harley Quinn?"

"The swamp monster came unexpectedly, maybe it's the witch who is causing trouble." said the old man in a suit.

"It shouldn't be her, she has never touched Constantine at all," Didier said.

"Except for Didier, we are all masters who have mastered the rules. We should understand how powerful the super-time flow is in blocking the power of nature.

Unless someone else inspires the greenness of all things in the cave, Constantine swallows ten grass beads and the swamp monster cannot find him.

This is why we suspect the witch and are ready to join forces to capture her and extract her memories, isn't it? "Another enchanting female master said.

“It’s also possible that Constantine had special methods.

He can swallow grass beads in his belly, and he will never do useless work. "The great witch master said.

"It is indeed very possible." The cool-dressed female grandmaster did not object. "In fact, there is a 90% chance that it is Constantine's little trick. I know very well how cunning he is.

But even if there is only a 1% chance, we still have reason to smoke the memory of Witch Harley.

Because we are masters, she can barely even become a formal apprentice.

The master can do as he pleases, why should he care about his apprentice's feelings? "

This is the truth.

In the spiritual world where strength is respected, especially in the circle of dark wizards, there is almost no difference between a small person being suspected by a big person and solid evidence of guilt.

"It's a pity that she is not an ordinary apprentice." The great witch master sighed.

"Gorky, you are proficient in mind control, but you can't take her down instantly?" the enchanting woman confirmed again.

Gorky shook his head, "I tried, she is very immune to mind control."

"When did you try it?" Didier asked in surprise.

"On the night of the Indian Hill incident, I was also present. I tried to control her with the power of my mind many times, but the result was a series of counter-injury attacks, and they were mental counter-injury attacks.

It gave me a splitting headache and I couldn't even participate in the subsequent battle of Limbo. "Gorky sighed.

"I thought no senior wizards were present that night."

Didier felt very uncomfortable.

That day, he also categorically assured Harley that the core members of the wizarding group would never take action against her.

The Great Witch Master said calmly: "It is true that there is no apparent high-level person.

Is this your first time meeting Gorky today?

He is proficient in spiritual witchcraft and is good at hiding himself and discovering the secrets of others.

When I was still an official mage, I was assigned to work as an undercover agent in the Wizards Council.

Over the years, he has had close contacts with wizards such as Zatara, Sage Ochi, and Sargon, and has collected a lot of useful information for us.

For example, the relationship between the Witch and Zatara and Dr. Fate.

For example, the secret behind the witch's punishment formation that killed the four masters. "

"Are you sure that Harley is an undercover agent of the Wizards Council?" Didier asked with a dull face.

Gorky shook his head, "Zatara once asked the witch to deliver news about the wizarding group to him, if the wizarding group continued to contact her.

But in the past two years, she never contacted him proactively, nor did she pass on any information.

Even though she has been doing things for us. "

"In that case, why do you still doubt her?" Didier said.

Gorky said: "First of all, Zatara is not a good person, and his words may not be credible.

At least, I believe what I see more.

He has an unusual relationship with the witch.

Secondly, the witch is not a good person, and she may not trust Zatara.

It wouldn't be surprising at all if she didn't believe Zatara but quietly worked as an undercover agent for Dr. Fate or Swamp Thing on our side. "

"Oh, it's so complicated! Does it need to be so troublesome for just a little apprentice?"

The enchanting female mage rested her forehead on her hands, her face full of impatience.

"Of course it's refreshing to crush her. Unfortunately, I can't control her instantly." Gorky said lightly.

The Grand Witch Master said solemnly: "Let's not mention that she may be innocent. Even if she does betray the wizard group, as long as she accepts the last ritual, she will become our partner.

As for her secrets, they are nothing compared to the ten thousand years of planning. "

In the spiritual space, a group of mages chatted for a long time, but in reality, Harry only felt that they were silent for a while.

"Harry, take good care of your teacher. The final awakening ceremony will be held in half an hour." The Great Witch Master said calmly.

"half an hour?"

Harry didn't even have time to feel proud that he had fooled the group of wizards. He was shocked when he heard this, "Don't we need to leave here and regroup?

The swamp monster has found this place and the enemy is coming. "

The Great Witch Master said: "The Sahara Mountain is a fragment on the super-time flow, which has been shaking slightly on the timeline.

Vibrating between past and future.

The Swamp Monster was able to run rampant before, not because we couldn't stop it, but because we focused more energy on the most important thing - operating the core formation in the mountain peak, allowing the fragmented space to temporarily move forward for three hours.

Simply put, if Constantine and Swamp Thing travel back in time during that time, they will lose three hours on the timeline.

They will return to Earth three hours later, and we will return to the originally stable timeline again.

So, you get it?

We had three hours to rehide the mountain.

Just like the predecessors of the wizarding group have done countless times. "

"Of course, considering the supreme existences like Satan and Jehovah, we should use these three hours to complete the final awakening ceremony."

"Mr. Monica, I really didn't betray the wizarding group. I had no idea about Constantine stealing grass beads. I was—"

By the alchemy pool, Judith knelt on the ground, pulling on the hem of the dwarf wizard's robe, begging bitterly.

When she saw Harley coming to support the old lich, she seemed to have found a savior. Her eyes lit up, she pointed at Harley and shouted: "It's the witch Harley. She must be causing trouble. Her best friend Ivy... Pepper is an awakener of the power of nature.

It must be the swamp monster she summoned! "

The dwarf mage looked at the great witch master next to him with questioning eyes.

The great witch master remained silent and just stood in front of the stone table preparing the potion.

——So what if the witch is more suspected than you? She is also stronger and more feared!

The magic circle is, after all, a cruel world where strength is respected.

"Judith, drink this and prove your loyalty."

Finally, a bowl of red liquid with green steam was handed to Judith.

Judith didn't hesitate, picked up the bowl, raised her head and drank.

"Great Witch Master, I drank it all."

After the medicine is taken down, it seems to turn into a ball of fire, igniting the blood all over the body.

She endured the pain caused by her blood boiling and looked at him expectantly.


An Avanti with nails like daggers appeared behind her, waving its claws and its head flying.

The great witch master reached out and grabbed Judith's hair.

"Great Witch Master, why do you want to kill me?!"

Judith's broken neck was bleeding, but her face was still twisted and she screamed like a night owl.

"As a messenger bird, you will carry our greetings through the nine hells, arrive at the Sunless Sea, and awaken the sleeping supreme darkness.

Such a great mission is the honor I bestow upon you. Are you unwilling to accept it? "The great wizard said indifferently.

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